Rejecting My Shifter Boss by Skye Alder



I was expectingRoman to step up his game but he really isn’t playing fair now.

He’s touched me no less than a hundred times this morning. Every time he has an excuse to be near me, he’s there. Pushing the hair back from my face or shoulders, his fingers brushing against mine, his body grazing past me every time I stand up. Who am I kidding, he doesn’t even have to touch me to make me embarrassingly wet. Just one look into those impossibly deep blue eyes does the trick.

Every time I turn around, he’s there, either staring at me hungrily or trailing his hands all over my body. He even came up behind me in the break room earlier this morning, caging me against the counter while he licked a stripe up my neck. God, I swear I almost came. It was territorial and so damn sexy.

I can’t take it.

It’s only been a few hours and already I want to cave and let him claim me. I keep having the strongest urge to ask him to bite me. I had no idea I was into any of that. I mean, I have no idea what I’m into, seeing as I’ve never so much as kissed a guy, but still.

All last night I tossed and turned. I kept rubbing the side of my neck, like I was expecting to find teeth marks there.

“Are you alright, Kiera?” Roman whispers in my ear and I arch my neck, offering him the slim column.

His nose drags down to my throat and I swallow hard. When his teeth nip at my skin there, I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from moaning. Roman wasn’t kidding about the mating pull. I can feel it like an electric current throughout my whole body. I’m hyper aware of him, of every breath he takes and each time his eyes are on me.

“I’m fine,” I say with more force than I thought I was capable. I move away from him, not sure if I should give into this insane need or put more distance between us.

I need to get ahold of myself. I’m a strong woman. I’m in control of my own body and mind.

He ordered us lunch and insisted that I eat with him, so I haven’t seen my sister or Everly at all today. I talked to Peyton about everything Roman told me about shifters and fated mates. She had been excited for me. She’s always been the more romantic of the two of us, and I didn’t want to burst her bubble by telling her I wasn’t going to just go along with his plans.

What if they’re both right, though?

Why am I even fighting this if we’re bound––fated, to be together?

“Did you make those copies for tomorrow’s meeting?” Roman asks as I gather up my belongings for the day.

“Shit,” I groan.

I’ve been so distracted by thoughts of him all day that I haven’t done any work. The meeting is first thing, though, so I stash my purse and grab the files to copy. The copy room is across the hall from our office, and even though it’s only a few feet away, it feels like it’s too far.

I can’t help but look back toward the office. Roman is on the phone but his eyes are locked on me, too. His blue gaze turns golden, the heat of his need radiating out of him. I can feel it, feel the warmth coat me and set my nerve endings on fire.

Maybe that’s where I get the totally dirty, totally out of character idea to tease him with my body. He wants me? I’ll show him what he has to look forward to.

I start by running my fingers through my hair, then I slide my hand down my neck, groaning softly when my fingers swirl around my pulse point. By the time I get to my chest, I flick the top two buttons on my blouse open, never breaking eye contact with Roman.

His jaw is clenched tight, his nostrils flaring as if he can smell my arousal dripping down my thighs. Jesus, I guess he probably can. I smirk at him and drop my hand to the hem of my skirt, slowly trailing it up my inner thigh. I caress my sensitive skin there, never touching myself, just teasing out the idea.

I continue massaging my inner thighs while my other hand squeezes my breast. I drop my mouth open, gasping at the unexpected wave of pleasure rocketing through me.

Roman’s grip tightens on the phone, his knuckles turning white as he takes in all of me. The printer beeps, and I immediately drop my hands from where they were, buttoning myself back up and straightening my skirt.

Sashaying my way over to his desk, I set the copies down, biting my lip as I look into his eyes. He’s still on the phone, but his gaze never leaves mine. I can see the muscles tense and flex beneath his suit. I wonder if it’s his wolf. The idea isn’t nearly as absurd as it was just yesterday. Seeing his wolf did answer a lot of questions, and strangely, petting him solidified the connection between us.

I give Roman what I hope is a sexy wink before I turn around, scoop up my purse, and head out of the office.

I take out my phone in the elevator and text Peyton to let her know I’m headed home now. The streets are starting to grow deserted as I start out for our apartment.

I’m only a few blocks away when something has the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

Someone is watching me.

I can feel it.

I try not to be too obvious as I look around. I stop, pretending to admire something in a storefront while I really scan the street behind me in the reflection of the glass.

There. Half a block back, I spot him.

Edward Fellis.

He’s another First Coming Cult member. He’s Isaiah’s right hand man and takes care of security and anything else Isaiah might need. I’m not surprised he’s who Isaiah sent to track us down. I’m more surprised he found us at all.

