Freed By the Alien Prince by Tori Kellett

Chapter Eleven

She was gorgeous. From her big brown eyes to her tiny toes. His heart was thumping steadily, but his eyes were transfixed on her because her nimble fingers were slowly undressing him. She undid his weapons belt and carefully lowered it to the floor, then unbuttoned his uniform pants, which seemed to take longer. He inhaled quickly as her hand brushed his cock almost casually as she parted the fabric and peeled them down his hips. She bent a little and exhaled. Every hair on his body seemed to catch and tremble with the soft, warm breath that hit his groin.

His hands fisted against the desperate urge to move and crush her to him. To demand he took that mouth with his. To touch every glorious inch of her stunning body and to take what he wanted. To bring her to breathless satisfaction many times over so she would never ever think that happiness wouldn’t be found in his arms, in his bed, in his world. His cock sprang free of his pants as she lowered them, and he gasped in relief, kicking them off. He bent his head to kiss her, but her eyes locked on his as she let the wrap fall from her shoulder unheeded, her pants and shirt followed.

“My Sascha,” he breathed in wonder. Sascha smiled and tugged his hand to follow her into the shower. They had no water, something he would do his very best to alter as soon as they got home. The thought of her wet skin, slick with soap as his hands glided over her, made his cock jerk and pulse. He pressed in close to her belly and she smiled and lifted her arms. He didn’t need any other invitation, and he lifted her so their faces were aligned, and she wrapped her legs around him, her luscious bottom fitting so well in his hands. He squeezed gently, adoring the soft feminine padding that turned his mind to mush but hardened him everywhere else. He took her mouth and swallowed the gasp as he lowered her just enough so his cock slid between her folds. He could feel she was slick already, and a surge of satisfaction sped along his veins.

He teased her tongue with his. Licked and gently bit on her plump lips, then nuzzled and sucked the delicate skin of her throat. “N’ameth,” she begged hoarsely as his long fingers began to do more than simply hold her. She shuddered, and as the beam of light traveled up them, bringing warmth, he lowered her onto his length until she gasped out and clenched her channel around him.

“My Sas’ka,” he whispered reverently, lifting her and letting her slide back down. She shook, her body trembling with the same need, the same desire that was flooding through every cell in his. She arched and murmured helplessly, and he knew she was so close. “Come for me, my Sas’ka,” he demanded and thrust up into her tight wet heat, once, twice, until she cried out, and the spasm of her channel as she came was so intense he was helpless not to follow her. He held her close as he softened slightly, knowing they weren’t even close to being done.

She was half-asleep as he cleaned her, covered her with a shirt, and carried her outside to his own cabin, his warriors keeping a discreet distance.

He nodded again to the guard who opened the door to let them through. She whimpered and pressed her face into his chest. “Do you think they heard me?”

“I hope so,” N’ameth said. “The sound of my mulaa experiencing the pleasure I gave her is something I would want all warriors to hear.”

Sascha lifted her head and stared at him incredulously. “You’re kidding me.” But he wasn’t. He frowned.

“Why would I try and fool anyone?”

She shook her head, but he dropped a kiss on her furrowed brow. “They are also here for both our protection. I am a huge target for the enemy, and the quickest way to get to me is to threaten you.”

“Me?” Sascha flushed. “But I don’t have any say in how things are run.”


“I mean I’m just…”

N’ameth groaned and walked to the bed. The air seemed charged. “You’re the most important thing in my life.”

Sascha scoffed, and N’ameth trapped her gaze. “How can you doubt it?”

Her lips parted soundlessly, and he kissed them as he laid her down on the soft furs draped over his bed and looked his fill. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

She flushed but looked pleased and extended her hand to his. He bent, took it, and kissed her fingertips lovingly before stretching out alongside her, and he reached to trail his fingers over her soft breasts. The noise—the almost whimper—that Sascha made involuntarily tightened something inside him. He could feel the throb as blood pulsed to his cock once more. Not that he’d really softened, and his skin tingled as nerves fired, skittering down his entire body.

“Your plates are humming,” Sascha said in wonder as he nuzzled her neck.

“Pleasure. Think of your skin beading when something sensuous touches it.”

She reached over and pulled N’ameth close. “Like you.” The touch of their lips seemed to be explosive, and N’ameth moaned at her taste, the warmth of her mouth, and the softness of her body.

“Lay down, my prince,” Sascha said huskily and sat up. His eyebrows rose at the order, but he moved instantly. She shuffled down, taking the heavy weight of his cock in her fingers and trailing a nail across his balls. It was his turn to inhale a hiss, and she smiled. She knew she hadn’t hurt him and did it again. His cock throbbed in her fingers, and she rested her gaze on the drop of precum. Sascha swiped the drop and lifted her finger to her lips. “Mmm.”

