The Eagle by Hildie McQueen

Chapter Eighteen

The green flecks in Stuart’s eyes had a mesmerizing effect. Cait could not tear her eyes away. She was glad he’d sought her out and wished to spend time with her.

Her brother had told her that Stuart professed to love her and wished to take her back to his lands. Not only her, but he’d mentioned her mother and brother and that meant a great deal.

She wanted to hear everything he had to say. So Cait pushed her doubts away as she waited for him to pour another bit of brandy into their glasses.

“The house is on the side of a hill…” he began and described everything in great detail. From the layout of the house to the two women who worked in the kitchen. He told her of purchasing chickens and other animals so that soon the hills behind the house would be brimming with sheep, the courtyard filled with chickens, and the pens crowded with goats.

“On one side of the house where the morning sun shines, we planted a vegetable garden. On the opposite side, I hope ye will plant flowers.” Stuart stopped speaking and placed a kiss on her cheek. “If ye agree to marry me and come to live there that is.”

Cait knew she would, but waited, wanting to hear more.

“I hired men to till the large field that we cleared,” Stuart continued. “The field is also on the west side of the house, from where we harvested trees to build guard quarters and animal pens. We had to down a lot of trees to repair the house as well.”

He took a large drink of brandy. “I am convinced ye will love it.”

“I do wish to see it,” Cait admitted.

Stuart leaned forward until their lips almost touched. “Return with me.”

“The baby,” Cora appeared at the door. “The laird’s bairn is arriving.”

Cait jumped to her feet, both from the news and because Cora walked in on Stuart about to kiss her. She looked to Stuart. “We should go see.”

Together they hurried down the corridor to Darach and Isobel’s bedchamber on the opposite side of the house.

Stuart stopped outside the door, joining Gideon and Darach. Just then Caelan and Duncan appeared at the top of the stairs. Both were soaked through but grinning.

Cora turned in a circle and held out her arm stopping both men. “I will have baths drawn so ye do not catch yer death.”

The brothers nodded and then went to their eldest brother, who looked pale and worried.

Cait walked past the group and into the room.

Isobel was atop the bed, her face contorted with pain. “Where is Mother? Beatrice?” she asked Cait.

“I am sure their travel is delayed because of the storm,” Cait replied.

When Isobel began to cry, Lady Mariel and Annis, soothed her.

The midwife looked up at Isobel. “Ye can push now.”

Isobel shook her head. “No, I can’t,” she pronounced emphatically.

“Ye must darling,” Lady Mariel said in a soft tone. “Yer mother will arrive shortly and will be so proud of ye and so very happy to see the wee one.”

Just then the door burst open, and Beatrice hurried to her sister’s bedside. “So sorry Issy. I had to stop and dry myself before coming up here.” She patted her sister’s stomach. “Come along now ye wee bairn.”

Happy to see a member of her family, Isobel began to push. Between pains, they did their best to distract her with silly anecdotes until the pains were so close together, there was no time to do much more than soothe her.

Cait worried one moment and felt pride the next. That women were so brave to go through something so painful to bring a child forth was awe-inspiring.

At the sound of the baby’s first wail, everyone began to cry.

“It is a boy,” the midwife announced holding up the red-faced child.

Lady Mariel hurried to the foot of the bed. “I will bundle him up.” She took the baby and swaddled it, then placed it in Isobel’s arms.

Beatrice beamed. “My wee one and yers will grow up together.” The sisters hugged, sharing a loving moment that brought more tears.

Annis went to the door to announce the baby’s arrival. There were masculine sounds of cheering and laughter.

Once the afterbirth was brought forth and Isobel was settled onto clean bedding, they walked out so that Darach could enter and meet his son.

Before walking out, Cait turned just as Darach knelt beside the bed and pulled both Isobel and the bairn into an embrace. For a moment she hesitated. It was a scene she’d never forget. A loving couple welcoming their firstborn.

Everyone was gathered in the hallway, hugging, and speaking over one another in celebration. Unsure of how to get around them, she moved against the wall to wait.

