Paparazzi by Erika Vanzin

About the author

At the age of eight, Erika asked Santa for a typewriter. That was when her parents, quite surprised, realized that she was not like all the other children. However, when she received her first heavy, professional and brand new “Olivetti Letter 35” that Christmas, it was love at first sight. She immediately started writing the words that soon became her first short story. Over time she bought a much more efficient computer, but that typewriter will always have a special place in her heart: it was her first love.

Erika was born on December 6, 1979 in Valdobbiadene in the province of Treviso, a small village at the foot of the Prealps. Both her parents were born and raised in the same town where they still live today. Erika moved to Padua at 18 to attended university, and after graduation, she did not return to Valdobbiadene but followed her heart and traveled worldwide, living in Los Angeles, Vancouver, and London and visiting North America and Europe.

It was at Nicolò Bocassino primary school where she met the teacher who made her fall in love with books, writing, and studies in general, encouraging her creativity and eventually starting her on the path toward being a writer.