Made Marian, Volume One by Lucy Lennox



I could have listened to Tristan talk all night long. Just the deep reverberations of his voice lulled me like a siren song. The news that he was probably bi sent shivers of excitement through me, and I had to tamp down my excitement. I had to remind myself he probably saw me as the pathetic loser I still felt like, despite his reassuring words. And even if he didn’t, it wasn’t as though a guy experimenting in college with a friendly roommate blow job was the same thing as being prepared to live as a fully out gay man. Life didn’t work like that. And I was moving to London.

Tristan stood up to grab the two complimentary water bottles that sat on a tray on top of the dresser. He handed me one and cracked the other one open for himself. I patted the bed next to me.

“Sit here. That chair looks like an antique torture device,” I told him.

“Right? And it looks better than it feels. Christ, my ass is unhappy.” He laughed.

He sat next to me on the bed after kicking off his shoes. Leaning back against the headboard, he took several sips from the bottle.

I thought of something. “Do you have children? With Sheila?”

“No. She didn’t want kids. We both had jobs that kept us too busy, but I think it was more than that for her. She’s a doctor, and I always thought if given the chance, she’d choose medicine over her family. I’m not sure she ever realized she could have had both. And I was an attorney practicing international law for a large company at the time, so I was flying all over the world. With neither of us at home, our kids would have been raised by nannies. Not great.”

It surprised me Tristan was an attorney. He didn’t seem like the jet-set type, although he did seem worldly. For some reason I could see him enjoying a slower-paced life or something wilder, outdoorsy. What the hell did I know, though? It wasn’t like I really knew him.

The alcohol buzz was turning more and more into a liquid exhaustion. I felt my body weight sinking farther into the pillows as Tristan talked. We ended up lying on our sides, facing each other with heads on separate pillows. When I realized we were basically experiencing pillow talk without the benefit of sex beforehand, I chuckled.

“What?” Tristan smirked at me.

“I guess since you bought me dinner I felt like I needed to invite you into my bed,” I joked.

He chuckled too. “Sorry. I should go. You look really sleepy.”

“I am,” I admitted. “But I don’t want you to go. You’re very easy to talk to. I’ve had a great time tonight despite the bozos at the bar.”

“Blue?” he asked me, and his gray eyes looked right into me.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“I want to kiss you again,” he whispered.

“Fuck, yes,” I breathed, but before I finished speaking, his lips were on mine.

For the second time in a row he kissed me with a slow tenderness that nearly broke my heart. His lips were soft and warm. They caressed mine and skimmed across them like a slow dance. I felt the stubble of his jaw, but it wasn’t rough on my face because he was being so incredibly gentle with me.

I brought a hand up to his cheek, and one of his hands landed on my side just above the waistband of my jeans. His earthy smell surrounded me, and I wondered if he’d been here longer than I had and somehow picked up the smell of the vineyard around us. There was a faint trace of a soapy smell too, but I couldn’t define it that late in the evening. His voice hummed with pleasure and I felt the sound on my tongue.

My body rolled closer to his and he mirrored me, bringing a leg up to push its way between my own. I felt his bare foot brush against mine and a voice inside of me chanted, More, god, please more.

I moved my hands down over his back to his ass as he kept rolling over until he was on top of me. My hands cupped his tight ass and pulled him against me. His erection pressed against mine and I stopped kissing long enough to moan as pleasure shivered through me from my groin to my fingertips. Feeling his hard length straining against mine was enough to make me want to come in my pants like a teenager. Luckily I held on and avoided embarrassing myself.

Tristan’s hands moved down to fumble with the button of my fly, and I suddenly felt like I was suffocating in my clothes. Naked. I needed to be naked. I heard Tristan’s voice mumbling but couldn’t make out every word.

“Off… damned things…fucking…dammit… off,” he muttered.

I felt a laugh burble up through my chest and spill out. He looked down at me, frustration creasing his brow.

“What are you laughing at?” he grumbled. “Is this fashion’s version of a chastity belt?”

I laughed harder. “Yes, Tristan. It’s called an actual belt. I think you’re just not used to opening it backwards.”

He looked down at my belt. “Oh… Right.”

Then he glanced up at me with the cutest puppy-dog look ever. I reached out to cup his face with both hands and kissed him.

“Why don’t we slow down a little? It’s late; we’ve been drinking. You’re kind of straight. I’m afraid if we get naked we might do something one of us will regret.”

