The Puck Drop by Jaqueline Snowe



Why did he have to smell so good? It made everything harder to ignore when all I wanted to do was bury my face in his pillow and blankets. It wouldn’t be weird as long as I didn’t get caught.

Okay, was that the meds talking because what the hell was I doing? Smelling some guy’s sheets? My face burned with embarrassment, and I rolled over in the bed, my muscles relaxed and my mind a little fuzzy. Okay, yeah. That had to be the medicine.

I eyed the clock and bolted up. Whoa. I’d napped for three hours. In Michael’s bed. I rubbed my hands over my eyes and used the bathroom before finding my phone. Not a single text waited for me.

Wow, were my roommates the worst or what? Did they not worry about if I’d been kidnapped? I hadn’t been at the apartment all day! The audacity of them to not care! I blew out a breath and texted Mona that I’d be home soon just as footsteps thudded outside Michael’s door.

He’s back!

My heart galloped like a damn racehorse as I tried to look cool. Did I sit up straighter? Pretend to sleep? Gah! I hadn’t decided how to pose by the time he walked in, and when his gaze met mine, my entire body broke out in goosebumps. I was intelligent enough to know he looked pleased as hell to see me.

“Hey,” I said, my sleepy voice coming out all sexy and deep.

I didn’t hate how I sounded.

He wet his bottom lip before sitting on the edge of his bed and putting his hand on my leg. “Lift up that shirt.”

“I should’ve known you’d be bossy in the bedroom,” I said, unable to stop myself from teasing him. He made me feel audacious and outgoing and wild. His eyes flared, and he clicked his tongue.

He jutted his chin toward the hem of my shirt, and I lifted it up, exposing my butt and lower back. He reached out and lightly touched the bumps. I shivered, not entirely sure if I was chilly or if his touch was the cause.

“Hey, they look better,” he said.

“I don’t even feel them anymore.”

“You able to sleep a little?” he asked, his hands moving from the bumps to my lower back. He dug his strong fingers into the place right above my butt, and I groaned.

“I’m putty. That feels so good.”

“I’ve thought about these dimples every second since I left you here.” His voice was gruff and low. My stomach swooped when something warm tickled my skin.

“Did you just… lick me?”

“Yes.” He did the same thing again, his tongue swirling around my lower back. “These fucking dimples are my weakness. Fuck, Naomi,” he said, a desperate edge to his voice that got me hotter.

No one had ever said fuck in that grave way to me before. Just Michael. I hummed approval, and he lifted my shirt up higher, kissing his way up my spine. A horrible intrusive thought burst through my mind—did he do this with all his lady friends? Kiss their spines and take care of them?

He probably did. He was a good guy, but I couldn’t let that bother me. Not when we’d agreed on friends. Just friends who hooked up. He kneaded my ass with his hands as he bit the spot where my shoulder met my neck.

“Oh god,” I moaned. His touch felt so good.

“What is it about you?” he murmured.

I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or to himself, so I didn’t answer. Instead, I closed my eyes and took in everything. The musty scent of the bed, the way he smelled like outside, and the rough pads of his fingertips exploring my ass and back. He was overwhelming in the best way, and my pussy throbbed with need.

“You don’t feel sleepy or anything from the medicine, right?” he asked, his lips flirting with the outside of my ear.

I shivered again and squirmed beneath him. “Not even a little bit. Not anymore.”

“Good.” He lifted me up and turned me around so I sat with my legs spread wide on top of his lap. I still wore nothing under the shirt, and my face flushed with embarrassment.

He could see everything.

“You’re so fucking pretty, Naomi.” He took my shirt off and trailed kisses over my collarbone, over my pebbled nipples. The pressure in my core was enough to kill me.

“Michael,” I said in a hazy daze as each one of his touches had me falling a little deeper. He seemed to understand the neediness of my voice, and he ripped his own shirt off. He pulled me close so we were chest to chest, and he kissed me, hard.

It wasn’t aggressive like before. This kiss was slow and steady. His tongue slid into my mouth, probing me, teasing me, like he had all the time in the world. I rocked against him, his erection throbbing beneath me, and he growled against my mouth.