We’ll have to leave.

That thought has an ache forming in my chest as I think about leaving Roman.

I start to walk again, knowing I can’t lead him back to Peyton and our apartment. I turn at the end of the block, sprinting down the street and practically throwing myself into the bushes there. I hardly feel the branches scraping my skin and tearing at my hair. All that matters is making myself as small as possible as I cower in the bushes.

It’s busier on this block and I watch as he frowns, walking past me and turning down at the next block. I hold my breath until he’s out of sight and then let out a sigh.

Every muscle in my body is tense and shaking as I gasp for breath. My hand goes over my heart, trying to calm down the erratic, almost painful beats.

Maybe I should text Peyton and tell her to meet me at the train station. We have enough saved that we could run to the next town and be alright until we found new jobs. Tears burn the back of my eyes, knowing Roman can’t come with us. Dammit. This is why I didn’t want to get attached. Nothing good lasts forever when you’re on the run.

A growl next to me has me whipping my head to the side. I’m eye to eye with a wolf and I’m about to scream when I realize that it’s Roman.

He shifts and I try not to stare at his cock as he moves closer to me. Desire, fear, and adrenaline pump through my veins as I stand up on trembling legs.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, concern coloring his tone. Roman cups my face, brushing his thumbs over my cheeks. That one tender touch makes me feel so loved.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper back at him.

“I’m following you home from work.”

“What?” I squeak.

“I’ve been following you home from work every day to make sure you get there safely. I don’t like to shift out in the open like this, but I could smell your fear and we had to get to you. Are you okay?” The moment is intense, his searching gaze threatening to discover all my secrets.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Is that why you’re hiding in the bushes?”

“Just trying to get closer to nature,” I say with a little grin, trying to break the tension.

“Bullshit,” he growls and I roll my eyes, ignoring the way my nipples pebble inside my lace bra.

“I thought I saw someone I knew.”

“Who was it?”

“Just some guy,” I hedge as I look over my shoulder, checking to make sure Edward is gone.

“An ex?” he practically roars.

“No, just someone who is looking for me and I don’t want to see.”

“I’m going to need more than that,” Roman says as he pulls on his suit and helps me out onto the sidewalk. I debate lying but I don’t want to. I’m so sick of lying to everyone. Plus, Roman trusted me enough to show me his wolf. I can trust him with my horrible past.

“I used to be in a cult with my dad and Peyton,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around myself as I look down at my feet. Roman is right there, stroking my back and encouraging me to continue. “She was promised to the cult leader, Isaiah. He already has nine wives and Peyton didn’t want to be with him. We never really believed in the cult but our father did and he took us with him when he joined.”

“I’m so sorry, mate,” he murmurs, kissing my temple and urging me to keep walking with a hand at the small of my back. I haven’t heard him call me mate before, but I love it. Those fireflies are back in full force, making my insides all tingly from just that one touch.

We head toward my apartment, both of us on high alert for any sign of a threat.

“Our mom left after a year but we were stuck there until we turned eighteen and then we ran,” I continue. “We’ve been on the run ever since. Isaiah takes Peyton’s rejection personally and we knew they might send someone after us. The guy I saw, he’s the one who wants to take us back there and force Peyton to marry Isaiah.”

“I’ll rip his fucking throat out if he gets close to either of you,” Roman snarls. His words should scare me but I find myself walking closer to him. No one has ever protected me the way that Roman does. I’ve always been the one to take care of Peyton and myself.

We reach my apartment and I take one more minute to look around and make sure that I don’t see Edward anywhere. I want Roman to stay and wrap himself around me, but I’m not sure how to ask that. I’ve never been the damsel in distress, despite all that’s happened the last few years. I’ve taken care of it all. But it might be nice to have someone else to shoulder the burden.

“Thanks for walking me home,” I say, instead of throwing myself in his arms.

“Anytime, mate,” he murmurs with a soft smile on his face. “I’ll be out here with my beta, Fredrick, all night. We won’t let anyone get close to you or Peyton.”

My heart kicks hard against my ribcage and I swallow, not trusting myself to speak.

I lean over, brushing a soft kiss against his cheek. I hear him inhale deeply and I know he’s drinking in my scent.

“Careful, Kiera,” he growls out a warning. “After your little show, I’m barely hanging onto my sanity.”

I shiver at his words as a blush steals over my face. Roman kisses my cheeks and nose before stepping back.

I head inside, leaning back against the door for a beat before I make my way into the apartment and over to the bed. I lay down next to Peyton, trying to calm my racing heart and get some sleep, but I know that it’s going to be a while before I get any rest.