Made Marian, Volume Two by Lucy Lennox

Moving Maverick is dedicated to my parents for giving me the gift of summers at the beach filled with rough wooden deck planks, the musty smell of life jackets in the beach storage closet, the generic car that ran with no key, powdery candy cigarettes at the General Store, bike rides to town, warm sand and toenail shells, the rhythmic cadence of tumbling ocean waves, colorful sunfish sails, peppermint ice cream cones at Four Seas, and two beloved sisters to share in the making of the memories.

This book is not dedicated to the sister who made me grip the hull in terror as she crossed the channel on a fucking tiny sunfish, threatened “hard to lee” in a maniacal cackle, and almost got me killed in a capsizing event. Multiple times. May you rot in hell.

But I love you anyway. I guess.