Good Girl by Sam Hall

Chapter 22

Frenzy was like being on some kind of aphrodisiac. My body was hot and swollen with desire, but that paled into insignificance to now. I was drowning in it, aware on some level that being out here in the open was a bad, bad idea. I needed four walls, iron clad doors, and a nest… Tears rolled down my face at the thought of that, something my therapist had tried to engage with me on so many times.

“Why not practise making a nest, just for fun? Like a pillow fort or something silly like that. You don’t have to invest too much meaning in it. Just play with some fabrics, see how they feel. If you hate it, it’s no great loss.”

“Of course I’ll hate it,” I’d spat back. “I’m not a bloody dog in a whelping box or something. Nests are stupid.”

“The nesting impulse is a part of who you are, like scenting and frenzies and heats. If you don’t identify strongly with them, I understand,” she replied, “but your wholesale rejection of them… You’ve always struggled with what you are, and now—”

And now I needed it, burrowing down in-between the three of them, the ways their bodies crowded into mine providing some of the enclosed space and pressure I craved. But I clawed at their shirts, some torn off and thrust into my fingers, the fabric wrapped tight, but it wasn’t enough. Then another cramp racked my body. I lay there limply, the tremors shaking my whole body, when a hand slid between my thighs.

“I’m going to take the edge off, omega,” he said, one of them, the man I needed. I breathed them in, sucking their scent in, that mix of three different ones doing something to ease me. And when the next cramp came, so did he, thrust his fingers into my sopping cunt, rocking his thumb against my clit, and it took only one, two, three pulses to send me hurtling over the edge.

“Yes…” I hissed. “That. Need it.”

Coming replicated the same frantic spasming inside me as my body rearranged itself, readying for what was to come, but instead of pain, there was only this. Bliss, that was how I felt for a few heady seconds, their hands stroking over me.

“We’ve got you, omega.”

How much time had passed? Why had we stopped moving? I couldn’t tell you, but doors were opened and voices came.

“And now we need to get her into the club. Security protocols are changing. We’re going into lockdown. No one gets in or out of this building without our express permission. And douse the car with de-scenter. I don’t care if you have to strip the interior. No one scents our omega.”

“Bring her in here.”Another voice, crisp and sharp. I’d been picked up and swept into another space.

“In the playroom? Fuck, Marcus…”

“Through it and in here.”

I opened my eyes a crack, feeling it, some sort of innate spatial awareness letting me know I was in a much smaller room. It felt closed in, something accentuated by the dimmed light globes and the fabric hanging tentlike from the ceiling. I made an inarticulate cry, deposited on a thick pad of a mattress, reaching shakingly for the trolley beside it.

“Here it is, omega. All for you.”

Marcus, Marcus said that, crouching next to me, drawing my focus to the stash of nesting supplies. Fabrics of every colour, texture, and softness had been stacked in neat piles, but not for long. Some felt too slippery and were quickly discarded, others dragged on my skin, but then I found them. Soft like well broken in cotton, they felt clean and good, the weaves giving under my fingers, stretching. I felt the same, thin and sinuous, slipping through their fingertips as I started to move, arranging the fabric according to a design hardwired into my kind. I created something small, snug, layers built up on top of each other, until I sat back on my heels, the disquiet rising again.

Something was missing, and I couldn’t bear that right now. The need was kicking my arse, but I couldn’t meet it. I didn’t even know what ‘it’ was, stupid incomprehensible noises forced out of my throat, but for what?

“Here, omega.”

Marcus presented me with a pile of much less salubrious fabric. For once, those hazel eyes were gentle, his gaze so soft as he held it out to me. The room smelled sterile and chemically when I stepped in, which was better than being bombarded by all the strange scents in the club, but this…? My hand shot out, grabbing a hold of it.

“This has our scents on it, omega. If you take this and add this to your nest, you’ll start the process of joining our pack. You can stop at any point, but it’ll bring you a step closer to us. I want you to have this. I want you to take our sheets and our old shirts and work them into your pretty, pretty nest, but I want you to want that more.”

I couldn’t form words, could barely comprehend his, but as sure as my heart beat and my lungs filled with air, I knew I needed that wad of fabric. The cramps had eased somewhat as I’d busied myself, but something much bigger was coming and I couldn’t face it without this.

“Please, alpha…”

I’d say those words over and over until the heat was done, but I’d mean them no more sincerely than I did right now. He swept in, with that too crisp shirt and a watch whose shine hurt my eyes, and pressed a single kiss to my forehead.

“Make your nest, omega.”