Stuart hurried over and lifted Cait off her feet, turning in a circle. When he placed her down, his face was bright with happiness. “The heir to the lairdship is born,” he said in a hoarse voice.

He kept one arm around her waist as they continued to celebrate.

As one the group went down the stairs together. Beatrice with Duncan, Gideon with his mother, and Stuart beside Cait. At the bottom of the stairs, Gideon called out that the babe was born, and the people gathered cheered.

Wine was poured, and several men began playing music. The room became bright when more candles were lit making the celebration more festive.

Greer and the other cooks hurried out from the kitchen with trays of sweet cakes. Cait noticed that Annis hurried up the stairs with warm cakes and a bowl of soup for Isobel and the laird.

Already feeling a bit lightheaded after the brandy, Cait took small sips of the celebratory wine while enjoying the cheerful conversations surrounding her. For a moment she considered that this would be her family if she and Stuart reconciled.

She smiled brightly when her mother walked close and was asked to sit with them.

“He rarely looks away from ye,” her mother said with a soft smile.

Cait turned to her mother. “Are ye happy here? I want ye to be.”

“I am happy wherever ye and Brice are,” her mother replied. Her mother looked lovely. Having good food and without the lines of worry, she seemed younger and much prettier.

“Perhaps ye will find someone and marry again,” Cait said loving it when her mother blushed.

“Cait the things ye say,” she admonished.

Lulled by thewine and music, soon Cait could barely keep her eyes open. Her mother had gone to bed and both Lady Mariel and Beatrice had gone back to see Isobel.

When she stood, Stuart stood with her. “I will see ye upstairs.”

Cait was glad for it. She wanted to be close to him for a bit longer.

They walked up the stairs in silence until reaching her doorway. “Why did ye move here?” Stuart asked. “This is a very small chamber is it not?”

Cait walked into the room. “I find it very comfortable.”

When she turned Stuart had walked in behind her, his large body shrinking the room considerably. He looked around. “Much too small.”

Cait laughed. “I can see why ye would say that.”

Then she was in his arms. She’d be hard-pressed to say who closed the distance first. They’d move toward each other at almost the same time.

However, it was Stuart who covered her mouth with his and pulled her closer. The kiss so wonderful, tears slid down her cheeks.

When he continued the kiss and tasted her tears, Stuart pulled her against his chest. “Do not cry. I will not kiss ye again, I promise. Allow me to stay with ye for a moment longer.”

Cait pushed back a bit and swatted at his chest. “That is not why I cry. I cry because I missed ye so much.”

His chest expanded as he took a large breath. “I missed ye too Cait. I love ye and do not wish to ever lose ye.”

Looking into his eyes, she knew he was truthful as his own were shiny. “I love ye Stuart. Kiss me again.”

The kiss became passionate quickly. She parted her lips for his tongue to push past and raked her fingers through his hair wanting more of him.

When she slipped both hands under his tunic to feel his skin, Stuart’s breath caught. Needing no further urging, he pulled it over his head then took her hands and placed them against his chest. “I am yers, Cait.”

At first, she was tentative, slowly sliding her palms over the surface of his muscular chest, then to his back. Wherever she touched, Cait could feel his restraint.

“Ye have a beautiful body,” Cait whispered.

He cupped her face and lifted it so that he could kiss her as she continued to discover him.

It was not surprising to find that her vest was untied and her top unbuttoned shortly thereafter. Stuart turned her around, and while his lips traveled down the side of her throat, he managed to untie all the bindings of her skirts as well, until they were in a puddle at her feet.

He lifted her into his arms and walked to the bed where he lowered along with her to lay beside her.

His mouth closed over hers. His hand traveling under her chemise, sliding over her skin, sending ripples of awareness to every inch of her body.

While trailing his tongue from her throat to her breasts, Stuart removed his breeches leaving himself completely naked.

Cait lifted her head wanting to see him, but all she could see was his head and shoulders. Curious as to what would happen, she slid her hands down his sides imitating what he did. Stuart lifted his head and smiled at her.

