Good Girl by Sam Hall


The drawing had been framed and was being hung on the wall behind Marcus’ desk. Having it look down on the place I’d been reintroduced to the rest of them seemed somehow fitting.

“So you’ve achieved your goals. The upper echelons are reeling,” Orion said. “Those still standing are trying to circle the wagons, but there aren’t many wagons to circle.”

“Simply not being a fuck would have gone a long way to preventing that from happening,” Bren muttered, jumping down from the bench behind the desk. He moved over, wrapping an arm around me and giving me a squeeze. “Does it meet your standards, milady?”

“Always,” I said, giving him and the others a long look.

“So the revolution has been successful,” Orion said. “What now? World domination?”

Marcus smiled slowly, then turned on the big screen on the wall and booted up his computer. “Well, I have some ideas…”

“I bet you do,” Rhys rumbled, “but I’ve got just one. You kept all the shit alphas were doing, the rapes and the abuse, to yourself, because you knew I’d want to act on it. You’re right. Ari, all those other omegas…” He shook his head. “That could just as easily be my brother. We can’t let that stand.”

Marcus’ smile didn’t falter, just grew wider.

“You anticipated that too, didn’t you?” Rhys asked with a huff of breath.

“Of course.” The smile faltered. “It’s why I love you. You’re the moral compass I lack. I might be the brain, but everyone follows the heart.”

And with that, he clicked on his screen, opening spreadsheets and planning documents and maps, so many maps, each peppered with markers.

“World domination is so gauche. I want to use our powers for good.”

“For good?” Orion asked, almost incredulously.
