The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 16


He rolled off me and laid on his side. Placing my legs over the side of the bed, I sat there for a moment until they stopped trembling. Grant sat up and placed small kisses on my bare shoulder.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine.” I turned my head and gave him a small smile.


“It was only sex, Grant. Let’s not make a big deal about it,” I said as I stood up and slipped on my robe.

“I know and I’m not making a big deal about it. But it was amazing.”

“Yeah. It was.” A light smile crossed my lips as I walked out of the bedroom.

I went into the kitchen, took down a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water from the fridge. A few moments later, Grant emerged fully dressed and walked over to where I stood.

“I should go. It’s really late.” He gripped my hips.

“Yeah. We both have to be up early.” I looked up at him.

“Are we good?” His lips softly brushed against mine.

“We’re good.”

I walked him to the door and after I shut it, I slid down until my ass hit the floor and brought my knees up to my chest. Duchess walked over and rubbed her head against me. How could I have let sex with Grant happen? My body quivered at just the thought of it. So what if he was a god in bed. So what if he made me have multiple orgasms like I’d never had before. So what if his abs were a muscular six-pack. So what if his strong arms made me feel protected. And so what if he smelled like a goddamn walk in the woods. I was horny and he was there. Period.

I picked up Duchess and took her the bedroom with me. Setting her on the bed, I climbed in and pulled the sheet over me. She walked around my head a couple of times and then went and laid down by my feet. The scent of him lingered on my sheets and no matter which way I tossed and turned it was there.

“Ugh!” I said as I threw the sheet off me and ripped the bedding from the bed.

I took them to the laundry room and threw them in the washer. Grabbing a new set from the closet, I made the bed and climbed back in.

I could barely open my eyes when the alarm went off. I’d thought about skipping my run today, but I needed the fresh air to clear my head. As I headed out the door, I sent Ami a text message.

“Are you up?”

“Just climbed out of bed. Not going for a run this morning because I got a whole lot of exercise last night.”She sent the winky face emoji.

“I slept with Grant.”

Within a second my phone rang.

“Please don’t shrink me,” I said as I answered.

“Girl. What the hell were you thinking?”

“I wasn’t. That’s the problem.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I guess. Aside from my stupid body that is still trembling, I’m fine.”

“We’ll talk about this later. Lamar just started the shower and it’s going to take me a little longer this morning to get ready for work.”

“You never let guys stay the night,” I said.

“I know. But I let him. I’ll fill you in later. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Just as I ended the call, I heard someone from behind call my name. When I turned around, I saw Grant running up to me.

“I thought that was you. Good morning.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.


“I didn’t know you ran.”

“Every morning,” I said.

“Me too. I wonder how Amy and Lamar did last night?”

“I’d say they did very well since he stayed the night at her place.”

He let out a laugh. “Damn. I don’t blame him though. Ami is a very attractive woman.”

“So, you want to sleep with her?” I glanced over at him.

“No. Of course not. Why would you even say that?”

“You said she was very attractive.”

“So what. I think a lot of women are very attractive. It doesn’t mean I want to sleep with them. Do you?”

“With women?” I arched my brow.

“No. With attractive men?”

“Wouldn’t you love to know.” I smirked as I picked up the pace and ran ahead of him. “I’ll see you at the office.”

After I got back home, showered, and dressed for work, I made a green protein smoothie. When I heard the knock on the door, I looked at the clock on the stove. It was seven twenty-five. Opening it, I inhaled a sharp breath.

“Miss Marcus?” A sexy six foot three-inch-tall man in his thirties smiled with teeth so white they practically blinded me.

“You must be Samuel.” I grinned. “It’s nice to meet you.” I extended my hand. “Come on in. I’ll be ready to go in a second. Can I make you a protein smoothie?”

“No. Thanks. I’m good.”

“By the way, you can call me Bella. I don’t believe in formalities.”

I walked to the kitchen and started cleaning up the mess I’d made. Duchess emerged from the bedroom to greet our new guest.

“Well, hello there,” he said as he picked her up. “You’re quite a beauty or handsome.”

I let out a laugh. “Her name is Duchess.”

“Duchess. A beautiful name for a queen.”

Damn, Grant. Thank you.

“I’m sure she just coated you with her fur,” I spoke as I wiped down my marble counter.

“That’s okay. A little cat fur never hurt anyone.”

Note to self. Thank Grant for hiring such a swoon-worthy guy.

He was tall with sandy blonde hair. His sides were cut short, and his top was longer that swept over to the side with a light wave to it. His eyes were piercing blue, and he had the cutest little dimple on the right side of his cheek when he smiled.

“So, do you like Samuel, Sam, Sammy?”

“Samuel.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

Reaching in the drawer, I pulled out a lint roller and handed it to him.

“Would you like to de-fur before we leave?”


After grabbing my purse, I said goodbye to Duchess, and we headed down to the lobby.

“The SUV is right down here.” He pointed to the black Navigator.

“Is this your SUV?” I asked as he opened the door and I climbed inside.

“No. It’s the company’s vehicle.”

As I sat there in the back seat, I took in the new car smell.

“Is this new?”

“I guess so. Mr. Roman’s assistant said he’d just picked it up when I met him last night to get the keys.”

“So, Samuel, why a personal driver?” I asked.

He chuckled as he looked at me through the rearview mirror.

“The pay is good, I have a good sense of direction, I like to interact with people, I’m not confined in an office all day, and I love to drive.”

“Well said.” I smiled.

“I’m also a model on a part-time basis. Mainly on the weekends.”

Shit. That didn’t surprise me one bit.

“Really? What do you model?”

“Mostly men’s underwear. But sometimes I model designer suits.”

I swallowed hard at the image in my head.

“Nice. This isn’t your first time driving someone around, is it?”

“No. I drove for an older couple on the Upper West Side for five years.”

“Why aren’t you driving for them anymore?”

“Mr. Conners decided to move his home base for his business to Florida. There’s more to that story which I’ll save for another time.” He smirked.

“I love juicy gossip. Why don’t you park the car and come up to the office with me? I need to leave soon anyway to meet Pete. You’ve met Grant already, so you can meet the rest of the staff.”

“I haven’t met Grant.”

“You haven’t? I don’t understand.”

“We did a phone interview and after he ran a background check on me, he called back and offered me the job.”

“Okay. Well then, you can meet him.”

Samuel parked the car down the street, and we walked into the building and took the elevator up to my office. When Samuel and I stepped inside, Grant looked up from his computer.

“Hey, good morning,” he spoke.

“Morning. Grant, this is Samuel. Samuel, Grant.” I gestured.

“It’s great to meet you,” Grant extended his hand as a weird look splayed across his face.

“You too, Mr. Roman. Thanks again for hiring me.”

“No problem. Your credentials were stellar,” he said as he continued to stare at him.

“Samuel, the coffee room is around the corner. Why don’t you get yourself a cup?”

“I think I will. Can I get either of you a cup?”

“No. I’m good,” I said.

“Me too,” Grant replied.

“Thanks for hiring him. He seems really awesome.”

“No problem. You’re welcome. I didn’t realize he was—”

“Sexy?” I smirked. “He’s also a part-time underwear model.” I chewed my bottom lip.

“Seriously?” Grant’s eyes furrowed.

“I can’t believe you would hire him without meeting him first.”

“You needed a driver ASAP, and he came highly recommended by his previous employer who heard I was looking for a driver.”

“Good job.” I grinned as I patted his chest. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go meet with Pete.”