Good Girl by Sam Hall

Chapter 13

His kiss hurt just like I thought it would.

It was bruising, forcing my lips hard against my skull, his grinding into mine. That probably didn’t sound all that sexy, but fuck… I was used to people wanting me, desiring me because they got a sniff of me or whose daughter I was, but not this. He couldn’t finesse things, give me sweet little teasing kisses to persuade my lips to part. He took my mouth and made it completely his, his hands digging into my skull, grabbing my hair to stop me from pulling away, until little whines escaped my throat. He jerked backwards, those strange amber eyes scanning me until a long slow smile spread across his face.

He watched me, catalogued the ways in which I responded to him with a kind of cool calculation I’d always associated with alphas, but this time, I wanted that. I wanted him counting my rapid little breaths, the way my skin was scraped raw by his stubble, and the swell of my lips.

“Jesus, omega, I’ve been a very bad alpha for you today.” I just quivered there, held in place by his grip, feeling that really fucking big lump between my thighs that told me just how bad he was. “So why can’t I find a way to stop?”

He pulled me back down, and this time, it was different. He could persuade his mates that it was a spur of the moment the first time, that he’d been upset and things had gotten out of control, but now? He was choosing this, choosing me, and fuck if I didn’t want him too. He brought me closer, closer, my lips parting, my tongue flicking out, because I needed him with a sudden violence that near took my breath away. That came out in a thin moan.

“You’re needy, omega? Are you soaking your little panties for me?” He darted in, kissing me before I could say anything, but I’d lost the power of speech. My mouth had only one purpose—to taste him. I dared to let my hands roam, ruffling his hair, stroking down his neck, pushing ineffectually at his shirt, trying to get to all the hot alpha goodness.

Because he was right—needy was the best word for it. Him, the way I felt, it all clouded my mind, made it seem like gyrating on the lap of an alpha who wasn’t mine in front of a children’s playground was not only a good idea, but the only one.

Unfortunately, not one others shared.

A sharp rap on the passenger side window alerted us to the fact we had company and they weren’t happy. An understandably pissed mother stood there with a frown.

“Do you have to do this here?” she said through the glass, her anger clear enough even though her words were muffled.

“What?” he growled in response, the woman taking an instinctive step backwards. “Oh shit… Omega, I need to put you back in your seat now.”

I whined at that, the fire in my blood that he’d fanned making that seem like the worst bloody idea in the world, something I fought with ineffectual little hands that he plucked away as he pushed me back.

Pushed me away is how it felt, a cry catching in my throat as instinct and rational brain clashed. I didn’t have the right to expect him to deal with this for me, I knew he was not a contender for my alpha, but right now, that was how this felt.

“Stay in your seat!” he snapped when I squirmed, thrashed, and basically fought him.

And there it was—cool, hard order slammed down into me. I was back in my seat, my belt clipped over me, and all I could do was hunch up there, drawing my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

“Jesus, omega, I know I riled you up, but…”

The woman had gone now, having gotten what she wanted and not wanting to tangle with an alpha, and all I could wish was that I felt the same. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to take one long breath, then another. Then a hand landed on the back of my neck, heavy and strong, the thumb stroking my skin in small passes that caught my whole attention.

“I need you to tell me if you’re OK, right now,” he said, then snorted. Anyone who looked at me could tell that I wasn’t. It wasn’t my heat, but fuck, didn’t it feel close? Every cell in my body screamed for him, for more than just that little touch at my neck. I ached deep inside, my cunt clenching down on nothing, and with each pulse, a little cry tried to force itself past my lips.

Enhanced responsiveness, that was why alphas liked us so much. Their intense sexual frenzies were contagious for us, lighting us on fire for them to burn. No alpha had managed to inspire this in me, and my beta one-nighters had never even touched it. Never really touched me. I knew what this was, could use the techniques my psych had shown me. I could just keep breathing until the fiery tide in my blood went out again.

“Fuck, you feel it too, don’t you?”

No command, no insistence, that was the difference this time. I’d had alphas try to make me feel like this, but it’d just left me cold. Him? The vulnerability there, the regret, it stoked the flames right as I was trying to smother them, because of one little word.


We felt this, not just me.

“Alpha…” I didn’t say any more, the word squeezing past my lips as it was. Lips I couldn’t stop licking, because there were traces of him there and I needed the taste of every little bit of it.

