Seductive Scientist Daddy by Scott Wylder









It only took a couple of hours to fish Lily out of the water and to drive to the nearest hospital at breakneck speed, but it felt too long. I carried her through the front door. “I need some help!” I shouted.

Nurses and doctors came running to me.

“What happened?” Someone asked.

I told them about Crystal Lake and her getting hit on the head. I tried to answer their questions as clearly as I could, but inside I was panicking. My little one still hadn’t woken up. This was all my fault. I shouldn’t have pushed her as I had. I knew she was sore and tired and new to canoeing. I had let her get knocked unconscious in a polluted lake.

The nurses put her on a gurney to take her to get some tests. “Are you family?” One of them asked.

“No, I’m . . . I’m her boss.”

“You need to stay here. We’ll tell you when she wakes up. Meanwhile, someone will get you a towel, okay?”

I looked down and realized I was still soaking wet from being submerged in the lake myself. I nodded. I would need to get a tetanus shot and probably tested for lead poisoning and God only knew what else, but I didn’t care about that right now. I wouldn’t care about anything until I knew Lily was safe.

Someone handed me a towel and I wrapped it around my shoulders before sitting numbly in the waiting room.

“Rough day?”

I turned to see a man in a suit, sitting in one of the other chairs. “You could say that,” I said. “I really fucked up today.”

He leaned back in his chair. Even from where I was sitting, I could tell his suit was expensive but it was wrinkled. Dark circles were under his eyes. “Do you want to talk about it? I could use the distraction.”

“It’s . . . complicated. But, my intern, she . . . she hit her head and almost drowned. It was my fault. All of this was my fault.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry, I’m Evan.”

“Liam. What’s her name?”

“Lily.” I realized my face melted into a small smile just saying her name.

“Sounds to me like you like her as more than as an intern.”

I looked away. “Like I said. I fucked up.”

“Does she love you back?”

I looked at him, surprised. “Love?”

“It’s pretty obvious.”

I snorted. “You’re right. I do love her. She likes me. But, after today, I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t ever want to see me again. It’s completely inappropriate anyway. She’s my intern and I’m a lot older than she is.”

Liam shook his head slowly. “If you’ve found someone you love, you should tell them. Take it from the brother of a firefighter. Life’s a lot shorter than you want it to be. Don’t spend it thinking about what-ifs.”

A nurse came out. “Mr. Gouldson? Your brother’s awake.”

Liam stood up. “That’s me. Good luck, Evan.”

“You too,” I said.

The nurse came back a few minutes later to tell me Lily was awake. I rushed in to see her.

She was sitting up in bed, looking pale but alert. She had a bandage on her temple. “I just have a mild concussion,” she said. “They’re running tests to make sure the water didn’t make me sick, but I’ll be okay.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as I collapsed into the chair next to her bed. “Thank God.” I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

“I’m okay, Daddy,” she whispered. “I’m sorry the trip got cut short.”

“You don’t have to apologize for anything, Little One. I should have been more careful with you.” I kissed her hand. “I won’t let anything like that happen to you again. I love you, Little One.”

Her eyes widened. “You love me?”

I nodded. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you more than anything.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” She leaned her forehead against mine. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Evan and Lily are in love and together at last! Aren’t they so sweet together? But, what about Liam, the mysterious stranger in the expensive suit? Will he find love? Find out in Tender Billionaire Daddy.

Click Here and read Tender Billionaire Daddy!

Here is the book description:

He would give up everything to be with her. All she wants to do is please him.



How did this happen?

One day I was collecting bottles for grocery money.

The next I was the guest of a sexy billionaire.

All because I saved his dog.

I can’t believe it.

With him, I feel safe and protected, a feeling completely foreign to me.

But I can’t help but feel he will get tired of my Little ways.

Can I keep from falling for him, or am I destined to be heartbroken? 



Everything about Lacy brings out my Daddy instincts.

She’s so vulnerable and fragile.

My bank account is practically limitless.

I can pay all of her bills with a single phone call.

I can spoil her with gifts every day, and not even see a dent in my savings.

But she’s scared to accept my help.

She’s scared she won’t keep me happy.

How can I show her the only thing I want is to take care of her?


Tender Billionaire Daddy is a short HOT ageplay romance featuring two consenting adults who are perfect for each other. It includes DDLG and ABDL elements, a touch of drama, and a sexy Happily Ever After. Enjoy.

Click Here and read Tender Billionaire Daddy!