Dino by Jaime Lewis

Chapter EIGHT

Dino sat back and took a swig of his ice-cold beer. He was dragging ass and would rather be back in his own house with his feet kicked up, but he promised the guys that he’d have a drink with them at their local hangout, Bayside. Besides, it was a standing tradition that whenever the team returned home from training or a mission, they would have a drink together.

Their training for an upcoming mission had taken them out west in the middle of no man's land. It had been grueling and exhausting, but that is what they all lived for. For Dino, there was nothing like the high of an adrenaline rush that he experienced every time his feet hit the ground during a mission.

Growing up, he never had any inclination to enlist in the military. His future had been laid out for him when he was born, thanks in part to his family’s business. But that all changed midway through his senior year in high school after a tragic accident left him unable to accept what his family was a part of. Knowing his parents would never approve of him joining the military, he waited until his eighteenth birthday to visit a nearby Navy Recruiters office. After talking with the recruiters there, he was convinced that the Navy was his calling. The recruiter set up an appointment for him to visit a Military Entrance Processing Station. During that visit and after speaking with a service enlistment counselor, his future with the SEALs began. Sure, he didn’t automatically become one overnight. It had taken a shitload of sweat, tears, emotions, and even sometimes blood. After attending basic training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, he was selected for BUD/s training in Coronado, CA. It was a long sixty-five weeks later when he was awarded the famed SEAL Trident Pin. A priceless piece of metal that he would cherish for the rest of his life.

Dino looked around the table he shared with his teammates. He couldn’t have asked to be assigned to a better team of men. Each man in his present company wasn’t just a teammate—he was a brother, and together they were a family. Or, as Alex, Ace’s fiancé, would say, they were a sometimes-dysfunctional family. But Dino wouldn’t change it for the world. This was his home.

Just then, Ace’s voice brought Dino out of his head and back to the present. Ace was the team’s leader.

“Alex wants a count on how many are coming to the house for Christmas dinner.” He looked at Potter, Stitch, and Frost. “She already knows you guys are in.” His eyes moved to Irish. “What about you and Bailey?”

“I think my parents are coming to town,” Irish said.

“Well, the invite extends to them as well. You know Alex and how she likes to plan a party or holiday.”

“Go big or go home,” They all muttered in unison, then snickered.

“Okay, then count us in, including my parents,” Irish said with a smile.

Ace then looked to the three bachelors left on the team. “What about you three? Are you in?”

Both Skittles and Diego said they would be there. That just left Dino.

“You?” Ace asked, and Dino nodded his head.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” he replied, knowing he wouldn’t be anywhere else, and considering he barely contacted his immediate family.

“Thank god everyone is in,” Ace mumbled. “I know you all have a family of your own, but Alex loves you guys. She would understand if you wanted to spend the holiday with your family, but she’d be depressed if you all didn’t show up.”

“Anybody doing anything exciting this weekend?” Frost asked, changing the subject.

Dino lifted his bottle of Bud and smiled. “Absolutely nothing.” He planned to lay low for the next two days until they needed to report back to base. His plans included his recliner, home-cooked food, and TV with a lot of football.

Dino was looking forward to a few days of rest at his place, after Ace’s sister, Mia’s ordeal with her former boss trying to kill her, and then traveling to the mountains out west for training, rest was just what he needed. There were times he wondered why he even bought the house on the water, considering he wasn’t home half the time to enjoy it.  In hindsight, he purchased the property for when he retired from the SEALs.

Eight years ago, he had been assigned to his current team in Little Creek, Virginia. Because of the town’s appeal, he instantly fell in love with Virginia Beach and knew he would retire there. More so now, since many of his teammates now had families and had made it known that, they planned on establishing roots there.

Not that he was expecting to get married and raise a family because that wasn’t in the plans for him. However, he envied Ace, Potter, Frost, Irish, and Stitch.  They’d found their one and some even now had kids. But with his family’s secret that he kept to himself, there was no guarantee that trouble wouldn’t arrive at his doorstep, putting those he loved in danger.

He considered his teammates his family. They might not be his biological family, but they were loyal and acted as a family should to one another.

