His to Keep by Lydia Goodfellow


Aiden, Ryan and Aria. For being my babies and putting up with your head-in-the-clouds, hot mess of a momma and still loving me.

Rob. Thank you for holding the fort while I chase this dream and pushing me to keep going. Helping me unravel many plot knots and listening to me go back and forth over the same scene a billion times. Those times when you’ve been talking to me and I’ve been lost in my own imagination and not listening to a word you say but still loving me regardless.

To my mother, who has spent several years listening to me go on about this book and wrecking her head about Father Aaron, who is part of the family at this point. To dad, who has been humoured over the years by my crazy ideas. Especially the werewolf one.

Steph. When you came around to my old house in Liverpool years ago with sangria and food. Spent the night reading through the original His To Keep manuscript, even though I’m sure it made your eyes bleed and your insides cringe. Thanks for being there for me and for telling me it was great even though we both knew it wasn’t.

To Ollie and Kerry. (And baby bean who we didn’t know was there) For being my models for my His To Keep photoshoot. Thank you for bringing my vision to life, even if some of the poses I asked you to do were questionable. Thank you for humouring me, letting me drag you into the woods and being the best baby bro and future sissy a gal could ask for.

Huge shoutout to my writer pals Keeva and Nikki. My real-life creative cheerleaders, who have both read multiple versions of this book. You’ve helped and pushed me, knowing I had it in me to do better. You two, more than anyone, know how much of a headache this book has caused me. Your support means the absolute world to me.

Charity for all her work and dealing with my flakiness. And my team of beta readers for your incredible and helpful feedback.

My readers far and wide. This was my third book I ever wrote on Wattpad. It’s been a journey, and I cannot thank you all enough. Because without you, I wouldn’t have gotten here. You’ve been with me through the hard times, the good times, those times I cried when I thought I wasn’t good enough. To those who reached out to me over the years to tell me this book stuck in your head and hearts all this time. For those who still support me, cheered when this book was number 1 on Wattpad. For making it get millions of views. To Wattpad for even featuring this book as the top horror book to read. Thank you so much.

My family and friends. Ariana Godoy—my cold lady and old Wattpad pal who has waited patiently for this book. Mira, my Canadian gal, and so many more. You’re all the best.