“This is insane,” he said, pausing our kiss to look down at me. “I just had you, but I need more.”

“Me too.” My heart stumbled as his blue gaze met mine, his chest heaving with the same urgency. “Me too,” I said again, bending down and biting his bottom lip. “Please,” I begged, unsure what I was asking for.

To fuck me? To stop teasing me? To not break my heart?

All of the above?

He grinned against my mouth before lifting me and tossing me onto the bed. No more gentle Michael. He looked feral, and holy shit, it was hot. Super hot.

He undid his belt and slid out of his pants and boxers, his massive dick already thick and hard. “Grab a condom, Naomi. Put it on me before you get on top of me.”

“On top of you?” I asked, my voice small and shy all of a sudden. I wasn’t a virgin, but we both knew I was way less experienced than him.

“Yes.” His eyes flashed with heat. He cupped my neck with his large hand, not in a frightening way, but a totally hot, seductive way. He trailed his thumb over my bottom lip, and I whimpered. “Your back is healing, and you might be sore. You can set the pace then.”

He spoke so softly I blinked back emotion. He was worried about me. My poor heart.

I took the condom and ripped it open, my fingers shaking as I slid it over his cock. His massive dick pulsated beneath my hand. I’d never done that before, but after a nervous glance at his face, I relaxed at his expression. Warmth. Trust. Softness. He lay on his back, and I carefully climbed over him. His stomach muscles clenched as I straddled him, aware of the light dusting of hair leading to his cock. I could stare at his naked body for hours and find something new. The slight scar under his ribs, the dark shadows of tattoos on his arm. He was dangerously beautiful, inside and out.

He leaned up and took my nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it until he released it with a pop.

My body clenched with need. I positioned myself over him and oh so slowly guided his cock into me. “Damn,” I said, feeling full from his length. I was a little tender from earlier, and he gripped my waist, slowly helping me set the pace.

“Take your time, Naomi, I want this to be good for you.”

I arched my hips and leaned forward, aware that he could see all of me. Each roll, each imperfection of my body. The insecurity didn’t last long though. He touched and kissed everywhere, essentially kissing the worry away. I didn’t have time to think about how my boobs jiggled as I rocked on him or if my stomach looked too big.

He pulled at my nipples then touched my clit. His eyes darkened, and his mouth went slack as sweat pooled between our bodies. This slow build up was a special form of torture. I needed more pressure, but before I could reach the peak, he stilled his hand and cupped my head, moving me down to kiss him.

It was weird, holding eye contact while we kissed and he thrusted inside me. Sex had never been this personal before, this intense. And we were just friends! Imagine how it’d be if we were—no. No.

“Hey, where’d you go?” he asked, his entire body turning stiff. “Your eyes changed.”

Did they? I blinked, shocked that he could read me so well. “I’m fine, I swear. This feels… incredible.” My throat clogged, and I pushed back up and increased my pace riding him. Each movement got me a little closer. He bit down on his bottom lip, his blue eyes taking everything in, and I clenched around him.

He groaned and gripped my thighs tight as our tempo grew faster. The tingling sensation started at my toes and made its way to my stomach, then to my clit. “I’m right… right there,” I panted, needing just a bit more.

He knew what to do and ran his thumb over my swollen clit three times before I burst. I cried out, rocking harder than before as my orgasm took over. My vision blurred, and my body pulsated with pleasure.

“Naomi, fuck,” he grunted, lifting me slightly to adjust the angle. Michael thrusted hard four times before he groaned a long Fuuuuuck.

My hand rested on his chest, my heart pounded, and Michael looked up at me like he was drunk. He scanned my face, chest, then my mouth before he let out a small groan. “I had plans to get you food.”

“Well, you fed me your dick.”

He barked out a laugh and threw his head back. “Holy shit, nice one.” He laughed again as he lifted me off him and set me down on the bed. He disposed of the condom in a trash can and sat next to me, sighing. 

I felt the weight of that breath, like he was as confused as I was about our situation. Friends with benefits seemed to be the perfect solution for our insane chemistry. But it was more, for sure. At least… for me.

