Sky of Wind by Emily Deady

Chapter 10

“Come in, quickly.” The guard at the back gate waved them into the palace courtyard. Sol immediately turned and helped him close the heavy gate and bar it safely.

Two other guards raced across the courtyard, heading toward the back stables. The air was thick, fraught with tension.

The princess was breathing heavily, but she had a smile on her face and a protective arm around Celesta’s shoulders.

Gesturing with her free hand, Celesta asked what was happening.

Sol lifted his hands to respond. He had to leave the castle unnoticed. His mind was too busy building a strategy to tell the girl anything but the truth.

“Nothing to worry about,” Meena’s voice cut into his thoughts. She was clearly speaking to Celesta, but looking at Sol.

Thankful for her quick thinking, Sol repeated her words with his hands.

“The king called a surprise meeting with his advisors,” Meena continued. “So everyone is rushing to make it happen.”

Celesta nodded. Sol didn’t think she looked convinced, but at least she’d accepted their explanation.

“Can you hide her somewhere safely?” Sol asked. “I need to find Aizel and make sure she stays out of sight.” Sol didn’t want to reveal that he planned on leaving the castle as soon as possible.

“Of course.” Meena nodded, gently guiding Celesta toward the palace stairs.

Sol took a step toward the castle ruins. The best way to leave would be by the tunnel.

“They are meeting in the grand hall,” the gate guard said.

Sol stopped. The grand hall would definitely be in the palace behind him, not the ruins ahead.

“Not the council room?” Meena’s voice sounded behind him. She sounded confused.

Sol turned back to face them.

“The contingent from Chendas is so large—” the gate guard explained.

Sol saw Celesta staring at the guard’s lips as he spoke. She understood too much.

Meena must have noticed as well. She quickly cut off the guard’s words with an enormously fake smile and a quick shake of her head. “I need to make sure my friend is safe and calm,” Meena said through clenched teeth as she gestured toward Celesta. “Then I’ll join the others.”

The guard nodded, forcing a shaky smile to his lips as he understood what she meant. “I don’t believe my king wanted you present for the meeting.”

Sol saw the flash of anger that sparked through Meena’s eyes. “Go,” Sol said quickly. Celesta’s safety came first.

Meena exhaled with a huff, but turned her charge back toward the stairs and disappeared into the palace.

Sol nodded to the gate guard, then hurried after them. It would be foolish to leave without knowing what was happening.

His instincts led him quickly to the great hall. It was a simple matter of following the layout of the palace halls and paying attention to the direction the guards moved in, and the servants moved away from.

In the rapid pace of his thoughts, he realized that he’d just let the Iseldan princess take charge of one of the most important people in his life. To his own surprise, he truly believed Celesta would be safe with the woman he’d recently considered an empty-headed enemy.

He didn’t have time to ponder this feeling, though, as he approached his destination.

The meeting appeared to have started as the door to the great hall was closed, with two soldiers standing guard at either side. One of them, however, gripped the door handle tightly, holding it closed while he argued with Aizel.

“Let me in,” she commanded.

Sol could sense the fury in her voice despite its quiet tone. He hurried toward them, anxious to know what was happening and to keep his friend safe.

“I’m sorry, my lady,” the guard responded. “Prince Erich will have my head if I let you into this room.”

“And I will have your head regardless.” Aizel drew herself up, inhaling menacingly.

The guard paled. His eyes watching her hands which she had raised in front of her.

He seemed to be afraid she would attack him with magic.

Surely Aizel knew better than to attempt harmony magic while in such a state?

Sol rushed forward. “Erich’s in the meeting?” he asked.

Aizel spun around, her green eyes snapping fire. “I will not let them take him again.” She blinked. Sol saw the terror in her eyes, masked by her fury.

“And I will not let them take you again,” Sol said. “Erich is a prince in this kingdom, he is surrounded by supporters.”

The cowering guard nodded emphatically, appearing quite grateful for Sol’s interception.

But Aizel spun back toward the door. “Then let me in. I am part of this family now and you cannot deny my order.”

Sol reached forward to firmly squeeze Aizel’s shoulder. He wanted to reassure her, but was also unsure if she was about to physically throw herself at the guard.

“They will kill you on sight. You are the threat to them, not Erich.” Looking over her shoulder to the guard, Sol asked, “Is there a place we can watch the proceedings without being seen?”