The command was sure, sharp, unable to be denied, and just what I needed. Like the room, the world closed down now, and so did my mind. This was the purpose of alphas—to remove all distractions and quibbles, to remove fear and uncertainty, and create a space for this to rise. My true nature.

“You’ve spent time with beta men before, and omegas have experienced heats with them. You’re not required by law to choose an alpha as your mate,” my therapist said. “Why do you think you’ve never experienced a heat with another person?”

Silence stretched on and on, my therapist’s gaze constant, but nonthreatening. It just stated quietly that she expected me to answer.

“I don’t know.”

“Really? My studies lead me to believe that every omega experiences one not long after they’re revealed. A childish crush on a classmate, a family friend. There’s even been cases of infatuations with celebrities triggering it. But not you, Cynthia.”


“Why not you, Cyn? Your mother has had doctors look you over thoroughly. There’s no physical reason why you shouldn’t. Do you think there’s anything holding you back?”

I had an answer for her, one that sounded of bottles breaking and birds singing and the hiss of the breeze in the trees, but my throat seized up when I tried to articulate it. I couldn’t. She didn’t get it, I knew that but—

“Make your nest, omega.”

Memories were pushed aside as I crawled forward, weaving the sheets from our bed and their unwashed shirts into the nest, working hard to ensure they were distributed evenly throughout the whole construction, and then it was done. I curled up inside the small space and felt it as my eyes closed in one long blink. This had been a very prolonged, confusing journey, but now I was here. The smells, the sensations, all of it… When the next cramp came, it wasn’t so painful, more a flex of my cunt, expelling sweet smelling slick.

“Alpha…” I moaned, little more than an outward breath, but I heard them move. They stood around the perimeter of my nest, standing at the edges, wanting admission. I look up at them through slitted eyes, seeing the dark shapes, tall and almost sinister.

“You have to invite us in, omega,” Marcus said, crouching down. “It’s your nest, your territory. We can’t come in unless you say so.”

Somehow, that was a knife twisting inside me, my clothing too tight, too rough, scratching at my skin. I clawed at it, hearing the satisfying sound of fabric ripping, until I emerged out of it, naked. Then my hands went to my collar.

“No, sweetheart, not that. Leave that,” Brendan said, but I didn’t listen. I shoved my fingers under the strands, gasping as it felt like I was choking.

“Fuck this. She’s going to hurt herself.”

Strong hands at the back of my neck. Yes, yes, that. A sharp twist, and then the collar fell away, tossed across the room by me at force. And there I knelt, head down, hands on my thighs, just breathing for a few heartbeats, until the twists of my insides grew more vicious.


My eyes rolled up as I took them in, so close and yet too far away. I was being good, so good, waiting and yearning and needing, and I needed them to help me. They kept insisting on something, for me to say words I couldn’t say, to meet impossible conditions, until finally, the biggest one took a step forward. I nodded over and over, reaching out with an arm that felt too heavy until he took over. A kiss was brushed to the back of my knuckles as my arm was set down by my side, his belt, his boots, his clothes shucked until there was only him.

“Yes, yes, yes…” I kept mumbling as I rose up on my knees, gripping a dick so thick, my insides clenched in anticipation. This was what I needed, I knew it as I licked a line up his length, tasting the salt of his skin, the minty scent of him filling my nose, making me search for more. And then there was his taste. I lapped at the head of his cock, sweeping away every drop of pre-cum, going back over and over, needing that salty taste, then taking him in my throat when I needed more. A long, guttural groan went through my whole body when he was seated as deep as he could, my breath rasping in my nose.

“No, no, no, omega!”

His command was as sharp as a slap, and I sat back, bum on my heels, eyes down, just staring at my nest in incomprehension. My tongue flicked over my teeth, searching for every scrap of his taste and swallowing it down. I needed him, didn’t he see that? Why would he…? How could he…? As if in answer, he knelt down, pushing me back, cocooning me in the bower made of my nesting materials, reaching out with a hand that dwarfed me, and stroked my face. But when the hand kept going, a thumb brushing over my trachea, the palm riding the hollows of my collarbone, when he took my whole breast in my hand, my body jerked.

“Your pleasure first, omega.”

And so he held me down with one hand on my shoulder, the other remaking the curve of my breast in his image, one of pleasure. I started to move in response, my range limited by his grip, the urge transmuting when his fingers narrowed down, plucking at my nipple. He teased it at first, just with little brushes, then harder and harder caresses, until they danced close to a pinch.

“Yesss…” I hissed, that sharp sensation seeming good and right. I needed it there and other places on my skin. “More.”

