Her Billionaire Boss by Gena Snow

Chapter 16







I leave Subway in a sullen mood.

For a whole month, I’ve battled with my attraction for Harper. I’ve always been attracted to the beautiful and smart girl. But honestly, I didn’t expect the attraction to grow so fast and intensely. Moreover, while my feelings for her in the beginning were mostly physical, but now, I want more.

It has a lot to do with our trip to Beacon, during which so much happened and the happenstances brought us closer. I was thankful for her helping me to avoid making a massive mistake in acquiring my uncle’s resort. And I also felt the need to protect her from further harm because of what Sandra did to her.

I know Harper’s family history well. She and her siblings had to defend themselves since her dad passed away and her mom disappeared. Like her sister Avery, Harper is a tough girl. She looks tough outside, but she’s a vulnerable little girl.

The need to protect her unsettles me. It isn’t something I’m familiar with. I enjoy being a bachelor and don’t mind being single for the rest of my life. True, I love kids and sometimes pine for a family, but I’m already shouldering the responsibilities of Alton Group. I’m afraid I have neither the time nor the energy to spare.

I’ve been seeing Harper quite often. She spends the night in my house almost every other night. During the nights she isn’t with me, I take longer to fall asleep. In fact, I have to call her before bedtime to avoid insomnia.

What has the woman done to me? Am I in love with her? That’s insane. I’ve never lost my grip like this.

Thus, when I saw the office manager’s resignation letter, I didn’t hesitate to tell Harper my plan. And that was a mistake. I realized it as soon as I saw that Dylan guy hugging her and by the time I found out about her plan to go to grad school, I wanted to punch myself in the face.

Fuck. I don’t want to lose her. I need to keep her. What the hell should I do? I look around at the shops before going up the stairs to the mall management office. I should go to the jewelry shop to get her a gift.


The rest of the afternoon is excruciating because I can’t focus on work. I wait for Harper to come to my office to discuss her transfer as I suggested, but she doesn’t. She sits at her desk most of the time, leaving only once for the restroom. The moment she walks past my door, I have the urge to call her into my office. She looks so fucking good in that pencil skirt that tightly wraps around her curves. Is she swaying her hips on purpose? Goddamn. Why do her ankles look sexy as hell?

I resist the urge to call her in because I’m not sure what I’m about to say or do to her. But when five o’clock finally arrives, I become restless. Harper is still working at her desk, and so is Brea. Shit. I can’t stand the tension any longer.

I walk out of my office and speak to Brea. “Brea, what’s gotten into you? Are you working for me for free?”

Brea chuckles. “No, boss. I’m just making up the time. I was late this morning.”


I should tell her to go home, but I don’t want to encourage her tardiness.

I then turn to Harper and say as calmly as I can, “Harper, do you have a minute?”

“Yes, sir,” she says without looking at me. “Just a sec.”

As soon as she steps into my office, I tell her to close the door. Her eyes widen for a moment, and cheeks blush, guessing my filthy intention.

But she does what I say, closing the door behind her.

I gesture to her to sit on the chair facing me across the desk.

“Now, tell me what your plan is. Are you serious about going to grad school?”


“So you haven’t had the plan to stay with me…my company, at all? It’s just a temporary affair…job, to you?” Shit. It comes out different from what I’ve planned. I need to focus on the job, not our relationship.

She bites her lip while gazing at me, and then she says defensively. “I didn’t ask you to hire me.”

Fuck. She’s right and yet it feels like a stagger running through my gut—ungrateful brat. The worst thing is I can’t even argue with her.

“So you’re saying you don’t enjoy working for me, and you’re here just because I made you? Why haven’t you quit already? I wouldn’t have stopped you.” I’m surprised at the volume of my voice. I didn’t mean to shout at her. Dammit.

She stares at me for a moment and then tears well up in her eyes. I regret what I say but my pride doesn’t allow me to apologize.

She takes a deep breath and stands up. “Fine, I’ll quit —right now!”

“Wait!” I say and jump out of my seat, knocking off a mug and some files onto the floor.

She’s reading the doorknob, but I get hold of her. I pull her back and pin her against the wall. “I’m sorry,” I say and press my lips on hers.

She resists at first but soon yields to my demand and lets me caress her mouth.

And then I free a hand to brush a drop of tear on her face. “Please tell me you aren’t going to quit.”

She blinks. “I thought you wanted to transfer me.”

“I was an idiot,” I say.

The corners of her mouth turn up to a smile. “You finally admit it.”

“Hey!” I protest. “You’re supposed to correct me and say it isn’t the case.”

“But it is true.”

“Looks like someone wants a spanking,” I say as I hitch up her skirt and pull down her pantyhose.

She gasps. “Are you serious?”

I don’t answer but palm her ass cheek. “Dress for success, baby. A thong is just perfect for the occasion,” I say before landing a playful swat on her snowy skin.

She squeals. “Nicholas Alton? How dare you!”

Since she doesn’t look mad but is giggling instead, I serve her another smack.

I’m about to go on spanking her when I hear a knock on the door.

“Is everything okay in there, Boss?” Brea’s voice asks.

I clear my throat. “Yes, Brea.”

“I’m leaving. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

We don’t move or make a sound until the door outside clicks, and then I swoop down to claim Harper’s mouth again and plunder it until she reaches to unzip my pants.

I come to my senses. “Not yet,” I say to her. “I’ve got to ask you something first.”

She pouts. “About Dylan? He’s just a friend. You don’t have to be jealous of him.”

My jaw hardens at the mention of the fellow. “Good to know. But it’s obvious he wants more from you and that’s why he tries to convince you to go to Berkeley.”

“Oh you’re so silly!” Harper giggles. “So what is it then? If you’re going to ask me to forget about grad school, my answer will be no.”

Sassy girl. I smirk. “That’s not what I have in mind either.”

As she frowns, I go to my drawer and take out the velvet box I acquired a few hours ago and clench it in my fist so she can’t see it.

Her eyes widen as she stares at my hand. “What is it?”

I fall on one knee and reveal the box in my palm. I flip open the lid and watch her eyes brighten. “Sweetheart, you’re sassy and infuriating, but you’re also hardworking and smart, not to mention sexy and beautiful. I not only need you to be my property manager but my personal manager as well. Will you marry me?”

Her mouth drops. “Are you serious? Is this a joke?”

“I’m serious, Harper.”

“But how? When?”

“I got the ring after lunch. I realized how important you were to me then and how miserable my life would be without you.”

Tears again rush out of her eyes. “Oh my God. You’re an idiot. But yes, I will marry you!”