Dark Mafia Kings by Penelope Wylde

Chapter Twenty-three

“Fuck, that didn’t go well. I’m going out on a limb here and say she’s going to be a royal pain in our arses for a long time to come.”

Sevastyan moved to his office door and flicked the lock. “Find everything you can. We need answers now.”

“That number you wanted me to look into. The one on the matchbook. It was the case the Detective was talking about. It’s what I came here for in the first place. But I found her on the way up. Thought it better to hold my tongue. See what she had to say. It’s what she said it was. A missing persons case where a group of girls were out partying and one never came home.”

Sevastyan titled his head and Lucian pointed to the paperwork. “That friend I told you about, he recognized the case file. It’s been a cold case where the leads went dead almost immediately. No wonder the detective’s alarms are going off.”

Sevastyan’s gut twisted with disgust so vile his insides mimicked a Shibari knot. They finally had a break. Son of a bitch, it was under their noses and all this time.

What the hell had his brother done?

With a couple of keystrokes Lucian turned the bank of monitors along the wall into a giant extension of his laptop and set to work.

Sevastyan poured them each a tumbler of vodka and passed them around. Another long-ass night ahead of them. He checked his watch. The sun would be up in another couple of hours.

It was a damn good thing he hadn’t allowed Rhia to be at the club because he couldn’t keep all hands off her unless she was with him, and what would he have done with her during the detective’s little visit?

“Any luck with the meet-up you had scheduled?” Lucian talked over his shoulder without pulling his attention away from his screen.

Sevastyan let out a disgusted grunt. “Dead end. The bastard wet his fucking pants before I got past the first question.”

“Sounds like you need to work on your interrogation skills.”

Sevastyan dashed his words away. “Whatever.”

“Doesn’t matter now.” Lucian crossed the room to the desk. “This just might be what we’re looking for.”

Pulling nothing short of a digital miracle, Lucian used every available source at their fingertips and their one viable connection within the FBI to pull all known intel on their new lead less than thirty minutes after the detective took her leave.

Sevastyan wanted everything he could find. He wanted to know if his father knew about Dimitris and Mikhail, too.

“Hold onto your asses, gents,” Lucian’s fingers dashed over the keyboard in a flurry of movement a few seconds longer. “Here we go!”

All six screens were filled with news articles, multiple passports, pictures, and reports from various international agencies willing to share below the radar.

“I give you the man of the hour. One Dominic Dimitris. Russian born, American schooled. And take a fucking look at the fugly red suit.”

Matteo pointed to surveillance videos and snapshots that dated from close to a year ago back.

“It took some digging and lucky for us a few of the surrounding businesses like to back up their security feeds to cloud storage. I found a few that went back a few years as you can see. Ignorance of others is our treasure, men. Check this out. These people have no idea how hackable their networks really are. And, in this case, how easily social media can bring someone down.”

Lucian hit a key and brought an image to the front of a girl posing for a picture with her friends on the beach. Innocent enough to his eyes.

“It looks like the detective was right. This picture was taken in the south of Spain three days ago and posted on social media. I cross-referenced anything on the web with the black and white picture the detective left behind and pulled up this gem. My guess, the girl taking the selfie had no idea who was behind her, which is understandable and lucky for her. And from their oblivious expressions, I’d say Dominic Dimitris and his bodyguards didn’t either.”

Lucian tapped the screen that showed a large barrel-chested man stepping into a black SUV in the background. Hints of his age colored his thick head of hair and beard, a wide nose that looked like it had taken a beating a few times, and sharp eyes that he would bet never missed a detail stood out to Sevastyan.

The target didn’t know he was being photographed; Lucian was right.

“This man is the definition of elusive. From reports I pulled from the local authorities and what our contacts in the FBI passed under the table, say he’s an art broker. If you have the money to back the transaction, he’s your man. Nothing is too small or too outlandish.”

Lucian jumped to another snapshot. This one filled with row upon row of financial details. “But what he does with the earnings from his art dealing is where it gets colorful and catches the eye of authorities. He’s suspected of funneling money through the backdoors of several establishments. Art galleries, bars, and sex clubs to name a few.”

