Her Possessive Professor by Gena Snow

Chapter 18







The faculty parking is mostly empty. Thus Jared’s shining silver Porsche is especially conspicuous.  When he holds the door for me, I gingerly step in but not quick enough to escape a peck on my cheek.

The interior of his car smells like him. Musky and manly. My body tingles when he sits down next to me and closes the door. After turning the ignition, he takes my hand in his and squeezes it. “Are you hungry? Do you want to eat first?”

“No,” I shake my head. I only want to be with him.

He smiles. “Let us go then, you and I!”

I roll my eyes as I realize he’s quoting from the Prufrock poem. “Are you taking me to a one-night cheap hotel, professor?”

“No.” He chuckles, letting go of my hand to release the brakes. “I’m taking you to my house.”

My heart races, although I expected it. “Do you err, live by yourself?” I’ve never asked whether he is single. I just assume he is.

“No,” he turns to stare at me with a mischievous look. “I share my residence with a dozen other creatures.”

“What creatures?”

“Birds, squirrels, fish, sometimes bears and coyotes.”

“Sounds like you live in a zoo.”

“You could say that.” He wriggles his eyebrows.


Jared has told me he lives near Tropic of Cancer, which is an expensive area. So I’m not that surprised when he drives into a gated community near a national forest.

My mouth drops when we enter his property. It’s practically inside the forest, and it’s vast. The Tudor house that finally comes into view isn’t grand but rustic and cozy.

“I didn’t know professors made so much money,” I mumble. “I should probably go for a Ph.D.”

Jared chuckles. “That would be a horrible mistake, honey. You shouldn’t get a Ph.D. in anything if making money is your goal, especially not in literature. My salary is barely enough to pay the property tax.”

I gasp. “No way! Then how on earth?”

“My grandpa gifted it to me,” Jared says when we near the entrance of the house.

“Your grandpa?” I ask. “So you’re from a rich family?”

He shrugs. “Not to brag, but my ancestors founded the town.”

I blink. It takes me a few seconds to recall his middle initial is A. “No way!” I exclaim. “You’re part of the Altonfamily?”

“Don’t look at me like that,” he says with a chuckle as he stops the engine. “It’s all history.”

“No, it isn’t!” I mumble. “You family still owns the town—at least half of it.”

“Maybe, but I don’t.” He smiles at me and unbuckles his seatbelt.

Even the university is funded heavily by their donations. I don’t say it aloud, but I suddenly become nervous. My God. He isn’t just a forbidden, hot professor, but an heir in a rich family as well.

“We’re in different leagues, aren’t we?” I mutter when he opens the door for me.

He doesn’t answer my question but puts his hand on my arm. After he helps me out of the car, he holds me tightly in his arms and kisses me. His lips are warm and velvety, and they gently graze mine. His hand strokes my ass over my dress, and his hardness presses into my belly.

“Sweetheart. Our bodies belong to each other,” he murmurs in a gruff voice. “They don’t care about leagues.”

I moan in response, and I wriggle in his arms, wanting him to take me right here against his car, in the open.

He seems to have the wish, too, because he doesn’t let go of my mouth. We consume each other hungrily until we hear a low shriek right above us.

I jerk away from him and look around fearfully. “What’s that?”

“It’s just a silly bird,” he says.

In the camphor tree a few feet away, I catch sight of a flock of parrots, watching us with curious eyes.

Jared picks a pebble from the ground and throws it at them. They flap their wings and fly away, squawking.

I notice a few squirrels running across the lawn from tree to tree as well. So he wasn’t lying about the animals. “Where are the fish?”

“Over there,” he says, pointing at the far end of the lawn, which slopes down and there’s a shimmering belt below it.

“Wow, you got a river in your yard?”

“It isn’t really mine, but it goes through my property, so I guess I get to enjoy it.”

“This is wonderful!” I say, already in love with the natural scenery.

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it,” he says, kissing my head. “We could go fishing one day. There’re trout and I know how to trap them.”

