Witch Undecided by Debbie Cassidy

Chapter Fifteen

Ilay on the forest floor, staring at the sky through a canopy of leaves. My pounding heart slowly returned to resting pace.

Not bad.Rune’s wolfy face appeared above me, his golden eyes bright with exertion. You kept up.

“And I don’t feel like puking.”

Always a good sign.

I’d been running with the wolves for almost three weeks, and training with Sloane for the same, and my mind and body were sharper than ever, and they’d only get more honed with time. When the Sons of Adam came for me, I’d be ready.

Any news from Sloane?Rune asked.

“You mean any luck in translating the book? No.” I sat up and brushed bracken out of my ponytail. “I called Fee, but it went to voicemail. I’ve left her a message saying I need help translating it.”

Elijah and Bramble?

My heart sank. “Nothing from Bramble.” I’d left her a soppy message two nights ago after getting drunk with The Elites. We’d barely spent two weeks together, but I fucking missed her. “Elijah hasn’t checked in either, not with me or with Anna. Rune, I’m worried.”

There is nothing you can do, and worrying is a waste of mental energy without a course of action. We wait until we have information we can act on.He padded around to face me, and then extended his neck and gently plucked a leaf from my hair. Better.

I locked gazes with him, seeing not the wolf but the man from the photos Halle had shared with me. I’d been dying to ask him why he was stuck in wolf form but opted to wait until he offered the information. I was beginning to think telling me wasn’t on his agenda in the near future.

I reached out and sank my fingers into the fur at his neck. He closed his eyes and nuzzled my cheek with his nose.

“Why won’t you tell me, Rune?”

He stilled. Cora…

“I don’t want to push you, but—”

He pulled away from me. Then don’t.

Fuck. “I’m sorry.”

He dropped his head and closed his eyes. So am I. I want to share myself with you, Cora. You’re my mate and I feel things for you just like Leif and Tor, but I can’t be with you the way they can. I’ll never be able to be with you in that way. I won’t be able to hold you in my arms, or caress your cheek with my hand, or feel the silken strands of your hair slip between my fingers. Your decision to keep your relationship with us platonic came as a huge relief to me. Selfish, I know. But I don’t know if I’d have been able to see them with you in that way, knowing I could never have you like that, and be okay with it.

“But you won’t tell me why?”

I’m cursed, Cora. I can never shift into human form, and that’s all you need to know. Reliving it won’t change the facts. It is what it is.

There was pain in his voice and my heart ached for him. Fuck it, I didn’t need to know any more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my cheek into his silken fur.

I hugged him for long seconds, then pulled away and stood. “You wanna race back to the cabin?”

He chuffed. Race? As in you want to compete with me.

“Is that arrogance I hear in your tone, Mr. Holm?” I cocked my hip and rested my hand on it. “Just for that, I’m gonna kick your furry ass.”

He raised his head slightly, and I could imagine the arched brow. Impossible to kick ass when the ass is—

He bolted.

Shit! I bolted after him. The fucker. The cheating fucker. I tucked in my chin and pushed everything I had into the run. Thank God I’d opted for my low-heeled boots for this. They had an added rebound in the heel and the shock absorption gave me every advantage. Dammit he was fast, weaving between the trees with sinuous grace. There was no way I was catching up with him.

Enjoying eating my dust?

I didn’t have the breath to respond. But an idea formed in my mind and then I made a jump, materializing meters ahead of him.

Ha, eat my dust.

Not likely.

He’d heard?

You thought it pretty hard.


He whizzed past me as we neared the track to the cabin.


His laughter rang in my ears, a sexy baritone that resonated in my chest, sending warmth shooting through me. That laughter was like sunshine and kisses and hugs. It wrapped around me and squeezed.

My pace slowed as he shot ahead, because he’d laughed with me for the first time and it was as if someone had handed me a priceless gift.

He came to a halt on the track up ahead and turned to face me. Give up?

I sighed and allowed my shoulders to slump as I walked up to him. “You’re too damn fast.”

I noted his stance relax. Wait for it. I was almost abreast of him when I broke into a sprint down the track toward the cabin.

Once again, his laughter rang in my heart, filling me with joy and giving my feet wings.

And then the air around us fizzed and cracked.

Rune’s snarl ripped the air behind me. Ward breach.


A whoosh rippled the air and a figure landed in front of me. Sapphire eyes locked onto me and smiled.


Rune dashed past me and launched himself at the figure.

Fuck. “Rune, no!”

Conah’s eyes widened, then Rune’s huge body was slamming into him, jaws aimed for the reaper’s throat. My heart shot into my mouth, staunching my scream.

