A Lion’s Mate by Eve Langlais


Later that afternoon, they awoke to an audience.

It started with a not-so-whispered, “I don’t think they used condoms.”

Followed by Maureen saying, “I knew she’d be fine.”

Which led to much groaning. He finally opened an eye to see Arleen’s family crowded around them.

But the absolute cherry on top? Too short to be seen in the back but definitely heard? His dad and Nonna.

“Why in all the hells is he lying naked outside in the middle of the day? Must be nice not to have to work.”

“Work should be balanced with nature.” Maureen was closest and hopefully not homicidal to find her daughter in his arms. Someone offered him a robe. Not his first choice, but it covered the nudity well enough.

The situation didn’t please Nonna. “You better have mated that girl and not taken advantage. I won’t be congratulating you on any bastard babies.” Nonna was old-fashioned.

“Any babies they have will be loved no matter what,” was Maureen’s huffy declaration.

“Too much love, and you smother them,” Nonna declared.

As they faced off, Arleen snuggled her face into his chest. “Can we run away?”


“Far away?”

“Oh, hell yes.”

Although, first, they had to do a stint at the condo because the king wanted to make sure that even though the box was gone, no one would be coming after them.

To everyone’s relief, the attacks stopped.

The key tattoo on the human attackers never resulted in anything concrete.

And Zach found out that Arleen was the best lion’s mate a man could ask for. Except when she ate the last rack of ribs.

“That was mine!”

She held it on her fork and smiled. “Wanna wrestle for it?”

“Actually, I’ll trade you something for it.” He pulled out the box with the ring, the one he’d had made with a pretty pebble he’d bled on when he stepped on it during their rescue by the lake. He’d later found it tucked into his robe pocket and thought it an omen. He had it set on a band. He dangled the ring. “Want it?”

Her gaze hit it and froze. Her lips curved, but she was looking right at him when she said, “Mine.”

* * *

Months later…

Joe brought Nefertiti—Neffi to her subjects—to visit Zach, her previous servant. A decent human. He’d been good at feeding her quality meats and respecting her boundaries. Gave great scratches.

But he left town often. And the last time, he returned with a female.

As if Nefertiti would share.

Zach’s father made a good replacement. He’d learned how to scratch behind her ears and provide his body as a heated cushion for her ultra-important naps. But he didn’t worship her like Zach used to. Why, he expected her to eat out of a bowl. She’d yet to train him better.

It had been a while since she’d last seen Zach. In that time, he’d managed to impregnate his female. She had good hips, it would be an easy birth.

Nefertiti had been quite happy to lose that ability. When she woke in that awful-smelling place, she was more perturbed by the spot they’d shaved on her belly. However, now, she didn’t need to worry that her dalliances would result in litters that would suck at her tight teats.

Joe set down her carrier and unzipped the door. She stepped out and was gratified to hear her former servant exclaim, “Neffi! Gorgeous girl, come say hello.”

As if she’d abase herself. Bad enough she’d come to his wretched place in the city with way too many lions. Pretentious creatures thought they ruled the world.

Let them pretend while she really made a difference. While her servants reunited, she went exploring. Saw a scrap of lace hanging and knew it must have been left for her. Tugging with a claw pulled out a drawer from the dresser. It was filled with all kinds of soft fabric. A bed for her!

She turned in circles, digging her claws into the material, tugging loose threads, shredding the lace, getting the pile just right when her eye caught on an interesting glint. A glance into the mirror across from her showed the object sat above her. On the dresser.

Did she really want to exert herself?

With a grace her servants envied, she moved from the drawer to the dresser top and stalked over to the ring. The one Zach’s human usually wore on her finger. But the female had been gaining weight. She’d removed the ring and left it out.

Nefertiti poked it. It wobbled in reply.

How dare it threaten?

She pounced at her enemy and tumbled with it. The ring fled and teetered on the edge, trying to jump. She batted it into another direction. It headed for another edge.

Oh no, it didn’t.

Nefertiti soared and hit the ring with her front paws and sank her teeth into it. Grrr.

She had it now. She gnawed at the stone, a pebble that spoke.


Rather than listen, she knocked it off the dresser.

It hit the floor, and the stone popped free.

It rolled, trying to escape.

She soared, the avenging Nefertiti. With great agility, she landed on the stone and grabbed it with her mouth.

She claimed victory and trotted into the room with her servants to show them her triumph.

Only Zach looked as if he needed to defecate, and his female as if she’d cook Nefertiti like Nonna kept threatening. Joe yelled, “Spit it out.”

Did a servant think to order her around?

Nefertiti swallowed it.

The End.

Doubtful, because I do wonder what happens next. Thanks for staying with me thus far on this adventure. ~Eve.

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