“Do you really live here by yourself, I mean, besides the birds, fish, and squirrels?” I ask.

“Yep.” He takes my hand. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”


The interior of the house is no less charming, with the generous windows framing the natural beauty of its surroundings. The furniture in the living room is old but classic, conveying a cozy feeling. 

We’re on our way to the stairs, but when we pass the library, Jared urges me to go inside. Built-in shelves line the walls, and they are full of books. I browse the book titles as I walk past them. Poetry. Poetry. Poetry. American. European. Asian. World. Classic, modern, contemporary. John Donne. William Wordsworth. Robert Frost…

“Wow,” I murmur. “You’ve got everything!”

“Yep!” he nods proudly.

“Have you read all of these?”

“Yes. At least once,” he says with a nod. “But I often read them again and again.”

“Can you recite them?”

“Only the ones I like.”

“Ah, let me guess,” I say. “They must include the Love Songs of J.A.P.”

He pinches my nose playfully. “How many times must I correct you? No abbreviations on the titles!”

I roll my eyes. “Sorry, Professor Price! I mean J. Alfred Prufrock!”

He stifles a smile. “Good. But no. I haven’t memorized any Eliot. Mostly because my habit of reciting poems only lasted through my teenage years, and I didn’t get to Eliot until college. I became more interested in the meanings of the poems than the forms and sounds. Rhythm, rhyme, repetition don’t matter so much in modern poetry. Without these constraints, poetry becomes more expressive. But without the sound devices, modern poems are more difficult to be memorized.”

I smile and let him go on lecturing, although I’ve heard it before, in his class.

When he finishes, I turn to stand by the window, “It’s so beautiful here I doubt I can ever focus on reading. I could just gaze at the scenery outside all day.”

“Or the scenery inside,” he says, coming next to me and gazing at me. His voice suddenly turns husky.

I tremble as my body goes into sensual mode right away.

“You are the most beautiful scenery to me, Hailey,” he says as he bends to kiss me. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.”

I whimper when his lips claim mine once again. As I wriggle in his powerful arms, his fingers trace along my neck and my collarbone and then slip into the low neck of my dress to fondle my breast.

“Damn, Hailey,” he rasps into my ear. “You are forbidden to wear this dress in public from now on. Understand?”

Wow. He’s so possessive! I shudder. “W-why not?”

“Because it makes me mad, knowing what other men have on their minds.”

“What do they have in mind?” I tease him.

He growls. Without warning, he pushes my dress off my shoulder. It falls off to my hips and then to my feet. I gasp as I stand in front of him in my bra only.

“Fuck,” he grunts. “I’ll never be able to sit here and read again without the image of you on my mind, Hailey!”

Pressing me into the window, he peels off my bra and sucks on my breasts, making me moan. I have had fantasies of having sex in a library, too, but not a private library with such a charming view. “Take me right here please, Jared!”

With a low groan, he swoops me up and carries me out of the library, and into the bedroom.

The bedroom is so large that the king-sized bed looks small in it. The moment he deposits me onto the thick mattress, I bounce a bit. I’m temporarily distracted by the intricately carved bedposts and headboard. I’ve never seen such a luxurious bed, except perhaps in furniture stores or on TV.

While I’m wondering what on earth the bedposts are for, Jared has removed his shirt and is unzipping his pants. “Oh, God!” I murmur. Although we have been intimate more than once, it’s the first time I see him naked. My eyes are popping out of my head as I ogle his gorgeous body—what chiseled abs and muscular limbs! He’s tugging at the waistband of his briefs and tantalizing me with a deliberately slow motion.

My heart beats a hundred miles, and I can hardly breathe. My throat is so dry that when I speak, my voice is croaky. “Please hurry,” I say. “I want to see you!”

He smirks and yanks off his briefs, letting his proud manhood spring free.

I moan at the sight of it, wetness rushing down my thighs. Without hesitation, I sit up and wrap my lips around his hardness.

