Crossing Lines by Adrienne Giordano


As with every book, there are people to thank. Writing the acknowledgments page is always fun for me, but this time it feels just a bit sweeter. Crossing Lines has been in the works for nearly five years and finally being able to thank the folks involved is gratifying.

Milton Grasle, this book wouldn’t have happened with you. Thank you for always (no matter what) answering my calls and emails. Thank you more for opening your home to me when this book was simply a nugget of an idea. Your insight helped me shape Shane and Liz/Faith, and I’ll be forever grateful. Thanks to my pal Misty Evans for all the early brainstorming help. I’m lucky to call you my friend.

To Elizabeth Mackey, cover artist extraordinaire, thank you, thank you, thank you for crawling inside my brain and giving me the cover I dreamed of for this book. Your talent is enormous! Megan Records, thank you for your patience while I finished this manuscript. Your editing is always spot-on and I know the work is better because of you.

Then there’s Martha Trachtenburg, a copy editor who saves me from making a fool of myself each time she catches an obscure detail I’ve missed. Even when I want to scream, I’m always thankful you 're part of my process.

To my friend and beta reader, Liz Semkiu, thank you for always making room in your schedule for an early read of my books. I so appreciate it! Thanks also to my Review Crew for being part of the team that makes a book happen. You guys are the best!

As usual, thanks to my husband and son who make me laugh every day and talk me down when the words won’t come. I love you.