His Little Secret by Aubree Valentine

Chapter Two


I did my best not to let my emotions show when Keegan essentially kicked me out last night. My walk of shame felt a lot more like a jog in the park as I hurried across town and back into the security of my dorm room.

That’s when I fell apart. Shame and disappointment hit me like a ton of bricks and carried over well into today. Thank God my roommate was staying over at her boyfriends and couldn’t bear witness to the disaster that I was, and still am.

It was no small feat that I made it through my first few classes but now that it’s nearly time for English with Keegan, there is no way I can show my face.

I told him I wasn’t some sex crazed co-ed who was looking for a fuck and yet that’s exactly what I let happen. It’s exactly how he treated me.

I should have known, after all, aren’t all guys the same?

Instead of heading across campus, I turn and head back to Atwood Hall. Back in the safety of my dorm, I send off an email to let Keegan know that I won’t be in class today - blaming it on a stomach bug and a migraine.

Class should have already started but an email comes through almost instantly.

Miss Lansing,

I am sorry to hear that you are ill.

Your presence will be missed.

Today’s lecture will be live streamed and saved to the course outline. Please find the time to review and complete the assignment by the end of the week.

~ Keegan Fuller, English Department TA

There is no comfort to be found in his words, not that I expected much of anything as far as responses go.

What more could he possibly say, especially through the school’s server?

A text beeps on my phone from an unknown number asking if I’m okay. It’s a local number but I haven’t given my number to anyone.

Me: I’m sorry, who is this?

Unknown: It’s K. I’m about to start teaching but I needed to check on you. Are you okay?

I tell myself not to be charmed by the fact that he’s checking in. I’m still far too hurt by the way he acted last night.

Me: Isn’t this against some kind of rule? You already know the answer because you replied to my email. How did you get my number anyway?

Keegan: I have to go. I’ll call you after class. Please pick up.

Since I seem to enjoy torturing myself, I log on to the live stream and follow along as Keegan leads the class. At least this way I won’t have to make up any work later.

Of course, Keegan notices that I logged on and sends me another quick text letting me know he’s glad I decided to log on, but I refuse to reply.

When he calls after class, I decide not to answer, earning myself several texts in a row.

Keegan: Please pick up. We need to talk.

I’m worried about you.

I know I screwed up, but this is me, trying to make it right.

Brooke, I cannot come by your dorm to physically check on you. Please answer the phone and let me know you’re okay.

Damnit. You’re stubborn. Give me five minutes to explain. Please. I’m begging.

His last message gets to me, and I end up picking up the phone and dialing his number before he has a chance to call again.

“Five minutes, that’s all I ask,” he says as soon as he picks up.

“Clock’s ticking, Mr. Fuller.”

Keegan hisses. “Please, don’t call me that.”

“Oh, I thought we were trying to be professional. Did I misunderstand?”

“Brooke, if you’re only going to give my five minutes then I think we should quit playing games and you should let me say what I need to say.” The authoritative tone in his voice shouldn’t be such a turn on but it is.

“I don’t know. You were pretty clear last night, and I’d rather not hear you say how much you regret what happened.”

“I’m not about to tell you that I regret what happened because I don’t. I don’t regret what we did, not even for a second.”

“Then what exactly is the issue? Things were hot, like an inferno. Next thing I know, you went ice cold.”

“I panicked. Plain and simple. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with Thackery’s Code of Conduct. I highly doubt that I need to tell you that what happened with us could get me in a lot of trouble and potentially cost me any kind of teaching career after graduation.”

“Keegan, I’m not about to report you to the Ethics Committee or anything stupid like that. Besides that, I came on to you.” I never stopped to think that there might be a code of conduct in place. What was it my father always used to tell me? For such a smart girl, you can be really dumb sometimes.

“You don’t have to. If anyone saw us, they could report me. Not to mention the stupid rumors that people could spread about you. That’s why I acted like an ass and pushed you away. I’m sorry.”

His words sink in. A lump forms in my throat and I feel like I’m about to cry all over again. A thousand thoughts run through my head all of them affirming that coming on to Keegan was a mistake.

“Brooke. Are you still there?”

“I’m here,” my voice cracks while I try to hold my emotions together.

Keegan laughs nervously, “Did I blow it, again?”

“No. It’s not that at all.”

“Good. Because given the chance, I’d like to see you again. Maybe even take you out on a proper date out of town. Somewhere where hopefully no one would recognize us.”

“But you said…”

“I said that getting caught would be bad. I also said, I’ve never felt anything like this before either. I guess the real question is, are you good at keeping secrets? I know it’s a risk, but I want to see where this goes between us. Now that I’ve kissed you once, I can’t imagine not ever tasting your lips again.”

Well, when he puts it like that. “How am I supposed to say no to that?”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t,” he says, and I can practically envision his smile on the other end of the phone.

I sigh. “When are you free?”

“Meet me at my place in an hour? I’ll take you to dinner and maybe a movie.”

“One hour. I’ll be there.”


“Oh, and Keegan?”


“I promise you, I’m worth the risk.” I shock myself when the words roll out of my mouth. Clearly, I’m taking my confidence to a whole new level this semester.