He and the guys talked for about another hour before they called it a night. Shortly after, Dino pulled down his street and into his driveway. He noticed there was a car parked in front of the house next door.  It was about time that the asshole had rented out the property. It had sat empty for almost a year. He wasn’t a fan of the guy who owned the property. He complained about everything.  There was no gray area when it came to him.  Dino had wanted to give the jerk a piece of his mind a little over a year ago. He had been painting the exterior of his house, and right in the middle of the project, the team had been called out.  The guy had called the city on him because the place hadn’t been completed, and when Dino returned from overseas, he had letters from the city threatening code violations. Once he called the city and explained who he was, what he did for a living, and why the house was only half-painted, the nice lady at city hall had deleted all the violations and even called the guy who turned him in a jerk.

He shook his head as he grabbed his bag from the backseat, and made his way inside. He smiled as he entered the house. It was always a great feeling to walk through the doors of his home. He made his way into the kitchen, and as he passed by the glass doors leading to the backyard, a mysterious light at the end of his dock caught his attention. It reminded him of the small lantern light he left out there under the bench, except it didn’t look like it was under the bench. It was solar, so there were no batteries that could die and would explain why it was glowing. Curious, he unlocked the door and started down the path towards the dock.


The freezing temperature outside hadn’t stopped Arianna from climbing over the chain-link fence and sneaking into her neighbor's backyard.

She had moved into a rental beach house a little over a week ago, but she had been disappointed when she arrived and saw that the landlord had torn down the existing dock in the backyard. That was the main reason she had selected the house to rent in the first place. She loved being near the water. There was nothing she could do about it now, since she had already signed the lease and paid up for the first six months.

She wondered who her neighbor was next door and assumed the person or persons living there were out of town since it had been a week and nobody had been around. At first, she had thought maybe it was a rental like hers but seeing the furniture and décor on the back patio and front porch; it was evident that someone lived there. The landscaping, even for the winter season, was immaculate. But what had caught her eye was the long wooden dock that jetted off the property. The entire last week, the dock had been teasing and tempting her. She just wanted to sit out there and listen to the water while her mind settled.

Being that it was already in the evening, she assumed the owners wouldn’t be home for the night, so she had decided to be a rebel and risk it. If she got caught, she got caught. She was already down in the dumps. It would be her first offense, and she didn’t even have a speeding ticket to her name, so she was pretty sure she wouldn’t serve any jail time, maybe just a fine. At least she hoped.

She picked up the two oversized fuzzy blankets she had brought along and the chilled six-pack of Smirnoff Ice.  Not that she was going to drink all six bottles. Surprisingly in the world, she had lived in for the last two years with drugs and alcohol at her disposal, she was a lightweight when it came to alcohol. She wasn’t a big drinker—mainly, she only drank on occasion but never exceeded her limit of one drink when she was out in public. Ever since her mom was hit by a drunk driver and killed, she saw alcohol as a weapon and tended to shy away from it. But again, if the occasion called for it, she drank responsibly. Tonight, she was ready to let loose a little. She planned to spend just an hour or two listening to the sounds that nature offered as she tried to push aside all the negative thoughts in her head.

As she tiptoed through the dew-covered grass, she couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that rose from her throat. She quickly slapped her hand over her mouth. She had to look ridiculous. Just because her dad was a former Marine Recon soldier didn’t mean she automatically inherited his stealth. In her opinion, she felt she had been a promising agent for the bureau, but she was far from a seasoned soldier. Now, put her in front of a computer with numbers, and she was in her element. But she’d admit she was surprisingly a damn good model if she had to be. Ugh, why did that time in her life have to pop into her mind? She wanted to wash those years from her brain. Two freaking years of letting people tell her what to wear, how to stand, how to walk, how to groom herself, and the list went on.

The wood planks creaked under her feet as she padded down the long dock. From the moonlight reflecting off the ocean, she could see the water was calm, but she could still hear it as it rocked against the pylons below her.

Once she made it to the end, she was surprised at how large the sun deck was. She smiled when her eyes landed on the small section that had a roof built over it. She spread one of the blankets out under the covered area before lowering herself and settling in. She used the other blanket to cover herself. Once she was all settled, she started to lean back against the railing when something below the bench on the other side caught her eye. It was a small lantern. She leaned over and pulled it closer and smiled when she saw it was solar-powered. It looked like an expensive tactical one, something her dad would invest in. With a flick of the button, the darkness surrounding her illuminated into a soft glow.