“Basically, he’s not prejudiced against anyone or ideal as long as it can turn a profit for him. With no hard evidence connected directly to him, the main acronyms of law enforcement have nothing to move on. Only suspicion and a couple of very blurry photos. Frankly, I’m surprised by what I was able to find.”

Matteo held up the more recent picture. “He’s either gotten sloppy or wanted his presence known. That said, about five months ago Interpol got close enough to pin a couple of heists on him, but he slipped through their fingers, ghosting the criminal scene since. It’s been radio silence until now.”

Lucian turned a pointed look his way. “If what the detective said is true, and this man was your brother’s silent partner, I think we both know Mikhail isn’t as innocent as any of us want to believe. And this man’s absence lines up with Mikhail’s death. I’m not the only one seeing this shit, right? The same day he died is almost the same day Dimitris fell off the grid. No more art deals, no more contacts with known associates. Zero.”

Sevastyan’s bells went off way before Lucian gave words to his own thoughts.

“If he knew anything at all, my father kept his mouth shut. All in the name of money.” A deeper problem took root. Did his father know who killed his brother? Did he keep quiet in order to keep raking in the money?

A black hole opened up in the pit of his stomach and despite the controlled climate of his office, Sevastyan’s palms grew slick with sweat. Sevastyan clamped his hands around a handful of hair and cursed.

“How the fuck did we miss this, Matteo?” he growled.

He didn’t see a point in lowering his voice or letting his contempt not be on full display. Enough red fire coerced through his veins he couldn’t see past the curtain of red filling his vision.

“Take a step back, man. This shit is just going to give you a heart attack. Plus there’s more and I don’t want to have to go through this more than once.”

Sevastyan shot Matteo a fuck-off look that sent the man back a few paces, holding his hands up in defense. “Have it your fucking way, man.”

“This bastard has some serious pull to be able to up and disappear.” Sevastyan nodded to the screen and Dimitris’ picture. “The man had to have friends in some shady places. “Something caused him to go to ground. What or who could do that to a man of his caliber? Our contact believes while he’s been radio silent, he’s been cleaning house and has restructured. Again, no arrests or proof that led back to him.” Lucian frowned as he flicked through a few older photos, each blurrier than the last.

“This is interesting.”

Dimitris, wearing a red suit, stood on the steps of Haven, an escort on each side. Their heads were down and each of the women wore black leather collars, but the bands were not thick enough to hide the injection marks nor the bruises.

They were being led into Haven when his brother was still alive. Unwilling submissives.

Sevastyan looked closer and noticed more bruising along the back and shoulders. He’d give his last dollar betting one of those girls was from the missing persons case.

The marks were faded to barely a shadow against their dark complexions but if you knew what to look for—and he did—they stood out like red flags.

A round of curses filled the room.

“Did your brother know about this shit?” Lucian sounded as pissed off as he felt. Matteo wasn’t far behind. A deep scowl plastered on his face did all the talking.

“Detective Vicente dropped this in our laps for a reason. She’s watching and wants us to fuck up so she can take us all down.”

Matteo claimed a spot on the couch, his elbows on his knees. “Let’s reach out. Make the first move. We can handle the detective.”

Sevastyan took the image of Dimitris and held it up. “Do it. Make contact and issue an exclusive invite to Mikhail’s silent partner. He must be circling us and waiting his time. I don’t like waiting and seeing when we’ll get hit. I’m sure he’s bound to be interested in what we have to say.”

“Rhia. The detective is stirring the pot and has placed her in the middle of something none of us knows shit about. This fucking dick could be outside her place right now.” Matteo released a string of Spanish curses.

“I need to go.” Matteo threw back the last bit of his drink.

Sevastyan angled his head toward the elevator, tracking Matteo’s abrupt beeline for the fastest exit. “You’re going to her, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Our little birdie needs to do some talking and I plan on making her sing.”


Rhia and the mafia king’s story continues in Dark Mafia Queen, the second book of the Dark Reverse Harem Duet, which is now available for preorder and releasing October 8th.

Available for preorder on Amazon here.

Don’t miss the dark, gritty, and heart-gripping conclusion to this epic duet. I’m wholly excited for you to read how Rhia and her kings find their forever!

