The Masks We Wear by Lee Jacquot


First, I want to thank you! My readers. For taking a chance on a new author, who has some pretty crazy ideas swimming in her head. Out of all the books in the world, and you read mine. You will never know just how much that means to me! Thank you!

My’chal. Timon. Bae. NONE of this, not one sentence, would be possible without you. You corral the kids, take on dinner, yell at me to call Garnet when I can’t get out of writer’s block. You keep me going. You are my NUMBER ONE hype man. You talk me down from the insanely high rooftops and I will forever be grateful that our stars aligned. Because your love…it’s something out of a storybook.

To Hailey, Aaron, and Christian. My Sun, Moon, and Stars. You made mommy the person she is today. Thank you for telling mommy to keep going and for showing me it’s never too late to achieve a dream.

Garnet Christie. Girl. Where would I be without you? Probably still curled up in a ball letting imposter syndrome eat me alive, if I’m being honest. Our daily talks, venting, plotting, ideas…I can never repay you for not only your kindness, and love, but encouragement, and believing in me when I didn’t think I could do it. You are a gem, and I love you!

To the girls: Greer Rivers, Emily McIntire, Kayleigh King, and Sav Miller. Where do I even start. From Emily’s ability to cull the weak to make the strongest story possible, or Greer’s positive light that shines even in the darkest of holes. Y’all paved the way for me and told me about the speed bumps so I could see them before they happened. If it wasn’t for you ladies, I’d still be sitting around waiting on an agent. Instead, you encouraged me and pushed me to this very publication. Even when I said, what do y’all think about a female bully? Y’all said YES!! And that was all she wrote. Y’all are amazing, and I will forever be in your debt.

Beta readers! You wonderful ladies made me feel less crazy, and pulled me out of my head! It wouldn’t be what it is right now without y’all’s encouragement and awesome feedback! Hope y’all are ready for Blaze

Garnet Christie, Greer Rivers, Emily McIntire, L.L. Lily, M.L. Philpitt, AC Powers, Bella Grace, Kautharmm, and Jeanie Robinson.

To my cover designer, AJ Wolf of AJ Wolf Graphics. GIRLLLLLL. I don’t even know what to say! I struggled with this damn cover, and wanted something that stood out just like my trope. You dealt with my back and forth, my horrible drawings, and my second guessing. THANK YOU! You made a dope ass cover and I am so excited for what we do this year.

Now. To my editor, Ellie, and proofreader, Rosa, at My Brother’s Editor. YOU TOOK A CHANCE ON ME! I mean WHAT?! How I got so lucky, I will never know, but damnit THANK YOU! You gave me that last nod I needed to know that this is it. I did it, and it’s ready to see the world!! Thank you for making it pretty, for being patient with me, and your kind words.