Dark Mafia Kings by Penelope Wylde

Chapter Seventeen

Indigo’s words replayed in her head despite telling herself she wanted this. The steely-eyed look Indigo had given Rhia as Lucian led her to the outer elevator felt like a nail in some proverbial coffin.

She could brew on that all night or turn her attention to the shit ton of trouble she just walked into. That seemed the better bet.

Lucian stood beside her. Tall, handsome as fuck, and every time he moved she caught a faint smell of his aftershave.

A trio of assaults to her defenses. She needed to stay focused. Remember why she was here in the first place. And then a warm hand eased over her bare back.

Good Lord above, help her. Her lashes fell against her cheeks and she managed to draw in a deep breath before she turned.

Matteo moved in close and that hand on her back eased around to her hip. He dug his fingers into her flesh and she felt his possessiveness reach out and stroke her libido.

She was so fucked.

He smiled down at her but the wolf in a fine suit didn’t fool her. One wrong move and he’d have her against a wall again, her dress around her waist and her panties on the floor.

She turned to Lucian. “It’s a pleasure meeting you.”

“I’m sorry it’s taken so long to have you at our side.” In an easy glide, Lucian stepped in front of her, his penetrating gaze locked on hers as he offered his hand.

Whoa. Talk about double-meaning.

Lucian pushed the call button for the elevator, and within a few seconds, the doors opened with a soft swoosh.

“After you, Ms. Carmichael.”

Beside her, his body reflected his expression. Calm and stoic. He had a graceful male confidence about himself she liked. But there were rolling waves of danger in his eyes. Sparks of electricity lit the grey depths and the allure to stand there captivated by them grew.

She didn’t care what anyone said. If you looked close enough you could see everything a person thought and felt. All you had to do was calm your own mind first.

Did he know about her and Matteo? Her and Sevastyan? Did he realize she felt the same attraction to him?

God, save her, she hoped not.

With a delicate step forward, she followed his lead. Inside he punched in a code different from what Maddox had used and no security key this time.

“I see you’ve changed up security measures.” No amount of control could hide the humor that hugged her words.

He held his elbow out for her, Matteo doing the same from her left. She softly gasped when both men slid their fingers over hers as she took their arms.

Warm, callused. Steady.

And wildly unlike her erratic heartbeat.

“It’s come to my attention that key cards are easily swiped by pretty women with innocent smiles. Numbers make it a little harder.”

She didn’t miss the hint of amusement and teasing in his words.

Matteo leaned into her. “I’m glad you accepted Sevastyan’s offer.”

She turned her head up to look at him. “Me too,” she responded nervously.

He tightened his hold around her hand. She flashed him a small grin.

Rhia forced the shudder of unease from her body and willed herself to take a steadying breath as they descended to the second floor.

She stroked the strong line of his jaw with her gaze. Smooth and clean-shaven. Fine lines from his tattoo peeked from the black rim of his collar.

Lucian had the same tattoos. Interesting.

“I have to ask, why me? Why am I here with you?”

Matteo frowned, his eyes narrowing a fraction like her question insulted him on some level.

The bell of the elevator chimed, announcing their arrival and the warmth of his hand slipped from atop hers.

Deep, sultry music rushed them as they stepped out and onto the second level. Above the public setting below, this level offered more privacy for those who preferred a more intimate atmosphere.

She’d been here a few times, but the beauty of the stone walls and elegant flow of draped silk across archways always left her momentarily in awe. In its time the wide circular corridor would have been dark, cold, and unforgiving. Lush burgundy-colored carpet silenced their footfalls and from the walls, decorative sconces offered a sensual soft glow. A perfect mix of old and modern. Elegant and sinfully decadent.

Hand-chiseled pillars reached three floors up to support the domed glass ceiling high above. Off to the side of each pillar were private boxes positioned similar to an opera house she imagined were used as prayer rooms at one time. Now they offered couples privacy for intimate acts or viewing of the sex shows being performed on the stage below.

Pushed against the stone railing, the settees of the same style as the main floor were also available to the members on this floor. Perfectly placed to allow a clear view and to offer a show of their own to anyone bold enough. And there were plenty who dared.

Women dressed in everything from leather to silk stroked her men with their gazes as they made their way deeper into the club. Had the dark kings taken many of them as lovers? From the looks of a few, her imagination didn’t need much of a stretch.

Lithe, elegant, and suave—these women personified sex appeal down to their dainty toes and perfectly bare breasts.

She glanced at Lucian to find his attention not on the other woman, but her. His powerful gaze focused completely on her. The way he angled his body inward toward her let others know they were together.