From rising author Penelope Wylde comes the heart-gripping conclusion to the highly-anticipated Dark Mafia Reverse Harem Duet.

The four mafia kings of Chicago saved me from death. Brought me into their world and taught me not all is as it seems.

They're ruthless. They're beasts. Incapable of love.

Yet these corrupt kings live to grant my every wish and desire, but I have only one.

Yet they refuse to give me my freedom. To let me go.

And the deeper I fall into their corrupt world the more I learn I’m not the only one wearing a mask. There are secrets and shadows much deadlier than the men whispering possessive promises to me in the dark. Four powerful and feared men want me as their queen of the underworld and I’m afraid I won’t refuse their wishes much longer.

Question is, will I follow through with my plan, or will I let my enemies claim me as their queen of the underworld?

Dark Mafia Queen is the second book of the Dark Mafia Reverse Harem Duet and should be read after Dark Mafia Kings.


Thank you for reading Dark Mafia Kings! While you wait for Dark Mafia Queen here’s the first chapter of Mercy for Three, book one of my complete Harem of Three series.

One-click on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Chapter One


Moonlight kisses the smooth edges of muscle lined up in front of me. My brother’s three best friends stand shoulder to shoulder, forming a forbidden dream package I can’t look away from.

Our traditional homecoming celebrations have died down, and I finally have all three alone.

I take a deep breath. Okay. Here goes. You can do this, Mercy. I steel my nerves. This is my chance to push for them to see me as the beautiful woman and not the forbidden little sister of a friend.

All three are after different things. Fresh beers and snacks, I imagine, and not expecting me to amble in behind them.

I’ve given this a lot of thought and I know what I want, so I need to just do it.

I step into the kitchen on bare feet and stop just short of being able to touch Cain’s sculpted shoulders and alphalicious ass. Damn, I love a man who can fill out his pair of jeans. Wait. I’m getting off track. I yank my eyes off the man meat and clear my throat. “I want all three of you to take my virginity.” No meshing words, no playing coy. I’ve done that for years, and I’m no little girl anymore to be hiding behind cute, flirty smiles. I let out a shaky breath. There—I said it, and there’s no taking it back. My heart is racing so fast I fear they can hear it thudding heavily in my chest.

Standing in the kitchen of my family’s lakeside cabin, every part of me tingles and buzzes as three of the sexiest men I’ve ever laid eyes on all turn to stare back at me in complete shock, their original mission completely forgotten.

My brother’s friends from high school and on into college are long since graduated and now full-fledged Marines with the tatts and tags to prove it. Three drool-worthy men with angled jawlines, miles of hard, muscled flesh and intoxicating masculinity with only a tiny kitchen island between us. And a small one at that.

Okay, and well, there’s the small detail of my age too, I guess. God forbid I forget that, but I wish they would. My fantasies about all three turn filthier the older I get, and at a week before my eighteen birthday, my body can’t take not having what it wants.

After a second they start to blink but their mouths are still hanging open.

“I’ve been thinking about it…for…” I swallow past the embarrassment, eyes firmly locked on my folded hands. “…for a long time and I don’t know if I can wait any longer.” That’s not true, entirely. In fact, not at all. I’d wait a lifetime if they asked.

My momma always said I needed a filter between my brain and mouth, but honestly, when has being subtle ever gotten anyone anything they ever wanted? Never is the answer to that question in my experience and when it comes to these men, they’ve never beat around the bush in the years that I’ve known them, so I won’t either.

“Come again?” Cain chokes out, wiping at the spilled beer running down his chin with a nearby towel.

“The hell...” Grant bangs on Cain’s back before his hard, bright blue eyes lock on me. “Not gonna happen. You don’t even know what you’re asking, little girl,” he states, unblinking, and crosses his arms over his bare chest as if the topic is closed.

Beside him, Cain regains his composure, tossing aside the kitchen towel. “What exactly have you been thinking?”

He stalks toward me, his height causing me to crane my neck to keep my gaze locked on his.

