Heartless Lover by Faith Summers



“Where you going? You know what comes next right?” he utters and I take several steps back.

“I’m… sorry,” I stutter.

“I gave you the warning. Told you what would happen if you struck me again.”

“You have no idea what that man put me through.”

“That’s why we’re here. You and me. Now bend over.” He wipes away more blood and looks at it smeared over his fingers.





“Eric,” I rasp and my breath hitches when he takes off his belt and loops it around his wrist.

When I see that, adrenaline rushes through me and I run. I don’t care where I go or what happens to me. I just run and hope I find an open door somewhere.

Of course I don’t get far. For as fast as I am, he’s faster. I make it into the hall and I swear all he does is take one big step and he has me. He catches me like the predator he is, again.

I scream as he grabs my arm and I can’t imagine how the belt will feel on my skin. And ten lashes too.

He takes me back to the chair and tosses me over his knee like I’m a rag doll, my kicks and screams falling on deaf ears.

He pulls my shorts down and I recoil before he even touches my skin.


“You don’t know who you’re messing with Summer. But your about to find out.”

Slap. Slap. Slap.

It’s not with the belt though that I feel the slap across my ass. It’s the wide, calloused skin of his hand. The pain, however, on my still raw skin feels like he could have been hitting me with a brick. The agony from yesterday comes back a hundredfold and tears fall from my eyes.

“Please stop. You’re hurting me. Do something else…. anything but this.” I don’t expect him to stop at the sound of my plea. When he does my breath catches because I know it’s not over.

“Anything but this, Babydoll? Be careful what you ask for, I might just grant you that request. Are you sure that’s what you really want?” He spanks me so hard I feel dizzy. “Because I could keep this up. I truly love the color of my mark on your ass.”

“No more. I’ll do anything if you stop.”

He runs his fingers over my sore ass. He’s gentle but it hurts. I don’t want him to hit me again. Even if I am aroused, the pain is bringing up other memories I don’t want to have. It’s all memories of Ted.

“Clarify what you what, Babydoll. Tell me you want me to pick a different method of punishment,” he speaks with an air menace. “Telling a man like me you’re willing to do anything is never a good thing. It opens the door to my dirty, dark, dangerous mind. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I want you to pick,” I choke out.

“And I have your full consent to pick anything?”

My breath freezes in my lungs as I think over my nonexistent options. Either I allow him to hit me and push me right back over the edge I spent years trying to lift myself out of, or I agree to whatever anything means.

What if he does worse to me? I don’t know him and like he said, he has a dirty, dark, dangerous mind. Maybe he’ll tie me up again. Men like him get off on the thrill of weakening others. They like the power. They get off on the control that power gives them.

“Answer me,” he demands snapping me out of my reverie.

“Yes,” I reply sealing off any further thoughts, and as soon as the word leaves my lips a dark chuckle rumbles in his chest.

I gasp when he stands us both up, dropping the belt with a clank to the ground as he moves with me into the wall.

He leans into me and shock slams into my body when he lowers to my lips and captures my mouth with his. I taste the metallic tang of blood on his lips and as his tongue flicks over mine I jump and moan out loud in his mouth when he bites my bottom lip breaking the skin. I tastes more blood and I know it’s mine.

He sucks on my lip hard. When he pulls away my blood stains his mouth and he reminds me of a vampire. I don’t know if I could call that a kiss. It felt like something else. Something primal and carnal and it’s jangling my nerves.

“Tasting,” he mutters as if he can hear the thoughts colliding in my mind.

I draw in a sharp breath when he presses his lips to mine again, kissing me properly this time and it’s everything I imagined a kiss should be.

Powerful, intoxicating, and earthshattering. So earthshattering it pierces through to my soul and awakens something inside me I never thought existed.

Scarily, it feels like we should have always been kissing. But it shouldn’t feel that way.

My mind is so rattled when he pulls away my knees give and I have to dig my fingers into the grooves in the wall to hold me up. I can’t feel my brain or anything more than the maddening entity that’s taken over my mind and body.

Eric rests his hands either side of me and hovers before my face so he’s inches away.

“I want you.”

“What?” I blink several times and try to feel my brain. He wants me?

