Dino by Jaime Lewis


They each drove their own cars back to Dino’s house. The closer Arianna got to the house, the more her anxiety level rose. She gripped the steering wheel tighter and took a deep breath as she tried to concentrate on the road in front of her, but it wasn't easy to do when her mind was racing with several thoughts.

Something had changed in Dino while he was gone, and not in a bad way. He seemed more relaxed and content with himself and not as nervous or guarded like he’d been before he left on this last deployment. His kiss earlier had meaning behind it. From the way, he held her in his arms to the tenderness of his kiss. It was deep but slow and gentle.

She knew without a doubt that tonight would reshape their lives and their future. She also understood that this would be a monumental night for Dino, and she was prepared for the onslaught of emotions that she expected to come with it.

As soon as she pulled into the driveway Dino was there to open her door. He extended his hand to her and helped her from the car. Together, hand-in-hand they walked up the steps of the porch, and Dino opened the front door and ushered her inside.

It felt strange and quiet without Nigel around since he was still at Alex’s house.

Dino led her into the living room, and she placed her purse down on the coffee table. He was still holding her hand when he started to laugh, breaking the thick silence between them. His deep laugh made her chuckle.

“I’m sorry.” He told her once he got himself under control.

She thought it was cute. Again, a completely different side of him. Maybe what they both needed before they sat was a drink.

“Do you want a drink? Because I think we both need one right now.” She offered, and he nodded.


She went into the kitchen and grabbed two beers out of the refrigerator, along with a couple of bottles of water. She made a detour to the pantry and snagged the package of chocolate chip cookies. Once she had everything gathered in her arms, she made her way back to the living room.

Dino was building a fire in the fireplace, and she noticed he had laid a big fluffy blanket down in front of it along with a few pillows from the couch. He glanced over his shoulder at her then patted the spot next to him. She set the drinks down on the fireplace hearth then took a seat next to him. While he finished messing with the fire, she took her shoes off, stretched out on her side, and made herself more comfortable.

Once he finished, he turned and removed his shoes, then took up the same position next to her with inches between them, face to face. It was silent except for the crackling of the fire.  Arianna felt how the energy in the atmosphere had shifted. She felt the energy pulling between them.

He stared into her eyes before he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers. Using her free hand, she placed it on his cheek. It felt warm from being in front of the fire. He pulled back slightly, then kissed her nose and then her cheeks before kissing her lips. It was more of a peck but a lingering peck. It was sweet.

When he released her lips, he smiled, and she loved seeing the sparkle in his eyes. He rolled over onto his back and rested his head on one of the throw pillows. He gazed up at her.

“Come here.” He said, opening his arm for her to lay with him.

She laid down and got comfortable with her head resting on his shoulder. She pressed her nose closer to his neck and inhaled as she closed her eyes. She loved the smell of his soap and aftershave. Her hand was splayed over his chest, and she could feel his strong and steady heartbeat beneath her fingertips. He folded his arm around her shoulder and lightly caressed her arm.

“I missed you so much. I love having you in my arms.” He admitted, causing her to smile and lift her head so she could see him.

“I missed you too.”

He winked at her then lightly pressed her head back down against his chest.

He took a deep breath, and she closed her eyes and squeezed his body for good measure as she patiently waited for him to begin.

“Fifteen years ago, I learned the hard way that love and family could both be ripped from you in a blink of an eye.”

Arianna stayed quiet and listened intently to every word as Dino fought through his emotions as he told her his story of love, betrayal, and heartbreak. She could never understand how a person could be unfaithful to someone that they say they love. Love is supposed to be built on respect, integrity, honesty, trust, intimacy, and partnership. In Dino’s situation, he was dealt with not one betrayal but four; his girlfriend, his brother, his mom, and his dad.  Her heart broke for him. For fifteen years, he carried that fear and sadness alone. The tears built in her eyes, and eventually, they spilled over, and she silently wept for him.


Dino felt the wetness through the material of his t-shirt and knew that Arianna was crying. He didn’t tell her his story to upset her. He had already shed enough tears over the years that nobody else needed to. After tonight, his past was just that—the past. Tonight, was the beginning of a new era for him. It was about moving on and living in the present. It meant taking the leap and opening his heart to the woman he has fallen in love with.

“Arianna.” He called to her in a whispered voice.

She got up on her knees, and tears were still streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry.” She told him, and then she pressed her hands against her chest over her where her heart was. “My heart aches for you.”

He sat up and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears from her cheeks.

“I didn’t tell you all of that to upset you. I wanted you to know so that you understood that it was my fear and insecurity that held me back from making that commitment.” He took her face between his hands. “I was stupid to think I could ward off the feelings I had toward you. You are everything I want, Arianna. I don’t know how you did it. But you have managed to mend a heart that I thought would be broken forever.”

