Her Possessive Professor by Gena Snow

Chapter 9







I thought I would have one drink, and then I would be out of here. But the moment I saw Hailey, I knew I was kidding myself. Now I’ve finished my third drink, and I still have no intention of leaving her. She’s nervous around me, I can tell, and she’s trying to stay away from me. But I stay put, watching her avoiding me and escaping from me, but eventually coming back.

She wears a silky green shirt today that matches the color of her eyes, over a tight black skirt.  The soft material clings to her supple, feminine curves, and she leaves the top buttons undone, deliberately showing her milky cleavage.

I’m still trying to reconcile the striking woman in front of me with the infuriating, unpunctual, inattentive student in my class. Her makeup is more flirtatious than I last saw her at the bar. Her glossy lips draw my blood straight to my crotch. I remember how good they tasted. Jesus. I try to focus on her eyes when I speak to her, but that doesn’t make it easier for me to control my lust. Her eyes look brighter with her mascara, and damn, why do they arouse me so?

My eyes keep wandering along the enticing gap of her shirt despite my attempt not to. I imagine how good it is to run my tongue over the soft valley and make her moan my name. And at the same time, I have the urge to button her up so no other man can ogle her. Fuck. I must be out of my mind.

Hailey Carson is my student, I remind myself. And she’s likely to fail the class.

It doesn’t matter that she’s also a stunning woman who mixes amazing martini. It has officially become my favorite drink. Damn.

Despite all, I don’t hesitate when I see the jerk giving Hailey a hard time.

Although Hailey handles him well, I can’t help worry about her safety. I have the urge to convince her to quit the job but I know it isn’t my place. Thus I come up with the idea of the scholarships. At the least, she could work less hours with an extra financial resource. Damn. Why am I so protective of this girl?

The crowd thins as the customers leave one by one, and two servers also take off their aprons.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we’re closing in five,” a server says to me.

I glance at my watch. It’s eleven-fifty-five. Time flies when you stalk your student who’s also a sexy bartender. I pull out my wallet reluctantly to pay for my tab.

“I’ll see you Tuesday,” I say to Hailey before leaving the bar.

I’m about to start the engine of my car when I catch sight of the young man who gave Hailey trouble earlier. I recall his name was Mark, or Brian. He is alone, standing in the corner of the parking lot, eyeing the entrance. Didn’t he leave the bar nearly an hour ago? What does he want? I recall his menacing look when Hailey refused to serve him a drink. Immediately, I worry about Hailey’s safety. This fellow must be waiting to harass her.

Instead of starting my car, I sit waiting. Hailey’s probably closing the shop and should be out in any minute. I keep my eyes on the fellow for a moment longer, and then my attention lapses. It has been a long day.

Despite my effort of keeping my eyes open, my eyelids feel heavy, and I close them, thinking I’ll just rest for a few minutes.

I wake with a start a moment later after hearing a scream. I sit up and look around in the direction where Brian stood earlier. He’s gone. The bar's back entrance looks dark and quiet, and there isn’t any other car around me. Damn. How long have I napped? I see a shadow moving toward the dark street. It looks like two people are struggling with one another. I get out of my car and run towards it.

The street turns out to be an alley. It’s dark but I can still make out the shadow I’m following. It stops moving. And I hear a man’s low voice. “Don’t make a sound, bitch, or you fucking die.” The guy must be holding a knife against her throat.

“Then you’ll go to jail,” A female’s trembling voice says. It’s Hailey. I can see the shape of her pressed against the wall by the scum.

She’s a tough cookie, but I hear her groan before I have the time to smile. “Shut up, bitch!” The asshole must’ve kicked her.

“Let go of me!” Hailey raises her voice.

“Fuck. Shut up or I’ll cut your throat. Tell me, why did you fuck with me?”

“I was just doing my job.”

It’s Hailey’s voice. I inch toward them. Hailey’s fearful eyes meet mine and I put my index finger on my lips. Her eyes quickly dart back to her assailant. When she speaks again, her voice is calmer. “W-what are you going to do?”

