Obsessed Love by MINK



“Ican’t eat another bite.” Love puts her fork down and shakes her head.

“I have cake for dessert. Homemade.” Alice rises from her spot at the table.

“You made a cake on top of this stew?” Love rubs her stomach. “I already have a food baby, but if it’s a homemade cake, I’ll go for twins.”

She’s being cute, but the thought of her swollen with my child hits me in all the right places. It puts a smile on my face, one that Alice notices. She gives me a wink before returning to the kitchen.

“This place is huge.” Love leans back in her chair and stares up at the hand-painted ceiling in the dining room. Then she meets my gaze. “You never told me what you do for a living beside kidnapping unwitting police officers.”

“You know how you don’t like breaking the rules? Well, I live for it.” I shrug. “I dabble in illegal goods. I’ll tell you more if you like.”

“I knew it was going to be something shady.” She sighs. “I mean, you were in prison, and you did kidnap a police officer with a disturbingly carefree attitude about it.”

Pikachu jumps into the chair beside her, and she scratches under his chin as he sends me a haughty look.

“It’s shady.” I nod. “And if you want the details, like I said, I’ll tell you.”

“Maybe later. Right now, I want you to tell me why you were in prison and what revenge you’ve been talking about. You owe me.”

“I do.” I check my watch.

“You have somewhere to be?” she asks. “When it’s my turn for you to spill?”

“I’m not going anywhere at the moment.” I put my arm around the back of her chair and pull her close to my side.

Pikachu glares at me.

“I went to prison for murder.”

She stiffens.

“One I didn’t commit.”

“Oh.” She seems to let out a breath. “Good.”

No point mentioning all the murders I have committed just yet. “I was set up by one of my closest business associates, Massimo. He tried to kill me, failed, then committed a murder and framed me for it. Paid all the right people in all the right places to get me convicted.”

“He tried to kill you?”

“When you pulled me over and I told you I had an old injury that limited movement in my left arm? That wasn’t a lie. He stabbed me in the back, literally. But I recovered, and I was going to come after him, so he set me up.”

“He sounds really bad.”

“Almost as bad as me.” I fork her another bite of stew.

She takes it. “So good. But I have to stop.”

I kiss her hair. “I’m going to take Massimo out, and I’m going to make it hurt. He wanted my territory, my everything—he’s going to get some of it. A nice little spot I already picked out under a dead crabapple tree at the edge of my property.” I smile thinking about how I’m going to dump his dismembered body into that dark hole.

“Yikes.” Her eyes are wide. “I mean, I understand, but also, yikes.”

She’s so fucking cute. Does she have any idea how cute she is?

Ali strides in, his dark hair a mess. That means he’s stressed. I don’t blame him.

“Hey.” He stops when he sees Love.

“Ali, this is Love. Love, this is Ali. He’s like a brother to me. You can trust him.” I cut him a glance.

He recovers from his surprise and sits in his usual spot. “Is this that red wine stew Alice makes?” He scoops himself a big helping from the pot. “I love it.”

“She’s bringing cake, too,” Love adds nervously.

“Don’t worry,” I whisper in her ear. “He wanted to kill Massimo for me, but I made him wait until I got out. He’s loyal. A good man in a bad man’s business.”

Ali’s eyes roll back as he tastes the stew. “Man, I needed this.”

“What’s wrong?”

Ali glances at Love. “Nothing.”

“You can speak freely in front of her. She knows I’m not on the up and up. I did kidnap her, after all.”

Ali chokes on his stew, sputtering as he brings his napkin to his mouth.

“Are you okay?” Love starts to stand.

“He’s fine.” I keep her by my side. Ali may be like a brother to me, but I want Love’s attention all for myself. So does Pikachu, because he jumps onto the table right in front of her. Three males vying for her attention, it would seem.

“Pikachu, not on the table.” She shoos him off as Alice returns with a carrot cake. Ali recovers and takes a big drink of his wine.

Love’s eyes light up when she sees the cream cheese icing with the giant orange carrot design on top. “My favorite.”

“Mine too.” I kiss the back of her hand.

“Give her an extra large slice,” I tell Alice as I rise.

“Where are you going?” Love looks up at me.

“I have some business to handle.”

“Need me, boss?” Ali wipes his mouth and eyes the cake with longing.

“No, stay here. You already helped plenty.”

He nods, well aware of where I’m going. He’s the one who found Love’s old instructor. Brad Garviss. He lives over an hour away, but I’ve got the time. I’ll always have the time to deal with trash like him.

“Don’t try to run away.” I lean over and kiss Love full on the mouth.

She makes a squeaky sound, probably uncomfortable kissing me in front of Ali and Alice, but she’ll have to get used to it. And she does, soon opening her mouth for me so I can slide my tongue in and taste the icing. She’s delicious. Sugar coated in sugar.

When I pull back, her cheeks are pink, Alice is grinning, and Ali is looking intently at his food.

“I don’t run unless something’s chasing me,” Love says.

“Don’t give me ideas.” I kiss her once more, then stand.

She blushes even more, and Alice starts chatting with her about the house.

Knowing that Love will be here waiting for me speeds me along. But business is business, and this asshole Brad Garviss is now my business.

* * *

It’s late when I return. About three in the morning when I finally get out of my car and stroll through the quiet house. Each step takes me closer to Love, to where she lies in our bed. I’ve thought about her the entire time I was doing my dirty work.

Brad remembered her. I didn’t even have to remove any fingers for him to confess. He was weak and stupid, but I still enjoyed killing him. Prison didn’t make me ruthless; I was already well acquainted with what it takes to make it to the top of my world.

I didn’t come from one of the big families or have a name that meant anything, so I had to work for it. Doing dirty work for families like Massimo’s until I could climb the ranks.

She’s asleep in our bed, her little ball of rage and fur curled up beside her. I like it that he protects her when I’m gone, though we’re still going to need some boundaries. After all, Love is mine. I stole her fair and square.

I hit the shower, Brad’s blood running off me as steam fills the room. The familiar ache in my left shoulder is back, a constant reminder of how fleeting loyalty can be. I’d gotten too comfortable when I’d gotten to the top of the game. I know that now. It’s the reason Massimo was able to get close. Hubris. It’s always pride before the fall. And fuck, did I fall and then some.

But now, I see a way forward. One with Massimo dead at my feet and Love by my side. Love. I smile. I know her full name, but I don’t use it. Not until she tells me I can. I want her permission for that, and for her to take my last name when the time comes.

I finish soaping up, then turn.

I stop, my body going taut as I find Love in the bathroom, her mouth open as she stares at my hardening cock.