Smiling, she grabbed one of her ice-cold drinks, twisted the top off, and took a big sip before she laid her head back. It was perfect, she thought, as she closed her eyes and just listened to the sounds of the tranquil water around her.


Dino made sure to keep his footsteps light as he made his way to the dock. It was a trait he was taught courtesy of his SEAL instructors during BUD/s training.  As he neared the end of the dock where it opened up to the sun deck, he heard a female voice that sounded like humming. He couldn’t make out the song, but he’d say it sounded rather nice.

When he rounded the last pylon, all he could see was a mass of long wavy black hair as her head was turned in the opposite direction. He stood there listening to her hum, which he recognized as Carrie Underwood’s—Jesus Take the Wheel.

He looked around, noting that it didn’t seem like she was doing anything illegal.  Well, except for the fact that she was trespassing on private property.

After another minute of her singing, he thought it was time to reveal himself and find out who in hell the chick was and why she was on his dock.

“Can I help you?” He asked in a deep voice, but then wanted to laugh at the reaction he got from her.

The woman shrieked as she turned her head and looked over her shoulder. When his eyes landed on her face, he was instantly taken aback by her beauty. She had gorgeous, almond-shaped eyes, especially when they widened in surprise. He almost laughed out loud when the word “shit” slipped out of her mouth as she tried to scramble to her feet but then got tangled in the big-ass blanket she was wrapped up in like a burrito.

Thank goodness for his quick reflexes as he was able to grab her arm before she face-planted into the wood decking.

She was mumbling something he couldn’t make out as he helped her to her feet. Once she was steady, he released her arm then took a step back to get a better look at her.

Again, he had to hide his amusement when she looked up at him, and her cheeks turned a bright shade of red. He looked down and noticed the drinks. One bottle was empty, and another was almost empty.

He looked back at her, and she began to fidget under his stare. It was apparent she had a nice little alcohol buzz going on. His instincts told him she wasn’t a threat, although he was still cautious. But he was more curious about why she was outside in the cold and in all places, his dock.

She nibbled on her lip—a classic sign of guilt. Tenley, Potter’s wife, did it all the time when she was guilty of something.

“I’m guessing you are the owner of this gorgeous piece of property.”  she asked in a soft voice. The vapor from her breath was visible in the cold air.

He nodded, and she smiled. She had a gorgeous smile.

“And I’m guessing you’re wondering why a total stranger is making themselves at home on your dock.”

He nodded again, and she extended her hand. “I’m Anna; you’re new neighbor.”

That tidbit had completely caught him off guard. His surprised expression showed as he took her hand in his. Her skin was soft and smooth. He tried to get a look at her body, but the bulky sweats she wore presented that as a mystery, leaving his imagination to get the better of him. Her face was flawless, free of make-up, and her skin glowed with an olive complexion. She was stunning.

“It’s nice to meet you, Anna. I’m Dino.” He didn’t release her hand. To his surprise, he liked how it felt in his. It was a weird feeling that hit him. He should be pissed off that someone, a total stranger, came onto his property uninvited, but he wasn’t. However, he was curious as to why. “Do you make it a habit of sneaking onto your neighbor’s property?” He questioned with some humor in his voice, but again he was curious about her answer.

She pulled her lip between her teeth, and he wanted to laugh. She obviously knew she was guilty and was debating what she was going to say, so he waited. He had all night.

Finally, she let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m sorry. I know it was wrong, but I rented my house mainly because it had a dock.” She glanced next door and pointed to wooden pylons sticking out of the water where a dock once stood. “But my landlord decided to tear it down a week before I moved in, and, well, your dock just looked so inviting I couldn’t resist. I love the water, needed some fresh air, and it just called to me. It is beautiful out here.”  She looked down and eyed the one empty bottle of Smirnoff and the other one that didn’t have much left and then grinned as she met his gaze. “The alcohol helps with relaxation.”

He couldn’t hold back his laughter. He couldn’t fault her for being honest, and he definitely wasn’t going to send her home. Surprisingly he found himself intrigued and wanting to know a little more about his new neighbor.

