The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 11


I stood in the lobby and looked at my watch. Just as I pulled my phone from my pocket, the elevator opened, and Grant stepped out.

“You’re ten minutes late,” I said as we walked out the lobby doors.

“Sorry. I got tied up on a bullshit call,” he sighed.

“Bad news?”

“An agent called with an offer on the SoHo penthouse. His client wants it for $1.5 million less and that’s their best and final offer. Back to the drawing board on that one.”

“Give it to Bella. She’ll sell it.” I smirked.

“Very funny.”

“She was a beautiful girl, and now, she’s an absolutely stunning woman.”

“I know. She also has a big attitude. She keeps bringing up about how I never called her.”

“Do you blame her?” I asked. “She was sixteen when you met, and you spent five days together. You know how women get, especially teenagers if you spend more than a day or two with them. Did you sleep with her?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

He looked away and took in a sharp breath.

“I take that as a yes.”

“It happened the night before she left.” He stared out the passenger window.

“Ah. Was she a virgin, Grant?”

“Yeah. She was.”

“How do you feel seeing her again?”

Before he could answer, Mitch pulled up to the building. Once we inspected it and discussed our options, we climbed back into the car.

“Mitch, take us over to that bakery by West 21st.”

“Why are we going all the way over there?” Grant asked.

“I want to try some of the other cookies Cassandra has.”

“Cassandra?” His brow arched.

“She owns the bakery.”

“And you know her on a first name basis how?”

“She introduced herself when I stopped in and got the cake for Tina.”

His eye continued to narrow as he stared at me.

“What the hell is your problem?” I asked. “People aren’t allowed to introduce themselves?”

“I don’t have a problem.” He smirked.

Mitch had to park down the block since there wasn’t any parking available by the bakery. Climbing out, Grant and I walked down the street. When we stepped inside the bakery, I was shocked at the number of people standing in line waiting to be helped.

“Really, Dad? Do we have time to stand here and wait? I don’t know about you, but I’m really busy.”

“Quiet. We’re standing in line.”

I looked over to where trays of cupcakes lined the case and saw Cassandra pulling some out for a customer. The moment she saw me, she smiled and gave a wave. I smiled and waved back.

“I take it that’s Cassandra?” Grant asked.

“Yeah. That’s her.”

“She’s very pretty.”

“I agree.”

When it was our turn, a young girl asked if she could help us.

“I can take care of them, Lucy. Will you grab these folks over here?”

“Sure.” Lucy smiled.

“Welcome back.” Cassandra grinned.

“You are extremely busy today,” I spoke.

“It’s dollar cupcake day. Nobody can resist a good deal.”

“No. No they can’t.” I smiled.

“And who is this handsome man with you?” She pointed to Grant.

“I’m Grant Roman. His son.” He extended his hand. “I have to say your oatmeal raisin cookies are to die for.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Grant. I’m Cassandra, and thank you. I’m happy you enjoyed them. I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” A beautiful smile crossed her lips. “What can I get for you?”

“Are your chocolate chip cookies just as good?” I asked.

“See for yourself.” She pulled out a chocolate chip cookie, broke it in half and handed it to us.

“Oh yeah,” Grant said. “These are amazing.”

“Very good indeed. I’ll take a dozen of these and a dozen of oatmeal raisin.”

“Coming right up. What did your wife think of them?” Cassandra asked.

“Uh, I’m not married.”

“You’re kidding. How is a handsome man like you single? I find that hard to believe.”

“Believe it, because it’s true.” Grant grinned and I slid my foot over and kicked his shoe.

“Is there anything else I can get you two?” she asked.

“Actually, I’ll take one of those chocolate cupcakes,” Grant spoke.

“I’ll get that boxed up for you and I’ll get your cookies from the back. They came out of the oven not too long ago and they’re still warm.”

“She’s really nice,” Grant said. “I think she has the hots for you.”

“Knock it off, son.”

“Here you go.” Cassandra smiled.

After she gave us the total, I pulled out some cash and handed it to her.

“Have a good day.” The corners of my mouth curved upward.

“I already am.” She gave me a wink.

Taking in a deep breath, we walked out of the bakery and headed to the car.

“Yep. She definitely wants you.” Grant patted my back.

When we climbed in the back of the car, I opened one of the bags with the cookies in it and lying on top was a small, folded piece of paper. “Call me.” It said with her phone number written down.

Grant snickered. “I told you. Are you going to call her?”

“Mind your business.” A smirk crossed my lips as I handed him a cookie.