Scarred Wolf by Charlene Hartnady



The airaround the building is practically vibrating. That fucker is here! I know it like I know my own name. I can feel it with every fiber of my being. I read the sign on the building.

What the—?

It’s a small care facility near the edge of town. Care facility…as in for the elderly. It makes no sense. There is no way my enemy is living here. An invalid? There has to be a reasonable explanation, even though I can’t come up with one right now. I’m not going to even try to guess. I need to go inside and find out for myself.

I find a spot outside the care center. I push the heels of my hands into my eyes as I take a moment to collect my thoughts. More importantly, to remember my training. I need to blend in with these humans.

My pack have set up several businesses over the years that allow us wolves to come and go with ease. My father took up the reins of a security company that runs small, specialist high-risk operations. Transporting high-value items, protecting VIPs. We make good money, and we take our work seriously. I’ve had my share of assignments. I know the drill. I can do this. I can blend in, even though my size makes me stand out from your average human. My eyes too, I guess.

I have my game plan all figured out, when I see a young woman bounding out of the entrance to the building, just as I’m about to exit my vehicle. I sit back, cocking my head as I watch her.

My insides tighten. I frown. I realize that my hands are clenching the wheel of my car. My knuckles are white. This woman with the bouncy ponytail must have a relative staying here. Why is my gut churning?

My stomach clenches even tighter as she gets closer. I note that she’s wearing a tidy pink uniform bearing the logo of the facility. Okay, that makes more sense; she works here. I can relax.



I don’t relax. I can’t. My radar is pinging out of control. Red alert. More like…fur alert!



It can’t be.

A she-wolf?

No, not a wolf yet. She will never be a she-wolf either, if I have anything to say about it. A woman, though? This isn’t what I was expecting and for a few beats, I’m at a loss. I mutter a hard curse.

I watch as she skips down the path toward the parking lot. Her ponytail is bobbing. She looks so normal. I know that appearances can be deceiving. I clench my jaw. She reaches a small red convertible and hops into the front seat without opening the door. Just hops on in like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Not impossible for a human, but no small feat either. Of course, I know why it’s so easy for her. She’s not a damned human. Not by a long shot!

I narrow my eyes on her as she recedes into the distance. There’s a ridiculous pop song playing on her headphones. I catch a snoutful of her scent as the wind picks up. It’s a blend of orange blossoms and something deeper…cinnamon, perhaps. Looks like I just stumbled on the wolf version of a Spice Girl. I remind myself that appearances can be deceiving. This is clever, hiding in plain sight. No, not clever, it’s devious. A total ruse designed to get me to let my guard down. I’ll be fucked if I let that happen, even for a second.

I start my car and pull in behind her. Evil Spice picks up speed and almost careens into a dog walker. The pre-wolf bitch might be on the verge of tremendous power, but she’s clumsy as fuck. I pull in another breath, rolling my eyes at myself. No! It’s all a scam. I don’t believe this “froo froo” act for a second. She must know that she’s giving off signals. Ones an idiot wolf couldn’t ignore. She knows that someone’s bound to come sniffing, and she’s playing us. She’s trying to play me.

Fuck that!

I follow her, allowing another vehicle to pull in between us. I’m thankful I decided to leave my big-ass SUV at home, opting for a white Corolla instead. I’m incognito.

Evil Spice drives fast…too fast. She’s singing at the top of her lungs to the next awful tune that comes on. Her singing is shitty but she’s better than the artist, which is saying something. Her ponytail bobs in time with the beat. So damned normal it’s scary. I shake my head.

Not falling for it!

It doesn’t take long before she’s pulling into a numbered spot in front of an apartment. Devious-as-fuck-Spice opens the door to the convertible and jumps out, reminding me of a gazelle…or a super wolf, almost in her prime.

Not happening.

I’m going to find a way to get the drugs inside her. To stop her in her evil tracks. She’s the daughter of killers, and the apple never falls too far from the tree.