“Jesus, I’m going to fucking hell.”

With that dire pronouncement, he started the car, putting another call through as we went.

“What’s happened?” Orion asked, his tone much more grim now. “Bren?”

“We’ve got a situation.”

“What kind of a situation? How the fuck could you have a situation dropping the omega home?” Brendan didn’t answer, and the silence stretched. “Christ, it’s her. What the hell did you do?”

“She…saw I was worked up and she comforted me.”

“Fuck, Bren…”

“That’s what they bloody do, Orion, or have you forgotten? I get the blue-blooded bitches you mix with wouldn’t hug a man if he was dying but…other omegas, that’s what they’re like.”

“So? One hug isn’t a big deal. Rhys will fuck you raw on the couch when he smells her on you and all will be well. That’s not a problem.”


“Fuck, Bren, what did you do?”

“Look, I…”

“Stop with the foreplay and spit it out, alpha.”

The command was so sharp and intense, I felt the need to answer him, but that meant peeling my hand away from my face. A barrier between him and my cries, between me and his scent, I breathed in the recycled oxygen cupped there.

“She felt so soft and sweet and that scent of hers was in my nose and I kissed her, Orion. I fucking kissed her. And while I knew that was probably gonna result in my arse being handed to me when I got to you, I didn’t stop there. I could’ve, I felt it, that knowledge that doing more was a bloody bad idea, but all of a sudden, that’s all I wanted. If that was bad, I didn’t want good. I kissed her again and it felt like she was smashing into my fucking soul and now I think she’s in a frenzy.”

“A… Two kisses shouldn’t… Jesus, she’s untouched.” Orion uttered the words with a reverence that seemed out of place in the car, speeding down a suburban street to fuck knew where. It was like he’d seen God.


“Omega, listen to me.” The voice was tinny through the speakers, but I still stiffened at the sound of Orion’s command. “I need you to tell me, has any alpha ever touched you? One you liked the scent of, one you were attracted to. Not dickheads who manhandle you and try and order you to be with them, but one you felt a connection with.”

“No,” I squeaked out.

“Never kissed you until your mouth ached? Never slid his hand up your thigh for him to find you dripping? Never felt the need to push those little hands into his pants and stroke him until he roars with the fucking ecstasy of your touch?”

“How is this helping?” Brendan snapped. “I gotta pull over before we crash.”

“Where are you? Where’s somewhere secluded, private?”

“The forest, I guess. I’m near her house. I was going to take her home.”

“You can’t yet, Bren.” There was something aching, heartbroken, in Orion’s voice. “I’m getting Rhys, because if we’re going to do this, I want everyone who can be here for it in the room.”

“What, Orion? Use small words so a bogan like me can understand. What are we doing?”

“She’s burning for you, aren’t you, omega?”

Brendan chanced a sidelong look at me, his gaze feeling like it left marks on my skin before his focus returned to the road.

“Answer me.”

“Yes.” The word clawed at my throat, fought me all the way until it just came out. “Yes, it hurts. Fuck, it hurts. It’s like my bloody heat, but worse somehow. I need—”

“I know what you need. Get to the forest, not in the car park. I don’t want anyone else seeing this. Pull the car over when you’re there, and I’ll get Rhys.”

The call ended, and there was only a painful blur of movements, until finally, the car rolled to a stop, heralded by the ring of Brendan’s phone. My seatbelt was unclipped, and Brendan turned to face me before accepting the call.

“You there?” This was Rhys. I felt that rumble of a voice all the way down to my toes.

“We’re here.”

“Is she OK? What’s happening? How does she look?”

“She’s pale, but her cheeks are flushed. She looks clammy, and she’s hunched up like she’s in pain.”

“She is in pain, you stupid fuck. You primed her up for alpha dick, and now she bloody needs it. Jesus, Bren. Cyn’s not like the girls at the club. She doesn’t have their defences. Orion says she’s untouched.”

“Yeah, look, I didn’t know—”

“Shut up. You need to make this right. Omega, can you hear me?”

“Yeah,” I ground out as another sharp wave washed through me. “I can hear you.”

“Good, it’s gonna be OK. Brendan’s gonna make this right, and then you’ll feel good, so good.”

