Dino by Jaime Lewis


Chris Hurts stood in his director’s office, reading over some information that had just been brought to their attention. It wasn’t good news, as it appeared that ex-Special Agent Gabbert had been acquiring his own little arsenal of information on a few of his colleagues—both present and former.

All of the names listed in the report had at one time or another been involved in some type of conflict with Gabbert. Judging from the details typed out next to each name, Gabbert had wanted to exact revenge on each person who he felt had screwed him over during his tenure in the FBI.

Chris went down the list of names reading each one. “Jesus, there’s a federal judge’s name on here.”

Scarborough didn’t say anything. Instead, he nodded for Chris to continue reading. He skimmed the remaining names until his eyes landed on a familiar name—Paul Roland. Next to Paul’s name were the initials, A.R. Chris could only assume that A.R. stood for Arianna Roland. It was very clear that Gabbert had extreme hatred toward each person listed on the paper.

“What are these red x’s next to these two names?”

Scarborough’s expression became tight and grim. “I don’t know for sure what they signify on that list. However, I can tell you that those two men are dead.”

Chris’s head snapped up. “They’re dead?” He repeated, and Scarborough again nodded his head.

Chris started to get a bad feeling in his gut. “How’d they die?”

“One was carbon monoxide poisoning while the guy was out camping, citing something about the camper’s generator. The other guy’s death was ruled a suicide by a gunshot to the head.”

“Where did you get this information from?” Chris asked, handing the file back over to Scarborough.

Scarborough took the file and laid it on his desk. “When Gabbert didn’t return his bureau-issued laptop, we had our IT department remote into it. We weren’t concerned about him accessing any of our servers because that access was cut off immediately after he was let go. We were more interested in what he had saved on it.”

“You found this on the bureau’s laptop?”

“Afraid so.”

“I’m reluctant to ask, but I’m going to anyway. Is this some sort of a hit list?”

“I can’t be certain, but the investigators want to speak with him.”

“This is insane. I mean, how could this have gone undetected for so long? Obviously, the guy has a lot of hatred for people who cross him in any way.”

“Well, he can only blame himself. He had piss poor leadership skills along with insufficient ability to follow through on directives,” Scarborough said. It was obvious that he, too, was having a hard time with the information.

“I don’t understand why the bureau kept him on the payroll for this long. It’s absurd.”

The other directors and I talked about it, and apparently, Gabbert was buddy-buddy with a few directors who would let his behavior slide with slaps on the wrist. But when those covering for him transitioned out of the bureau and a new regime was present, his faults weren’t overlooked anymore, which led us to where we are now.”

“What is the bureau going to do?”

“Well, since this list doesn’t prove much, we’ll have to wait and see what the investigators can get out of him. They are supposed to visit his home tomorrow.”

“When you hear something, will you let me know? I don’t trust him—especially seeing Arianna’s dad’s name on this list and her initials next to his name.”

“You’ll be the first person I call.”

Chris went to leave when Scarborough stopped him.

“There was another reason I wanted to see you.”

“What’s that?”

“Thought you’d be happy to hear that the investigation into the complaint against Arianna has been completed, and she’s been cleared of any wrongdoing.”

Chris smiled. “That’s excellent news. I’m sure Sam will be thrilled when he hears about it. Arianna is a valuable asset to his team.”

“She’s a valuable agent, period,” Scarborough said as serious as he could be.


Arianna finally had a lull in customers and was able to sneak away to take a quick break. She hadn’t been scheduled to work until mid-afternoon, but her dad had called her this morning and told her that he was still feeling under the weather and asked if she could cover for him. At first, she thought about calling in one of the other waitresses, but then she remembered that the beer distributor was making a delivery, and either she or her dad needed to be there to accept it. If it weren’t for all the caffeine she’d been drinking throughout the day, she’d probably be passed out in the office.

