Made Marian, Volume One by Lucy Lennox

Epilogue - Blue

It was Christmas Eve and we had invited all our closest family for a sit-down dinner at the vineyard. The main dining room in the estate house was decorated for the holiday and the staff had set out beautiful china rimmed in gold and red for the occasion. Glass lanterns dotted the room and reflected off the big windows lining two walls. The vineyard Christmas tree was fat and happy in one corner with twinkling lights sparkling off the ornaments.

The wine flowed and I looked around at all the happy faces enjoying the evening. Everyone was staying a couple of nights in the lodge and having a big Christmas morning breakfast and present exchange the following day. I hoped it was the first of many Marian-Alexander holidays together at the vineyard.

Noticeably missing was Tristan’s brother, John, but I suspected he had stayed away out of respect for my family. Simone was there along with all of my brothers, including Jamie, who had flown in to be with the family over Christmas. One of the desserts being served that night was an eggnog version of baked Alaska in his honor.

I caught Tristan’s eye from across the room as he visited his parents’ table. He smiled and winked at me and my heart nearly exploded. Those twinkling eyes reached right into my chest and squeezed my heart every fucking time.

I had transitioned into my new life on the vineyard with relative ease. Freelance graphic design jobs were coming in faster than I could handle, and we had talked about hiring more staff and building offices somewhere on the property for the design business since my small office next to Tristan’s in the estate house was too small for even an assistant.

After only a few days of being back from England, I’d tackled the welding studio Tristan had started in one of the barns. I set everything up the way I wanted it and began working on some large-scale projects I’d been dreaming about for years. Because of the scale of the projects and having to build back up my confidence, my progress was slower than I’d hoped. Tristan kept having to remind me to enjoy the process and stop worrying about the end result.

Piper had officially shifted her allegiance and considered me her personal property. Her days were spent by my side and she particularly loved lounging in the sun in the open doorway to my studio when I was sculpting. Tristan didn’t seem to mind. He said it was nice knowing I was being watched over, and he couldn’t blame the girl for her obsession with me. However, he drew the line at her sleeping with me in our bed.

When it seemed like everyone had finished their dinner, Tristan clinked a spoon on his water glass to gather everyone’s attention.

“We are going to have dessert and coffee in the cellar by candlelight since it’s a special night. If you don’t know the way, just follow Keller to the stairs and Blue and I will join everyone in a minute.”

After the room cleared, I walked up to Tristan and put my arms around him.

“You weren’t hoping for a quickie in your office before joining them, were you?” I teased. “Because I’m totally on board with that.”

He laughed. “This morning’s flip-fuck wasn’t good enough to tide you over till later?”

“Mmm, it was good. Don’t get me wrong. But you look pretty hot when you use the lord-of-the-manor voice to get everyone to do your bidding.” I leaned in to kiss him, running my tongue along his lower lip before latching on with a gentle clamp of my teeth.

He pulled back and put on his serious face. “Then you’d better do my bidding, boy.”

I laughed and headed for the staircase to the cellar after swatting his tight, perfect ass.

He was right behind me when we entered the candlelit room to see all our friends and family standing there staring at us expectantly with champagne glasses at the ready. I turned to look at Tristan with a questioning glance, and then that motherfucker got down on one knee.

My hand came up to my mouth and I felt myself blush to the tips of my ears. No way. No fucking way.

Tristan held my hand in his and used his other one to gesture above us at the small antique bells strung all around the room.

“Baby, you told me that when someone found the right person, they would know it by the thousand tiny bells ringing. Mine started ringing last summer when you told me I was a damned fine kisser for a straight guy.” Laughs broke out around the room. “You are the sweetest, most loving man I know. Every day with you is an adventure full of laughter and exploration. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how grateful I am to know you and love you. Will you please marry me so I can finally call you my husband?”

Tears streamed down my face as he smiled up at me, his own eyes brimming.

“Do you promise to still refer to me as your partner every once in a while just for fun?” I asked.

“No, absolutely not. Now answer my fucking question, beautiful.” He laughed.

I nodded enthusiastically and launched myself at him, nearly knocking him over as everyone broke out in cheers and clinked champagne glasses. We kissed as Tristan struggled to stand up under the onslaught. After the kiss, I buried my face in his neck and he brushed his stubble against my ear.

“Love you so much,” he whispered into my ear.

I pulled my head back and looked up at him. “I will love you for the rest of my life, Tristan Alexander.”

Later that night when we were back at the cabin undressing each other, I unbuttoned Tristan’s dress shirt and burst out laughing when I saw the T-shirt he had under it. Instead of a plain white undershirt, he had put on my Katy Perry parody T-shirt.

I kissed a boy and I liked it.

* * *

Up next is Taming Teddy! Follow Jamie Marian to Alaska where he meets a moody wildlife photographer.

Want to find out what happened to Brad (Jeremy’s date) and Keller (Tristan’s co-worker)? Be sure to check out Made Marian Shorts, a short story collection featuring some of your favorite Made Marian side characters!

Copyright © 2016 by Lucy Lennox

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Cover Designer: Angstyg -

Editor: Hollie Westring -