He looked disappointed but agreed. “I guess you’re right, but shit. You’re so sexy, Blue. Jeremy is an idiot.” He rolled off me, landing on his back. He brought one hand to his face to cover his eyes and the other he used to press against his cock through his jeans.

I did the same.

Tristan turned and looked at me. “You did the right thing, stopping us. I don’t want you to regret it later.”

I stared back at him. “Me? I was talking about you. No fucking way I’d regret it.”

He frowned. “Then what the hell did you stop us for? I’m not going to regret it either. Jesus, Blue. I’m thirty-four years old. I can handle sleeping with someone without crying about it the next day.” He took a deep breath and reached a hand out to cup the fly of my jeans. “I want. Your dick. In my mouth.”

My own mouth went bone dry at his words. Well, hell. He had a point, but I didn’t think it was smart to start off with him doing something that might make him uncomfortable. Before I had a chance to overthink it, I was on top of him, unfastening his fly and pulling his jeans down his legs before throwing them onto the floor. Trying to temporarily ignore the impressive bulge pushing out of his boxer briefs, I moved up to pull his shirt off, dropping it at the foot of the bed.

Tristan’s eyes were wide and disbelieving that I had turned my no into a yes in mere seconds. Before he knew it, he was completely naked underneath me and my mouth was dragging kisses down his bare chest to his navel. He had a smattering of dark chest hair and the sexiest damned happy trail that snaked from his navel to his cock, like a giant arrow pointing me to my happy place.

I ran my tongue down that trail while running one hand up from his tight abs to one of his nipples. His breath was coming fast and shallow now that he knew what I was doing. My name came out of him in moans and whimpers as my tongue found the tip of his cock and I felt it jump under my touch.

He threw his head back when I slid my tongue along his slit, dipping the point of it to enjoy his salty precum. I grasped the root of his erection and slid my mouth up and down the outside of his shaft before taking him all the way into my throat in one big gulp.

Fuck!” he cried. His hips tried to buck off the bed but I anticipated the reaction, using my free hand to hold one hip down with a strong grip.

“God, so good, Blue. God.” He writhed beneath me as I swirled my mouth around the head of his thick cock. He was losing his shit. I loved making him crazy. Seeing him naked and on the verge of spilling into my mouth was like taking a hit off a magical happy pipe. I felt my own cock straining inside my pants, so I reached down to free it with one hand while I continued stroking Tristan with the other. I pushed my pants down just far enough and had never been so grateful in my life for going commando.

I cupped his balls and he sucked in a breath. My mouth moved over his sac until I used my tongue to draw a wet trail between his balls and his tight hole. Moving my lips back to tease his cock, I began stroking myself to the same rhythm. I thought about what my dick would feel like inside his tight channel and felt my orgasm start to build. I squeezed the base of my erection to hold off coming until I was sure Tristan had the best experience ever. Part of me felt like a used gay salesman. If I could just convince him how good this was, he’d never look at another kind of sexuality again.

I quickly sucked on the tip of my thumb before using it to trace light circles around his tight pink hole. I didn’t stroke over it, just kept the touches light and teasing, leaving him begging for more. No need in scaring the guy with a true threat (or promise) of Big Scary Anus Sex. He’d already dealt with quite a bit of gay tonight, thank you very much.

Tristan’s words were no longer actual words, just mewling sounds of lust and desperation and need. I could feel my own release building back even stronger than before and took pity on him.

“Look at me, Tristan,” I encouraged. “Watch your cock slide down my throat. I want to swallow you all the way down.”

Before I even had a chance to deep throat him, he was shooting hot jets of come into my mouth. My words had pushed him over the edge, and he cried out my name as his hands gripped my hair. His immediate fevered reaction to me and the taste of him on my tongue slammed together causing my own orgasm to rocket through me. I spilled onto Tristan’s shirt lying on the duvet. Wave after wave of pleasure crested through me and I realized I had dropped my head onto Tristan’s stomach while I came.

He lay back gasping, trying to catch his breath as I settled down and willed my heart not to beat out of my chest.

Tristan’s chest heaved with labored breaths. “I’m dead. Did I die? Am I lying here dead?” Tristan gasped.

I smiled at him and lay back down beside him on the bed. “From the number of times you called his name, I think you might have at least met god at some point.”

“Thought so.”

When his breath slowed to a more normal level, he turned his head to look at me. A relaxed grin spread across his gorgeous face. “God, you’re good at that. I might need to take lessons.”

“Nah. Just takes practice. I’m happy to be your test subject.”

He looked down at my open fly and worn-out cock. “Looks like someone cheated me out of my first attempt.”