The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 3


The ringing of my phone snapped me out of the past and back into reality.

“Hey, Krystal.”

“Bella, did you get the email I forwarded you?”

“Yeah. I did. Thanks.”

“I figured you could jump on board since you’re moving back to New York in a couple of days. Four percent is a hell of a lot of money in commission for that property and if anyone can sell it, it’s you. Listen, I have to run. I’m meeting a client in Malibu. Don’t be a stranger and keep in touch.”

“I will, Krystal. Thanks again.”

I stood up, dusted off the sand, and headed back to my room to start packing my suitcase. When I heard a knock on my hotel room door, I opened it to find Donald Simms standing there.

“Donald, come in.” I gestured.

“I just wanted to thank you again for your help in helping us to find the perfect house here. We’re on our way to the airport to head back to L.A.”

“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.”

“When does your flight leave for New York?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“I can’t say I’m happy about your decision to leave Los Angeles, but I know you’re doing what you have to for yourself.”

“I’m always just a phone call away, and I’ll be back to L.A. here and there. I expect your call if you’re ever in the market for something in New York.”

“I wouldn’t deal with any other broker.” He kissed my cheek. “Have a safe flight and enjoy your new life in New York.”

“Thanks, Donald. Have a safe trip home.”

* * *

Ismiled as I wheeled my two suitcases through the door of my new apartment located at 250 West Broadway. A twenty-four hundred square foot, two-bedroom plus den, three bath beauty that overlooked the Hudson River. While I was in Hawaii, I had all my boxes plus new furniture delivered. It was a mess, but the first thing I needed to get set up was my office space.

As I was getting my computer situated, I heard a knock on the door. Opening it, my best friend, Ami, threw her arms around me.

“I’m so happy you’re here!” she screeched.

“It’s so good to see you.” I hugged her tight. “Thank you for helping me find this place and sending videos.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re back in New York.”

Ami Liu had been my best friend since the night she slept with my boyfriend when we were eighteen years old. To her defense, he never told her about me. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to sleep with her. She was gorgeous with her long black silky hair, petite body, and beautiful brown eyes. To be honest, she did me a favor. I’d been putting off telling him that I wanted to break up. After I caught them in his bed and stormed out of the house, she came running after me trying to explain. We went to a 24-hour café and talked until the wee hours of the morning. That was the night a new friendship was made.

“So,” she hooked her arm around me, “tell me how you’re doing. And no bullshit, Bella.”

“I’m doing okay.”

“That doesn’t sound too convincing.”

“I’m fine, Ami. I swear.”

“You’ve been through a lot over the past year and the last time we spoke about it was after your parent’s funeral. Then you broke up with Ian, via text from Hawaii, and really haven’t said much about it. Now, you’re back in New York and you’re going to see Grant for the first time after all these years, which you didn’t have plans on doing.”

“Are you shrinking me now?”

“Yes.” She laughed.

“At least you’re honest.” I smiled. “You can shrink me later. I promise.”

“Deal. I brought some champagne to celebrate.” She grinned as she reached in her bag and pulled out the bottle. “Where are the glasses?”

“Umm.” I looked around as I bit down on my bottom lip. “In one of those boxes.” I pointed around the room.

“Who needs glasses when we have the entire bottle.” She smirked.

* * *


“Marcy, how many agents/brokers with potential buyers are coming to the open house?”

“About twenty.”

“Fuck. That’s it?”

“We received hundreds of emails, but they said they don’t have any buyers in the market right now that are willing to pay that much.”

“Print out the list and bring it to me,” I said as I walked back into my office and sat down behind my desk.

Opening my bottled water, I took a sip and set it down as Marcy walked in and handed me the list. Looking over the names, I stared at the last one on the list: Bella Marcus. I’d never forgotten the Bella Marcus I once knew fourteen years ago. The extremely shy and beautiful girl I’d met in Hawaii who was going to college to study teaching. I thanked God this wasn’t her, for I’d never called her after I left Hawaii like I promised I would. I had my reasons, and I blocked her number so she couldn’t get a hold of me. I was worried this could be her. Nah, she was passionate about teaching. There had to be millions of women named Bella in the world and Marcus was a common last name.

“Tom, let’s go,” I said as I grabbed my suitcoat. “We need to get over there and set up.”

We arrived at 325 Fifth Avenue and began setting up the glasses of champagne and hor d’ourves. I’d already spent a fortune promoting this place, so I decided to keep it simple. Especially since only about twenty people were coming. Walking around the penthouse, I made sure it was immaculate. A cleaning crew had just been in this morning and cleaned the place from top to bottom. This had to work. It was the only option I had left.

I heard the ding of the elevator, so I walk into the grand foyer and welcomed everyone.

“Welcome to 325 Fifth Avenue, Penthouse 43A. I have hor d’ourves and champagne waiting for everyone, so grab a glass and a plate and let me show you around this magnificent penthouse.”

While everyone was grabbing a glass of champagne, I heard the elevator ding again, so I walked to the foyer and when the door opened, my eyes locked with the beautiful crystal blue eyes from fourteen years ago. The same eyes that always made my heart beat a little faster.