I hesitate, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth. Hell of a time to get cold feet, but I can’t find it in me to tell them how I’ve dreamed of tasting each of them on my tongue before taking them with my body.

“Whoa, don’t scare the little thing, can’t you see she’s already shaking?” Lincoln who would usually reach out and pull me in for a hug stands noticeably still. One hand tucked into his jean pocket and the other safely wrapped around a half-empty beer bottle. “Besides,” he slips in, “It’s not like we haven’t thought about it, too,” he says all the while looking me in the eye. I follow the head of the bottle to his lips as he raises it, and I wish it were my clit he was sucking on instead of that damn beer.

Both his and Cain’s hungry looks have my nipples puckered tight beneath my thin tank top and my thighs clenched together under a matching blue skirt that exposes every inch of my tan legs. Needing all the ammo at my disposal, a lot of thought went into the girly summer outfit I picked out for this evening. Three nights ago my brother called with the news he and the boys would be home on leave. Since my parents took off for Washington state for a business meeting that left me as hostess and as all the times before, this means long nights at the cabin around a bonfire by the lake and cookouts like the one I planned this evening. With graduation a week behind me and my brother off with his sometimes girlfriend, I’m left alone with three very handsome men and my actively dirty mind.

Their expressions turn dark, growing heavy with forbidden desire as I press my thighs a little tighter to stave off the throbbing need they stir inside me. A feeling I don’t quite know how to control or ease just yet, but I’m hoping they’ll help me learn.

“I’ve heard the rumors. Everyone has. I know you like to share your lovers.” I raise my eyes to touch on each of them. As much as it hurts to know they’ve had other lovers, they’ve never done anything in front of me, but I hear the whispers and see the dreamy looks in some of the girls’ eyes when I’m in town.

“Rumors, huh?”

My eyes flick over to Lincoln’s with a haughty glare. “Girls talk down at the pub. I have ears, ya know. You can’t just blow into town while on leave, have a little fun, and not expect the ladies to talk.” Everyone gathers there to have a steak dinner and catch the town news and ‘the boys’ were the main topic more than once.

“Don’t believe everything you hear, Mercy, baby.”

My eyes narrow on the more muscled of the three. “You don’t need to coddle me, Cain. I’m a big girl now and you don’t need to protect me from the truth. And none of that changes how I feel. I know what I want.” I slip in there while I have all three of their undivided attention.

“Don’t encourage her, dammit,” Grant runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “She doesn’t need any more ideas put into her pretty head.”

Grant’s the older of the three by a few months, and he thinks that makes his word the final word, and well, he has another think coming because I didn’t come here to take no for an answer.

Anyone with eyes knows I’ve crushed on all three men since I was a fresh-faced fourteen-year-old who didn’t understand the feelings and emotions running through her body for one man much less three. And now that I’m older I know what my body wants, and it’s screaming to have all three touch me, lick me and take me in ways that will leave me ruined for any other man. I set my mind on something it will take a hurricane stronger than what this world has ever seen to change me from my course.

My hand flies to my hair and I loosen the pencil I have holding my long wall of blonde hair away from my face in a messy bun. Wavy curls tumble over my shoulders and down my back, making them all groan and gives away what they’re really thinking.

But if not for that little slip, you wouldn’t know it from the stone-cold face Grant wears like a safety mask against me and what it seems he wants to hide. “Forget it, Mercy. Your tight, sweet ass isn’t getting anywhere near our dicks. That’s a promise.” His words are constricted if not a little forced like he is fighting against every single syllable.

As he talks, he grabs another beer from the fridge and leans his half-naked body against the counter, giving me a full view of all that tight, hard muscle and the dark dustings of a treasure trail I want to run my tongue over.

My gaze drops to the obvious hard-on bulging from between his legs. I don’t know a lot of things when it comes to sex, but I do know what that means.

Heat of the summer has them stripped down to jeans only and my inexperience sends a flush of scarlet over my cheeks as I drink in their golden, ripped flesh. The popped buttons and low ride of those jeans doesn’t go appreciated either.

“Yep. What he said.” Cain claps a hand over Grant’s shoulder, pointing his beer at me. “Jail bait, sweetheart. That’s what you are no matter how fuckable that sweet body is. Can’t happen.” I could always count on Cain telling me the truth while making me feel good. He never did like hurting my feelings and took extra care to protect me.