He wasn’t that comfortable inviting her inside, but if he was going to hang out for a little bit, he wasn’t going to freeze his ass off. He walked over to the far post and flipped the switch. He liked to spend time out on the dock as well, so he had a heater installed when he bought the house. It was in the ceiling of the overhang on the dock.  He smirked when he heard her gasp when the heat started blowing down where she had made her little bed. She closed her eyes and tilted her face up toward the blower.

“Damn, that would’ve been nice to know.  I’ve been freezing my ta-ta’s off for the last hour or so.”

He chuckled, then waved his hand for her to have a seat.

“You mean you aren’t going to kick me out?” She asked, looking shocked.

“For some strange reason, no.”

She lowered herself back onto the blanket and held up a bottle of Smirnoff. “Want one?”

“Sure, why not,” he told her then followed her down to the blanket. He twisted the top off the bottle and took a sip. He made a pucker face. Smirnoff wasn’t his choice of drink, but since she was being polite and had offered, he wouldn’t complain.

She stared at him for a few seconds as if sizing him up before saying, “I am trying to figure out if you are for real and not just some hot figment of my imagination.  I mean, I’ve had two drinks, and normally one is a good stopping point for me.”

He barked out a laugh. “I promise, I’m real.” He pointed at the three remaining bottles.  “Are you going to make me drink by myself?”

“Uh…Let me repeat that; I’ve had two drinks already, and normally one is a good stopping point for me. I mean, hell, I don’t need to be stumbling or rolling off the dock into the water.”

Funny and beautiful, he thought. He grabbed a bottle and twisted the top off, and handed it to her.

“I promise I won’t let you get swallowed up by the water.”

She accepted the full bottle and took a small drink.

“I have to ask, is Dino your real name?” She asked with a small smile.

He grinned. “No. Dino is my nickname. While I was out with some buddies hiking, I stumbled across some dinosaur fossils. They started calling me Dino, and it just stuck.”

Her eyes widened. “Really? You found a dinosaur?” She shifted her body so she was facing him. “Where?”

“Honest to god’s truth. We were backpacking near Patagonia, Argentina. I tripped over what I thought were some rocks, but my buddies recognized them as dinosaur fossils.”

That was a mission he would never forget for as long as he lived, mainly because it had been his first deployment with his current team. They had been sent to rescue a young college kid who thought he knew everything there was about backpacking in a foreign country. Apparently, nobody told him that crime still existed, even in areas that were deemed safer than others. The guy had been spotted by a local gang flashing a wad of money while at a local market. The group had followed him back to his hotel and ended up robbing him of everything in his hotel room, and when they found out he was the son of a wealthy businessman back in the states, they kidnapped him and held him for ransom. Everyone knew that if the guy's family paid the ransom, the gang members weren’t going to release the kid. They would just kill him.

When Dino and his team had extricated the hostage, they were trekking through the desert on the Argentine side of Patagonia to meet up with their ride when he tripped on what he thought were rocks. But when they examined the rocks closer, both Stitch and Skittles said they were dinosaur fossils known to that region. It had been a pretty cool find and where his nickname originated from.

“That is really cool,” she stated, appearing to really be pulled into his story. Then a slow smile spread across her face. “I’ll be honest. When you said Dino, the first thing that popped in my head was Dino from the Flintstones. You know Ya-ba-da-ba-do.”

Dino burst out laughing, and she gave him a cheeky grin.

“Nope. But the Flintstones was one of my top five cartoons.”

“Mine too. It was up there with the Jetsons, Tom and Jerry, Scooby-Doo, and The Smurfs.”

Dino had to give his head a little shake. He was in unfamiliar territory. It wasn’t that he hadn’t ever had a drink with a woman who he didn’t know. It was the woman sitting next to him talking about cartoons from the ’80s and ’90s that intrigued him.

He couldn’t believe what his night had turned into. Since their plane had landed hours ago, he had envisioned going home and crashing in his bed. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined coming home to find this beauty chilling on his dock. He almost looked around to see if there were cameras hidden somewhere, or if he was being punked. Or had Alex put the woman up to it as she’d been known to pull some really good pranks on the guys?

The part that surprised him the most was how much he was enjoying her company. He finished off his drink and placed the empty bottle back into the holder. He grabbed another one.

“May I?” He asked.

