Good Girl by Sam Hall

Chapter 37

Omegas like certainty. I’d had that hammered into my head from a young age, in every depiction of them I’d seen or any class I’d been made to take. For most people, that looked like bossy alphas herding their omegas around, even if it just gave them something to rebel against, but I wasn’t sure if that was me. Right now, as the silence reigned in the room, as I looked the three of them over, I felt a sense of certainty I never had before. Did it come from licking Orion’s blood from my teeth? Did it come from the growls that came as a result of that, each one coming closer, claiming my mouth, one by one, to get their taste? Or did it come from Orion, standing there, studying me like I was some kind of alien creature, but also the most beautiful, most amazing thing at the same time.

“You’re in.” He barely breathed the words.

“I am.”

I could answer his question and all the others that had come up since his father blundered into our little world. I knew, in the same way they always had, just looking at each other and knowing where they stood. Knowing what they wanted and needed and that the other person would do their damnedest to make that happen. I knew I would do that for them and they, me.

And there were a few things on my list.

I moved in, holding my mate in a way I hadn’t been in the headspace to do with Rhys, wrapping my arms around Orion and feeling him do the same to me. He bent over, curling his body around me, cocooning me in him, and it was then that I could close my eyes. That bond, deep and sweet and true, beat like his heart did, buoying me up, but I couldn’t be satisfied with that for long. A little growl rose in my throat as I started to claw at his shirt, needing the feel of his skin under my fingers.

“What do you need?” Orion asked with gentle amusement. “Use your words, omega.”

My head jerked up, my eyes burning into his, theirs, which was fine because they were looking at me just as intently. The lines blurred, between my protective mates and my big scary alphas, and I liked that very much.

“You,” I said, not specifying who and not meaning to. This was dangerous, could easily push me into frenzy or even a heat, but nothing was going to stop me now. “I need you.”

“Sounds bloody brilliant to me,” Brendan said, undoing his buttons with pleasing rapidity, revealing that muscular chest inch by inch, hypnotising me, but not for long. I didn’t know where to look, my eyes flicking from one to the other as they discarded their shirts.

“But this shit works both ways,” Rhys said, shouldering closer. “We need you like you need us, my mate.”

His fingers slid under the strap of my dress, making sure I knew it was a physical thing, but as I stared up into his eyes, we knew this was more. We couldn’t hide behind lust anymore, pretend it was all just heat. As he pushed my straps off my shoulder, it wasn’t just to bare me to the others, but to strip away everything that stood between us, and he did, we did, until we were all standing there, naked, in more ways than one.

“Fuck, I can’t believe…” Orion’s hand went to the bite, his eyelids closing to half-mast for a moment. “You made me your mate. You chose me.”

“Why do I think you aren’t used to that, poor little rich boy?” I shook my head, wound my hands around his neck, and pressed his hard length against my thighs as I kissed him slowly, sweetly. “You’re mine, Orion, mine.”

“So what’re you gonna do with me, omega?” The slow purr was back in his voice, suggesting a million starlit scenarios, each more debauched than the next, but that would come later. I’d come into heat when this was done, I was pretty sure. When everything was resolved and safe, and then… I smiled into Orion’s chest, imagining just that. Releasing control, surrendering completely, but not yet. I pulled back and then turned him towards Rhys, tracing my finger over the tattoo on his back.

“You hurt us to try and save us, but that doesn’t change the fact you hurt us. Rhys, most of all. He was killing himself.” I watched my big alpha go still and shamefaced at that. “Obliterating that big beautiful body one punch at a time. Show him his mistake. Worship Rhys and make him feel how sorry you are for hurting him like that.”

They’d hoped it would all just be saucy fun, I could tell, a tentativeness in Orion’s steps telling me a story, but I was done with their smoke and mirrors bullshit.

“Fuck, you sure you aren’t an alpha?” Bren asked, sliding in behind me, holding me against his body. “You’ve got a mean streak.”

“Not so mean. Watch.”

So we did as Orion reached out tentatively for his mate, sure his hand was going to get knocked away, but it landed on Rhys’ chest OK. I thought both Bren and I held our breaths as Orion stepped closer, until Rhys lost patience. His hand snapped out, grabbing the other man by the nape and dragging him close, just holding him for a second, his breath coming in hoarse whistles.