Hostesses passed, and she offered a shaky smile. She tried to ignore the looks of shock she received in return. Flustered, she dipped her gaze to the floor.

“Relax. You’re with us now. Pay no mind to them.” Lucian leaned into her, his lips a whisper from her ear, his words barely audible over the pulsing music. He obviously felt her fingers tremble on his arm because he pressed his hand over hers again and kept it there this time.

“You owe no explanation to anyone but us now.”

Well, that didn’t help settle her quivering insides.

Matteo flashed her what he probably thought was a reassuring smile, but it tilted her off-kilter more than she expected.

“You’re safe.”

She held his gaze for a brief moment. Both words flowed easily from his lips like he needed her to believe him.

“None of the employees or guests will dare approach you. They wouldn’t want to deal with any of us if they did.”

Rhia nodded, cleared her throat, and leaned in a fraction, the feel of Matteo’s body against her own more arousing than she anticipated. “Since you put me in this predicament, I’d say that would be fair.”

That earned her a half-smile before he hit the delete button on all emotions from his expression. She was beginning to think he had no other emotion. Either amused or perpetually stoic. And why Sevastyan was his partner. The two men were so similar she had to question if they were brothers.

She pulled back to put some distance between them but didn’t get far when Matteo gathered her hand in his and slipped his arm behind her to settle a light touch over her opposite hip.

Lucian moved in front of her and Matteo lowered his voice. “This way.” He spoke close to her ear and damn her body if it didn’t like how his chest felt against her back. A discreetly placed host stepped out of somewhere she hadn’t seen to peel back a curtain of gold velvet. Behind it was a softly lit private balcony.

From here she could see small, intimate tables on the other balconies while this one was bare of everything. Bare except for two men.

Sevastyan and Roman.

Flares of warning went off in her head.

Heat scorched her body, working its way from her feet until it consumed her whole.

She needed to see this through. This deep in meant running wasn’t an option. Besides, where would she go?

Resolve forced one foot forward. Chill bumps erupted over her bare arms and upper neck the second she was fully inside the lush private box, shut off from the outside world with not one enemy but four.

Shivers from an overwhelming rush of energy overtook her.

Standing so close to Sevastyan, she couldn’t help but feel a cloak of power.

She glanced around anxiously, pinpointing all exits.

Four sets of eyes laser-focused on her and instinct forced her to retreat.

She stepped back and then again. Directly into Matteo’s arms.

He placed a steadying hand on her lower waist. “Easy. You’re safe here. For now.” Each word came out more controlled than the last, as though he needed her to feel the power in his words, not just hear them.

She stared back at him, her lips parted. His eyes flashed with reassurance. Lit fireworks replaced every nerve ending in her body seeing the other three turn her way.

He nudged her gently with his hand when she hesitated.

“It’s about time you arrived.” Her attention drew to her right. Cool blue eyes roved over her from head to toe, “But the wait was worth it.”

Roman stepped up wearing the brightest smile she’d seen tonight and with his hand out. A slight glimmer in his gaze brought about a strange sensation she could only compare to sexual curiosity.

Arresting blue eyes and long black hair pulled back highlighted strong facial features. From the show he performed the other night, she knew him more than anyone should know their boss. Despite looking like he stepped out of Norse mythology, his body wasn’t Thor bulky. But his muscles strained the fabric of his dress shirt all the same. Broad smile, killer eye contact that dipped the length of her body before returning to settle on the tender spot just beneath her ear. She bet his lips there would shoot her straight to heaven.

She forced a smile on her face and slid her hand into his. “Roman, I presume?”

Rough in all the right places. Strong yet gentle.

“The one and only, sweetheart. The broody Russian behind me didn’t say just how beautiful you truly are.” He placed a warm kiss on the back of her hand, his gaze never leaving hers. The act pulled a soft laugh from her.

“A pleasure,” she offered, her hand still in his.

“The pleasure is all mine, sweetheart.” He drew her in closer until she stood in front of him. “I’ve waited for what feels like forever to meet you. You’re as delicious in person as you were from afar.” He leaned in and touched his clean-shaven cheek to hers. In a low voice, he whispered, “Tell me if these men don’t treat you like a queen. I’ll kill them and take you all for myself. You can wear my crown, my ring.”

She gaped softly. “They’ve been nothing but kind.” She dared a look over her shoulder at first Matteo then Sevastyan.

“A pity.” He touched her cheek with a gentle kiss, his masculine scent so consuming she stole a moment and let her eyes drift shut. She placed a hand on his chest and released a soft laugh. “You sound so disappointed.”

