Hyperspeed Dreams by Anna Carven

Chapter Twenty-Six

Tasha’s heartrose into her throat as she caught sight of the familiar patchwork of glittering lights and darkness that was Geneva at night. The Lac Léman stretched out beyond the city; a dark expanse of water sparsely dotted with the glittering lights of small recreational boats.

Falling snowflakes tickled the windows.

Beside her, the three obsidian-clad Kordolians rose to their feet and checked their weapons, solemn and silent in the dim light.

Terrifying, really. If they weren’t on her side, she would have been afraid.

Now that she knew what they were truly capable of, she never would have attempted to fight them.

And Lodan was one of them.

To think she had been wired and crazy and reckless enough to knee him in the balls.

Tasha choked back a disbelieving laugh.

But she wasn’t afraid, because now she knew that Lodan would never, ever hurt her. He wasn’t like the cold, brainwashed scientists and guards that had made her existence a living hell.

He was right here, by her side; a warm, living, breathing, real-live alien. After they’d been fired at on the way down, he’d remained by her side for the rest of the journey, keeping his hand on her thigh.

His touch grounded her. He really had no idea how helpful it was right now, especially with Zharek’s temporary cure losing its effectiveness as her plasma concentration of Enqua dropped to dangerous levels.

Now they were hovering directly above Praetorian HQ, the Kordolian ship magically suspended in thin air, completely invisible to any human surveillance.

“Jeral will go first and distract them,” Lodan explained gently as he did a final check of his multiple swords and knives and guns and lord knew what else. “You and I, we’ll go straight to the lower levels, with the boss covering us from the rear.”

“So it’s just the three of you,” Tasha stated in disbelief, “against hundreds of well-armed mercs. Why do I get the feeling this is a very bad idea?”

“Not just the three of us, my love. The Third Division is already in position. They’re just waiting for the signal. Besides, one of my kind is worth at least a thousand ordinary human fighters.”

Tasha scoffed. “Bit full of yourself there, Kordolian?”

“Never. Here, let me help you fix your armor.” He extended his hand and pulled her up out of her seat. Tasha took a deep breath and forced herself to get back into a killer’s mindset.

That cold, numb, empty feeling…

Somehow, she couldn’t quite grasp it this time.

Not with Lodan standing beside her, making her damn heart pound at a million beats per minute.

Making her feel warm and nervous at the same time; like there were butterflies flapping around in her stomach.

He pressed his thumbs against the base of the armor surrounding her neck. The armor writhed and flexed, black tendrils extending to form a helm that protected her face and head. Suddenly, she saw the world through her visor; through Kordolian-vision, whatever the hell that was.

Even her enhanced night-vision wasn’t as good as this. It was as if the whole cabin had been flooded with pure daylight. An array of glowing blue symbols and weird Kordolian text flowed across her line of sight.

So this was what Lodan saw when he was fully armored? The symbols and texts obviously meant something… live combat data being fed directly by an AI.

God,they were so advanced.

“Okay?” Lodan asked softly.

“Y-yeah.” The helm was surprisingly comfortable. It molded perfectly around her face and head and neck. Her hands dropped to the twin plasma guns that were holstered at her waist. “I’m surprised you’re actually giving me all this stuff.”

“What’s so surprising?”

“Well, now that I’m yours, wouldn’t you want to wrap me up and lock me away safe and sound while you do all the dangerous, dirty work? You, of all people…”

Lodan tipped his head back and laughed. It was one of the purest and most satisfying things she’d ever heard in her life. “You, Tasha? You would probably knee me in the jewels again if I tried to pull a stunt like that. In case you’ve already forgotten, I’ve fought you. I know what you’re capable of. I’m not going to shut you away and shield you for the rest of your life, my love. That’s not who you are. And that’s not how we treat our mates.” He put out his hand, palm upwards, beckoning her. “Now come. Let’s get this over and done with. I’m itching to get you back to my quarters.” He raised one eyebrow suggestively.

“Not the time,” Tasha growled, even though his words sent a flutter of anticipation through her. “We’re about to step into my own personal hell. Can you just stop thinking with your dick for the time being?”

“Not when it comes to you.”

“Hmph.” Tasha folded her arms and glared at him.

Lodan softened. “No, you’re right. I’m sorry.” He took her hands into his and held them tight. “Time to go, my love. Don’t fear a thing. We will make this right, and…” He leaned in close, his golden eyes impossibly intense in her tech-enhanced vision. “I’ll keep you alive. No matter what happens down there… no matter what I do or what I look like to you, even if I become something you despise… always remember that I would never, ever hurt you, Tasha of Earth.”