He swallowed with seeming difficulty and reached for her, but she rolled over and sat up, meeting his eyes again before very slowly and very deliberately lowering her head.

His gasp of surprise and pleasure hit her hard, and she wondered if N’ameth had ever had a female do this to him before. She should have been alarmed at how wide and thick he was, but her insides clenched with the need to have him fill her again. She closed her mouth around his cock and sucked. The noises he made, the begging sounds, went straight to her sex, and she clamped it tight, desperate for some friction. He groaned and fisted the furs underneath him. “Sascha,” he gasped. “I—you. I want.”

But she knew as he trembled uncontrollably underneath her and his fingers threaded themselves in her hair and tightened how naturally demanding he was, and for the first time, she didn’t shy from it; she simply enjoyed the effect she was having on him. She wanted him to be possessive. She wanted him to demand. To be the only woman he ever truly saw. Sascha pulled off, scrambled as if to lie down, but he wouldn’t let her. His huge hands slid under her ass, and keeping his eyes locked onto hers, he lifted her and positioned her above him. Her breath caught in her throat as he lowered her down as he had done in the shower.

“N’ameth,” she whispered desperately as she stretched to take him. Blood pounded in her ears, and her core clenched around his length. She gasped, unbelieving almost that he had slid inside her so easily, but her channel was so slick, he felt like he belonged.

She was so full. Nerves caught and fired. His fingers slid to her clit. She was so sensitive she arched away, but that made his cock rub hard in so many new and interesting places. She was on the edge of orgasm almost before she registered it, but he lifted her up and lowered her quickly, which set off another round of sparks. “Again.” But she wasn’t sure she could take it. N’ameth grunted and lifted her until his cock was simply teasing her entrance, and then he slid home once more as she lowered. She leaned forward, and lips met lips. His cock rubbed on her clit, and she moaned around the tongue forcing its way inside her mouth almost as if he was demanding her surrender. He thrust into her once more, and everything inside her contracted and then exploded. Heat and pleasure seared her body, but before she had even come down from that, he pulled out, rolled her over onto her back, and entered her with a quick move that took her breath away.

She felt him stiffen above her, inside her, and then he pounded into her again and again until her whole world whited out and she orgasmed again, crying out.

This time, when his voice joined hers, she didn’t care if they woke the entire camp.

Sascha decided a few hours later that pre-dawn was her favorite time of day. She moaned appreciatively as N’ameth’s large and clever tongue sent her over the edge before she was even fully awake. When she’d come back down to earth, or Ishtaan she thought with a grin, he stretched out alongside her, nuzzling and kissing her neck. He smiled as she turned to him and cupped her cheek. “I want to wake every daylight just like this.” He smoothed the hair out of her eyes. “You’re all I think about every day. Are you safe? Are you happy? Do you want to be with me?” His voice dropped to a whisper. “When can I touch you? When will you love me?”

Love? Was she ready for that? Love gave someone a whole lot of control. She’d tried for years to live up to what her parents wanted, convinced that if she was better, they would love her, but nothing she did had ever made a difference. When she finally stopped trying for their love, it had freed her.

She opened her mouth to say something, anything, when there was a loud rap at the door.

“Prince N’ameth?” It was Voren. “The shuttle is ready to be loaded.”

N’ameth kissed her and jumped up. He grabbed his pants, pulling them and his weapons belt on, and was at the door in a moment.

N’ameth turned to her. “I have to return the bodies home,” he said quietly, almost apologetically. “As a prince of Ishtaan, this is my sworn duty.”

He looked at her. The words he had said and the words she definitely hadn’t returned seemed a heavy weight between them. “But you’ve hardly had any rest.”

N’ameth smiled. “I love that you are concerned, but these warriors have waited long enough. Voren supervised their bodies being wrapped. It isn’t fitting that they should wait any longer to ascend to Ash’dar.”

“I’m not criticizing. I understand this is important. Will Voren go with you?”

He shook his head. “I need every warrior here to protect you until the vescht is caught.” He captured her hand. “Promise me you will stay in the camp until I return. I want to protect you myself, but it is my duty to do this.”

“I know. I’ll stay here.”

“You could come with me?” he asked almost pleadingly.

She tried to move and groaned. “Let me speak to the N’olaan farmers. I’m more than ready to go back, but I need to do what I promised.”

“Then go back to sleep. I will come and say goodbye when I have loaded the shuttle.”

He let himself out of the cabin, and Sascha lay back down for a moment and tried to think about what had just happened. You’re all I think about. He couldn’t have made his feelings any clearer.


Sascha’s thoughts cut off immediately, and she bolted upright. Crap. They hadn’t used protection. Again. She doubted there were even condoms on this planet, and while she was still—she hoped—fairly safe, she was tempting fate. They had to establish their relationship first before they brought a baby into it.