“Good question,” the prick laughs. “I’ll fuck your brains out, bitch!”

When he frees a hand to unzip his fly, I grab his wrist and yank him away from Hailey. I twist his wrist and force him to drop the knife, and then I deliver him a solid punch in his face. “Like hell you will.”

Blood splatters from his nose just as his eyes widen. “What the fuck?”

He strikes back, but I dodge it. I punch him again, this time in his stomach. He doubles over, groaning with pain. I seize his collar and yank his head up, “You want more?”

“No, please,” he begs in a trembling voice.

“Listen carefully, jackass,” I say. “If you dare lay a finger on her again, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to drink anything down your throat at all, not to mention alcohol. Understand?”

“Yes, sir… I’m sorry,” he says.

“Now get lost!”

I let go of his shirt, and he turns on his heel and runs, disappearing in no time.

I turn to check on Hailey, who’s still leaning against the wall, paralyzed.

I pull her into my arms. “Are you all right?”

She trembles right away, uncontrollably, her teeth chattering. Her earlier calm must’ve taken all her self-control.

“Oh God. I can’t … believe this!”

“Shhh… it’s okay now,” I whisper into her ear while stroking her back.

She buries her face in my shoulder and sobs. After she stops shaking, I ask, “Where do you park?”

“A block away.”

“I can walk you there.”

She nods and we start walking. I hold her tight in my arm.

We get to her car a minute later. Hailey makes an effort to pull away from me. “Thank you,” she says.

“You’re welcome,” I say, gazing at her in the dim street light. She looks very pale, calmer but still shaking.

I can’t let her alone like this. “Do you live far from here?”

She nods. “Near the college.”

“Let me take you home,” I say and lead her back to the bar’s parking.



The traffic on the freeway is light, and Hailey is quiet, perhaps still recovering from the shock. I turn to a jazz channel for some soothing music, and soon she leans into the back of the seat and closes her eyes.

When we’re off the freeway, I wake her gently to ask for directions.

Hailey lives in the back house of a single-family home.

“Thank you so much, Professor,” she says before getting out of the car. “Would it be too much to ask you to, err, walk me to my house, too?”

I hesitate for a moment. The area seems to be safe. It doesn’t look as if anyone could be hiding anywhere, but I nod. “Sure, I’ll do that. And call me Jared, please. I’m not your professor at the moment.”

“Okay,” she says with a faint smile.

I turn off the ignition and follow her onto a path next to the lawn and into the back of the property.

There’s a faint light illuminating the adjacency of the house, and I glance around as I walk, wrapping an arm around Hailey’s shoulder protectively.

A small shadow suddenly dashes across the path and lands at Hailey’s feet. She lets out a cry as she grasps my arm, and then she curses. “Shit, Fuzzy, you scared the hell out of me.”

As she bends down to pet the cat, the creature purrs an apology.

“I’m sorry,” Hailey says as she stands up. “I’m just a bit paranoid. I’m not normally like this.”

I shrug. “I understand.”

When she opens the door, she gazes at me. “Would you like to, err, come inside for a minute?”

No. Say no! I hear a voice in my head, but I disregard the warning. “Sure.”

Her house is small but has all the necessities. Besides a living area and a bedroom, it has a miniscule kitchen and a tiny bathroom.

“Would you like a drink?” Hailey asks after she hangs her purse on a door hook.

“No thanks. I’ve had enough for the night.”

I sit down on the couch that takes half of the living area while Hailey pours herself some wine. “Are you sure you don’t want any?” she asks.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I say, still glancing around at the cozy little place that’s about the size of my foyer.

She takes a big gulp of the wine and sighs with satisfaction. And then she sits down next to me, keeping a space between us.

“Thanks again,” she says.

“Stop thanking me, please. I only did what my instinct told me to.”

“You’re so different from …” she stops midsentence.

“From Professor Price?” I ask.

She nods. “Yeah.”