“I think I owe you more than one drink for not being a dick and throwing me off your property.”

Anyone else, he probably would’ve done exactly what she just said. But he wouldn’t tell her that.

“I’ll find a way for you to make it up to me,” he stated and threw a wink her way. He was shocked when her cheeks turned a little pink.

Now that they were engaged in conversation, he didn’t want it to end.

“So, Anna, other than sneaking onto other people’s docks in the middle of the night, what else do you like to do?”

“You’re never going to let me forget this, are you?” She asked, smiling, and he shook his head. She shrugged her shoulders. “Honestly, I’m a pretty boring person. I like to read, not much of a TV person.”

“Sorry, but I can’t put you and boring in the same sentence. What do you like to read?”

“Mystery, suspense, action, with a little bit of romance thrown in.”

“You lost me at the romance part. Do you work?”

“I just got into town last week, so I’m sorta in-between jobs right now.”

“Where did you move from?”


“What did you do there? Do you have anything lined up here?” She had to have some money to afford the rent of a waterfront home, he thought to himself. Although she could come from a wealthy family like he was.

She played with the label on the bottle. Dino could sense his question made her uncomfortable, but then again, she surprised him, “I dabbled in the fashion industry but got tired of that. I’ve got a pretty good lead on something here in town.”

He cocked his head sideways and grinned. “You’re not going to tell me where?”

She smiled and shook her head, making her hair bounce. “I don’t want to jinx it.”

“Okay, fair enough.”

He took another drink. He noticed she was halfway done with hers, and by the glassiness in her eyes, she was buzzed pretty good.  Maybe it was a good thing he did come out here, or she really could’ve gotten hurt or worse.

“What did you do in the fashion industry?”

“Worked with models. What about you?  What do you do?”

Interesting that she changed the subject so quickly and turned the questioning around on him, but he’d take the bait and play the game.

“I’m in the military.”

“Really?  Let me guess,” she said, giving his body a once-over. “You’re definitely not a Marine, nor are you Army.  In my opinion, you’re too clean-cut to be a Marine and too polished for the Army. I don’t see you flying planes, so I’m going to rule out Air Force. You have a house on the water, so I’m going to go with the Navy or Coast Guard, but I’m leaning more toward the Navy.”

Dino was impressed as he nodded.

“I’m in the Navy.”

She threw a smile his way. “My dad was a Marine.”

“Oh! You were a military brat.  That explains your criminal activities,” he teased her, and she laughed.

“Oh, will you stop that!”

She bumped her shoulder into his before reaching for her bottle. Suddenly she let out an ear-piercing shriek that the neighbors three streets over probably heard. She flew to her feet and began jumping up and down while flapping her arms in the air. She was shouting for him to get it off of her.

Her abrupt actions caused him to leap to his feet. He tried to see what she was telling him to get off of her, but he couldn’t see anything, especially with her floundering around like a fish.

He grabbed her arms. “Stop!” He commanded in a deep voice, and she froze immediately. It was then when he saw the culprit of her antics. An average-sized dock spider rested just below her shoulder.

He flicked it off, and it hit the ground and crawled away. They were ugly spiders and could get pretty big, but usually, they were harmless to humans.

He turned her in his arms, and she looked up at him. “Is it gone?” She asked in a shaky voice.


She leaned against him, and he wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her warm breaths through the material of his shirt.

“Oh my god. I hate spiders. They are right up there with snakes for me,” she murmured into his chest.

He held her close as he ran his hand up and down her back. He was tempted to tease her but decided against it when he saw how visibly shaken, she was. Damn, he’d hate to see her reaction to the insects and snakes that he’d had the misfortune of running into during some of his missions.

He felt her start to pull away, and he loosened the hold he had on her but didn’t wholly release her. He liked the feel of her body in his arms. She appeared to be physically fit from what he could tell.

As he looked down, she raised her head, and their eyes met. The energy he felt between them was new for him, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. She flicked her tongue out and wet her lips. Her lips were full and plump. Fuck! He wanted nothing more than to kiss her.  It had been a while since he’d been with a woman, and he knew he shouldn’t be thinking about what else he wanted to do with her. But she was testing his will.

“Dino,” she called his name; her hands still rested on his waist, sending a sensational feeling through his body.

