Rejecting My Shifter Boss by Skye Alder



I try notto let Peyton see how anxious I am as we walk to work the next day, though it’s hard to hide the way I’m twisting my sweaty hands around my purse. I know my younger sister has picked up on my nervous vibe when she darts her eyes around us, seeking out threats. I hate that for her, and I hate that I made her second guess her safety, all because of my enigmatic and infuriating boss.

Focusing back on Peyton, I wonder if she’s concerned about Isaiah or another member of the cult finding us. I think we covered our tracks well. We didn’t have much money when we left, only what we had managed to save over the years from birthday gifts or working the odd job here and there.

We had left at night, made it a few hours away and started taking jobs under the table, working as babysitters or housekeepers until we had enough to move again. The world is big and scary, especially when you have no idea what you’re doing, but anything is better than the fate we left behind at First Coming.

Sure, we have to scrape by most months to pay rent, and yes, we reuse plastic silverware and Ziplock baggies. But we’re free. I bet Roman has no idea what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, barely surviving while still trying to hold it all together for your sister.

I’ve had to put a brave face on for Peyton for years, not letting her know how scared I was when we left, how scared I still am, every day. I’m worried I’m screwing her up somehow or taking opportunities away from her. Growing up as sheltered as we were, I also worry how she’s adjusting to the outside world. Most of all, I’m always worried that our past will catch up to us.

I thought Colorado was far enough away that they wouldn’t have connections. Forest Park is a small town. We should be safe here.

I hope.

We walk the rest of the way to work in silence, but Peyton stops me right before we walk inside. She wraps her arms around my waist and gives me the comforting kind of hug only a sister can.

“It’s going to be alright, Kiera,” she whispers, giving me a squeeze.

I hug her back, but quickly let her go so I can swat away a stupid tear before she can see. Peyton gives me one of her bright smiles that makes everything worth it, then nods at me before we part ways. I get in the elevator and ride up to the third floor with my colleagues, trying to push all the worries of my past life away and focus on work. Yes, there are plenty of worries waiting for me when the elevator doors open. No need to pile on.

My first clue that something is wrong is when I get to my desk and notice all my stuff is missing. I didn’t have many personal effects at work. I don’t have many personal things period, but I did bring in a photo of Peyton and I, and a small succulent that she bought me when we first got to town.

“Uh, Tracy,” I start as she heads past my desk and she stops, pasting on the fakest smile that I’ve ever seen as she turns to face me.

“Yes, sorry, Kiera. I’m in a rush. Everly,” she says, grabbing a nearby intern and pulling her over to us. “Everly here will fill you in on everything.”

With that she walks away and I turn, noticing for the first time all of the scowls I’m getting, especially from my female coworkers.

“Hey,” Everly says with a shy but friendly smile, and it’s a relief after all the dirty looks.

“Hey, I think I’ve seen you around before,” I respond, racking my brain for when and where. She was the one I accidentally scared when I ran off in a huff yesterday. I almost apologize, but Everly continues.

“Yeah, I see you and your sister in the cafeteria most days. Come on, I’ll take you up.”

She turns and I notice people are starting to whisper about me now. My fingers tighten around the strap of my purse and I try to hold my head high as I head back toward the elevator. I’ve never liked being the center of attention, and even less so since going on the run.

This is different, however. I know what they’re all thinking. I’ve only been here a week and I’m already getting promoted. They seem jealous to think I’m sleeping with Roman and part of my body warms, but then I think about how many other women he may have done this with and my fingers tighten into fists.

What is this intense feeling squeezing my heart and lungs? Surely I can’t be...jealous. Right? I have no right to feel anything toward my boss; certainly not jealousy. I mean, the man asked me out and I turned him down. End of story. He’s free to do whatever he wants, with whomever he wants.

Then why are my nails biting into the palm of my hand? Why does my jaw ache from clenching my teeth so hard? I’ve never felt attracted to another man, let alone possessive of one.

The elevator doors open, breaking me out of my ridiculous thoughts. Roman is waiting for me by his office door, a wide, cocky smile on his face. Bastard. Handsome, confusing, devilish bastard.

“Morning, Kiera.”

“Why am I up here?” I demand. Why does he have to look so dang good first thing in the morning? It should be illegal. As much as his smirk annoys me, it also unleashes a swarm of fireflies in my belly, sparking and fluttering and making me tingle all over.

“I need a new assistant and I think you’ll be perfect.”

Wait. What? I’m going to be even closer to him? “I thought Everly was your second assistant,” I snap, trying to cover up my panic. I shut him down yesterday, so why does he now want me closer than ever?

“She was. My first assistant left, too, so now it’s just you.”

“What if I don’t want to be your assistant?” I don’t know where this boldness is coming from. He’s my boss. I should be happy about the promotion. Instead, all I can think about is how many naïve women he’s lured in this way. I’m not jealous, though. It’s more of an observation than anything else. Dammit, what is wrong with me?