Being super shy, I never could summon the courage to approach any of them until tonight. Why? Because my time with them is running out. I always flirted and played around with the three of them when they visited. Stolen glances and warm hugs and a few kisses on the cheek here and there have fueled fantasies of something more for at least me, but as I turn to look at Lincoln standing quietly to the side, peering down at me with that dark, broody look of his, I finally realize something. Everything that I feel, and desire, is not all one-sided. They want this as much as I do. Question is, what will it take to push them over the edge and take me?

“What exactly do you want from us, Mercy, when you drop something like that in our laps?” Linc finally finds his voice and it’s as raw as I feel.

I hope to push them into at least admitting they feel something for me. But my inexperience shines through again as I stay quiet, and my heart crumbles little by little as none of them make a move. For once I should have listened to my mother and not be so damn headstrong. I go to turn, but it’s Lincoln who draws me up short.

I clench my jaw to fight back the hurt and tears. “This was a mistake. I definitely shouldn’t have come on to any of you. I’m sorry.”

“Aww…son of a bitch, come here, baby.” Lincoln passes his beer to Grant and takes me in his arms, pulling me into his warm chest, and I nuzzle deep into his hold. “It’s not like that, Mercy. Just be patient.” His arms are around me, holding me tight, and it takes my lust-craving mind to realize he’s picked me up and I have my legs wrapped around his waist. The heat of his bulge pressing against my bare, starving vagina.

He pulls me up to face him, and I lean forward to rest my forehead against his, our breathing hard and shallow. “I don’t know how to control what I’m feeling inside,” I whisper, digging my hands into his hair. “It burns and aches and all I know is that when I see you, all three of you, it goes away and I can finally breathe again.”

“My God,” he says and then his lips are on mine hungrily. A burst of flavor from his beer hits my tongue, and I’m suddenly more ravenous than I’ve ever been. I groan, tightening my hold around his neck and melting into him as he drags his tongue over mine.

Another hand comes to rest on my lower back, and I’m melting into the wall of heat replacing it as Grant moves my hair to the side and pulls me back to rest against his chest. Spread between him and Linc, he takes the soft lobe of my ear between his lips and sucks.

Shock from the sudden burst of pleasure tightens my legs around Linc and I try to move against his hard length, but a firm grip on my hips keeps me still. “What do you have on under that skimpy little skirt you've been teasing us with all day? Thong, silk, lace…” Grant’s voice is gravelly as he runs the tip of his finger along the band of my skirt.

I lick my kiss-swollen lips, still tasting Linc and before I can give an answer, another hand is on the back of my head, turning me. “Cain,” I say softly and his mouth is on mine. He’s just as claiming and heated as Linc, but there’s something slower about the way he glides his tongue over my lips, teasing them open before he enters my mouth.

“Wrong on all accounts,” I pant, breaking away from Cain’s kiss and catching Linc’s gaze. “I’m not wearing any panties.”

Linc shifts, and I know that’s when he realizes I have my bare pussy against his jeans, dry humping his thick cock through his jeans.

Grant digs his fingers into my hair and turns my head. “You’re asking for trouble. You’re like wild, raw fire…you’ll be the death of us all.”

In all the moving and tugging, my tank has ridden high and so has my skirt, I notice. I close my eyes and circle my hips over Linc’s hard length and marvel in the feel of Cain’s firm, warm lips kissing my exposed midriff just below the heavy ampleness of my breasts.

Enjoying the pleasure of his touch, I work hard to convince my body it’s okay to breathe every few seconds or risk passing out and missing all their gentle touching and delicious kisses.

Slowly, I ease my hand over Cain’s and guide him higher, only to hear a rasping fuck fall from his lips, but he doesn’t stop me.

I moan as strong fingers work and knead the soft flesh, and my nipples scream to be pinched, tugged and sucked. I let my head drop back onto Grant’s shoulder and reach around to bury my hands in his hair, wanting to feel more of him…of…of…I don’t know, just more.