“Yes, I need that!” My voice was so strident, I had no idea where this was coming from. “I need it.”

“He got her to the forest?” Orion asked.

“Yeah, she’s really on edge. He’s going to see her through. Did you get onto Marcus?” Rhys replied.

“Left him a message. He’s going to come down here like a hurricane. I don’t need him fucking shit up right now. All right, Bren, we’re gonna do this as a pack, mate, all three of us. We’ll sort this out, help her together, always.”

“Always,” the others echoed, though in Brendan, it sounded a lot more strangled.

“But what do you want me to bloody do?” Brendan asked. “My dick feels like it’s ready to punch through my zipper to get to her. Fuck, you don’t know what this is like. Her scent, her mouth. She—”

“We know. We all fucking know. Now shut up, we’ll sort your dick problem out when you get here and hope like hell you don’t tip over into rut,” Orion snapped. “Omega, sweetheart, I need you to uncurl now, because we’re going to make you feel so much better. Is she wearing jeans, dress, or a skirt?”

“Skirt,” Brendan replied.

“Right, well that makes shit easier. Omega, you need to put your feet up on Bren’s dash now.”

“Alpha…” I whined, hating myself for that thin, pathetic sound but unable to resist the command. Brendan groaned when I did as I was told, my thighs still welded tight.

“Further apart, omega,” he said on a growl. “I can’t help you when your ankles are locked together.”

My eyes flicked to him, seeing the forest, my forest in the background and no one else. This was exactly the kind of situation I’d been warned against, and yet I couldn’t bring myself to resist. I watched him watch me as I spread my feet wide, the skirt falling farther and farther up my thighs.

“Jesus fucking Christ…” Brendan breathed. “I can’t do this. I’m gonna knot her. I need to.”

“The fuck you are, you prick,” Rhys snapped. “Just for that, you aren’t touching your cock at all. This is about her, what she needs. Can you do that, Brendan? Can you be the alpha you need to be? Otherwise, put that car into gear and bring her here, and I’ll make you watch as I show you how it’s really done.”

“You can’t bring her—” Orion started to say.

“Shut the fuck up. Alpha, can you do it?”

“You better ride my dick until I’m spent after this,” Brendan all but growled. “I’m gonna knot you for hours.”

“The fuck you are. You’re getting what’s coming for this. Now, slide your hand up her thigh. If she parts them wider, she’s ready.”

I watched the hesitancy in Brendan through a haze, all the energy in my body focussed between my thighs. I jumped when his hand landed on me, feeling so hot, so right, which made him pause for a second, but my hand covered his. I looked up into his eyes, hoping and needing him to feel what was inside me.

“Fuck, omega…” he hissed in response.

“You need to describe this. You did something outside of the group, and now you’re going to bring us in on it. It’ll keep your mind on her and on her reactions, not yours,” Orion insisted.

“Her skin, it’s like satin or something.” He watched me and I watched him as his hand slid upwards. “And her inner thighs are drenched.” His gaze sharpened, his focus becoming completely and utterly singular. “You dripping for me, omega? Did that little kiss get your pussy pulsing? Answer me.”

“Yes,” I ground out. “I feel like I’m on fire, and I really need you to—Oh fuck!”

His hand slid farther up fast, his fingers teasing the seam of my completely ruined underwear.

“What did you just do to her?” Rhys barked.

“I’ve got my fingers right on the edge of her cunt. Her knickers are drenched.” All the fear was gone from Brendan’s voice, the alpha was in charge now. He smiled, a sly twist of a thing, like this was his fucking due. “Her slick smells like honey. I want to lick it.”

“Yes…” I hissed, nodding frantically, wincing when I felt that empty feeling again, that ache. “Please, alpha, please!”

“Don’t make her ache,” Rhys snapped. “You’ve already done enough of that. It hurts her to feel empty, doesn’t it, sweetheart? You need him inside you, right where it hurts the most.”

“Yes, yes, yes…” I whispered.

“You need him, your alpha—”

“Fuck, be careful how you play this,” Orion said.

“You need him as deep as he can go. Grab his hand by the wrist and show him.”

I felt the prickle of Brendan’s arm hairs as I gripped him, moving his hand from that little teasing stroke and down into my sodden underwear. That first feel, of his palm cupping my mound, had my teeth clamping down, a strangled groan escaping me.