Conah’s wings flared, catching air and yanking him away from Rune and up into the air. He flew toward me and landed by my side. Rune twisted his body toward us. His golden gaze locked on Conah, lips pulling back to reveal vicious fangs.

I held out my hands. “It’s okay, Rune. This is Conah, my friend.”

The air around us fizzed and popped and Sloane, Poppy, and Jessie materialized around us.

Fucking hell. “It’s okay, guys, this is Conah.”

“Dammit, Conah,” Sloane said. “You know the fucking rules.”

She knew him?

“I thought I was on the guest list,” Conah said calmly.

Sloane rolled her eyes. “A year ago. We’ve updated the wards since.” Her gaze fell to me. “We had some issues with intruders.”

Rune padded toward us. Tell him I’m sorry I tried to kill him.

I winced at Conah. “Rune apologizes for trying to kill you.”

Conah looked down at Rune. “Apology accepted. I’d have done the same in your position.” He grinned. “Only difference is, I’d probably have succeeded.”

Rune chuffed. I like him.

“Jessie, reset the wards. You.” Sloane jabbed a finger at Conah. “Come with me. I assume you’re here to translate the book?”

Conah inclined his head. “I am. I should have done that to begin with; I forget sometimes how limited witches are when it comes to ancient languages.”

“You mean otherworld languages,” Sloane retorted.

Conah smiled. “That too.” He looked at me with a soft smile. “I’m here to help in any way I can, but I need a moment with Cora first.”

Sloane sighed. “That works, we need to refuel anyway. Meet me in the library in an hour.”

Jumping didn’t come naturally to them. It took a special incantation and tapped into their physical energy reserves. But an hour was enough time to hit the dining hall and fuel up.

She focused on me. “I’ll see you for training later.”

Shit. “I can’t tonight. I have the hunt.”

“Oh, yeah. Okay, tomorrow then.” She speared me with her emerald peepers. “Be safe.”

She winked out, taking The Elites with her. Rune nudged me with his nose. I’ll see you inside. I’d offer to put the kettle on but… He padded away, leaving me alone with Conah.

“Is that one of your mates?” he asked.

“Yeah, that’s Rune.”

“The one who doesn’t take human form.”

“You’ve been talking to Fee.” I tipped my head toward the cabin and started walking.

He joined me. “She’s worried about you, but she wants to respect your boundaries. She understands you need to do this yourself.” He frowned. “Why do you need to do this yourself?”

I’d thought about this a lot over the past few weeks. Why did I need to go solo on this? Why did the thought of Fee being here with me make me anxious?

I finally understood. “I’ve always felt like a part of someone else’s story. A part of someone else’s life, and for the first time I have my own path to walk. It’s a bit of a mess at the moment, but it’s my mess. I love Fee. I always will, but I don’t want to be her tulpa anymore. I want to be my own person, and to do that I need to walk my path without her for a while. I need to master all this myself and settle in before I share it with her.”

He was silent for a long beat. “I understand, but you should know, if she hadn’t been called to deal with Underealm business she’d probably have broken and come here with me.”

Yeah, I could totally see that happening.

“I’d like to help if I can. I know a little about what the Grimswood coven protects. I understand the importance of keeping it hidden, and I’d like to offer my expertise in any way possible.”

He was an archivist, a master of ancient and otherworld languages, and an excellent researcher, not to mention a kickass Dominus reaper. Being able to call on him would be a huge bonus. Fee couldn’t be here, but this was her way of making sure I was taken care of, just like I’d made sure she was safe.

Still, he had a whole other life and responsibilities. Was it fair to drag him into my mess? “What about your Dominus duties?”

“Taken care of. I can come and go without too much issue once Sloane puts me back on the guest list.” He winked. “And I found this.” He pulled a book from beneath his jacket, aged pages bound in soft leather. “Lilith’s journal. Her only journal.”

“One journal for all those centuries?”

“I know.” His expression was grim. “Minimus, her advisor, told me she only ever kept one journal and recorded only troubling or vital events in it. I had a flick through and found a couple of references to Sons of Adam. I need to study it better. The handwriting isn’t easy to decipher and neither is the language used.”

We climbed the steps to the cabin, and I turned to face him. “Thank you for doing this.”

His shoulders sagged in relief, as if he’d been expecting me to turn him down. I was stubborn, not foolish.

“I’ll get started on a translation for you,” he said. “It should be ready in a couple of days.”

He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s good to see you, Cora. We’ve missed you.”

Nostalgia for the life I’d known bloomed in my chest. “I’ve missed you guys too.”

He studied me, gaze tracking over my face. “Are you happy here?”

I smiled. “It’s beginning to feel like home, Con.”

He nodded. “That’s good. That’s really—”

“Who the fuck are you, and why are you standing so close to my mate?”

