Curvy Girls Can’t Date Best Friends by Kelsie Stelting


Writing the five books in this series has been an incredible adventure with so many people helping and contributing along the way. Of course, my husband gets first kudos because he has patiently heard me angst and fret and stew and think over these characters for more than a year. He urged me to push Carson in a direction I didn’t want him to go and made the story that much better for it. Don’t let his accounting career fool you—this guy is a romantic at heart.

My children have been so loving and supportive and have helped me lean into life more than they’ll ever know. I hope you’ll see some of the wonder and love they’ve taught me through these words. Special shout out to our oldest who repeatedly reminded me to have Carson and Callie get married. (Check out the bonus story for that!)

Siblings are the best friends that you don’t get to choose, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. They are my best supporters and firmest friends. I love them more than air.

Thank you to my mom who even read the ROUGH draft of this book and didn’t tell me it was awful.

Sally Henson is a jewel of a friend. Not only has she helped me with my writing, but she’s continually pointed me back to God. That is true friendship.

It might be a little unorthodox, but I feel like I need to thank Florida. Sally Henson, Yesenia Vargas, and I took a writing retreat there, and I can’t tell you how much clarity and hope the beach gave me. At a rough point in my life, the waters cleansed my soul and lifted my spirits. This story and its happy ending are undoubtedly better for that trip.

The sweet people in my reader’s club have made the group the best place on the internet. I always know I can go there for a pick-me-up, friendship, and amazing bookish conversation. Speaking of friendship, I’m thankful for theirs.

And you, sweet reader. Thank you for spending time with these friends. I hope each story felt like being welcomed back home. I can’t wait to see you again in the next story.