Dark Mafia Kings by Penelope Wylde

Chapter Nine

One. Two. Three loops.

Tightly drawn leather gave and a rush of cool air replaced her body heat. But all she could focus on was the hard cock pressing between her legs and how her pussy clenched with greed.

Her chest shook with fear that probably looked like excitement to men like these. Oh God, what if they discovered the folded papers she stole? Her phone. Then they really would kill her. And not with stolen orgasms.

Another flick and the sides parted to reveal her full heavy breasts and just how aroused they had her.

“Don’t be scared,” Matteo soothed her softly.

Who was he kidding! Instinct had kept her out of a lot of trouble through her teenage years and later in college. In high school, it was a rowdy best friend that had no respect for the law, and in college, it had been a duo of male teachers that liked to drug and rape students. She’d listened to her inner voice in both, found a new best friend, and saved her roommate from a very bad fate.

Right this second, her instincts screamed she had everything to fear and her heart and eyes fed her the same story.

“Fuck, they look just as fuckable as her pussy, don’t they, Vastyan.” Matteo rolled the last bit of his friend's name over his tongue like smooth vodka.

This close and the flash of warning instinct drilled into her head went unheeded.

He’s a killer. A crime lord. The devil in human flesh who will use you and then sell you to the highest bidder.

All the rumors she’d heard carry over the club between employees and clients alike popped in her head like bullets to the brain. Why the hell did she think she could play detective? Or pull off a sex-kitten routine? Maybe her friend was right. Maybe she would get herself killed after all. Wolves ate kittens for breakfast.

She breathed heavily, lips parted, eyes volleying between them. She watched as each of the men licked theirs, the bottom of the bodice holding tight around her concealed loot. For now.

Cold steel traced the sensitive edges of one nipple making the tip pucker around the metal bar piercing. Then Sevastyan repeated his torture to the other and she arched off the table, instant liquid pooling between her thighs. The thong cradled between her wet folds wouldn’t stand a chance in catching the amount of heat her core spilled.

She gasped. “Please,” she begged. For release, for them to give her all the forbidden promises they dropped between them, to let her go. She didn’t know. Just anything to make the ache between her legs stop.

The corners of Matteo’s mouth tipped up. “So responsive. What did I tell you?” Matteo traced the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip where a drop of his cum spilled.


She wrapped her lips around the roughed pad of his thumb, their eyes locked on one another.

“Good girl,” he purred close to her ear. “Please what? Tell us why we should give you what you want when you deny us the truth of why you're in our offices?”

Sevastyan’s intoxicating scent captured the last of her functioning senses and she couldn’t catch her breath from fear of begging him— both of them—to fuck her already.

“I think we should punish you.”

She shook her head. “No. No. I’ll tell you.”

The truth. Keep it close to the real deal. She could do that.

“I only wanted to see for myself, Mr. Volkov.” A warm smile curled her lips, and she hoped he didn’t hear the shiver in her words.

She shrugged a single shoulder, which brought his eye to her breasts. Light glinted off the metal adorning her nipples and he reached out giving them both a tug. Not too hard, but the man understood how to tread the line between pain and pleasure.

“Arh!” She fought the moan but he pulled it from her with so little ease.

“See what?”

Between them, his erection, long, thick, and impossibly hard, pressed against her through the thin material of his slacks. He growled low in his throat.

Her eyes closed, but Matteo gave her head a light shake forcing her to focus.

“After so many nights of seeing you on the floor. Watching you. All of you. I grew curious, Mr. Volkov.” Her words came clipped, rushed.

And it wasn’t a lie. Even now when fear poured into her system like the Niagara Falls, she couldn’t mistake the hormones jacking her heart rate into uncharted territory.

And, to be honest, part of what drove her to do this crazy stunt in the first place had been the way the kings’ attention always zeroed in on her. Part of her knew to use it to her advantage, but if she wasn’t careful, she could fall prey to her own weaknesses.

A dark brow arched, and Sevastyan’s intoxicating cologne lured her deeper under their powerful spell. A scent she would forever associate with the tall, dark Russian staring down at her with a hungry shine to his eyes.

“Sevastyan. Let me hear you say my name.” He dragged a thumb over her covered slit. And she knew what he found there. The arrogant glint in his eyes gave her darkest secret away.

“Sevastyan.” She whispered, peering over her breasts at him. She found his expression twisted to something she couldn’t read.

Matteo changed the position of her hands, taking one of hers in each of his, and twined their fingers together.

Keep it as close to the truth as possible. Her brother’s words rang in her head.

“I felt a connection.” Her eyes went to Matteo’s and he traced a finger down the underside of her arm to play over her tattoo.

“I think you did too. Both of you. Tonight I decided to find out what that was.”

Her lashes dipped to touch her cheeks. “I only wished the four of you were here.”

Another truth.

“So brave.”

“Please don’t fault me for that. When a friend needed a message delivered to Indigo, I borrowed a keycard and offered to help.” She let her voice slip into a sultry whisper. God, she hoped she didn’t sound like a complete idiot.

She tried to sit up, but strong hands held her down.

Sevastyan braced himself on the desk with one hand. The other dragging the sharp edge of the blade he still held over the extremely sensitive skin between her breasts. And lower. Lower until...

She breathed in deeply when he slipped it beneath her thong and rested the broad metal over her scorching hot, throbbing clit.