Dino had followed her home the night before, and they had sat out in the driveway talking for a bit. When they were saying good night, Dino had kissed her again. This time neither of them wanted it to end, which then led to him accompanying her back to her house. They had barely made it inside the door before their hands were all over each other. Before she could even comprehend what exactly they were doing, their clothes had been shed, and he had her hoisted up against the front door. It had been wild, carnal, and totally unexpected, but oh, had it been good. Dino was an amazing lover who enjoyed taking charge, and she didn’t have a problem with that whatsoever. His dominance was a major turn-on.

Once things had settled down, and they were both coming down from their sex-induced high, there was a brief moment where Arianna thought that things were going to change between them officially. As he held her in the air, with their sweat-covered bodies pressed against each other, he looked deep into her eyes. It was as if he had a moment of reckoning. That maybe he was able to move on from the past that had haunted him. She could only describe it as special, and something shared between them. But the moment was cut short when Nigel pressed his cold nose against Dino’s bare butt cheek, causing him to almost drop her. After they had gotten dressed, he didn’t stay long since he had to be up soon for work. She, on the other hand, was left lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if they’d ever take their arrangement to the next level. She cared for him deeply and enjoyed his company. There had to be a way to get him to move on.

She walked over to the table near the back patio doors and slid into the chair next to Dino as he was talking to Ace, Alex, Derek, and Juliette.  Ace and Alex were eating dinner with Derek and Juliette when Dino popped in, and they invited him to sit with them.

She shouldn’t have been shocked when she saw Dino walk through the front entrance about twenty minutes ago since he had told her that he’d meet her near closing time so she wouldn’t have to walk out to her car by herself.

It warmed her to know that he really did care and hadn’t just fed her a line of macho bullshit when he scolded her the previous night.

She had enjoyed getting to catch up a little with Derek, Alex’s adopted dad, and Tenley’s mom, Juliette.

Derek Connors, a SEAL himself, had been a teammate and best friends to Alex’s biological dad, Jacob Hardesty. When her father was killed, there hadn’t been any other family, so instead of letting the state take control of Alex, Derek and the rest of the team took Alex under their wing and raised her, with Derek gaining guardianship of her. When Arianna was old enough to really understand the full story of how that all worked out, her respect for the SEAL Commander grew ten times.

Juliette was an absolute sweetheart and had been an essential person in Arianna’s life when her mom had died. She’d been there for her anytime she needed a mother figure to talk to.

She had almost fainted when Alex told her that Derek and Juliette were dating and that it was serious—like wedding bells serious. She had also learned that Derek was the commander of Dino’s SEAL team. Small world.

Alex smiled. “So, how has it been working up here again?”

Arianna shrugged her shoulders. “I was a little rusty at first, but I’m getting back into the groove again.” It hadn’t hurt that her dad hadn’t upgraded to the new technology he’d been talking about doing. It was the same one they’d been using for years.

“Yeah, but she isn’t very careful when it comes to her safety when she’s leaving at night,” Dino said, giving her the stink eye but then grinning, letting her know he was teasing her. However, he hadn’t been joking last night.

Alex scrunched her nose up. “Did something happen?”

Dino explained to them her lapse in judgment the previous night, and not surprisingly, he over-exaggerated its severity. That led to Derek giving her his two-minute lecture on parking lot safety.

Arianna looked down at her watch. Ugh…she needed to get back to work. It was just her and Georgia, another waitress, tonight. Thankfully it wasn’t too crowded that two of them couldn’t manage it. Bruno was supposed to stop in, but he got tied up at a veteran’s group in Newport News that he volunteered at.

Just as she was about to get up from her chair and head back to the bar, Georgia came over. “Arianna, I’m sorry to interrupt, but your cell phone keeps ringing behind the bar.”

“Thanks, Georgia.”

She excused herself from the table. When she got to the bar, her phone started to ring again. She picked it up from next to the register where she kept it. Her eyebrows drew in when she read the caller ID—Virginia Beach General Hospital. As she answered, she walked to the other end of the bar, where it was less crowded, and she could hear.


“May I please speak with Arianna Roland?”  The female voice on the line asked.

“This is she.” Something twisted in her gut.

“Ms. Roland, my name is Nessa Blackburn from Virginia Beach General Hospital. Your name was listed as an emergency contact for Paul Roland.”

“That’s my dad. Is he okay?”

“Your dad was brought into the emergency room. I don’t have specifics on his condition now, but I can tell you he collapsed at home. A neighbor found him and called 9-1-1. We found your name and number in his phone that he had in his possession. You should get here right away.”

“Yes, of course.  I’m on my way.  Thank you.”

She stood frozen with the phone in her hand. She felt numb; her dad was her life. So many questions began to swim through her head. What caused him to collapse? How bad was he? What if he didn’t make it?  Tears had started to form when warm hands landed on her shoulders. She glanced up and over her shoulder and met Dino’s hard stare. She couldn’t speak about anything as she turned in his arms and buried her face in his chest.


Dino watched Arianna as she went back to the bar. He initially had planned to come up about thirty minutes before the bar closed, but he wanted to see her. And it wasn’t like he had anything else to do but sit around at home. Even in the gray Bayside V-neck short sleeve shirt, jeans and sneakers, she looked beautiful. With her long hair pulled back into a ponytail and the way she smiled and laughed as a customer said something to her, she looked absolutely stunning. His eyes never left her as she made her way toward the far side of the bar to take the phone call. But when her bright, cheerful smile faded and was replaced with a pained expression, he was up and out of his chair. Georgia, the waitress, gave him a strange look when he walked behind the bar. When he placed his hands on her shoulders, and she turned into his body with tears building in her eyes, he took her into his arms and held her tight.

“Arianna, what’s wrong?” He asked. Something big had to have happened, considering how her body trembled in his arms.

She pulled back just slightly; her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

“My...my...dad,” she stuttered, and a couple of tears fell from her eyes, giving Dino the impression that the worst had happened. Ace and Alex, along with Derek and Juliette, must’ve noticed something was wrong and were now there as well. Dino was glad since the four of them knew her better than he did.

“Ari, what’s wrong?” Alex asked.

Arianna wiped her eyes and cleared her throat.  “That was the hospital.  My dad was just brought in. A neighbor found him unresponsive at home. The lady on the phone said it was serious and that I should get there as soon as possible.”

She pulled away from Dino, and he felt the loss immediately.

“I need to grab my keys and purse.” She turned back to the three of them. “I was supposed to close tonight, and I have Nigel in the office.” She was trembling, and Dino took her hand.

“I’ll drive you,” he told her.

She took a step back and shook her head. “No, you don’t have to.”

Alex stepped in front of Arianna.

“Sweetie, listen to me. You’re too upset to drive. It wouldn’t be good for you or other people on the road. Let Dino drive you. Don’t worry about this place. Ace and I will take care of it and make sure things get done and closed up. I know where Paul keeps the extra key, and Georgia knows how to close down the registers. We got this. You go and focus on your dad. He needs you, Arianna.”

“Honey, listen to Alex. Juliette and I will take Nigel back to our house,” Derek told her.

Dino felt the weight lift from his shoulders when Arianna conceded with a nod of her head. Georgia handed him Arianna’s purse, and Dino thanked her before wrapping his arm around Arianna’s shoulders then leading her to his car. As he passed Ace, Ace gave him a chin lift and squeezed his shoulder.

When they arrived at the hospital, they were directed to a waiting room where they sat and were told that doctors were working vigorously to keep Paul alive.

It was a busy night at the hospital, and people were coming and going, but one person had caught Dino’s attention about forty-five minutes after he and Arianna had arrived. He’d been coming back from the restroom when he saw the guy enter through the main sliding doors and walk up to the triage desk. The ball cap he wore was pulled low, obscuring his face, but there was something familiar about him. Dino had waited for the guy to turn around to see if he could get a better look at him. When the guy turned around a few moments later, Dino grew skeptical. It was the same guy that had creeped out Arianna at the bar the other day. He ended up walking back outside, but Dino’s inner alarm bells began to sound. Coincidence or not?


It had been hours later when Paul was moved to the ICU on the second floor. Dino sat in the waiting room while Arianna was visiting her dad.  The hospital only allowed one visitor at a time and only immediate family. Either Alex or Juliette must have called Tenley because Dino was surprised when she walked into the waiting room while they were still down in the emergency department. Being that Tenley was a nurse in the department, she had been able to access information and provide them updates as much as she could until they were able to get Paul stabilized, though from sounds of it, it had been touch and go and he still wasn’t out of the woods.

He was worried, and not just for Paul but for Arianna too. Dino hadn’t known Arianna long, but one thing he did know was that she was a tough cookie and hard to rattle. But this had visibly shaken her up, and rightly so. He may be an outsider when it came to her and Paul’s relationship, but anyone could see the love between the father and daughter duo. Paul loved Arianna just as much as Arianna loved her dad. It was heartbreaking to witness.

Dino had a hard time sitting around in hospitals. His anxiety levels would grow the longer he sat waiting to hear any update. It took him back to that ill-fated day sixteen years ago. He remembered it like it was yesterday as his family and Marianna’s family all gathered, waiting for the doctors to give them an update on Marianna and Dexter’s condition. He remembered the moment vividly when the two doctors had walked into the waiting room and delivered the news that the two hadn’t survived.

A light knock on the door brought Dino back to the present. When he looked up, he was shocked to see Ace and Alex standing there, hand-in-hand. He glanced at his watch. It was after two in the morning.

He stood up as they walked in.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?”

“After we closed up, Ace and I decided to come and be here for Arianna,” Alex said, looking somber.

Dino had been keeping Ace informed on the situation at the hospital any time they got an update. But knowing Alex’s compassion, he wasn’t all that surprised to see her standing in front of him. Alex was the backbone of their little family unit here at home.

“Any new updates on Paul’s condition?” Ace asked.

“No. Not since I texted you last. Arianna’s with him now. All that matters right now is that he’s alive.”

They all sat down, and Alex sat between the two men.

“How is Arianna holding up?” Alex asked, appearing shaken up as well with the news. Paul was a staple in the community.

“Now that she’s gotten over the initial shock, she’s upset, worried, and has a lot of questions that the doctors can’t answer right now.”

“Damn,” Ace said, rubbing a hand along his jaw.

“What about Victoria? Is she here too?”

Dino shot a glare towards Alex though the look wasn’t directed at her, and she knew it.

“I’ll take that as a no,” she rolled her eyes.

They were all well aware of Paul’s long-time girlfriend, Victoria Malone. It was obvious that the relationship had been on a rocky slope for the last six months or so.

“Arianna hasn’t talked to her. She and a friend supposedly went to Richmond this morning to go shopping or something. Arianna said she left a message for her.”

Just then, the doors to the private room opened, and Arianna appeared in the doorway. She looked defeated. Her eyes were red and swollen. Dino stood and met her as she walked in.

“How is he?” He asked, and pulled her in for a hug.

She shook her head, “It doesn’t look good.”

He took her hand and led her to the empty chair next to Alex.  She sat down, and Alex handed her a couple of tissues, and she wiped her eyes. Alex pulled her into a hug, and Dino was glad Alex was there to help comfort, Arianna.

“Do the doctors know what happened?” Alex asked.

Arianna pulled back and took a deep breath. “No, not yet. They are still running all kinds of tests. He was in full cardiac arrest when he was brought in. Luckily, Steve, Dad’s next-door neighbor, had gone over to the house to return a chainsaw he had borrowed from Dad. When he knocked on the front door, he saw Dad lying on the floor through the big picture window. They used the paddles three times to restart his heart. As the doctor put it, it is a miracle he’s still with us. He’s in a coma, they said.”

Alex hugged her again. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.”

“The doctor said I should go home for the night and that they would call if there is any change in his condition.”

Suddenly a woman’s high-pitched voice pierced the quiet hallways of the floor they were on. It had come from the nearby nurse's station.

“Oh no,” Arianna mumbled. “I don’t have the patience or energy right now for her.” Not understanding what she meant, Dino asked her what was wrong.

“That would be Victoria.” She stood up, and so did Dino. He wasn‘t going to let her go out there by herself.

As soon as Dino and Arianna stepped into the hall they were in Victoria’s line of sight, Victoria’s hawkish eyes zeroed in on Arianna, and she started to come at her like she was swooping in on her prey. Her high heels clicked fast against the tile floor, making even more noise. Arianna took a step backward, and Dino went into protective mode and moved slightly in front of Arianna. Dino knew from seeing Victoria in action that her mental state could sometimes be unpredictable. One never knew when she’d shoot off like a loose cannon, and judging from her facial expression and body language as she descended on Arianna, things were about to escalate.

“Those people won’t tell me anything,” she shrieked as she pointed in the direction of the three nurses standing at the desk.

Dino knew the staff most likely had already notified security. In this day and age, you just never knew the mentality of someone and what that person was capable of doing.

Arianna moved past him, but he kept a hand on her lower back just in case he needed to pull her back.

“Victoria, they’re just doing their job.”

“But, I’m his girlfriend,” she shouted, half shrieking, half sobbing. Jesus, she must’ve stopped for a drink or two on her way back to town because she reeked of alcohol.

“Exactly. You’re not immediate family,” Arianna tried to tell her. But Dino knew, that comment was going to set Victoria off.

It was like slow motion as Victoria reared back as if Arianna’s words had slapped her in the face. But she regained her composure as she righted herself and squared her shoulders. She stuck her pointer finger with her long fake nails in Arianna’s face. Her lip curled into a snarl.

“I was the only family he had for the past two and a half years, you little wench. Do you really think that you can just waltz back into his life after being absent for that long and push me out? Well, I’ve got news for you, little girl.”

Before Victoria could utter another vile word, Dino stepped into her space, causing her to take a step back. Ace and Alex were right there, too, ready to intervene if needed. His eyes were burning with fire. He spoke in a low, firm voice.

“Shut your mouth and listen well.”

Victoria’s eyes widened, and she pressed her lips together in a firm line. That woman was full of piss and vinegar, and he wasn’t having any part of it.  Whatever the hell her problem was with Arianna, this wasn’t the time nor the place to deal with it.

“Obviously, you’re upset. We’re all upset. But I will not tolerate you attacking Arianna the way you just did. Paul is a very sick man right now, and the doctors don’t know why, as they are still running tests and most likely won’t have any answers until sometime in the morning. So, here’s what’s going to happen. You have two choices. You can either turn around and walk out of this hospital and have whoever brought you here take you home.” He nodded towards the two cops that had just arrived on the floor but were waiting to see if Dino could de-escalate the situation. “Or those two fine law enforcement officers will kindly escort you out.”

She must have thought he was calling her bluff because when she turned and saw the officers, she was shocked, and she turned back around and faced Arianna.

“When will I be able to see him?”

It might have been barbaric, but he was trying to protect Arianna, and he answered for her.

“When the doctors say he can have visitors besides family.”

She threw her purse over her shoulder and huffed out a dramatic sigh. Dino was tired of the act and growing impatient.

Alex stepped forward. “Victoria. All of us are shocked and upset about Paul, but coming here and making a fool of yourself isn’t helping the situation any. Take Dino’s advice and walk out of here with some dignity. Someone will let you know if there is any change in Paul’s condition.”

Victoria looked to be considering Alex’s words and finally turned on her heel and marched toward the elevators with the two cops following behind to make sure she left.

Once the elevator doors closed with Victoria inside, Dino closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled. He was caught off guard when the small hand touched his forearm, and when he turned and looked down and saw Arianna’s hazel eyes staring up at him, he pulled her into his arms.

“Thank you,” she whispered against his chest. He was still fuming from Victoria’s outburst and couldn’t find the words he wanted to say to her. It wasn’t just a simple “you’re welcome.” It was more than that. So instead, he gave her body a good squeeze, letting her know he had heard her.


Arianna peeled her clothes off and slipped into the shower. She leaned forward against the wall, dropping her head and letting the hot water beat against her shoulders and upper back. She was scared—scared of losing the most important man of her life. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the water droplets. She was silent, but her body shook as she released all of the sadness, anger, and frustration that she had stored within her.

She had so much to think about and to plan. She not only had her dad she had to worry about, but she had the restaurant and bar that needed to stay running. Alex had told her that she had spoken with Bruno and that he would handle the operations side, but he wasn’t comfortable with the administrative part. That was fine because at least paperwork and payroll she could process anywhere as long as she had her laptop and a Wifi connection. The first thing she needed to do was make a list of tasks she needed to complete.

She hadn’t been to church in quite some time, but she had always been a believer in God. She sent some prayers up to heaven in the hope that the heavens would listen and release her daddy back to her because she knew he had so much more he needed to accomplish on this earth. He was a good man who would go out of his way to help anyone in need. This community needed him; his friends needed him, but most of all, she needed him.

When the water started to run cold, she turned the shower off and dried off. She changed into a pair of fleece pajama pants and a matching long-sleeved t-shirt. Even after the scalding shower, she still felt cold and numb.

She hadn’t heard anything, and she wondered if Dino had left. That made her sad because of all nights, tonight she didn’t want to be alone. As she walked down the stairs, she heard his voice coming from the living room. It sounded like he was finishing up a call.

When she walked into the room, he was sitting on the couch with his phone to his ear. Nigel, who they picked up on the way home, was out cold next to him with his head stretched across Dino’s lap. Acknowledging her presence, Dino looked up and gave her a grin. It wasn’t until then that she realized he had a slight dimple in his cheek.

She wondered who he was on the phone with, considering how late it was. When he disconnected, he moved Nigel’s head off of him and stood, meeting her across the room. He didn’t say anything—he just pulled her into his arms and held her. She melted into him, sliding her arms around his waist, and held on. It was exactly what she needed.

“How are you feeling?” He spoke to her.

She shrugged her shoulders. She couldn’t find the words she was looking for because she felt so many emotions—anger, sadness, hurt.

Finally, she managed to blubber out a few words. “I can’t lose my dad.”

“I know, babe,” he agreed as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. “Your dad is one of the strongest guys I know. I’m sure he is fighting like hell to get back to you. You even said that the doctors told you that it was a miracle he was still with us. That should give you hope.”

She pulled back just enough to look up at him, and he smiled as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

“You should get some sleep,” he told her, and even though she was exhausted, sleep was the last thing on her mind. But he was right. She was going to need all of her energy to be there for her dad.

“Thank you for everything.”

He took her face between the palms of his hands and looked into her eyes.

“You don’t have to thank me, babe. I’d be here for you no matter what.”

“But I do. You don’t know how much it meant to have you there with me. You didn’t have to sit at the hospital all night, and you sure as hell didn’t have to deal with Victoria for me. But you did, and I want you to know that I appreciate it. I appreciate you.”

“I will always be there for you. Don’t you ever doubt that?”

He took her hand in his and led her toward the stairs. “You look like you’re about to fall over. Come on. I’ll walk you up to bed.”

Once in her bedroom, she crawled under the covers, and Dino sat down next to her on the bed. Nigel joined them and jumped up onto the bed, and took his spot near the bottom.

He watched as she tried to fight the sleep she so desperately needed. She was going to have a few long days, but she wasn’t going to have to do everything alone. She had an entire team behind her, and it started with him.


The following day, Dino had already gone next door to his place to shower and change and make it back to Arianna’s house before she woke up.  He spoke with Derek and Ace, and since they had a light day on base planned, both of them told him he was cleared to come into work whenever he could get there and that unless they got called up and had to bug out, Arianna came first. None of them knew what frame of mind she would be in this morning. Nobody wanted her to have to go through this alone. Tenley, with her contacts in the hospital, kept tabs on Paul through the night and sent periodic updates. His condition hadn’t changed since they had left the hospital. Alex had already called and told him, that if he needed a break to call her. And the kindness didn’t stop there. Everyone else from the team had reached out, offering to help with anything they could. This was what he loved about being a part of the team.

First and foremost, they were a family. They were a unit that looked after one another and assisted with whatever was needed, no questions asked. He couldn’t have asked to serve with a better group of guys.

Arianna had left her cell phone downstairs last night, and this morning Dino heard it ringing. He usually wouldn’t have gone into her purse, but under the circumstances, he thought it could’ve been the hospital calling, so he retrieved it from her bag. When he saw it was Bruno from Bayside, he answered it. They spoke for a few minutes, and Bruno assured him that he’d handle everything at Bayside until Arianna could get back.

Nigel had come downstairs when Dino returned from his place and hadn’t left his side, except when he went outside for a few minutes.

It was almost nine in the morning, and Dino knew that as soon as Arianna woke up, she would hit the ground running, so he decided to make breakfast for her.  He had bacon sizzling in the pan and scrambled eggs cooking on the next burner. He walked over to the toaster and popped in four slices of bread.

When he turned around to head back to the stove, he was surprised to see Arianna standing next to the island separating the kitchen and living room. Just as he imagined, she was dressed and ready to go. But the main thing was that she looked rested, which was good.

She smiled. “I thought I smelled bacon.”

He grinned and turned back to the stove and placed a scoop of eggs and four strips of bacon on her plate. The toast popped in the toaster, and he grabbed two slices and added them to the plate. He took the plate over to the island and set it down.

“Have something to eat, and then we’ll head to the hospital.”

She looked at him for a moment like she was confused. “Don’t you have to go to work?”

“I talked with Derek and Ace. There isn’t much going on today, so I’m going in after I drop you off at the hospital.”

“Coffee?” He asked, pulling down two mugs from the cabinet.

“Please,” she said as she sat down and looked over the plate of food. “Okay, I may have to have you stay over more often. I can get used to a homecooked breakfast.”

He smiled as he poured the coffee. “I enjoy cooking when it isn’t just me.”

He set the coffee cup down next to her and took the other seat on her left.  She looked at him.

“I left my phone down here last night. You didn’t hear it ring by any chance, did you? I mean, the hospital could’ve called, and I wouldn’t have even known.”

“I heard it ringing this morning. I hope you don’t mind, but I went through your purse to find it—for the reason you just mentioned. But it was only Bruno. He told me to tell you that he’s holding down the fort at the restaurant until you can get back. He said if there are any issues he’ll call.”

“So nothing from the hospital?”

“Tenley kept checking in with the hospital through the night and let me know. His condition hasn’t changed.”

Dino could see the disappointment in her expression. “Hey, focus on the positive—he’s alive.”

She nodded her head and loaded some eggs on her toast, and took a bite. She washed it down with some coffee.

“I know. It was just wishful thinking. When I woke up this morning, I laid there for a few minutes, wondering if it had all just been a bad dream. Then I started thinking about everything that needed to be done.”

He sensed her getting ready to go into panic mode and he reached over and squeezed her hand. “Look at me.” She set her fork down and peered over at him. “You don’t have to go through this alone. You’ve got an entire community who is standing by, ready to assist. You just have to ask. You don’t have to run yourself ragged. It won’t do you or your dad any good if you become too exhausted and run down.”

“I know I do. I’m just not used to having to ask for help, that’s all.  But I promise I will.”

His lips curled at the corners, and he leaned over and kissed her temple.

“That’s all I ask.”

He changed the subject. “If you’re feeling up to it, my team, along with the members of Bravo and Delta teams, are holding our annual bonfire tonight. If you want to go, you’re more than welcome to come. Everyone will be there, including the families. It’s sort of a celebration of making it another year. We hold it on the first weekend that everyone is in town.”

“I remember seeing something on the calendar in my dad’s office. He closes the restaurant for it, right?”

“Yeah. We have it down on the beach near the approach just past Bayside.”
