Scarred Wolf by Charlene Hartnady

About the Authors

Charlene Hartnady is a USA Today Bestselling author. She loves to write about all things paranormal, including vampires, elves and shifters of all kinds. She lives on a couple of acres in the country with her husband and three sons. They have an array of pets including horses and a gecko named Pickle.

She is lucky enough to be able to write full time, so most days you can find her at her computer writing like mad. Charlene believes that it is the small things that truly matter, like that feeling you get when you start a new book, or when you look at a particularly beautiful sunset.

After two decades as a journalist, B.E. Brouillard made the leap to fiction. It was time to create the dark stories that had lurked in her mind for all those years. Tortured souls, flawed lovers, dysfunctional behavior…her characters are not for the faint-hearted. Having said that, many readers will find common ground with the less-than-perfect heroes of these stories. In spite of a mild case of cynicism, Brouillard remains a staunch romantic – Happily-Ever-Afters are guaranteed.

A child of the global village, Ms. Brouillard loves Paris, Africa, sushi, and champagne. When she’s not wordsmithing dark debauchery, she spends time with her beautiful men, their German Shepherds, and her pack of killer ponies. Or drinking martinis with friends.

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