Curvy Girls Can’t Date Best Friends by Kelsie Stelting



Callie’s mouth fell open, and her eyes went wide. She brought her hands to her mouth, shaking her head in disbelief as she said, “Carson?”

My friend Justin stepped to the side so I could walk around the counter to the love of my life. “I’m here.” Gently, I took one of her hands and led her to a table. She might not have remembered, but it was the same one we sat at two years ago, the day that Sarah talked to me and I did the idiot thing and gave up on Callie.

I’d known there was no girl for me but Callie then, and I knew it even more certainly now.

As we sat down, her eyes traced my body like she didn’t believe it was really me. “Carson,” she breathed. “Why—how are you here?”

Her words, the hurt and hope in her eyes were a punch to my gut. I never should have left her here to deal with the blowback of what she’d seen. I should have stayed for her, but I couldn’t change the past; I could only lean into my choices of the present.

I reached across the table, and her hands slipped into both of mine, fitting just right. I looked from our intertwined fingers up to the depths of her beautiful blue eyes, wondering if I would sink or swim.

“Carson,” she began, but I shook my head.

“I have something to say,” I told her, and she nodded, pressing her full lips together. What I would give to kiss her again. But that would have to wait until I said what I needed to.

“Callie...” I’d practiced a thousand times on the drive here, and I still didn’t know how to begin. I rubbed my thumbs over the base of her palms and built up the courage to look her in the eyes. “When I saw my dad hurting my sister, my mom, I lost it, and I thought that anger meant I would be just like him. I would never want you to live a life like my mom and my sisters have.” My throat clogged with emotions, but I powered through because I had to get this out. “I promise, if you give me a second chance, I will always keep you safe. I will keep you and me as far away from my dad as we need to be. I’ll love you and cherish you the way you deserve, because you’re the one, Cal. You always have been.”

Watching her take in my words, waiting for her to respond, was the longest few seconds of my life. It was like standing on the edge of a cliff knowing a single gust of wind could send me hurtling to the end. But Callie wouldn’t let me go.

She held on to my hand tighter and leaned in closer. “I was wrong, how I reacted. I should have understood. Because I know who you are. For eight years, I’ve seen you do everything to make other people happy. You’ve been the light of my world, Carson. I don’t know how I could have done middle school—high school—without you. And there’s no way I’m doing life without you either.”

The meaning behind her words hit my heart before it registered in my mind. My chest swelled with joy, with love, with hope, and I crossed the table, pulling her from her seat and crushing her to me in a hug. For the first time in a week, it felt like I could breathe. “I love you,” I said into her hair.

“I love you too, Carson, more than anything.”

I took her face in both of my hands because I couldn’t stand not kissing her anymore, not feeling her lips on mine. Our mouths met somewhere in the middle of needing and wanting, and the way she relaxed into my arms made me feel like we had both fallen into place exactly where we needed to be.

This was what strong was, loving a girl well enough that she felt safe with you, that no matter what, you’d be taking on the world together.

I wound my hands through the soft strands of her hair and held her close, adoring her just the way she was. She laid a hand flat against my chest, right over my heart, and I hoped she knew it was beating just for her. Maybe it always had, knowing one day I’d meet a girl who set my world on fire and my heart at ease.

Callie smiled against my lips, and as she broke the kiss, I could hear the cheering around us. Our friends stood a few tables over, along with my grandparents, sister, and nephew, celebrating the love of my life.

Callie giggled sweetly, making my heart melt. “Looks like we have an audience.”

I kissed her temple. “I have some people I want you to meet.”