Shit. Self-doubt crept in, and suddenly I was very, very aware of my nudity. I got up and put on the large shirt, avoiding his probing gaze. He could easily see through me, and I wasn’t ready to have that conversation.

“Hungry?” he asked, no indication that he knew I was freaking out. I snuck a glance at him, and he wore his easy smile. “I have a frozen pizza.”

“Hm.” I crossed my arms as my stomach growled. I couldn’t lie and say I didn’t need to eat because he heard the evidence, but I wanted to go. Running away was more of the truth, but I shrugged. “Sure, yeah. I should leave after though.”

“Do what you gotta do, but I have questions.” He slipped on some shorts, leaving his bare chest on display, and went out into the main area. “Freddie is gone with his friends so we can hang out in here if you want.”

“Clark Kent, you mean?”

“Yup. That guy.” He snorted and got the pizza from the freezer before preheating the oven. He leaned against the counter, eyed me up and down, and smiled. “We’ve had sex twice now, but you’re acting shy. What’s going on?”

Shit. I wasn’t doing a good job of hiding my inner turmoil. Play dumb.

I shook that thought away immediately. I owed it to myself and Michael to not lie. “We’re friends with benefits.”

“Was that a question or a statement?” He crossed one foot over the other, and I swore his eyes clouded, like he raised his own shields against me.

Am I making this harder than it needs to be?

Guilt ate my insides. Being more than friends wasn’t possible for either of us. Hockey! Coach! Heartbreak! We knew that and had talked about it. So, what good would it do to bring it up? What if he feels differently though?

I rubbed my temple and forced myself to relax. “Statement, sorry. I’m in a post-sex haze.”

I looked at the ground, and Michael’s footsteps neared me. He lifted my chin and frowned at me. His damn scent flooded my senses, and I breathed him in, hating the way he made my body lose control. I jerked my chin out of his grip, and he let his hand fall to the side.

God, that one gesture hurt my heart. The lines around his eyes deepened, and he spoke in such a soft tone I wanted to melt. “Hey, tell me what’s going on, please.”

That damn please again would kill me. “It’s…” I took a breath and thought of the first thing I could. It was better than saying I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU, YOU BIG HOCKEY DUDE. “My sister.”

Understanding filled his eyes, and he nodded. “I wanted to ask but wasn’t sure if the subject was off-limits.”

“Is anything off-limits with us?” I asked, my face heating from the hypocrisy of the situation. I was a LYING LIAR. It was my insecurities about hockey and getting hurt.

“I’d like to think not. At least, not after what just happened.” He winked and brought his hand back up to my shoulder.

It was that moment I knew I was screwed. I craved his touch. Not just in a sexual way either. In a comforting he-brings-me-joy way. I cleared my throat and ignored the erratic patter of my heart, forcing a quick laugh. “My body is still tingling.”

“Mine too.” He guided us to the couch. “So, Cami. What happened? Are you alright?”

That are you okay almost got me emotional. I wasn’t quite all right with everything that happened with my sister, but we were on the right track. “We’re going to have weekly dates.”

“I dig that. Ryann and I had a standing lunch agreement.” He moved back and scratched his chest, right where his heart beat underneath. “I miss them. A lot, actually.”

“You could do a virtual lunch date,” I said, wiggling my brows as he tilted his head to the side. He blinked and let out a tiny humph.

“That’s a dope ass idea.” He nodded and went back to his room, only to return three seconds later with his phone. “I’m organizing that right now. I can’t believe I didn’t think of a virtual one!”

His fingers moved fast over his phone before he set it on the table and gave me his full attention. “Forgive me. I miss my sister and wanted to set that up before I forgot.”

His intensity often made me forget what I was saying. Like now. I cleared my throat and spoke about Cami again. It was easy talking to him, sharing my doubts and hopes about her. It wasn’t until hours later that I got dressed and he took me back to my place. He didn’t call me a ride or demand I leave. He walked me back, and god, it was like the guy was trying to get me to fall for him. He was patient and let me set the pace. He made me feel gorgeous. Every time he touched or looked at me, I felt his appreciation. He loved his sister and the team, and my heart swelled as I thought about his smile.

I was in deep trouble.