Stitch by Jaime Lewis

Chapter Seven

Ace stared at his phone in shock as he read a text from his sister.  Literally, his mouth gaped open in disbelief.

“Ran into trouble, may not make my flight. I’ll call when I can”.

What the fuck kind of message was that? He had heard his phone vibrate with a text around three-thirty in the morning, but at that precise moment, he was balls deep inside his fiancé, and when he saw it was Mia and not work calling him in, he decided it could wait knowing she was due to arrive this morning. But now, he wasn’t sure.

The more times he read her words, the more pissed off he got. He dialed her number, and again it went straight to voicemail. He disconnected and threw the phone down onto the table, and ran his hands through his hair.

Alex looked over from the stove where she’d been all morning cooking. “What’s wrong, honey?”

Ace looked up as Alex walked toward the table. “I don’t understand Mia’s message.” He showed her the text message.

Alex’s eyes widened, and she even looked confused. This was so not like his sister.

“When she says trouble, does she mean like real trouble?” Alex asked, and Ace could see the worry in her expression. Hell, he was concerned.

He shook his head. “I don’t know. I’ve tried to call her a few times, but her call goes to voicemail, and texts I’ve sent go unanswered.”

“What about your mom or sisters? Have they heard anything from her?”

“No, nothing.”

“That’s really strange. When Tenley and I talked to her the other night she seemed excited about coming down.”

“Something is wrong. I just know it. Mia never misses a holiday. Plus, she’s an explainer.” Alex’s look of confusion made him elaborate. “She likes to explain herself down to the very last detail, even though it annoys the hell out of me.”  He read the text to her again, and Alex drew her eyebrows in.

She reached out and touched his arm, and he knew it was a gesture of comfort. It was a quality that he loved about her.

“Maybe something came up with her job. She did say that she has been inundated at the clinic. From the sounds of it, she works from sunup to sundown. Maybe she was having second thoughts on coming down and wants to just chill by herself for a long weekend. I mean, it can get pretty crazy hanging with our little family,” Ace gave her a sideways look, and Alex threw her hands in the air.  “Hey, I don’t know, I’m just thinking out loud.”  She got up from the table and walked over to the counter, and continued to cut up more vegetables. She looked over her shoulder, “Give Stitch a call; maybe she called him.”  Ace didn’t miss the small smile on her face.

“Why would she call him?” He barked, causing her to turn around and raise an eyebrow at him, and she sighed.

“Maybe, because they talk on the phone and just maybe she mentioned something to him. We’ve talked about this, but I guess you just choose not to listen. You know, for someone who is so detailed-oriented in your day-to-day life, you sure are oblivious, or maybe just in denial to your surroundings here at home.” His eyes widened at her smart-ass comment.  He stared at her back while she continued to busy herself around the kitchen, getting things ready for dinner and for Irish and Bailey’s small wedding ceremony that was taking place on their back patio before they all sat down for a Thanksgiving feast.

Damn, now that he thought about it, they’d held three weddings at the house within the past nine months. Shit, he should start charging a venue and catering fee, considering Alex orchestrated everything from decorating down to the food.

He shook his head, realizing he was getting off track. He wanted to focus a little more on this Mia and Stitch “thing.”  Was there an actual “thing” between the two of them, and he wasn’t aware? No, surely, Stitch would have talked with him.  At least he better had, if he knew what was good for him.

He gave Alex another look, this time giving her his best interrogator look. It was the one he used when he confronted an enemy who had valuable information he wanted.  “How often do they talk?” And, damn, if her eyes just twinkled. He should have known better than to pull the SEAL routine with her.  Alex was a born fighter and wouldn’t back down from anyone or anything, including him. Before she could answer, the doorbell rang, bringing their discussion to a temporary halt.  But he would get answers even if he had to play dirty to get them.

He pushed away from the table and stood, pointing his finger in her direction. “We are not done with this discussion.”

“Whatever you say, Ace.” She replied over her shoulder with a sassy smile as she watched him.  He couldn’t help but smile and shake his head.  God damn, he loved her, sass and all.