She sniffled then covered his hands that were still on her cheeks with hers. Her eyes glistened like diamonds with unshed tears.

“I’ve never felt a connection with anyone else like what you and I have. When you’re around, I get weak in the knees. I get butterflies in my belly. You make me feel special, beautiful, and sexy. You complete me. I love you, Dino.”

He released her face and stood up. He held his hand out.

She looked from his hand to his eyes, and he held his breath.

“Take it.” He told her.

Slowly she reached for his hand and the feeling of her fingers clasping with his sent a sensation through his body.

He walked her out of the living room then led her up the stairs. Instead of making a right to take her to her bedroom, he turned left. He was taking her to his bedroom, where she belonged.

He stopped in the doorway and looked down at her. She stared at him, and her large hazel eyes watched him carefully.

“Once you cross this threshold, you are mine forever.”

She looked down at her feet that were just outside of the room. She glanced back up at him, took one, then two steps crossing into his bedroom.

He followed her in and closed the door behind him. Slowly, he turned her around to face him and stared deep into her eyes.

“I love you, Arianna Roland.”

She gave him a sappy smile. “I love you too.”

He closed his eyes and claimed her lips in a passionate yet scorching kiss. One hand slid into her hair, and his fingers latched onto her silky locks while his other hand slid down to her ass.

She broke from the kiss. “I need you.” She told him and started to pull her sweater off.

He placed his hand over hers and stopped her. She gave him a questioning look. He wasn’t going to blow this opportunity.

“I want and need you too, but tonight isn’t going to be like the times we’ve fucked in the past.”

“Let me.” He told her and gently moved aside her hands. While staring into her eyes, he slowly lifted her sweater, exposing her skin inch by inch. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw she had no bra on. His mouth watered at the sight of her.

“We are going to do this right. Tonight, I’m making love to you. I’m going to give every inch of this body the attention it deserves, starting with these pretty little things.”

He leaned forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking gently. He twirled his tongue around it before he gently nipped it. Her knees buckled, and he caught her. Once she was steady, he walked her backward toward the bed. When the back of her knees hit the mattress, she sat down.

He reached back and pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the side. Not wanting to wait any longer, he shoved his jeans down, and his cock sprang free. He smirked when she licked her lips. She went to reach for it when he stopped her. She tilted her head sideways and looked at him.

“Babe, as much as I would love to feel your lips around my cock, I’m already there and will explode before I can get inside your warm, sweet pussy.”


Dino thought that he would explode? Hell, she was already soaked with excitement.

He stepped toward her as his impressive cock continued to bob in front of her. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from it.

When his hands landed on her shoulders, she looked up, and damn did he look hungry.

Slowly and gently, he laid her back onto the bed and raked his fingers down her body. He kissed her neck then down to her collarbone, leaving behind a trail of wetness. The further he went, the stronger the butterflies felt in her stomach. She was so wound up that it wasn’t going to take much to cause that string to snap, and she would go flying.

He licked down her chest to her belly, and his tongue dipped into her belly button. She didn’t want him to stop; she wanted to feel that tongue lower. He took his time, and it was killing her. His lips trailed along her hip bone, and he used his hand to flick the button to her jeans and lowered the zipper. As he started to pull her jeans down, she heard his sharp intake of breath and smiled to herself. She hadn’t bothered to put any panties on when she changed after the show.

He lifted his head and locked gazes with her. There was a storm brewing in his dark eyes.

“You aren’t the only one who likes to go commando.” She told him.

He got onto the bed and crawled up her body until he was settled between her thighs and hovering over her.

“You know, I always used to rag the guys about being pussy whipped, but I understand now what they go through. I’m just as pussy whipped as they are.”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far. You just like my pus—” He cut her off with a scorching kiss as he pressed the tip of his cock against her entrance. He reached for her hands and pulled them up and over her head, holding them there. He slowly pushed inside of her. It was too much for her, and she thrust upward, causing him to penetrate deeper, and she moaned when his cock hit her sweet spot.

He let go of her hands and flexed his hips as he raised her thighs as he made love to her. She moved her hands to his shoulders and held on as he pumped his hips faster. She felt like she would lose control and explode when Dino shifted his hips and penetrated deeper as he ground into her.

As his speed increased, she felt his body start to tighten. She closed her eyes and arched her back as the pressure inside of her started to build. Suddenly, it was like fireworks went off as she went over the edge. Dino buried his face in the crook of her neck and moaned as he released his seed into her.

Dino rolled them to the side and slid out of her, but they stayed in each other’s arms. Dino kissed her temple, and she smiled.

“That was amazing.”

He was still breathing hard, but he smiled and pulled her closer. “I love you.”

She would never get tired of hearing that. She snuggled against him and kissed his chest. “I love you too.” She yawned, and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.