Those dark blue eyes never leave mine, though his smile drops. The look he gives me is both stern and devastating. “Well, we both know you’re not qualified to be an analyst,” he states. I try to keep my face neutral, but I know I’m blushing fiercely. “The work you’ve turned in is far less than others and some of the forms weren’t done right.”

He stares at me, stripping me down to nothing with just one look. I don’t like being made to look like a fool in front of anyone, let alone a powerful man. I’ve been subjected to that one too many times in my life.


“So, this is your desk,” he interrupts. I notice my picture and plant are already there. “You’ll be answering calls, emails, and helping me with anything else I might need.”

I glare at him, telling myself that I don’t like the sound of ‘anything else I might need’, but I can’t help the way my mind flashes to images of the two of us naked and wrapped around each other. I sway toward him, but stop myself.

Those fireflies in my stomach have tripled, and they must have just drank a pot of coffee with how fast they’re fluttering around. I bet his large hands could wrap around my entire torso as he lifts me on top of his massive...bad Kiera! What the hell?

“The phone system is the same as downstairs, so you should be all set. If you need anything else, I’ll be right here,” he says as he points to his office. I hear his words, but they don’t register. Instead, I’m focused on his now familiar earthy pine scent. It’s driving me crazy. I shouldn’t be turned on by the way someone smells. That’s just absurd.

Roman looks at me expectantly, and I realize I’ve just been staring at him. Those blue eyes glimmer with something…dark. Deep. Eternal.

“Okay,” I breathe out. I clear my throat and shake my head, turning away from Roman and his overwhelming presence.

I ignore him as I take a seat behind the desk and try to get it organized. There are a few emails in the inbox and I read through them, grabbing the binder of notes that his last assistant left for me.

It takes me all morning to get used to the new job and by the time lunchtime comes, I’m desperate to escape and get a break from Roman. I can feel his eyes on me all the time and it’s driving me crazy.

I grab my purse and lunch and ride the elevator down to the lobby where Peyton is already waiting for me.

“There you are!” she says as we head toward the cafeteria and I smile.

“I got a new position.”

“Really? Doing what? Does it pay more?”

“I actually didn’t ask about pay. They know that I wasn’t qualified for the analyst job, though, so it was either be an assistant or get fired.”

We head over to our usual table and I stop when I spot Everly sitting by herself a few tables away. She’s staring down at her food, so I head in her direction, stopping on the other side of the table

“Hey, do you want to come sit with us?” I ask her and she grins.

“Yeah, that would be great.”

She gathers her food and follows me over to our table.

“Everly, this is my sister Peyton. Peyton, this is Everly.”

“Nice to meet you,” Peyton says with a smile and Everly returns it.

“You too. Thanks for inviting me to sit with you guys.”


“How’s it going upstairs?” Everly asks as I take a bite of my peanut butter sandwich.

“Alright. Thanks for the binder.”

“No problem. Hopefully it helps.”

“Oh, it has,” I assure her.

We talk more with her over lunch. She just moved to Forest Park a few months ago and is still getting settled. She actually lives only a block away from us and we make plans to walk home together tonight before we go our separate ways.

I head back upstairs and with each passing second, I feel myself growing warmer. I know it’s because I’m getting closer to Roman and I try to force the feelings away.

The elevator doors open and I grind my teeth when I see he’s moved my desk. Instead of being just outside of his office door, it’s now inside the office.

“Any particular reason for the change?” I ask him as he comes out of the small breakroom across from his office. Roman leans against the wall next to his door, looking every bit the confident, cocky CEO he is. And dang it, why does he have to smile at me like that? His lips part to reveal gleaming white teeth that I suddenly ache to feel sinking into my skin…


I snap out of my deranged fantasy and glare at him as I head inside his office. I won’t lie, though, part of me is thrilled. Those fireflies are working in overtime again, though this time they seem to be moving lower, lower, lower...

“I forgot to ask before,” I blurt out, trying to derail my inappropriate thoughts. “I’m assuming this position comes with a pay raise?” I arch an eyebrow at him and he grins at me.

“Of course. An extra ten dollars an hour.”

I try not to show it, but an extra ten dollars will be huge for Peyton and me.

I nod, tucking my purse and lunch bag into the bottom drawer of my desk and unlocking the computer to get back to work.

I try not to look at Roman as he takes a seat behind his own desk but it’s hard since we’re facing each other and only a few feet apart.

I press my legs tight together under my desk, trying to squash the desire that rises up inside of me every time I feel his eyes on me. This can’t be normal, can it? Is attraction to someone supposed to be this strong? This…intense? It must just be the stress of the last few months. Coupled with the fact that Roman is arguably the sexiest man on the planet, and I’m sitting close enough to smell his addicting scent, it's a recipe for disaster.

I clear my throat, forcing myself to ignore the man across from me and get to work.

It doesn’t last long.