“Marry me, Cait.” His hand slid between her legs and she gasped at the awakening tingles.

His fingers delved between her folds touching her in a way that made her take a sharp breath.

“Say ye will,” he insisted.

“We should ensure…ah.”

He began circling the very core of her sex with his fingertips and she had to grip the bedding in an attempt at control.

“Say yes,” he whispered in her ear, as he continued the slow, torturous, movements.

Cait couldn’t breathe. She gasped trying to take in more air. Unable to control herself, she lifted her hips urging Stuart to take her to that forbidden place. The one she remembered from their time in the forest clearing.

“I cannot wait. Please…”

“Say ye will marry me,” he insisted. “Or I will stop.”

“Yes!” she cried out and then dissolved as he pinched her lightly sending her into a fast spin.

Cait grabbed his hips. “More,” she urged. “Stuart.”

“Are ye sure ye want to take things further?” His Adam’s apple bobbed, and his voice caught. “I love ye, Cait. I am willing to wait.”

“I do not wish to wait any longer. I am done waiting,” Cait replied nodding. “I am very sure.”

When he lifted to take himself in hand, she finally saw his sex. It was not what she expected. It was rather appealing. Longer and thicker than his hand, it was flushed and quite hard.

The sight of his arousal made the heat between her legs intensify and she marveled at the sensations. How was it possible for it to happen?

“Do ye feel it too?”

“What do ye feel?” He asked testing her entrance. “Relax, beauty.”

She inhaled sharply at the tight fit. “A bit hot down there. Wet.”

“Aye, I feel that way as well.”

“Take a deep breath,” he instructed and when she did, he thrust into her.

Cait cried out into Stuart’s mouth. Thankfully it muffled her sound enough that no one would hear. Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes at the sharp pain that began to ebb immediately. “It hurt.”

“Only once,” Stuart said kissing her tears and beginning to move. He slid out just a bit and then drove back in.

Cait concentrated on each movement, her eyes closed and her hands on his bottom. She liked the feel of his flexing with each movement and soon was entranced by the rhythm he set. When he kissed her and began moving faster, she had to break the kiss to catch her breath. Something explosive was happening and she wondered if what he did would render her again.

Every muscle in her body tensed as the heat grew hotter. She didn’t want to move for fear of dousing the ember that swelled within.

By the time Stuart was pumping into her with vigor, Cait’s legs were straight, and she held her breath both fighting and welcoming the wave that threatened.

Suddenly she shuddered with a release so hard, she could not make a sound. She screamed silently, her fingernails digging into Stuart’s shoulders. Then slowly everything settled into place.

It was delightful and a bit scary if she was to be honest.

Meanwhile, Stuart seemed to feel the same, he’d lost his rhythm, went rigid, and uttering a deep groan he collapsed over her.

Cait wanted to laugh at how silly they must have looked. But never before in her life had she felt so as one with another human.

Lazily sliding her hands down his back, she grinned at him like a madwoman.

Stuart lifted his head and met her gaze. He didn’t look happy, but instead concerned. “Did ye mean it?”

“What are ye referring to?” Cait asked genuinely perplexed.

“That ye will marry me. I want ye to be my wife forever, Cait.”

She pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “I said I would. I love ye Stuart and want ye to be my husband forever.”

He lowered his head to the pillow beside hers. The man was quite heavy and yet she never wanted him to move.

“Ye love me?”

Her entire being filled with emotion. “More than ye will ever know.”

A moment later, he shifted to lay beside her and pulled the bedding over them.

“Ye cannot remain. Someone will see us,” Cait whispered.

“We are to be married,” Stuart replied with a yawn. “I will sneak out in the morning.”

“I cannot wait for ye to see our bedchamber at the house,” he said groggily. “It has a very large bed.”

His feet probably hung over the end of her small bed. “Are ye comfortable?”

When he pulled her against him and nuzzled her neck, she sighed.

“I am very comfortable.” Cait giggled knowing he lied.