The seductive tone of her voice mixed with the raspiness in it made his dick even harder.

She shuffled her feet to step closer when suddenly she stopped and looked down toward the ground. He followed her sight and saw her foot tangled in a line rope he kept on the dock. The rope must’ve wrapped around her foot when she was jumping around.

“Shoot!” She exclaimed and tried to kick it off the same time he lowered to help her. They both lost their balance and fell to the dock with a hard thud. She landed on her back while he landed comfortably on top of her, nestled between her thighs. Now, if this wasn’t a sign, he didn’t know what was.

He brushed her hair from her face.

“Are you alright?” He asked, a little concerned he may have squished her. He wasn’t a light man.

Her eyes held a twinkle in them. The light green color of her eyes glowed under the lighting. That was when he noticed the tiny flecks of brown mixed in. Her eyes were large and gorgeous.

“I’m good,” she told him. “I guess that was one way to ruin the moment.”

With an amused grin, he said, “I wouldn’t necessarily say the moment is entirely ruined.”


He shook his head. “Not by a long shot.”

Going against all the reasons why he shouldn’t, he dipped his head to kiss her. When she never stopped him but instead closed her eyes before their mouths met, he felt victorious. He softly brushed his lips against hers, and he felt her body begin to relax under him. Her lips parted slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. She tasted like green apples from her drink. As he continued to kiss her, she ran her small delicate hands over his shoulders, making his body come alive.  He wanted so much more. As he slid his hand down her body, grazing the side of her breast, those negative thoughts in the back of his mind came flowing to the front, causing him to pause.

Before they went any further, he pulled back—not all the way but enough to see her eyes. As her eyes fluttered open, he saw the hunger there.

“If we go any further, I don’t think I can stop,” he told her as he watched for any indication that she didn’t want him.

Her mouth twitched, and her hand found his ass and gave it a squeeze. “I never said you had to stop.”

He had to be honest with her. This was sex. There was no promise of commitment afterward.  That was just how he rolled.

“I don’t date,” he admitted, then waited, looking for a reaction from her. He knew that could be a deal-breaker, and he was okay with that. It would be hard to walk away from what he had within his grasps. But he just wasn’t in the market for a steady relationship, and he probably never would be.

She stared back at him looked him in the eye. “I’m not looking for a boyfriend.” She started to slide her hands up his shirt. Her hands felt so good touching his skin. “If we stop, you’d have to send me back next door, and then who is going to help me with the ache I have between my legs?”

For fucks sake. How in the hell was he supposed to walk away from that?

“If we do this, I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow morning with regrets.”

She placed her hand against his cheek. “Dino. I swear. There will be no regrets. It’s obvious we both want this. Just live in the moment.”

Before he could get a word in, she took his face between her hands and slowly pulled his head down. She kissed him deeply, setting off a carnal reaction within him. However, when he was with a woman, he liked to control the tempo. He took hold of her wrists, and she released his head. He brought her arms above her head. The move caused her chest to arch and her breasts to press firmer against his chest.

“Don’t move,” he instructed her then began to move down her body. He pushed her sweatshirt up and over her head and was pleased when he saw she wasn’t wearing a bra.

He sat up as he kneeled between her legs then yanked his shirt over his head. The timer on the heater must have shut off because he felt the nip of the cold air as it blew over his skin. He wasn’t worried because he planned to make some heat of his own.

Anna sat up and started running her hands all over his body. Her soft and gentle touch alone almost set him off. He was wound tight and ready to spring free. Quickly they both helped one another shed the rest of their clothing. Dino carefully lowered Anna to her back, making sure the blanket was under her. The last thing she needed was a splinter in her backside. However, it could make for a good story someday.

His eyes roamed over every luscious curve of her body. She was fit but healthy. Big tits, nice full round ass, and hips made for a woman. When she lifted her arm, he noticed a rather large bandage wrapped around her bicep.

“What’s that?” He asked, and he saw a flicker of something in her eyes but it was gone in a single blink.

“Oh, I just cut myself when I was moving,” she said, not nearly concerned with the injury as he was. As much as his curiosity wanted to hear more about it, he was more focused on getting inside her.

