Billion Dollar Mistake by K.C. Crowne

Chapter 27


The look on Sawyer’s face was unlike anything I’d ever seen on him before.

It was kind of funny, really. His big eyes were wide and round, his sensual mouth opened in an “O” of surprise. Moments earlier he’d been a man on a mission, all gung-ho about getting answers, kicking ass, and taking names.

As soon as I’d said the two little words though, his attitude had changed on a dime. He was in a state of total shock – as I’d imagined he would be.

What would come next however, I could only guess. Would he be furious? Would he turn on his heels and run screaming toward the Rockies?

Or would he become cold, tell me that this wasn’t part of the arrangement, that he didn’t want anything to do with me or my, our, child.

“I…I need a drink,” he said, nodding slowly as if he’d made a decision after some serious consideration. “You want one?” His eyes flashed in realization. “Shit – you can’t have one. You’re…” he stopped short before saying the word.

I smiled, happy that he was more stunned than angry – at least, so far.

“It’s OK. Just because I can’t drink doesn’t mean you can’t.”

“Good. That’s…that’s good.”

With that, he turned and slowly made his way down the hall, then down the stairs. I went with him, the two of us entering the kitchen. He opened a cabinet over the fridge, taking out what appeared to be a bottle of expensive whiskey.

The bottle in hand, he poured himself a finger then leaned against the counter by the sink. The nighttime skyline twinkled in the tall, picture windows behind him. He sipped his drink and stared off into space.

“This might be a stupid question – but do you know for sure?”

I took position leaning against the kitchen island across from him.

“Yep. Took a pregnancy test at the doctor’s office.”

“What about the pill? You said you were taking that.”

“Thing about the pill is that you actually have to take it for it to work. And before you give me any sass about begin forgetful, remember that I’m not the only one in this apartment who has trouble staying on top of their medication regimen.”

He smiled a bit, nodding as if realizing that I had him there.

“And…what do you want to do?”

I didn’t beat around the bush.

“I’m going to keep it and do whatever it takes to raise him. Or her. So, the question is if you want to be a part of it. I’m not planning on dragging you through the courts to make you participate in a family that you don’t want to be a member of. I was raised by a single mom, so I know how it works.”

He sipped his drink and ran his hand through his hair. It was time for another moment of truth, when I’d find out if he was going to be a part of my, and the baby’s, new life.

“I’m in.” He nodded, setting down his whiskey. “I’m in. No way in hell I’m going to have a son or daughter and not be in their lives. No way.”

His answer, and the determination that he’d given it with, made me feel a way I hadn’t been expecting.

I was…happy.

“You mean it?” I asked.

He smiled, stepping over to me and placing his hands on my hips.

“I mean it like I’ve never meant anything else in my life.”

I didn’t know what else to say.

Thankfully, he didn’t want me to say anything at all. Instead, he leaned and placed his lips on mine.

The kiss was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. There was something behind it, something I hadn’t been ready for. At first, I wasn’t sure what it was. But then it hit me, and when it did it changed me forever, in the same way knowing I was pregnant had.

It was love.

I loved him.

He took his lips from mine and gazed down at me with warmth in his eyes that I’d never seen before, a small smile on his lips.

“I love you, Jolene.”

I didn’t know what to say. He and I had felt the love for one another at the same time, made the same realization together.

“And I love you.”

We kissed again, our mouths opening as we accepted one another’s tongue, his natural taste blending with the sting of the whiskey. I savored it, knowing it was likely to be the last bit of booze I’d have in a long, long while.

The kiss went on, but it wasn’t long before he slipped his arm around my waist and scooped me off my feet, a scream of delight and surprise shooting from my mouth as he carried me out of the kitchen.

“You know what?” he asked as he carried me. “I don’t think I can wait until we’re in the bedroom.”

Instead of taking me up the stairs, he brought me over to the huge, leather couch in the living room. Once I was down, he pressed a button on the remote and turned on the fireplace, crackling flames illuminating the darkness.

He positioned himself over me, the two of us stripping one another down as we kissed more and more. Soon we were both naked, his long, thick cock hanging between his legs and pointing exactly where I wanted it. I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his warm, stiff length, guiding him into me.

The instant he was inside me, I knew there was something different about what we were doing. It was true lovemaking, the physical expression of the connection we shared. He held fast when he was inside of me, leaning down and kissing me slowly and deeply, kissing me in a way that no man had ever kissed me before.

He moved in me; my arms wrapped around his torso as he covered me with kisses. Sawyer effortlessly brought me to one orgasm, then two, then three, the pleasure rolling through me in hot, irresistible waves. When the third orgasm arrived, he came with me, his body shuddering as he drained himself into me.

When we were done, we laid together, his arm wrapped around my waist as we watched the fire. We said nothing, instead basking in the afterglow our lovemaking, our hands moving slowly over one another’s bodies.

After a time, I noticed a strange expression on his face. It was an expression of tension – worry, even.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He let out a sigh. “It’s…there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, something I’ve been wanting to say since we came back into one another’s lives. But I’ve been too embarrassed.”

I was confused. I turned around to face him.

“What is it? You can tell me. Hell, you have to tell me if we’re going to be freaking parents together.”

“It’s…OK.” He closed his eyes and nodded. “I’m really, really sorry for making fun of your wheely backpack back in high school.”

I said nothing at first, wanting to make sure I’d heard him right.


“I was a total prick to you back in high school. I wanted to act like it was nothing, that we could ignore it and move on. But it’s been chewing me up inside, you know?”

I stared at him, dumbfounded.

Then I laughed like crazy.