“You have no idea.”

Lucian and Matteo joined Sevastyan who stood leaning against the railing, his eyes watchful. They stood shoulder to shoulder discussing something.

“I’m dying to know your name.” Roman still held her hand in his own while resting another on her shoulder. The current passing through both points whipped through her like a charged bolt of energy so intense she took a moment to realize Roman had asked her a question.

“Oh, umm…Seraphina… Seraphina Carmichael.” She stumbled at first but quickly righted her thoughts before she messed up further. Damn it, get it together. That stutter had almost cost her. “And as of thirty minutes ago, I’m Mr. Volkov’s new assistant. And yours.” This time her words came out smooth as glass.

She glanced around Roman to Sevastyan. “I’m still learning what all that entails. If there’s anything I can do for you…” She let her thoughts trail off, not sure where she was going with them in the first place.

Sevastyan’s partner considered her for a moment. Unlike with Lucian and Matteo, she felt his gaze deep inside her as though he wanted to see her soul, touch it and determine his own conclusion about her. Only Sevastyan had ever looked at her with such raw intensity.

“Seraphina,” he rolled her name across his tongue. “It’s a pleasure to meet someone who actually leveled up to the Russian’s high expectations.” He loosened the top button of his shirt and stepped back. From the corner of her eye, she caught Roman exchanging a silent look with Sevastyan.

“I hope you find working here an experience you will never forget. If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m pretty sure we’re all affable to be around. Well, expect him.” With an obviously playful note in Roman’s voice, he nodded toward Sevastyan.

“He’s a broody bastard on the best of days.”

She stood completely fascinated by the spark of humor in his eyes and teasing words.

“If you’ll excuse me, sweetheart.” One more kiss and he stepped away. With a backward glance, he slipped from the private box.

She took the moment to study Lucian. Like the other men, he liked a good pair of dress pants and a crisp shirt. While Sevastyan liked bold-colored ties, Lucian went with all black. A sharply defined nose and muscular shoulders completed the polished look.

The man wore sophistication like he owned the trademark on the term. Sevastyan held a hand out for her to join them. She offered a kind smile and closed the distance and despite the sudden onslaught of nerves, the gentle way he took her hand in his large one helped ease the tension building in her muscles.

“Um, Roman had to go it seems.”

“Never mind him, Ms. Carmichael. You have all of us for the evening.”

Lucian flashed her a Cheshire grin.

Over his shoulder, she caught a woman with short black hair and olive skin slipping out the back way. Why was Maya leaving the club? The distinct edge of worry tugged a frown from her. Not that her friend left with no care of her responsibilities to her job, but more so who she left with.

Fucking Bjorn. AKA one of the club’s many assholes who liked to get handsy. And Indigo’s boyfriend. Had he been the one who left her friend with those nasty marks on Maya’s thighs? She wouldn’t put it past the bastard. Since meeting Bjorn, the guy caused her insides to churn. Handsome as a snake is venomous.

Rhia took a settling breath.

Maya was a big girl and could take care of herself. Right now, Rhia stood in the middle of her own viper pit. Though these snakes did a good job of masking their true natures.

Sevastyan opened a hidden panel in the wall and poured a drink. When he offered, she held her hand up. “I shouldn’t, thank you. Not while working.” In her current condition, she feared if she started, one wouldn’t be enough.

Lucian and Matteo moved around her as the lights dimmed and led her to the edge of the balcony. Sudden alarm hit her. She watched as Sevastyan placed his drink on the wide stone railing.

She shouldn’t be here, didn’t want to acknowledge the feelings inside her in the least bit, yet they raged and ranted to be heard.

Then her Russian boss touched her.

“Look, kroshka.” Though not forceful or disrespectful, there was a command in his voice for her attention. Compelled to obey, she followed Sevastyan’s gaze to find Samuel—his gorgeous body on full display—stood on the stage, this time alone with a beautiful raven-haired woman. Breath wheezed from her lungs.

“Tell me, what do you see?”

What did she see? Not a single detail made it past the fact Sevastyan stood behind her, his hand on her lower back. Lucian took the space to her right and Matteo on her left. They had her surrounded.

Sevastyan’s body heat mixed with all of theirs to create a storm of lust so deep she could feel it tugging on a lustful need within her. So hidden in fact, she’d never felt her body come so alive. If their nearness to her brought on that kind of reaction, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have the length of her body molded over theirs. Skin on skin. Taking them into her like she’d witnessed so many times among the members.

And what it would do to her.

Destroy her, she knew it. It would utterly destroy her; that much she knew.