Jared groans as he watches me intently. Keeping my eyes fixed on his, I bob my head up and down to taste him, wanting so much to please him.

“Baby,” he says in a hoarse voice. “I’ve missed your mouth.”

I sink lower, letting his silky head reach my throat. I do it a few more times until he tenses and pushes me away. “Stop, Hailey. I don’t want to come yet.”

I let go of him reluctantly, and he reaches the nightstand.

After he rolls down a rubber quickly, he moves to the center of the bed and straddles me.

“You don’t know how often I dream of having you here with me, baby,” he whispers into my ear before kissing me again, hungrily.

I moan, enjoying the contact of our bare skin. The sensation is overwhelming, and I have little doubt I’ll explode with just a bit more friction. Jared traces his lips down my throat, my breasts, my belly, and my juncture.

He tastes my feminine parts ravenously until I beg him. “Now, please, Jared!”

He straightens up his back and holds his thick shaft in his hand, rubbing it over with my juice, lingering a bit at my entrance. And then, with a slick, silky thrust, he’s inside of me, to the hilt.

“Ah!” I cry out at the exquisite sensation I’ll never get enough of, letting it seep in every cell of my body. “God. Jared. I love it!”

His eyes are dreamy as he pulls out slowly and thrust again, bringing another cry out of me.

I’m immersed in the sensation of being completely filled, over and over again. Jared’s strokes are all I live for at the moment. My world narrows to him and what his body does to me. He pulls out and thrusts in, filling me, rubbing me, stretching me. He finds my secret spot and feasts on it, gyrating around it to light fire, sending electrical sparks all over my body. 

Jared pants heavily as he pounds me nonstop, his blue eyes piercing me and sizzling with heat. I moan as I wriggle and thrash underneath him, melting into a being that’s desperate for his touch. My happiness and my existence are entirely at his mercy. He’s my master and I’m his slave.

Please master,” I hear myself reciting Allen Ginsberg. “Fuck me more violent!

His eyes smolder, “You got it, good girl!”

He pulls out, bends my knees and spreads me wider, giving my exposed center a lustful look. “You’re gorgeous, Hailey,” he says, shaking his head.

And then, he plunges in like a beast, hitting my cervix wall and making me yelp. I roll my pelvis to crush his balls, forcing a groan out of him. We do it again, merging and melting into each other with an intense need, moaning and grunting until the sensation inside me reaches its pinnacle.

I grip his arms as I tense, getting ready for the force to sweep over me. When my walls convulse, his hardness throbs, and together we release our molten passion.


Moments later, I lie in his arms, his hand stroking my back. “Move in with me, Hailey.”

“W-what?” I answer, not sure whether I heard him right.

“I want to live with you, baby,” he says and kisses my forehead.

“B-but, we’re …”

“I know. We can’t do it yet. But as soon as the semester ends. Okay?”

I hesitate. I haven’t foreseen this. “Isn’t it too soon?”

“Not at all,” he says. “I’ve been waiting for you all my life, sweetheart. I need you. I love you.”

My eyes widen. No way! I blink at the suddenness. Is he serious? “Mmm, I…love you too, but I need to think about it.”

He kisses me possessively and then he stares into my eyes. “Hailey, before you think about it, hear me out,” he speaks in an urgent voice, his heavy breathing betraying his emotions. “We belong with each other, baby. I knew it the first time I laid eyes on you. I can’t explain how and why. I just knew it. The fact you turned out to be my student only drew us closer. After the night I witnessed you being hurt by the jerk, I told myself rules be damned. Nothing would stop me from wanting you. Please Hailey, let’s be together and let me protect you and take care of you, okay?”

Oh my God! This is the most intense speech anyone has ever given me. I haven’t felt being so cherished and safe for a long time. Tears fill my eyes but I force myself not to let them spill. Instead, I sniffle and say with a smile, “OK, professor!”

He groans and pulls me to him. “You’re making me so happy, naughty little girl!”