Seductive Scientist Daddy by Scott Wylder









Being alone with her on a camping trip was almost definitely a mistake. It would be hard to control myself around her, when it was just the two of us. Especially when she was so cute. Watching her jump up and down with glee at the thought of s'mores was enough to make my cock hard. But, the sooner we got started on this project, the better. There really wasn't any choice but to go with her. If we didn't get started on this, the permit would expire. I would just have to control myself around her.

She sat cross-legged on the ground next to the fire. Even the simple act of cooking a hot dog over an open flame made her happy. I couldn't imagine never having gone camping. I had been at least once a year, with my parents, while growing up. Some of my favorite memories included hiking in the woods, eating s'mores, and telling scary stories in the dark.

But, Lily's childhood had been a lot different to mine. She had to grow up too quickly. Now everything about her was begging to have a Daddy take care of her and to let her be a kid again.

She groaned when she bit into the hot dog. "This is probably the best hot dog I've ever had," she said. "So much better than fried on the stove."

I smiled. "It's always better when cooked over an open flame."

"So, what do you do when you’re camping?" she asked. "You must have gone hundreds of times before. What do you do?"

"A lot of it depends on the location and the people you're with," I said. "A lot of the time there's swimming, but that's out of the question here."

She giggled and nodded.

"The peace and quiet is perfect to read, without any distractions. Charades by the campfire can be fun. If you're with someone special, then it's a good place to get some alone time." Shit. Why did I say that?

She bit her lip. "Have you ever gone camping with someone special before?"

"Yeah," I said. "I did with an old girlfriend of mine. Her name is Jenny. She's married to Eric Jackson, now."

Lily's eyes widened. "Eric Jackson? The rock star?"

"The one and the same."

"Is that why he lives in Knoxville, now?" she asked.

I nodded. I wasn't surprised that she knew that. It had made the local headlines when he moved here and opened up his own recording studio. It even brought in a few tourists, looking to catch a glimpse of him. They usually left quickly, once they realized there wasn't much else to do in Knoxville, after getting a picture taken with him and getting a quick bite to eat at the local coffee shop. "I actually met him last year. He and Jenny threw a charity concert together for Clean Futures. He's a pretty nice guy."

"That must have been kind of awkward, right? What with Jenny being your ex and all."

"It wasn't that bad. Jenny and I realized a long time ago that we were better off as friends." Why was I telling her this? She was my intern. We were in very dangerous territory. But, when she looked at me with that alert expression, as if she was hanging onto my every word, it made me want to tell her anything she wanted to know.

"What did you do with Jenny while camping?" She asked.

A flash of a sweaty night entangled in a sleeping bag came to mind, but I wasn't picturing Jenny writhing under me. It was Lily.

I looked away. "We swam. We played charades and did jigsaw puzzles. I read her stories."

"Stories?" She perked up at the sound of that. "That sounds nice. Like scary stories?"

I smiled, relieved the conversation had taken a tamer turn. "No, like children's stories. She's a huge fan of The Wizard of Oz series. I read several of the books to her while we were camping."

Lily smiled. "That sounds cozy. Storytime is so much fun."

"I like it too." A delicious thought occurred to me. Before I could stop myself, I asked, "Do you want me to read a story to you?"

Her eyes lit up. "Would you?" She bit her lip and looked away, suddenly shy. "I'm sorry. I probably seem so childish to you. You probably already regret bringing me on the camping trip, don't you?"

I did, but not because she was a liability. It was because the more time I spent with her, the more I wanted to seduce her and make her my Little. "Not at all," I said. "You've already proven you're more than capable of handling yourself. As long as you remember to eat and stay hydrated that is."

Her cheeks turned red, when she remembered how she’d fainted in front of me. The sight of it made me smile.

I reached for my bag. "I did bring some books along. Have you ever read A Wrinkle in Time?"

She shook her head. "I've only seen the movie. It was okay, but confusing."

I chuckled. "The movie doesn't do it justice, trust me." I pulled out my beaten and weathered copy of A Wrinkle in Time. It was one of my favorite books to read. I was planning on using it to distract my thoughts from Lily, but reading it to her was much more appealing.

She came closer to me and curled up next to the fire a few feet away, hugging her knees into her chest. I opened the book and started to read the story to her. I read until her eyelids drooped and she started to fall asleep. I closed the book and put a hand on her shoulder to wake her up.

"Come on, Little One," I said softly. "Time for bed."

She stuck her bottom lip out. "One more chapter. Please?"

I chuckled. "You're falling asleep sitting up and we have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I'll read some more to you tomorrow night, okay?"

She sighed. "Okay."

She stood up and stretched ,while I doused the fire and put the book away.

"Goodnight," she said as she unzipped her tent. I caught a glimpse of a fluffy pink sleeping bag and a stuffy inside. As if I needed any more proof that she was a Little.

"Sleep well, Little One," I whispered as she zipped up her tent. It was going to be a long night sleeping only a few feet away from her, with only two flimsy pieces of fabric separating us.