So good.

Her toes curled.

Oh, God. Oh, God. If she climaxed right now she would die of mortification.

Matteo pushed her head high and she watched Sevastyan run the tip of his nose up the length of her covered seam. “You’ve got him dangerously close to taking your pussy. Look how hungry you have him with those irresistible juices.”

Sevastyan’s firm hands pressed against the back of her thighs, pushing them high, higher exposing her completely to his intense gaze.

Amber eyes met hers and she watched as he hooked a finger through the crotch of her panties, flicked his wrist, and cut away the last barrier between them.

A ragged breath tore from her chest. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

“Spread her,” he husked a predatory shimmer to his eyes. Matteo didn’t need any further direction. He reached down her body and using two fingers he did Sevastyan’s bidding. Parting the folds of her pussy, she dragged her eyes from Matteo’s to watch Sevastyan flip the blade around and tease her aching clit with the round-shaped handle.

The fingers of his other hand tightened and released the flesh of her inner thigh. Amping up her sensory overload until it all became one big ball of pleasure settling over her.

“No,” she tried to snap back and push her legs down but Sevastyan didn’t take no for an answer. Everything in his expression told her this was happening.

His arms wound around her thighs, pulling her wider. Hard burning desire poured over her, drawing out the world, her plans.

Everything. It no longer mattered why she was in their office. To her. Or them.

All she cared about was what he did to her next with his torture device. And the hunger staring back at her told the same story.

Sevastyan circled the throbbing pleasure nub again and again until she was desperate to reach her release. She arched. Grounded. Moaned for the ending she needed.

But it slipped away when he backed off. from burning hot to instant cold. Her body shook from the sudden change and pent-up need to release the pressure.

“You come for me when I say you come. Not before.”

Her burning eyes flashed open and she tried to reach for her clit, working herself to the finish line, but Matteo held her fast.

“Naughty little birdie,” Matteo grunted with a harsh laugh. “Do as you’re told or this won’t end the way you think it will.”

Sevastyan’s lips surrounded her clit and when he sucked the tiny bit of flesh between warm lips she bucked against his face.

“Fuck, kroshka.” He did it again and she reacted the same. Only this time she tittered on the verge of falling. So dangerously close to the edge.

Hard metal slipped through her sticky juices and he teased her slick pussy entrance.

Oh, fuck, he wouldn’t.

He did.

The smooth long handle of his knife slipped effortlessly into her dripping tight channel.

There was no way to argue. No protesting. Only pure sinful sensations.

“Vastyan,” she called. This was wrong. How could he?

He and Matteo had complete control.

And neither were done with her.

He pumped it inside her and teased her clit over and over again with his tongue.

And then he pulled away, but her mind whirled with no sense of right or wrong to tell her moaning from the loss of him put her in danger.

She stilled when the now warm, dripping wet handle of the blade settled over her back entrance, and Sevastyan bent a knee between her legs.

This man, the dark mafia king, took a knee. For her.

Shock and uncertainty filled her.

“Vastyan,” she cried out when he pressed forward, breaking through the first forbidden barrier.

Her boss, her fucking enemy, didn’t gently ease her into her climax.

“Shh...take it, kroshka. Take it,” he ordered lowly, his mouth full of her pussy once again. He swirled his tongue over the rose between her folds as he applied more pressure, pushed another inch into her ass.

Behind her, Matteo leaned forward and flicked his tongue over the bars in her nipples. He played them in time with Sevastyan’s movements. Neither teasing nor tender.

“It’s time to give me those sweet juices. Come for me, kroshka. Now!”

He mumbled something in Russian, his voice so slow she could only make out the rolling sound of syllables.

Sevastyan’s tongue drove her insane. The walls of her channel clenched, every nerve ending sizzling with forbidden electricity. Their mouths worked her and when the power of her orgasm hit, it took her breath away.

She buried her hands in Matteo’s thick hair and pulled his mouth to hers. Between her legs, she rode her other boss’s mouth. Pulse after vibrating pulse rocked her core. Hot girl-cum spilled to wet her thighs and ass.

She shoved her tongue into Matteo’s mouth and that was the only time she took control. He fisted her hair, claiming her mouth, forcing his tongue between her lips, and stealing her of every thought. She swore to herself if this ever happened she’d never let them win. But all she could do was give in.

Sevastyan stood barely giving the last wave of her climax time to ebb.

If he was mad at what just happened his face didn’t show it. His indifferent mask fell back in place the second Sevastyan pulled her off the desk and straight into his arm. Beside her, Matteo peeled off his dress shirt and draped it over her shoulders. One button at a time he covered her. “You will go home now. And don’t come back.”

“Wait. What?”

She reached for Matteo but he jerked his hand away.

“Now, little birdie. Fly away before it’s too late and the wolves snatch you up.” He ran the tips of his fingers across her tattoo. “And ruin such innocence.”

She turned to his friend who only stared at her with a dead, blank stare.


He shook his head, pulled back from her, eyes aflame with the same soul-deep desire she’d felt from him downstairs as their gazes had locked over Roman’s erotic scene.

She stumbled toward the door. Her legs threatened to give. She knew this would happen. Hadn’t she accepted her fate? She should do as they said.

But a new ache bloomed in her chest.

A part of her now belonged to them and she didn’t know what to do with that knowledge.