“What’s your impression of him?”

“I don’t want to say it.”

“Let me guess. I’m an arrogant and obnoxious bastard who takes pleasure in failing students.”

Her mouth opens. “How did you know?”

I shrug. “They said it to my face more than once.”

“And you’re okay with it?”

“What can I do? I don’t like it. But then, my job isn’t to make students like me.”

“You’re so rare.”

I chuckle. “No, honey, I’m not. Maybe in this college, I am. Maybe in this era, I am. But when I was in college, professors were supposed to be strict. Friendly, nice professors were ineffective, just as loving parents tend to spoil their kids.”

Her face falls after I speak my last sentence.

“I agree,” she mumbles. “Look at me.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Hailey,” I say. “You don’t look like a spoiled child to me.”

“I used to be,” she murmurs.

“What changed you?”

“They died.”

It takes me a second to understand what she means. “I’m so sorry!”

She shakes her head.

“What happened?”

“My mom died about five years ago of cancer, and my dad three months ago, stroke.”

“You’re all alone? Do you have any siblings or relatives?”

“I’ve got a stepmom. She took pretty much everything away from me, my dad’s house and a small trust he set aside for me. I don’t even have the money to finish college.”

“Is that why you have to work so hard to support yourself?” I ask.

She pauses for a moment. “I don’t really deserve anyone’s sympathy because it was partly my fault. I let my dad down. For years I hated him for remarrying. He wanted me to finish college, but I was so rebellious I quit college to spite him. I didn’t know he was sick. I would’ve done it differently if I had known. I feel as if I killed him.”

I pull her to me and cuddle her. “No, sweetheart, it isn’t your fault.”

She buries her face in my chest for a moment and then looks up. Her beautiful eyes shimmer with tears, and her mascara smears her face. Damn. My shirt must have the stain too, but I don’t care.

I wipe her tears with my thumb instead, a tender gesture that doesn’t belong to me.

And then, much to my surprise, she hooks her arms around my neck and reaches to kiss me on the lips. I tense as blood rushes south to inflate my male organs. I resist the urge to kiss her back, but her soft lips brush against mine over and over. Finally, I let out a low groan and part my lips. I begin to stroke hers, lightly at first, and then more and more forcefully because damn, they taste good.

She presses her body against my chest, and her hands manage to slip into my shirt and greedily rub on my back. I curse inwardly, fighting my urge. I shouldn’t carry on. I should stop. She’s a student. Shit. I should know better, but I reciprocate further. I trail my lips across her cheek to kiss the spot below her ear and then down to her neck, to her collarbone. I lick the little dent that’s fascinated me since the day I met her and make her moan louder.

Hailey rolls her pelvis against my hard-on. Fuck me. I slip a hand under her skirt and squeeze her plump little cheek. She’s soft and warm, and I bet she’s dripping, too. I’m crossing the line. Dammit. But I can’t pull my hand away. Her panties are drenched and I swipe my finger over it. She’s mewling like a kitten in heat. I know I can just lay her on the couch and spread her legs…

“Come on, Jared,” she says in a husky voice. “I’m not your student for the moment. Didn’t you say that? I’m someone you met at a bar and saved from a villain, and she’s dying to repay you your kindness.”

“You’re feeling indebted to me, then?” I waver between lust and decency.

She chuckles and whispers into my ear. “Not entirely. I’m also hungry for your cock.”

Holy shit. These filthy words couldn’t have come from those pretty lips I’ve just kissed. And this naughty girl can’t be the young woman who was crying in my arms just a moment ago.

Those green eyes are no longer sad but shimmering with lust. Before I can say no, she’s on her knees, her hands reaching for my fly.

My heart races, and my cock can’t wait to jump out of the prison of my pants. The moment she frees it, it springs and startles her. She gasps. “Ohmygod! Professor Price!” she says with a naughty smirk.

Fuck. I mutter. “Don’t call me that. I’m not your professor at the moment.”

“Oops. I forgot.” She doesn’t hesitate to open her mouth and lean forward.