“You fucking dickhead,” Rhys snarled, something I felt down in my toes. “I’m gonna kick your arse when this is done.” But he held him tight, pushing his nose into Orion’s hair and breathing him deep, his eyes falling closed. His hands ruffled through the strands, like he couldn’t get enough of the feel of it.

“You would’ve done the same,” Orion retorted, the sound muffled, but he clawed at his alpha too.

“Fucking oath I would, but it doesn’t change a thing.” Rhys’ hand slid down the spine of his mate, Orion arching into his caress, seeming to know what was coming. Rhys parted Orion’s buttocks, a long guttural moan escaping him as Rhys’ finger rubbed his arsehole. “So I’m gonna fuck it instead.”

Orion sounded like his soul was breaking as Rhys pushed his finger in, thrusting it in and out to the sound of Orion’s babbles.

“Fuck, I’ve need you, alpha, so much. Every bloody night, I went to bed aching for you, needing you.”

“Well, you’re about to get all you can fucking take. Get on the bed. I’ll try to take my time, but I can’t promise anything.”

I watched as Orion moved to obey, sitting on the edge, Rhys stepping closer, thrusting his cock in his face and Orion swallowing it down with a muffled moan.

“That’s it,” Rhys purred. “Good boy. You’re making me feel so damn good.”

“And you too, omega.”

Bren nipped at my ear, smiling when I turned to face him, his smile broadening as I raked my eyes up and down his body. He was big, tough, and fuck, I hated guns, but why had it been really hot seeing him tote one so casually?

“That gets you hot?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Fuck, did I say that out loud?”

“Yeah, you did. Tell me more about what makes you hot, Cyn.”

“Omega,” I corrected, the two of us pausing for a second. “Call me omega.”

“Yeah?” He crowded in then, drowning me in woody scent and muscles and hot fucking kisses. “You gonna be my omega?”

“Yes.” He was teasing, but I wasn’t. I looked up into his eyes, my hand snaking down to cup his knot, and his smile disappeared when I gave it a squeeze, a pleasure close to pain crossing his face. “I want that. I want to be your little omega and take your knot, and I want you to tell me what a good girl I am as I struggle with it.”


There was no fun left in him now, only hot, sweet, intensity. He pressed his mouth to mine, barely able to bring it away between kisses, just needing more with a greed I understood.

“I’ll make you mine. I’ve fucking wanted it so damn much. I want you, Cyn, but you’ve got to be straight with me now. I’m too close, the alpha’s too close to the edge. I nearly lost three mates in just as many days, and he’s going mad with it, clawing at me, telling me to make you mine. Tell me I can let him off the chain, and I’ll—”

I silenced him with a kiss, a little one, and he went still when I said the word he was waiting for.


“Fuck, Cyn…” I was scooped up in a pair of strong arms, brought closer to where Rhys was slowly reintroducing his cock into Orion’s body. “Where? In here or the other room?”

But I couldn’t answer, not just yet, transfixed by the sight of Orion’s mouth hanging open, Rhys rubbing his hand up and down the other man’s back, soothing him with a steady stream of praise.

“He’s hard to take, Rhys,” Brendan said. “In some ways, that was the perfect punishment. You’re better equipped than us, with all that omega flexibility.”

“Is he hurting him?” I asked, watching Orion pant rapidly, his whole body rigid.

“Sort of? Pleasure and pain, it gets mixed up when alphas play. All the stuff that holds us back with omegas isn’t there. The same bullshit about butting heads and mastering the other alpha that keeps them away from your omega is still there, but it shifts.”

Rhys’ hand slid around, stroking Orion’s aching cock, a steady stream of pre-cum spilling from the head as he eased himself deeper.

“More, alpha,” Orion croaked out. “I need you.”

“And I need you to be able to sit down tomorrow.” He rubbed his hand possessively over Orion’s back. “You’ll take me. You always take me so well. You’re squeezing me so tight, which feels like fucking heaven, but I can’t give you what you want until you let me in. Let me in, Orion. Let me in.”

Rhys’ voice was a gentle rumble, completely in control and endlessly reassuring, something that had both Orion and me squirming.

“Here,” Bren decided, laying me on the bed so my head was near Orion’s. “He was like that before we mated, seduced us with that big bear growl, made it sound like he knew exactly how it would all go. It’s one of the reasons why we love him. Kiss O, omega. Remind him how to surrender to those he loves, and I’ll lick that sweet little pussy that’s been driving me nuts for the past few days.”