“She’s liking that. Let me tease her other nipple.”

And with that, the one with the hair like banked flames moved to come closer, until the big one snarled.

Oh yes, I liked that.

I smiled, my face feeling stiff when I did so, that thunderous sound from the big one’s chest reverberating through every cell, leaving only pleasure in its wake. Slick seeped from me, frantically lubricating me in preparation for what was to come. I pressed my breast as far as I could into his hand, letting him know how much I liked that. But the reddish haired one moved closer, slowly, but still closer. I watched the big one’s face turn into a beast’s, caught the flash of his fangs in the low light, drawing a moan from me. I’d feel them, biting deep inside me as he—

“We’re in this together, big guy. You and me forever, remember? And now with an omega. We dreamed of this, all those nights lying in each other’s arms, talking about this. It’s me, Brendan.”

The big one stalled, the sharp pinch of his fingers frozen tight around my nipple, making me squirm. I needed more, less, I couldn’t work out what, but the need to know burned deep inside me.

“It’s me, alpha.” He crouched down, came as close as he dared, something that had me twitching. Four hands rather than two? Mmm… I liked that, but I wasn’t his focus. Those strange eyes were entirely focussed on my alpha.


I growled something to that effect, the other man shooting me a sidelong look, then did something that stilled me, winking. While my mind tried to decode that, he moved closer and closer until his breath fanned over the big one’s face, until they could taste each other. I coiled tight, straining against my alpha’s grip, needing to get nearer, to examine what was going on, every instinct on high alert.

Because they stared at each other with that rabid hunger, not me. It was their lips that brushed against the others, so, so slowly, when my alpha hadn’t taken mine at all. The hiss of their breath, the slip of their tongues, the parting of their lips… I was thrown onto the horns of a dilemma. Watching them kiss with every fibre of their being made a primal part of me thrash against the big one’s grip, wanting to scratch at the reddish one for taking my alpha’s attention away, and yet?

My cunt gushed as I watched every second of their kiss, imagining both their lips on me, doing exactly the same thing. As if prompted by that, their collective gaze swivelled around to focus on me.

Yes, that. I whined, seeing all that banked hunger, fearful of what that would mean, and craving it anyway. I needed them. Them.


The same whine, just slightly adjusted, was exactly the right thing to say. Their teeth glittered in the low light, hungry, and then they launched themselves at me.

I was no longer held down as I was covered by the two of them now, the collective weight of their bodies better than the room and my nest combined. My skin craved them, their raking caresses, their hard, sucking mouths, their clever fingers, and my hands dove in their hair as together, they obliterated me.

I was nothing but nerve endings, plucked to their tune, played expertly, until this.

Mouths popped off my nipples, fingers loosened, teeth raked my skin before pulling away, and then they sat back, my beautiful alphas, both naked now, hard and waiting for me. I rolled up, lunging for their knots, knowing instinctively what they wanted, but my hands were batted away.

“You need to be knotted, omega,” the reddish one said. It could have been mocking, but there was something sweet and understanding there. He knew what my instincts screamed for and was going to give it to me.

“Yes, yes…” I kept chanting over and over.

“I need to taste her slick,” the big one grumbled.

“You will. You’ll tip over into rut,” the other said. “You can lick the slick off her when someone else is buried deep in her. Everyone will get what they need.”

“Rut? Only if I knot her…”

Everyone’s eyes were on the big one, the reddish one sliding his hand up and down the man’s massive cock, but I knew now that was to prepare him for me.

“Yes, alpha,” he said.

“Yes, alpha,” I agreed, moving to roll up, to take what was indubitably mine. My hand reached for him, but his intercepted it, pulling me up until I was straddling him.

“We should’ve talked about this,” he told me, but even he realised that wasn’t going to happen. Now I felt myself sheltered by that huge body, now I was so damn close to where I needed to be, where he needed me to be. I watched his face, seeing the moment those bright blue eyes shifted from thinking and questioning to this. His instincts kicked in, his arms locking around me, his lips slamming down on mine as he reached between us, sliding his finger over my clit until all I could do was gasp. Then his fingers slid lower, wedging inside me, too many, too fast, and yet all I could do was groan in anticipation.




“Open for me.”

The sentence was ground out, those blue eyes became my whole bloody world as our wills clashed. Part of me that was still conscious battled against this, knew my limits, wanted to fight what was the inevitable conclusion of this, but his gaze and fingers gave me no quarter.

“Open for me, omega. Let me in.”