“Does he feel good?” Rhys asked.

“Not yet.” My back straightened, my hips thrusting up as far as they could go as his fingers slid down and through my seam. “Ah, alpha!”

“Tease her clit. Tell me I don’t have to tell you where that is,” Orion ordered.

“Of course I know where it is.” And he did, rubbing the tip of one finger up and down the hood, my clit feeling like a marble in oil, my slick reducing the friction, but not the sensation.

“Oh fuck, alpha…”

I had been in hell, but just as abruptly, I was transported to heaven by that tiny caress. I became shameless, no longer caring that I was in a public space, that a guy I barely bloody knew had his hands down my pants. I was an omega, and my nature rushed to the fore, shouldering all human sensibilities aside and rewarding me with indescribable pleasure. My hands clawed at my breasts, my nipples throbbing in time with every pass of his finger, undoing the buttons when that wasn’t enough and shoving the cups down.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Brendan cursed.

“What? What’s happening? You need to clue us in here, alpha,” Rhys said.

“Her clit throbs each time I stroke it, and her slick is coating my palm.”

“You won’t be wiping that off,” Orion ordered. “You’ll bring that scent home to us.”

“Her tits are out. Her little fingers are teasing the tips, and they’re so fucking perfect. Her nipples are such a pretty pink, and they’re so tight, they must be aching.”

“Yes, alpha,” I gasped “They are aching. Need you.”

“You heard the omega,” Rhys said in a low tone. “Service her needs. Kiss them gently at first, see how much pressure she wants. Trace them with your tongue.”

I nodded frantically as Brendan leaned over, hearing the sounds of a belt being unbuckled, zipper pulled down.

“Fuck, she’s got you rampant,” Orion hissed.

“And you’re going to see to that. On your knees, alpha.”

I wanted to hear more about that, the image in my mind of a well dressed Orion getting down on his knees before the massive Rhys making slick gush from me. But Brendan did as he was told, just brushing my aching nipple with his lips, and I felt like he made it anew as he traced it. My hand went to his hair, tentative at first, then gripping harder as his mouth closed over me.

“You pulling my hair, omega?” he asked, drawing back, leaving me thrusting my chest up into his face. “You need me that much?”

I twisted my grip then, making it harsh and brutal, because fuck, yes, I did. I didn’t understand it, didn’t know why the hell it was happening, but oh my god, I wasn’t going to question it. My skin was on fire, and timid little licks weren’t going to stoke that to where it needed to go.

“I need you, alpha. I need you to suck my nipple hard and to push those big bloody fingers inside me. I’m aching.” Any kind of strength in my voice trailed away. “So much.”

“Fuck yes…” came Rhys’ voice through the speakers. “Take me deep. That’s it, baby. You’re doing so well.”

“And tell me what he’s doing to you,” I said to the others down the line, their disembodied groans emboldening me. “How does he make you feel?”

“You want that, omega? You wanna know how my boy sucks the cum from my balls? He’s got no gag reflex and a throat like silk, my rich boy. He gets greedy for my cum when his blood’s up, wanting it, needing it.”

“Yes…” I hissed, jumping when I felt the saturated fabric of my underwear being ripped off, my back tightening as I felt Brendan probing my cunt, finding my aching centre, and then pushing in. “Shit, alpha, so good, so good.”

“Is he fucking his fingers into your hot little pussy?” Rhys asked. “I can hear it, so juicy. It sounds delicious. He’ll want to do that, you know, taste you. You’re like honey and we’re the bees, stingers and all.” A little noise and then, “Slower, my love, draw it out. That’s it. So good, Orion, I fucking love the way you suck my cock, makes me want to bury my knot in you.” A muffled groan. “That’s what you want—me splitting you open, locking down tight, forcing you to take my cum over and over.”

Orion and I had a moment of consensus as we groaned together, everything getting so mixed up in the car, I didn’t know who or what I was. Was I here with Brendan, wanting to do as Rhys said and push his clever tongue down between my legs, watching him lick me to a riotous orgasm and beyond? Or was I on my knees, Rhys’ fat cock at my lips as I struggled to fit it in my mouth, give him half the experience Orion did? It didn’t seem to matter what was actually happening to me or them, it was all meshed together in a messy tangle of sensation and head fuckery.