“Orion…” I prompted gently, those green eyes fluttering before they opened and met mine. He was deep into what was happening in his body, so it took a second to register I was there.

“Cyn…” He hissed my name, then dropped his mouth down on mine, communicating with his lips exactly what was happening in every devastating movement.

“Fuck, yes… That’s it. Jesus Christ, you’re taking me so well. That feels so bloody good. I need to fuck you now, O. I need it, need to feel you clenching tight around me as I give you everything I got. You ready for that?”

Orion’s teeth snapped down on my lip, a little nip to make me feel the twist of pleasure and pain just like he did, and then he snatched his mouth away as Bren hooked my legs over his shoulders, falling to the floor.

“Give it to me,” Orion growled, all alpha command now. “Give it all to me.”

But my attention was jerked away as I felt the first prickle of Bren’s stubble on my thighs. Slow wending kisses made my back arch, wanting to force him up higher, and he chuckled, holding me pinned to the bed.

“Needy, omega?” he asked, and all I could do was nod frantically.




“I know what you need.” I was spread wide and vulnerable, completely open to him, and he pressed his advantage thoroughly. My fingers sank into his hair, wanting, needing more, but I shouldn’t have worried. This wasn’t gentle, we couldn’t be. Everything we’d held back and kept to ourselves came rushing out all at once, his tongue burying itself deep inside me.

“Fuck!” I yelped, it all too much and not enough. He pulled free to make mad passionate love to my clit, circling it and flicking it and sucking it until I was clawing at the bed, then he’d pierce me with his tongue and start all over again.

“Bren!” I tried to claw him up my body to settle between my legs, but he didn’t move an inch. “Alpha!”

That pulled him free of me, eyes like molten pits, his beard matted with me. His fangs flashed as he answered me, the considerate weapons master gone now.

“That’s right—I’m your alpha, and I always will be. No wriggling free and running now, love. You’re mine.” I panted my rapid agreement to that as he slid between my thighs, hooking his fingers inside me and finding me dripping, satisfied enough to replace them with his heavy cock. “And you’re my omega.”

He stopped, the head of his cock wedged deep in me, treating me to a delicious preview of what was to come, but not moving until I acknowledged it. He licked his lips and fangs with a deliberate slowness.

“Say it.”

“I’m your omega, alpha.”

“Fuck yes, you are. Say it again, and I’ll give you another inch.”

“I’m your omega.” My delivery was lacking this time, my voice little more than a squeak as I felt him stab deeper.

“Say it again, Cyn. Say it again, and I’ll give you my cock and my fangs and every fucking thing I have. Say it, and I’ll be what I always have been. Say it, and I’ll bite you and make you mine.”

His voice was hoarse, his control hanging by a thread, and I felt the heavy movements of our other mates as they settled close. Orion smiled down at me, looking teary-eyed and trashed as he nodded, helping me to tilt my throat back, Rhys reaching to place his hand on Brendan’s shoulder.

“I’m your omega,” I said to him, to Rhys, to Bren, to all of them, because that was all I could feel as Bren lunged forward.

He hit me like a freight train, suddenly filling the ache inside me up to and beyond my limit, pulsing deeper in little thrusts, testing my limits. I felt some of what Bren described, the pleasure-pain that came from going beyond what you were used to for someone you loved. I clawed at Bren’s hips, dragging him closer, feeling the sharp burn as my cunt stretched and stretched, even as my clit pulsed like crazy. Waves of pleasure crashed over me, making me gasp, cry out, my other mates reassuring me all the way through, until finally, Bren pushed his knot in with a pop, then his fangs locked down on the skin at my throat.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at him, as I looked at them, knowing what the heat had taken from me. It created this hot, hot haze, but it was nothing compared to this. I knew how Marcus caught the moment I bit Orion, because right now, it felt like everything within them came rushing into me. Not thoughts or perceptions or anything but this.

“What the fuck is that?” Bren asked, pulling his fangs back.

“It’s us,” Rhys said, utterly confident in what he was feeling, and why not? Each and every one of us had been hustling, waiting, yearning for this, and now, we had it. I didn’t need anyone to complete me, but the love that came from them swelled inside in a way that made everything else seem irrelevant. For one seamless moment, we were together and we were perfect.

I stroked the back of Bren’s neck as his cum jetted into me, swimming in the beautiful feeling of all of my mates’ bodies pressed in against mine.