Cain massages and twists the tight tips of my breasts between his fingers, and that’s all it takes to help take the edge off.

“You like that Mercy, baby?”

Linc’s cock twitches at Cain’s question, and I groan my answer as girl cream slips from my slit to wet my thighs and his pants. Without a word, I hold Cain and Linc’s gazes as I edge my pink tipped fingers down my curves to bury in the soft cotton of my skirt. Inch by inch, I raise the material until the pink, wet flesh of my pussy peeks out from beneath the lacy ruffles.

All three men’s nostrils flare, and I see their massive chests expand as they inhale the scent of my arousal.

“Touch me,” I beg to any one of them who will put me out of my misery. “I need to feel your hands all over me, on me…in me!”

This was no game and no going back from here. Grant is supporting half my weight against his chest, leaving his hands free to roam over my naked thighs and stroke his thumbs in the seam of my thighs, but never touching my greedy vagina.

This is beyond crazy.

Grant blows out a hiss of air, his head hanging a moment before he drags his eyes up my body to find mine. “Fuck, baby, your little virgin pussy is all dripping wet and perfectly bare.”

“Did you do that for us?” Cain asks.

“Isn’t that what you like…?” I swallow thickly. “Don’t you like your women bare for you? Do you like what you see?”

Cain grabs me by the hips, stroking tiny mind-blowing circles across the area right above my hips bone. I moan, clawing at his shoulders, pulling his lips closer to where I need him, but he’s obviously in control, and I can’t budge him, and each caress is like a tease of what he’s not giving me.

With my skirt around my waist and breasts exposed, Linc holds me up with the help of Cain and kneels between my spread thighs.

“Please God, give us the strength,” Linc murmurs. Two large hands spread me wide, parting my ass cheeks and exposing every part of me to all of them. “Liking is our problem. You're too fucking young for the three of us,” he says, and I can hear the pain in Linc’s voice and see the war raging behind those dark chocolate eyes of his.

“God, baby, this is so wrong. So beautiful.” His eyes are filled with fury, not for me, but himself. Yet instead of pulling away, he leans in, dragging his thick, warm tongue in the V of my thigh, teasing me higher and higher into an orgasm floating just beyond my reach. If only he would rub my clit, eat me, finger me... “Ohhh!” …just something!

I groan with a fresh wave of frustration. “Linc, please,” I beg. My pussy throbs and I rock my hips, desperate to feel them there. Realizing he’s not going to touch me, I slip my hand down my body and dip my finger into my soaked hole and bring it back to circle my clit.

“Ahh,” I gasp, clenching my thighs, but Linc’s massive shoulders have me pinned wide open.

“Faster,” Linc instructs, and I follow his command.

I buck and scream, feeling the inevitable sizzling in every nerve ending in my body.

Through my tank top, Cain pinches both my nipples and Grant turns my head, claiming my mouth just as I scream from the sudden flash of pleasure that shoots through me.

Hot, sticky cum spills from my virgin slit to drench my pouty lips and thighs. I mutter a stream of incoherent rumblings, unable to focus through so much pleasure and the taste of Grant in my mouth.

“That’s it, baby.” Cain nuzzles me on my other side as Grant firmly holds me in place in his arms.

Grant breaks our kiss and gently runs his fingers over my face. “So beautiful.”

Ragged breaths tear from me, and it takes long moments before I can manage to open my eyes.

“That was…was…sooooo good,” I finally manage around a grin.

Lost in the moment, I don’t realize Linc has settled my feet back on the floor until he steps away, pulling my skirt down and smoothing it over my hips.

“Beautiful and perfect.” There’s something distant in his tone that has my heart flying and not in a good way.

“What’s going on? Why are you stopping?”

Just like that, the atmosphere in the small kitchen shifted from scorching hot to freezing cold.

“Did I do something wrong?” My gaze flicks between the men. Linc across the small kitchen and Grant and Cain by my side, slowly withdrawing to leave me standing alone.

“We’d ruin you, our sweet Mercy. Do you have any idea of how twisted we fucking are, little girl? Of what we would demand of you? Want you to do to us? For us?” His voice grows increasingly agitated. “This can never happen again.”