He could have commanded me, whipped me with his will, forced my body to obey jerkily as I screamed inside my skull. There’d been plenty of news articles about shitty alphas mind raping the omegas they stumbled across, using the vulnerability of the heat to push them to accept the knots of those they wouldn’t normally, but not Rhys. It came back to me for a second, a single moment of clarity in this fucking heat. He gave me that gift.

“Let me in.” He said that as he nipped at my lips, and they parted for him to admit his tongue. “Let me in,” he said, drawing his hand back to push in another finger, working them deeper and deeper to the sounds of my moans, until finally, he pulled them away.

My hand shot down, grabbing him by the wrist, wanting them, something, back inside me, soothing the aches. A cramp started almost as soon as he drew back, but it was quickly replaced. He mumbled nonsense words at me as the tiny sliver of a gap between us was closed, then he grabbed his cock by the base and put his hand on my sacrum, ready to drag me down.

“Let me in.”

The words were corded now, with pain, with need, with a much wider meaning I’d have to consider at length later, but not now. He asked me over and over again, as he brushed the head of his cock against my cunt, until finally, I nodded.

Every barrier, every boundary I’d spent a life building was collapsed in that moment. My consciousness might be battered by waves of desire, but fuck if I didn’t feel it the moment he pushed inside me. The nesting, the closed in room, the considerable courtship we were supposed to indulge in beforehand all made sense now. I’d let him in, all the way in, feeling him, who he was, the essence of Rhys, sink into me as I sunk down.

It was a struggle, my breath coming in rapid pants, my fingers digging into his shoulders as I worked him in deeper. He was so fucking big, but I couldn’t stop, rocking my hips up and down, back and forth, encouraging by body to do what my instincts dictated. But I wanted it, me, Cyn, going well beyond omega. I opened my eyes, stared into his, and then tightened my hands around his neck and began to move in earnest.

This was why he made me take this position. His body was a coiled spring, ready to unleash, but he wouldn’t, not until I had taken him fully. The movements of my hips became more jerky, more spasmodic, as what had been gut-wrenching cramps transformed into something else. My body rippled, that was the only way to describe it, a great wave washing through me, making me pant now from pleasure, not pain, as I sank down further, seeking more.

“That’s it, omega. You’re doing so well. You’re taking me deep.”

His pelvis flexed, stilling me as that stabbing motion transmuted into something glorious.

“Oh, alpha, Rhys, yes!” I babbled, our pace synchronising for several thrusts until he moved us, laying me back down in the nest. He pulled out, way too far, making my claws rake along his back, while he chuckled in response before slamming back in. I cried out in sheer fucking joy then, the speed picking up, the gaps between his strokes getting shorter and shorter.

“You need to knot her, Rhys.” Marcus stood there, looking for all the world like an impassive figure, but he couldn’t hide it now. The sharp-toothed little omega that had risen could see past the crossed arms and the cool expression, caught the moment the sweat trickled down the side of his face, the restive shift of his feet.

“Omega, you need to choose,” Rhys ground out, eyes on me. “I’ll give you my knot, I’ll give you whatever the fuck you want. Everything, everything is yours.” He stopped, pushed in deep and about to go deeper, an enormous pressure forced against me, but not inside. He wouldn’t go any further, even as my body parted instinctively, muscles shifting, ligaments loosening, readying to take him.

“Rhys, you need to—” Marcus started again.

“I know what I need. I feel it fucking here, throbbing. I want to be in her, deeper than I’ve been in anyone, and I want to still be there when my knot’s softened and I’ve pulled out. Tell me, omega. Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you. I’m your alpha. It’s all I’m made to do. To serve my mates, give them everything I’ve got, and I want you to be a part of that. I’ll give you everything, sweetheart. Every—”

His voice choked off as I made my decision. It didn’t feel like it was, every damn part of me was on a track and we knew where this was going. We were conscious of other directions to take, but there was no serious consideration of that. There was only this. My eyes stared into his, unable to look away for a second as my pelvic bones flexed, the resulting wave of pleasure so intense, my vision went white, but as it all slowly filtered back, there was him.

His mouth on mine, messy and hungry, his hands in my hair as he rocked me through the most mind-blowing experience of my life.

I soared, higher and higher, until a bliss that was almost frightening in its intensity crashed over me. But everything that goes up, has to come down. I did, crashing back, every fucking clench of my body, wave of pleasure, every scream dragging me back down to earth.

To him.

“I’ve got you, Cyn. I’ve got you.” He sobbed the words out, mouth to mouth, the smallest gap too much to bear. “I’ve got you.”