“Are you just going to stare, or are you going to do something?”  Her question brought him out of the sex-induced fog. He could actually just sit back and stare at her body all day long, although the panties she still wore had to go, even though the baby blue lace design looked sinful on her.

He reached over to his jeans and pulled a condom out of his wallet. Once the condom was in place, he lowered his body, settling between her smooth and silky thighs.

“I’ll apologize in advance; this is going to be fast and quick.  You’re too tempting, sweetheart.”

Dino laced his fingers into Anna’s hair and held her head in place as he crashed his lips down onto hers and devoured her moans.

He surprised himself.  He was expecting it to be a quick booty call, but something about Anna called to him. He didn’t want it to be over too quickly. He kissed along her neck and down past her chest, barely grazing her breasts with his tongue. As he made his way down her stomach, he gripped the waistband of her panties. She yelped and stared wide-eyed at him when he tore her panties from her body.

“Those were expensive panties,” she scolded him, and he couldn’t help the arrogant smirk he threw her way. “They were in the way.”

Her look of shock quickly turned into bliss as he buried his face between her legs. Her moans of pleasure nearly made him cum. Before long, her body began to quiver, and he knew she was on the edge of an orgasm. He wrapped his arms around her legs and held her down as he feasted on her cream. Her body continued to tremble, and as soon as her fingers latched onto his hair, he gently bit down on her clit, and she shot off like a bottle rocket.


Arianna was still coming down from her high when she felt Dino’s cock nudge against her entrance.

She opened her eyes and locked onto his dark blue orbs that were ablaze with lust and anticipation.

“I need to be inside of you,” he told her before he lined up his cock and sank into her in one swift motion. She felt the walls of her channel stretch from his thick girth as he plunged into her depths.

“Oh, my god. You feel so good,” she told him, panting for breath.

“Ditto,” he gasped out. He pulled out and thrust back in again, and another wave of sensations crashed into her.

He slid his hands under her ass and lifted it just enough that with the new angle, his cock hit her sweet spot, sending a wave of butterfly sensations through her belly. He was relentless as he pounded into her with skill and intensity.

She recognized the all too soon sensation stirring in the pit of her stomach. “Oh shit, I’m almost there. Please don’t stop,” she begged as the crescendo inside her grew. Just as she was about to go over the edge, he pulled out of her. She wanted to scream and beg for him to get back inside her and finish her off.

He was silent, and she opened her eyes and their gazes locked. A weird feeling began to swirl throughout her. Something was happening, and she couldn’t explain it, nor was it the time to dwell on it. He lowered her butt to the blanket before he covered her body with his. He braced himself on his forearms as he hovered over her. His expression was unreadable, but something appeared in his intense eyes.  She couldn’t make it out because as fast as it materialized, it was gone in a flash. Or maybe it was her imagination, considering she’d had a few drinks.

“Dino,” she whispered. He continued to stare into her eyes—the vapor of their breath visible in the cold air floated between two of them. She ran her nails lightly up his back, and his muscles reacted—twitching under her fingertips. She wanted to question him but also didn’t want to ruin the blissful moment. Thankfully she didn’t have to decide as he lowered his head and his lips enclosed hers. He was gentle yet powerful. His arms moved closer to her head, and his fingers threaded through her hair. She felt his hips shift above her, and she readied herself, relaxing her inner thighs. She was lost in the kiss as he pushed into her heat again. He filled her with one powerful thrust that reignited that fire in her. She broke from the kiss as her body arched from the heavenly aura flowing through her. She moaned softly. His strokes were slow and steady, opposite from just moments ago. It felt incredible, and she didn’t want it to end. But all too soon, his pace quickened, bringing both of them to the brink once again. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, his lips pressed against her skin, just as she went over the edge, and they both exploded together, their low moans echoing across the water.

“Oh my god, that was incredible,” she whispered as he rolled them to the side and pulled out of her. He slipped the condom off and set it by the empty bottles before he flipped the blanket over the both of them. She curled into his body, and he kissed her temple. She felt like a limp noodle but couldn’t complain because she had gotten more than she had bargained for when she set out for a night of relaxation.

“Yeah, it was.”



“I really am sorry for sneaking onto your dock.”

“Sweetheart, you are more than welcome on this dock any time you’d like.”

She smiled to herself, and that was the last thing she remembered before sleep took over.