Curvy Girls Can’t Date Best Friends by Kelsie Stelting



I’d just gotten home from brunch with my parents when my phone went off with a text in the Curvy Girl Club group chat.

Zara:  So, are we ever going to get to go on a quintuple date?

As I was reading Zara's text, more appeared on the screen.

Rory:  I've been thinking the same thing! Are you guys free today?

Ginger:  We can probably hang out this afternoon?

Jordan:  Kai just got back from his trip, I bet he would love to go out with us!

While my parents went to get changed for a function, I leaned against the kitchen counter and smiled at my phone screen. I should have known there would be no denying my friends at quintuple date, or the chance at seeing Carson and me as a couple.

I opened up a new texting screen and sent a message to Carson.

Callie: My friends want to go out on a date with us...

Carson: Like four girls, you and me? Um… I’m not sure I have enough hands for that.

Callie: LOL no, like all their boyfriends and them and you and me.

Carson: Oh, so like a quintuple date.

How was everyone coming up with this phrase? It was totally cringe-worthy to me. Still, if you couldn’t beat ‘em...

Callie: Exactly like a quintuple date.

Carson: Count me in. When?

Callie: This afternoon? Are you working?

Mom came out of the bedroom, hooking pearl earrings in her ears.

“You look nice,” I said.

She smiled at me. “Thanks, honey.”

“Where are you going again?”

Dad came out of the room after her, looking smart in one of his suits. “A mixer for parents at Brentwood U. Figured we could meet someone and talk them into giving Joe good grades next semester.” He winked.

I laughed. “He’s going to need more than a good word. Better have some cash on hand.”

Mom made the shame sign at both of us, even though she was smiling. “Any plans for the day?”

My phone chimed, and I said, “Let me see.”

Carson: Sure. I just asked Peter, and he said he’d cover for me.

“Looks like I’m heading to the beach with my friends!”

With a smile, Mom gave me a hug. “I’m so glad you’ve made such good friends this year.”

“Me too.” I agreed.

They had to leave, so I waved them goodbye and took Franklin outside. While he nosed around our yard, I replied to Carson’s message.

Callie: The girls will be so excited. They’ve been ‘shipping Callon since before we were a “couple.”

Carson: LOL have to please the raving fans.

Callie: So modest.

Carson: I’m the best at modesty.

Callie: eyeroll emoji

Carson: You know you love it.

Callie: Of course. :) I’ll see you then.

I sorted out the details with my friends, and we agreed to meet at Seaton Bakery. Zara and Ronan had found a small beach along the coast they wanted us to check out. Apparently it was pet friendly, so we could even bring Franklin along. We’d switch cars at the bakery and carpool the rest of the way.

When I pulled into the parking lot, my friends were standing around their vehicles. As I got out of my car, Jordan began chanting, “Callon! Callon! Callon!” Franklin barked from inside the car, joining the din.

My cheeks were blushing hot, but Carson walked right up to me, took my hand, and lifted it into the air like a champion wrestler, resulting in a chorus of cheers from our friends.

They rushed up to us, and Beckett clapped Carson on the back. “I never thought you’d get out of the friend zone.”

The realization of what Beckett said hit me full force. Beckett and Carson were friends. Had Carson really liked me as more all this time? Or was Beckett just echoing what everyone had suspected?

I didn't have too much time to think about it, because my friends were surrounding me, and Jordan was whispering in my ear, “You and Carson are such a cute couple.”

My cheeks continued burning, and at this point, I wondered when they’d burst into flames. Would I ever get used to people commenting on our relationship?

On our lie, I reminded myself.

I went and got Franklin from my car, desperately trying to come up with something, anything to change the subject, and then remembered something. “How do you guys feel about baking cookies?”

“Good,” Ginger’s boyfriend, Ray, said, “as long as I get to eat them afterward.”

Kai slapped him a high-five, and Ronan said, “Ditto.”

“Why?” asked Beckett.

Franklin jumped from my arm’s into Carson, and I straightened, saying, “My mom is having this cookie bake-off to benefit a charity, and I was wondering if you guys would be willing to compete. She really just needs more people to bring in entries.” I cringed, waiting for their answers. I hated asking for help—usually I was the one doing the helping.

Zara asked, “When is it? I'd have to make sure it's not when we're trying to film.”

“It'll be on a weekend,” I said, “I think around one or two in the afternoon.”

She nodded toward Ronan. “Things are about to get really crazy for us on set, but I'll make it if I can. Oh, and I almost forgot.” She reached into her purse and pulled out two tickets. “Remember when Carson helped us spy on Beckett? I owe him a ticket to Ryde’s movie premier, and I figured you’d want to go along.”

What?” Beckett demanded.

Franklin barked defensively as Carson cringed at Beckett. “Sorry, dude, but”—he reached for the tickets—“I am so pumped! Callie, you have to go with me. Right?”

Giggling at his exchange with Beckett, I nodded. “You’re just lucky Zara’s a fancy movie producer.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not quite. Just learning.”

I shook my head. Zara was confident, but not cocky.  Even when she'd been one of the richest kids in our class, she was always low-key about it, not rubbing it in people's faces like Merritt had.

Merritt. A pang of guilt swept through me. She still hadn’t replied to my messages, and we had a shift coming up together on Monday. I hoped it wouldn’t be unbearable—for either of us. I wanted to tell my friends about my worries, but something called me back. It didn't seem like the right time. Especially not when we're all finally hanging out together for the first time this summer. Our schedules had been so crazy, not like when we were in school. I was worried about college and how we would stay in touch. We needed to soak in every minute we could.

“Let’s get this show on the road,” Zara said.

Carson extended his hand for a high five. “Already using show-biz talk.”

She begrudgingly slapped her hand against his and headed for her car. Carson, Franklin and I got stuck in the back, which was too small for his long legs. I ended up giving him my leg space and draping my calves over his thighs.

Zara looked at us in the rearview mirror and grinned. “You are so cute back there.”

Carson smiled at her. “Easy to look cute when you're sitting next to someone like Callie.”

The compliment seemed genuine, and I needed to remind my heart not to flutter so excited. This was all a show to him, even if it didn’t feel like it.

In the middle seat, Rory sighed dreamily, and Beckett said, “You are head over heels, Cars.”

“How could I not be?” Carson said. He was so good at pretending we were in love. I needed to take notes on him so that I can play it up, especially in front of Nick.

Rory asked to hold Franklin, and he was more than willing to get her and Beckett’s attention while Carson and I lounged in the backseat.

Zara cranked the music, and even though this vehicle wasn't quite as expensive as the one she used to drive, the sound quality was still amazing. I could practically feel the bass vibrating my body. I look down at my lap and saw the music jiggling my thighs. Feeling self-conscious, I put my hands over the dimpled skin and tried to stop the constant shaking. It was just Carson, so he knew what I looked like, but it was still embarrassing. I should have worn pants until we got to the beach at least.

He took hold of my fingers and looked me in the eyes. “Callie,” he said low so only I could hear him, “you are perfect just the way you are.”

My knees felt weak under the force of his words. Under his gaze. His eyes were wide open and light green and completely earnest. I could tell he was being honest, but I had to know if it was real. “Do you mean it?”

He lifted my hand to his chest and said, “With all my heart.”