He turns from me and stalks across the kitchen before he’s back at my side, chest heaving.

“Yes. That’s what I want,” I say looking up at him, hoping I sound as convincing as I feel. “I know exactly what I’m asking.” But his smirk tells me he sees through my bravado.

Behind me, Grant scrubs a hand down his face, but he hasn’t pulled completely away. Not yet. I turn in his arms, and Cain moves in, taking Linc’s place. “He’s right. We do this and it will fuck us all up and for good. Then there’s your brother. If he knew what we just did, we wouldn’t have to worry about getting KIA—he’d do the job single-handed.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. What the heck is happening here? “Since when are you guys chicken? You barely touched me and now you’re going to walk away?”

Grant steps back a few paces, and with each foot he put between us, another layer of shields sprung back up after I spent the last half hour knocking them down. “We shouldn’t have even done that much. Look—your brother is going to be back with his girlfriend any second.”

I turn to Cain, my voice choking with the amount of lust I have dripping through my body thanks to them. “One orgasm? Is that all I get and just like that I’m trash? No good?”

Cain is by my side, running the back of his knuckles down my cheek. “Don’t ever talk about yourself that way.”

I rise to the tips of my toes, pressing my palms against his hard pecs. “I move that zipper down a little and I’ll find an angry, hard cock thirsty for my juices, won’t I,” I whisper in his ear before pulling back.

“You’re playing a game you don’t know how to play, little girl.”

“Then teach me, touch me. Just don’t leave me like this…wanting and aching. I need you.” I take a breath, turn my head enough where I can look each of them in the eye and say the truth. “All of you.”

“Silence, woman. Wanting you is the worst possible idea.”

Grant’s words are more gargled hisses through clenched teeth than actual talking, and the bulging tendons in his neck tell me he’s about to snap. But it’s the other bulge that has my attention. Jeans can’t hide that massive hard dick any better than my thumb can hide the sun.

His eyes darken, flashing over me.

My gaze falls to his lips.

“Look at me,” he gruffly commands, and I purr with a little shiver.

I drag my gaze up his bare chest and whimper from the fiery need I see there in his eyes. But I also see anger glitter in those depths, and the fine lines of control he’s exerting over himself ripple through the deeply contoured muscles.

Holy fucking hotness.

I moan quietly, but I know he hears it.

Grant's nostrils flare, and he growls like a beast edging out all the sensual pleasure I saw there a moment ago.

The room draws uncomfortably quiet. “What the hell, just happened. You guys act like you weren’t doing exactly what I wanted.”

When I think my heart can’t take another hit, Linc pushes past us and walks out the screen door, making me jump when it slams shut behind him.

“Go the fuck upstairs, Mercy, and lock the fucking door for the night.”

I can’t move, can’t believe what I am hearing much less convince my feet to obey.

Grant roars and brings his fist down on the marble with a loud thud. “Now, Mercy.”

My eyes go wide when I see a fracture run down the middle of the black and gray marble.

“Grant, Cain—” My voice is a hollow, rasp. I don’t know what they need me to do to make this okay for them, but I’ll try anything.

Grant turns his fiery blue eyes on me, shaking his head. “You have my word this will never happen again. We leave in the morning, honey. Another tour that will take us from here so you can have a normal life.”

I don’t believe what I am hearing. My gaze flashes between Cain’s and Linc's, confused as the room draws uncomfortably quiet.

Only a single word he said registers. Leaving.

“Don’t go. Stay. For me.” I reach for them, turning to see Linc outside looking in.

“You know we can’t. You’re too innocent and young for what we want.”

Cain turns and comes to stand in front of me. “Please forgive us. We didn't mean to take advantage of you. One too many beers maybe, but… fuck it. Like Grant said, this will never happen again. You have all three of our promises.”

Grant leans into me and places a tender kiss on my forehead, and it feels like the seal of death. “We shouldn't have come here. Being alone with you was too damn tempting and we caved.”

With that, both men turn from me, and I watch their retreating backs fade into the darkness, taking my heart with them. That’s the last time I saw them but not the last time my heart shatters into a million jagged pieces.

Continue reading Mercy For Three! Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited!