Dino by Jaime Lewis


Demitri was at his desk making another pass of a new contract when Carmine burst through his office door. He looked up at his lead guy with a frown and raised his eyebrows. Everyone, including Carmine, knew that when he was reviewing contracts that there were to be no interruptions. Contracts as such had to be precise, detailed, and free of any mistake. Even if just minor, just one gaffe could lead to the loss of tens of thousands of dollars.

Demitri stared at Carmine. “What is so important that you had to barge in here and disrupt my train of thought? You of all people know how important these contracts are.” He scolded Carmine.

His berating didn’t even make Carmine flinch.

Carmine approached the desk and laid his phone on the desk in front of Demitri. Demitri just looked at him, but Carmine nodded his head as if telling him to look. Frustrated, to say the least, he looked down.  When his eyes saw the woman staring back at him, he became immobilized, except for his dick that began to harden. His body knew what it wanted.

His head snapped up, and his eyes centered on Carmine. He spoke only one word. “Where?”

Carmine arrogantly smirked, which any other man would be killed on the spot. “She is back in the states. Virginia Beach, Virginia, if that post is correct.”

Demitri knew the area well. In fact, there was an incident not too long ago that occurred between a good friend of his and the woman, a former employee of his, that he was seeking. Unfortunately, his friend Dr. Walters was killed trying to kidnap her in the mountains. The last time Demitri checked, the woman, Dr. Mia Chambers, was living in Virginia Beach. He laughed to himself, wondering what she would do if he showed up at her clinic. He had an excellent memory of Dr. Chambers—another beautiful woman and one time a woman he would’ve allowed into his bed. However, a new leading lady has taken that spot.

He picked up the phone and looked at the picture again. It was his Black Swan. Her black hair hung loosely below her shoulders, and that gorgeous smile of hers is what made the picture. Some college girl had met her at a mall and posted it on social media.

He looked back at Carmine. “How did you find this?”

Carmine’s face grew grim, and Demitri knew that look. What Carmine had to tell him most likely was going to anger him. He looked toward the door and shouted to someone outside.

“Bring him in.”

It was a good thing that Demitri had been sitting down because two surprises in one day were a lot to take in.

Joran, another employee of his, ushered in the man that they’ve all been searching for—Miles Thackenburg—Anna’s agent.

Demitri sat back in his chair and leveled his stare at the man who looked like he had seen better days.

“Mr. Thackenburg, what brings you here today?”

Miles wiped his nose. A tell-tale sign of a cocaine addict, which everyone already knew he was.

“I heard you were offering a reward for information on Anna Humphreys.”

Demitri nonchalantly shrugged his one shoulder. “Possibly. It depends on how enlightening the information is that is given.” Demitri eyed him over. “Did you come forward with this?” He asked as he held up the phone containing the picture of the Black Swan.

“Yes, Sir. When this man here,” he pointed to Joran, “confronted me and asked if I knew anything about her whereabouts. When I told him that it was possible, he threatened me and told me that if I wanted to live, then I should comply.”

Dimitri glanced at Joran and nodded his head. His employees knew how to get answers and get a job done.

“I’m assuming that since you are standing here in front of me that you have other information than just this picture.”

He snorted sarcastically and wiped his nose again. “I have details about the real Anna Humphreys that will knock your socks off.”

Demitri rolled his eyes and motioned with his hand for the guy to continue. He just wanted to get this over with.

“The first detail you need to know is that her real name is Arianna Roland.”

Demitri leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his desk. “Anna Humphreys is not her real name?” He glanced at Carmine, who shrugged his shoulders. The background check they had done on Anna or Arianna as this coke head in front of him claims had come back clean and with no mention of an alternate name.

“No, sir.”

“And how do you know this—or should I say why should I believe you.?”

The guy gave him a cheesy smile, revealing his yellowed teeth—disgusting.

“Because she and I worked together. I know everything there is about her.”

Okay, the guy did have a point. Most agents know a lot about their clients. As if knowing what Demitri was thinking, the guy followed up, “It’s not what you’re thinking. You see, I’m not really an agent, and Anna, err, Arianna is not a real model. Well, at least she didn’t use to be. The FBI hired her and me to infiltrate your organization.”

The amusement on Demitri’s face vanished in an instant. Carmine also took up more of a defensive stance.

“What do you mean the FBI hired you two?” Demitri questioned.

Miles threw his hands up in the air like he was surrendering. “Hey, man. Look, I don’t work for them anymore. And I especially don’t have much respect for that bitch. She threw me under the bus, and now I’m a wanted man as well. When I heard that you were trying to find her and offered a reward, I decided why not come forward. You get what you want, and I get revenge along with a nice payment.”

Demitri had no intentions of paying this guy, but he would play along for now— especially if it meant finding Anna or Arianna as this man claims.

“I’ll make you a deal.” Miles’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “If you say you know everything about her, then you clean yourself up and help bring her to me, and then you and I will discuss your payday. But only if you get her to me.” He warned.


Demitri nodded to Joran to remove Miles from his office. He’d know what to do with him to get him cleaned up.

Once they were gone and it was just, he and Carmine left in the room, Carmine stepped forward and took the seat directly in front of Demitri’s desk.

“We were wrong,” Carmine said.

Demitri was so furious that he wasn’t sure he could even speak. This news changed everything. Well, except for one thing—he still wanted her. But he’d make her pay for her mistake in deceiving him.

He looked at Carmine. You will go with him because I can’t. If I step one foot on American soil, I know I’ll have the FBI and every other law enforcement agency up my ass in no time. Once he gets the girl, you know what to do with him.

Carmine nodded. “I’ll start making the arrangements.