The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 32


“Bella? What are you doing here?” I asked as I walked into Grant’s office.

“Welcome back, Myles. I work here, remember?”

“But shouldn’t you be at home resting?”

“I’ve rested long enough. It’s time to get back to life.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m getting there. Taking it one day at a time. How was Chicago?”

“It was good. Where’s Grant?”

“He’s on his way back now. He was closing a deal on two apartments at the West 21 building.”

“Excellent. That’s what I like to hear.”

“Dad. Welcome back.”

“Thanks, son.” I gave him a hug.

“I need to head to an appointment. I will see both of you later.” She walked over and kissed Grant’s lips.

“See you, babe.”

“What is going on? Did I miss something while I was gone a few days? Are the two of you together now?”

“Yeah, Dad. We are. I’m in love with her and I have been for years.”

“Well. I’m happy for you both. I like Bella, and I think she’s good for you. But, if you do anything to piss her off and cause her to break up with you and she leaves this company, you’ll have me to deal with.”

“Don’t worry.” He chuckled. “She’s not going anywhere.”

“How is she doing? Should she be back to work so soon?”

“Dad, if I had my way, she’d be at home in bed still. But she said she needed to get back to work to keep herself busy. She has her moments. Last night we were having dinner at my place, and she just started crying. She’s putting on a brave face, but she’s still hurting inside.”

“That’s to be expected.”

“How was Chicago?”

“It was good. I decided to pass on the building.”


“It just didn’t feel right. Simon called me last night and said there’s a building going up for sale on West 37th. It’s twenty-two stories, and I’m going to look at it this afternoon. If it’s the building I’m thinking of, it’ll be perfect for a hotel. I want you to come with me.”

“What time are you going?”

“Around one o’clock.”

“I have a private showing at two. So, I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay. Good.”

“How is Cassandra?”

“She’s good. She had a nice time in Chicago.”

He sat there and narrowed his eye at me.

“Are things getting serious between the two of you?”

“No. They are not.” I arched my brow at him. “I have to go. I’ll see you at the building at one o’clock.”

I heard my phone ding and when I pulled it from my pocket, I saw a text message from Cassandra.

“Good morning, handsome. I missed seeing you this morning. My bed just didn’t feel the same without you. Have a great day. Dinner tonight?”

After I read it, I placed my phone back inside my pocket, and sighed. Things with Cassandra were moving way too fast. We had a great time in Chicago. Maybe it was too great. The hand holding, the sex, the amazing conversations, all left me with reminders of what I promised I wouldn’t allow myself to feel again. She was hinting towards a relationship. I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do it. Relationships are great in the beginning, but they eventually turn messy. My life was clean and organized. I had my priorities, and a relationship wasn’t a part of that. She was going to be hurt and I hated myself for having to do it, but it was better I stopped seeing her now before things really got out of control.

* * *

One Week Later


“Listen Harry, I’m doing my best to get you as close to asking price as possible.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re not doing enough. I need this apartment sold yesterday, Bella!” he shouted over the phone. “It’s been up for sale for a year and a half, and I’ve been through three different brokers already. Do you want me to search for broker number five?”

I was in no mood, and I didn’t deserve to be talked to in that manner. My hormones were still all over the place, and I was tired.

“Then do it, Harry. I’m not stopping you. Go ahead and find someone else to sell your apartment because frankly, I don’t want to work with you anymore. You’re arrogant, rude and entitled and I’m tired of it.”

“Bella, consider yourself fired!” He yelled and I heard a click.

“Damn. That man needs a good kick in the balls,” Cody said. “But you kicked his ass, boo. I’m going to grab some lunch. Do either of you want anything?”

“No, thanks,” both Grant and I spoke at the same time.

“Come here.” Grant held out his arms.

Walking over to his desk, I sat down on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“The guy is a dick, and you don’t need him or his sale. He shouldn’t be speaking to you like that.”

“I got fired.” I pouted.

“His loss. I’d never fire you. Even if you told me I was arrogant, rude and entitled.” His lips formed a smirk.

“No?” My lips met his.


Suddenly, my phone rang, so I got up and walked over to my desk.

“It’s Harry.” I turned to Grant.

“Don’t answer it. In fact, block his ass.”

I let out a light laugh as I answered the call and put it on speaker.

“Harry?” I spoke in a stern voice.

“I’m sorry, and I want you back. Even though your words hurt me.”

I looked at Grant and rolled my eyes.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”

“Come on, Bella. I’m sorry and I’m not a man that says that very often. It’s just I’m having a bad day and you caught me off guard with that offer. I honestly don’t have the time or energy to find someone else right now.”

“I’ll consider it, but I have conditions.”

“And what are your conditions?” he heavily sighed.

“You are not to call me anymore. You will hear from me when I have an offer. Any offer. And if it’s an offer you don’t like, you will simply tell me no and thank me for calling you. There will be no yelling or threatening of any kind. You will not question my ability to sell real estate and I won’t spread the word about what an asshole you are at times.”

“Fine. You have yourself a deal. You don’t need to spread the word, everyone who knows me already knows I’m an asshole. Have a good day.”

“You too, Harry.” I ended the call.

“Bravo, my beautiful tigress.” Grant clapped as he got up from his desk, walked over, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me into a loving hug.

“I want to do something tonight,” I said.

“Really?” He broke our embrace. “Are you sure you feel up to it?”

“Yeah. I’m sure.”

“Name something and we’ll do it.”

“Let’s go out for pizza and hit up a couple art galleries.”

“Sounds good. Are you looking for a piece of art?”

“No.” I smiled as my fingers held onto the collar of his shirt. “I just want to look.”

“Alright. Sounds like a plan.” The corners of his mouth curved upward as he pressed his forehead against mine. “Maybe I can ask my dad if he and Cassandra would like to join us.”

“Yes. Of course. That’ll be fun.”

His lips softly brushed against mine, and then he pulled away.

“I’ll go ask him now and then I have a meeting with a client to show Penthouse B.”

“Good luck. If you can’t sell it, I’ll sell it for you.” I smirked.

“I have no doubt you will. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I watched him walk his sexy body out of the office and then I sat down at my desk. The doctor told me to abstain from having sex for at least two weeks after the miscarriage. Today had been exactly two weeks. I knew Grant was getting antsy, and I wanted nothing more than to have sex with him. We couldn’t even properly celebrate us as a couple. But tonight would be the night. I’d decided to get the Depo shot versus taking a daily birth control pill. I knew me and my hectic life and would ultimately screw the pills up.

“Excuse me, love,” Cody said as stood in the doorway.

“What’s up?” I smiled at him.

“There’s a woman out here to see Grant. Is he around?”

“A woman?” I narrowed my eye at him.

“Don’t worry. She’s older.”

“It could be a client of his. He’s on his way to a showing, and I don’t think he’ll be back.”

“Okie dokie. I’ll let her know.”

* * *

Grant and I had a wonderful dinner and then we visited a couple art galleries.

“Too bad your dad and Cassandra couldn’t come with us.”

“Yeah. I know. When I asked him, he had a strange look on his face.”

“Really?” I glanced up at him as we walked down the street.

“Yeah. It was weird. But I’m happy to have you all to myself.” He kissed the side of my head as his arm around me tightened.

“How about we go back to my apartment. I had Samuel stop at the store earlier and pick up some ice cream, hot fudge, and whipped cream.”

“Sundaes? You want to make sundaes?”

“Yeah.” I chewed my bottom lip as the corners of my mouth curved upward.

“I love that idea. Let’s go make some sundaes.”