Tor stood at the base of the steps, naked.

As usual.

Conah blinked at him and then looked at me. “Tor?”

“Yep.” I walked over to the box by the door, snagged a pair of joggers, and chucked them at Tor. “Cover your epic tackle and you can get to know my friend Conah over a cup of tea.”

It was time for my mates to meet a big part of my old life.

I tidiedup the tea things. Conah had left five minutes ago and it was now just Tor and me. He sat at the table in his joggers, commando, because he hadn’t left Conah and me alone long enough to go put on boxers and a T-shirt. He watched me in silence.

I glanced over my shoulder. “You could help, you know?”

“Oh, but that would mean lugging my epic tackle around the kitchen. So exhausting.”

I loved the banter with Tor because it didn’t happen often, but when it did it was a treat. “Seriously, Tor?” I injected a dry tone into my voice.

“You think it’s epic.”

I shrugged, my back to him. “It’s a good size.”

“I think the word you’re searching for is epic.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Boundaries, Tor.”

“Says the woman who’s been sizing up my tackle.”

“Says the shifter who spends most of his time naked with his tackle on show.”

“Shifter life, Cora. You’re more than welcome to get naked with us.”

There was the barest hint of suggestion in his tone and my pulse hitched. “I’ll pass.”

Although it was getting harder and harder to pass up being around them, of being close to them. It was more than a sexual need. It was an emotional draw. I enjoyed their company and cared about them more and more every day. It was getting harder and harder to keep my stupid heart on a leash. The fact that they were naked half the time didn’t help, but I’d made sure to keep boxes of spare joggers by the doors.

I was used to taking what I wanted when I wanted. I hadn’t had sex for months before coming here because of Jasper, the pussy block, but I’d been able to get off with my toys. Now I was joined by one of the guys every night, and I hadn’t had a chance to masturbate properly for weeks. Shower orgasms weren’t the same. I needed my bed, my toys, and some time. This vampire problem needed to be sorted asap so I could get my privacy back. Maybe getting my libido under control would help keep my heart in line.

Tor and Leif were good at maintaining the boundaries. This had to be difficult for them too, but at least they got to jack off, and soon they’d be fucking loads of shifter females to sow their wild oats.

My throat grew tight at the thought. It shouldn’t bother me, but it did.

“Cora?” Tor came up behind me and his hands rested on my hips. “What’s wrong?”

I inhaled the forest scent that clung to his skin. Of course he could feel my disconcertion. “Nothing.”

He sighed. “We talked about this. No lies. Not between us.”

“Fine. I was just thinking you and Leif will be procreating soon.”

His fingers flexed on my hips. “If it makes any difference, the thought of lying with another female makes my stomach turn.”

I turned to face him, but he kept his hands on my hips, lifting them slightly to allow me to adjust position, then gripping me again.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

I locked my gaze on his hard jaw, afraid that if I looked into his eyes he’d see how much I wanted him. How much I cared and how fucking jealous I was at the thought of him with someone else.

“Cora.” One hand gripped my nape, firmly, thumb caressing the column of my neck. He hadn’t touched me like this in weeks and my hungry, greedy skin ached for more. My eyes fluttered closed as he forced me to tip my head up. “Look at me,” he demanded again.

I obeyed, drowning in his steel-gray eyes. Silver flecks bloomed in his irises, the wolf beneath his skin.

“I want you, Cora. With every fiber of my being. Never doubt that.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “That’s the mating bond. It makes you want m—”

His head dipped so his mouth was millimeters from mine, so fucking close there was merely a sliver of air between us. My mouth parted, desperate for the kiss of his lips, but he held back, breathing me in. This wasn’t a kiss, it was something more, something intimate and soft. His eyes fluttered closed and he tucked in his chin to brush the tip of his nose against mine.

He slipped his hand off my hip and gently grasped my wrist, bringing my palm to his chest. His heart beat hard and fast against my fingers, echoing the thunder in my pulse.

“This is more than the mating bond, Cora.” His voice was an aching throb. “And honestly, I have no idea what the fuck to do with it.”

My throat pinched. “Tor…”

“I know, baby. I know.” He kissed my forehead and released me. “I’ll keep the boundaries.” He ran his thumb across my bottom lip. “But this thing between us. It’s not going away, and if we don’t take it somewhere eventually, things are going to get uncomfortable for us all.”

He padded out of the room and I sagged back against the sink. Fuck. He was right. My boundaries weren’t working. My plan wasn’t working, but what was the alternative?

I reached up to touch my lip, still tingling from Tor’s touch. I’d worry about it later. Right now, I had a hunt to get ready for, and I had the perfect boots in mind.

Time to burn off some steam.