Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



We’d finally made it to Vegas. The last stop on our cross-country road trip before we drove to Dalles, Oregon, where Zach and I first started. While there, we’d take our time getting his parents’ home ready to sell. We were in no rush to return to Minnesota until our new home was built on the club’s property.

After Casso’s death, Zach received a large sum of money. He’d called it payment for taking out the trash. I didn’t question him any further, sensing it had to do with Casso. I learned months ago to not ask about club business. Honestly, I didn’t want to know the details.

When we set off on our grand adventure four months ago, we had no plan or timetable. Zach’s club gave us a little farewell party, then we hit the road, just me and my Z. We hit every state east of Minnesota, staying in one spot for as long as we liked until moving to another, eventually working our way to Las Vegas.

Zach and I were surrounded by his brothers, who’d formed a semi-circle in the famous Graceland Chapel as we said our vows. Ten hunky bikers were dressed in black jeans, a white shirt, and their Knight’s Legion MC cut. Lynx and Hollywood wore button-down shirts, while others had on plain white T-shirts.

My groom stole my breath away in a black vintage tuxedo with an ice-blue bowtie and cumberbund, the same color as his eyes. The moment I saw him standing at the altar, I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off him.

I was in awe that Zachary Harrisburg was mine. He’d claimed me in front of his club, but I didn’t get his mark on me until a couple of months after we left on our extended trip. My wrists needed to be fully healed before getting tattooed with the beautiful design Art drew for me. It was made up of wildflowers and dozens of Zs to form a bracelet around both of my scars. The idea had been Zach’s, and I adored it. Mixed in with the flowers was: Property of Boxer.

My guy had been on a mission to wipe Casso Campbell from my mind. I had to give him props. He succeeded. I hadn’t had any nightmares or vertigo since the day of Jill’s death. Sleeping with Zach’s arms around me, I felt protected and loved. He was all I’d ever needed.

I handed my bouquet to my matron of honor, Tina. She and my two bridesmaids were also dressed in ice-blue. Tina, Tara, and Maddy looked gorgeous. They were my closest friends in the club, along with Sugar, who couldn’t make it out to Vegas. Several couldn’t attend because people needed to stay behind to manage the club.

Track was on babysitting duty back home. His cousin Dodge was fit to be tied once he learned his baby boy had been born at the end of April. I didn’t know the full story about his situation. Zach had only told me his girlfriend and baby were kept from him. I couldn’t imagine his suffering or his girl, Emilee’s. Apparently, she wasn’t in danger. She was with her father. To me, it was cruel and heartless. What father kept his daughter away from the man she loved? The father of her child? I couldn’t help but think the worst. She was held against her will as I had been. A prisoner somewhere, praying for someone to rescue her. For her love to save her.

I was over the moon that Maddy and Storm could make it with their new baby. It meant a lot to Zach to have his best friend here. We’d done our best to delay our arrival, giving them time to adjust to parenthood. Six weeks ago, they’d welcomed into the world their baby girl, Melody Hope. Everyone called her Birdie because Storm was sure his biker princess would be a songbird like her momma.

I hadn’t had the pleasure of hearing Maddy sing until today when she belted out the Ariana Grande song, “Tattooed Heart.” She had me in tears as my dad walked me down the aisle. I couldn’t believe he’d made it. He was shocked when he saw Zach for the first time since we were teens, last night. I had to admit, my man could be intimidating.

“Do you have the rings,” the officiant asked Zach.

“Sure do.” Zach took them from Wolf, his best man, and handed mine over. He took my hand, eyes sparkling with emotion, placing my wedding band at the tip of my finger.

Wolf watched over us, a stoic expression. I imagined he was dying inside all over again. Zach had given him an out, knowing that attending our wedding might be too painful so soon after Jill’s death, but the Russian giant wouldn’t hear of it. Zach was his brother. Nothing would keep Wolf from celebrating our nuptials.

“Repeat after me, with this ring I thee wed,” the officiant said.

“Snow, with this ring I thee wed. I promise to love you forever and ever.” He slid the ring on my finger, lifted my hand, and kissed it. He got one up on me, adding that bit at the end.

My heart fluttered as tears rolled down my eyes. I took Zach’s matching platinum wedding band and slid it onto his finger. “Zach, with this ring, I thee wed.”

“And now, by the power vested in me by the great state of Nevada, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Cheers and clapping erupted as Zach dipped me for our first kiss as husband and wife.

When he lifted me up, he placed his hand on my stomach, facing our guests. “Now that that’s over, I want to announce Snow and I are expecting a Christmas baby!”

I was four months along, just barely showing, but you couldn’t tell under my poofy, strapless wedding gown. Zach knocked me up when we were traveling throughout the East Coast in March. He never wore a condom. I never got back on birth control. We just let nature take its course and were ecstatic over having a baby together.

More clapping ensued, along with hugs and well wishes.

This was the best day ever.

Are you wondering about the letters Boxer wrote to Snow? Who wouldn’t want to know what was on his mind or in his heart? To read Boxer’s words, click HERE.

Be warned….they just might wreck you!




Coming October 26, 2021

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