“What are you doing to her that’s making her groan like that?” Rhys demanded. “Tell me.”

“Fingering her tight little cunt. It’s like she’s untried. It sucks at my fingers, pulling me deeper, and I can’t help but wonder what she’d do to my cock.”

“You’re not fucking her, Brendan,” Rhys thundered, his voice breaking. “Ah Jesus, Orion, just like that.”

“I know. I’ll be slamming into you when I get home, you controlling bastard. I’m gonna slide another finger into her. You want that, don’t you, omega? To feel that stretch, as close as I can give you to my knot. It’s what you need.” I nodded frantically, but Brendan continued. “Then I’ll lick all the honey pouring from your pretty little cunt and batter that clit with my tongue until you explode.”

“Alpha, please.”

It was a pinch and then an awkward shift on the seats. For the first time in my life outside of a heat, I felt that bone-deep need for a knot. He had one, was rigid for me, I could see the massive lump of his hard dick as he moved me on the car seat, swinging my legs around so they faced the driver’s seat, then pushing my knees up.

“I’m gonna keep your taste on my tongue for as long as I can,” Brendan said on a growl, moving between my legs and then pushing his fingers back inside me. I yelped at the stretch, but a sweet, hot burn started up in response to his long, lazy thrusts, in complete contrast with the frantic thrash of his tongue. He was right—he searched for my taste like a bloodhound on the trail, licking me dry and then licking me wet again. My body gushed so much all over his nice leather seats, he’d have to drown this car in de-scenter to be able to drive it, but I couldn’t think of that. Rhys’ regular sharp grunts came in time with mine, something he noted.

“You’re gonna come when I do, omega. You hold out until I tell you. Feel my Brendan driving you nuts, but don’t you come. You’ll regret it if you do. I’ll tell you when.”

His voice dissolved into sharper, shorter grunts, coming faster and faster, Brendan’s fingers burrowing deeper and deeper as my body shifted, ready to take a knot. But there was only them, pressing up hard against the spot his knot would rub so well.

“Jesus, you destroy me.”

I didn’t know who the last bit was said to, so it had the unfortunate side effect of welding us all together in this little cocoon wrought entirely of ecstasy.

“Alpha, please…”

Whether I begging Brendan, Orion, or Rhys, I didn’t know. Right now, they’d melded into this one monolithic figure who held my pleasure in the palm of their hand, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be rewarded or not.


“Ah fuck, I’m gonna come. Come on his face, omega. Drown him in your slick. Baptise him in you, and come.”

We were lucky we were in the forest because I screamed, one perfect, never-ending note that could smash glass, but it was me that shattered. It was exactly as he said—my body jerking, squirting, as every single wave of pleasure crushed me flat. It was a sound to have the betas scrambling out of their houses, their fingers ready to ring the police, but out here, there were only the birds, the trees, and them to hear.

I came down slowly, my body so wonderfully sore, every scrap of tension, need, and fear thoroughly washed out of me. I was empty as a doll and as lax as one.

“You good now, omega?” That was Orion, and there was an edge to his voice.

“Yes, thank you, alpha.”

“Good, now get your bloody arse home, Brendan, because you and I have something hard to work through.”

The two of us pulled apart like two crash victims, shaken. I packed myself away, putting myself back together as I curled up on my seat. But it was Brendan who reached across and clipped my seatbelt in place.

“Bring the omega,” Rhys insisted over the sounds of Orion’s protest. “She needs aftercare. I’m not leaving her to come down in her room by herself. We did this, we see it through.”

“Marcus is gonna shit,” Orion cursed.

“Marcus can suck my dick…” Rhys’ words came out more as a purr than they were supposed to as Brendan threw the car in gear.

“On it,” Brendan replied. “Meet me in the garage, because I’m not facing down this shit show on my own.”

Everything got soft and hazy on the drive over. Like I could feel Brendan’s anxiety, plucking at my consciousness like a demanding child, but I couldn’t respond to it. The endorphins swamped me, drowning me in a pool of warm fuzzies.

“I’ve got her,” a deep voice said as my eyes opened, but the strong arms that picked me up, carrying me inside, told me louder than words that awareness wasn’t needed right now. Safe, safe, safe, my heart pulsed, but it was never especially smart.