Her touch feels so heavenly that my groan sounds desperate. Come on. I admonish myself. It wasn’t that long ago when I had a one-night-stand in Paris with a tourist I met at the hotel. The woman was older than me and very experienced. While Hailey, I can tell, isn’t. She’s clumsy and a bit timid. Maybe that’s the charm. I have the urge to come as soon as she takes my shaft in her mouth. A few thrusts later, my cock is throbbing. Hailey tries to deep-throat me, but I stop her. “No need for that, sweetheart. Just keep sucking.”

She nods and does what I say diligently. I watch her glossy lips wrapping around my shaft and moving up and down, gripping me all the way. Her bright green eyes and the faint smile give me the impression she is tasting the most delicious candy.

I cradle her face as she bobs it up and down, and I smooth her hair. “Your mouth is my heaven, sweetheart.”

She lets out a tiny moan, and the corners of her mouth twitch. And then she presses her lips around the neck of my manhood and bites me over her lips. At the same time, she massages my balls with her soft fingers.

“Holy fuck,” I mutter.

She giggles faintly and, without warning, sinks all the way down, her lips touching my balls. The warmth of her esophagus nearly leads to sensory overload. And as she fights her urge to gag, my cock vibrates and explodes.

Despite her swallows, my come spills onto her chin and drips onto her shirt. I don’t wait to reach to kiss her and lick her clean.

“God, sweetheart. Not bad for a first time.”

“How do you know it’s my first time?”

“I’m guessing,” I say, stroking her back. “Am I not right?”

“You are,” she says while plopping onto the couch behind her. Her skirt barely covers her hips, exposing her drenched panties. I pull the damp garment down and toss it on the floor, and then I bury my face between her thighs. I inhale greedily. “So fucking sweet,” I say, gazing into her eyes.

She moans at my words and the anticipation of what I have in mind.

Eyes not leaving her, I give her a long, thorough lick, sucking her honey juice into my mouth.

“Oh, God!” She wriggles, gazing at me with hooded eyes.

That look feeds my ego. It says she’s mine, and I want it never to leave her face. I lap faster, stroking her honey lips with my tongue over and over, making her writhe on the couch.

“Jared, please,” she murmurs while grasping my hair.

I know what she wants and I don’t hesitate to give her. I tease the little nub hidden under the hood until it’s swollen, and then I suck it between my lips. I alternate between a soft touch and a forceful tug simply because I don’t want her to come yet. I need to see the lust in her eyes and to enjoy my power over her. I need to hear her beg.

Her shirt buttons are all undone, and her bra is loose. Her hands are cupping her breasts. She squeezes them as she moans. I reach a hand to help her and to feel her soft swells. Fuck me. I don’t ever want to take my hands off her. I roll her engorged nipple, knowing it must be sensitive. Her soft whimpers confirm the fact, and I pinch harder.

She rasps, “Please, I need to come. Don’t stop.”

I swirl my tongue against her clit. As she tenses, I press it hard. She screams as she jolts, convulsing as she pulls my hair.

She has barely calmed down when she whispers to me, “Fuck me, please. Jared.”

I nod. I’ve gone so far, and it’s really pointless to stop now, right?

I thrust a finger into her little wet hole, and she whimpers, her eyes begging for more.

I reach deeper and deeper until I feel a barrier. “Hell, no. You’re a virgin?”

She nods shyly. “I am.”

I withdraw my hand. “I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t stop,” she begs. “I want to give it to you.”

“Why?” I ask foolishly.

“I don’t know. I’ve just never wanted another guy before.”

I should be flattered, but I guess all the excitement really clears the little alcohol in my head. I need to stop. Although she doesn’t admit the fact, I can’t help thinking she’s grateful rather than lustful.

“Hailey, I think I’ve transgressed enough already for the night,” I say. “It’s happening too fast. You might regret it later.”

“I won’t!” she says, pouting and still grasping my hand.

I gently pry her hand open and stand up.