Dawn by McKayla Box

Chapter 27

Trevor texts me later in the afternoon.

Hey. Brett and I are working again tonight. I told you I’d tell you so I’m telling you.

Ugh. Why so soon?

Don’t know. Just do what we have to do.

How many more of these?

I don’t know.

5? 10? 100?

Less than 100. We’ll be fine. Trust me.

It’s not you I don’t trust.

What does that mean?

I don’t trust whoever it is that you’re doing this for.

We’ll be fine.

You said that already.

And have I been wrong?

Not yet.

I won’t be wrong. Relax. We’ve got it.

I can’t relax.

Should I come over after?

I think hard before I answer him.

No. Not tonight.

Are you seriously pissed?

No, it’s not that. But my dad asked if I was up last night, so I think he heard something.

Shit. Was he mad?

I didn’t tell him. So I just want to be careful.


But you’ll text me?

The second we’re done. I promise.

I’ll wait up.

You don’t have to.

I want to.

I promise. The second we’re done.

I hate this. I really hate this.

Be done soon. I love you.

Love you too.

I drop my phone on my bed. I hate lying to him about my dad and hearing us. But I know that the girls and I are going to try and get a better feel for what he and Brett are doing tonight and if things get weird, I don’t want him showing up at my house in the middle of the night, wondering where I am.

And I’m also hoping he won’t get pissed when he finds out I’m not just sitting at home waiting to hear from him.