When she let herself out of the cabin, Q’at and Cezar followed her at a discreet distance. She was just trying to puzzle out why she got her own escort when she saw Brey standing by the fire. The camp was quiet, but she assumed most would be helping to load the shuttle, and she understood how solemn everyone would be.

Brey noticed her and bowed low. “Princess.” Sascha’s brain put on the brakes, and her mind screeched to a halt. Princess? Obviously, she’d just walked out of N’ameth’s cabin. Brey straightened. “If you sit, I would be honored to prepare a meal.” Sascha watched as both guards arranged themselves.

“I can get some food,” Sascha murmured, feeling very uncomfortable. “I can—”

“Princess.” Q’at stepped closer. “Perhaps you would like to return to the cabin, and I will bring your meal.”

Sascha frowned. “Why would I want to return to the cabin?”

“They are very hot,” Brey said as if she was answering the guard. “I doubt if Sascha—”

Princess Sascha,” Q’at corrected sternly. “You forget yourself.”

Brey blanched and muttered an apology. Sascha frowned. “Thank you for your consideration, but my friends will always address me as Sascha.” She reached for Brey’s hand and sat down on one of the smaller benches. Immediately, one of the guards shot to a cabin and came back out with a small chair and a cushion.

“Princess, if I may?”

“I’m happy to sit here, thank you,” Sascha said firmly. “And I’m not a princess.” Not yet anyway. She rolled her eyes. The guard looked horrified and glanced at Brey.

Brey squirmed. “As N’ameth’s mulaa, you will be a princess of Ishtaan. Technically, he addresses you correctly.”

Sascha tried to ignore that pronouncement and turned to Brey. “Can I help?”

“But princess,” Q’at spluttered. “It is unseemly for you—”

“Enough,” Sascha snapped, sick of the odious man. She hadn’t liked him before, and she definitely didn’t now. It was her decision how she behaved, and she wasn’t going to be dictated to.

Brey sighed and clutched her hand back. “Assumptions will be made because you spent the night in the prince’s cabin.” She smiled. “I’m sorry, there are a lot of Ishtaans who still cling to the old ways.”

You’re not kidding.She knew it would happen because she had no intention of letting N’ameth go. They needed to talk, and guilt poked at her chest. It should be every girl’s dream to have a handsome, sexy prince declare their love. So what the hell was stopping her? Speed, she supposed. She wanted to get to know N’ameth under normal circumstances, or as normal as you could get on an alien planet anyway. She’d hoped they would have time this morning to talk some more, but it would have to wait until he got back.

Q’at bowed stiffly. “Then I will leave you to your meal and ask one of the other females to gather your things for return.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Sascha said. “I haven’t finished looking at the site yet, and I need to speak to the Ishtaan farmers.”

Q’at looked horrified. “But you have to return to the palace. Prince N’ameth would not allow his mulaa to be here.”

Allow?No one “allowed” her to do anything. Not anymore. She banked down her temper. “I make my own decisions. And I have decided to stay here.”

“But as mulaa—”

“I’m not his mulaa, and where I slept last night and with whom isn’t the business of this entire camp.”

Silence. Sascha rubbed her head and glanced at Brey apologetically. She shouldn’t have allowed Q’at to get her so riled up, especially in front of anyone else, and while she absolutely knew she wasn’t interested in anyone else, she wanted to talk with N’ameth before they said anything to anyone else. It was their business and only theirs. “Brey—” But Brey wasn’t looking at her at all. She was looking behind her. With a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, she turned and glanced back over her shoulder.

N’ameth stood next to Voren and Lam’saak. Another three warriors were all staring at her with equal looks of disbelief. Lam’saak looked uncomfortable. Voren looked like he would happily use his blaster on her, but it was the look on N’ameth’s face that was worse.

Absolutely nothing.His face was so expressionless it almost hurt. If it wasn’t for the wild blue-green of his eyes, she would think he was unaffected. “N’ameth—”

He ignored her and looked at Lam’saak. In low-voiced instructions, he ordered Voren to make sure the females stayed near the camp until he returned. They were under no circumstances to go outside the camp until Xar’ta was caught or his body recovered. Without another word, he strode to his shuttle. Sascha watched as it took him barely a moment before the engines had fired and he had gone.

Rachel came and stood next to her, and for once, she stayed silent. Voren looked dismissively at her and turned away.


It was Lam’saak, who stood next to two N’olaans she assumed were the couple that had experience with farming. He looked embarrassed, but he wasn’t viewing her with open hostility like the other Ishtaans. She sighed. She really didn’t want to be here and wished with everything in her that she had gone with N’ameth.

“Perhaps you could explain what you need, and we can endeavor to get started?”

N’ameth, her heart answered. She needed the warrior with the turquoise eyes and the gentle hands who had told her she meant everything to him.

And who, with a few careless words, she had just pushed away.