“Summer Reeves, your punishment is this… While you’re in my care, I own your pretty pussy. While you’re in my care I get to fuck you whenever I want.”

Fucking bastard.This is nothing that should surprise me. He’s been meticulously edging toward this moment since I got here. Maybe from hello. Right from before the first bullet left my gun.

And I fell right into his trap in more ways than one. I hate being forced to do anything but what does it say about me if the image of him fucking me against this wall makes my mouth water?

Nothing good. What does it say about me if I admit the thought of being with him entices me. Nothing good. But then again, I always knew I was destined to be fucked up.

I’m so furious with myself.

“You asshole. That’s what you wanted all along.”

“Of course I did. I told you I did, so why the fuck are your surprised?”

“You fucking monster.”

He grabs my face again and quirks a hard brow. The smile that dances across his lips is the very description of dirty, dark, and dangerous.

“Watch that mouth of yours, Babydoll. I could spank your ass and fuck you at the same time. Or, maybe that’s what you want.”

“No, I don’t,” I reply stiffly.

“Then strip or I’m taking you back over my knee.”

My God…

I’m the one who just said I’m not a whore but look at me.

“Do it,” he urges and I lift the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head.

As I shuffle all I feel is the slickness of arousal between my thighs sliding down my skin.

Christ, I’m wet. Wet for him and he’s going to know in a few seconds.

The raw satisfaction on his face at my submission heightens my arousal and my traitorous body whispers nothing but want and desire in my mind.

I take off my shorts next then my panties and leave my bra for last.

Cool air graces over my skin making my nerves prickle but it’s the heat in his gaze that tightens my nipples and burns me up all over from the inside out.

I’m so used to men looking at me like I’m nothing. Like I’m just another pretty face or another warm hole to sink in.

But this guy…

He doesn’t look at me like that. I’m not sure how to describe how he looks at me, because I’ve never seen that look he’s giving me before on anybody.

The closest I could come to a description is calling it admiration. The look is there one moment then gone the next, replaced by the dark dominance he held before.

“Are you clean?” He snaps me out of the reverie. It takes me a second to realize what he’s asking me.

“Yes,” I stutter.

“Good, so am I. Now be a good girl and let me fuck you.”

A feral look comes into his eyes as he releases me and shoves his pants down his hips so he can take out his cock. He’s already erect and ready to fuck me.

Like an animal, he flips me around to face the wall.

All I have is seconds before he grips my hips, then I feel the head of his cock pushing against my folds. He slams into my pussy another breath later, robbing me of air and any thoughts that might have tried to force their way into my head.

He doesn’t give me time to adjust to his length and thickness either before he starts fucking me hard and assaulting my body. Hardcore, just the way he said he liked.

All I can do to keep myself from falling over is hold on to the wall as my breasts bounce painfully in the space between the cool concrete and my skin.

Foolishly, I try to fight the onslaught of pleasure. I fight it because if I allow myself to feel that it will truly mean I want this and I can’t just merely cast it off as sex. I fight, by God do I try to fight.

But I think he knows I must be and he starts fucking me even harder.

The moan that falls from my lips sounds agonized and strained, evidence of my internal battle. As soon as it ripples from me the building pleasure explodes and I feel it everywhere. It rushes over my skin like wildfire and scorches me clean, burning everywhere it touches in a way that I know, and will always know, I wanted him. And I still want him.

That’s when I come. I come so hard I scream.

When I think he might be climaxing too, I realize I’m wrong.

Eric only surprises me further by pulling out of me then turning me back to face him.

He lifts my leg and plunges back deep inside me, making me gasp.

His eyes bore into me, taking me in, and I look away because I don’t want him to see he broke down my walls and found a way in.

Just like always when I look away, however, he holds my face and guides me back to look at him.

“Eyes here,” he orders and he speeds up his thrusts. “I want you to watch me as I fuck you.”

“Why?” I manage. I don’t know why the hell it would matter. He’s taking what he wants from me and I’m allowing it.

“Because, tonight teper' ty moya, kukla.”

Those words again. At least this time I have some idea of what he’s saying and tonight it doesn’t sound like a threat. Maybe the other thing he said was the threat. Maybe I’ll never know.

“What … are you saying?” I manage when he starts fucking me faster.

“I said, you’re mine tonight, Babydoll.”

I wince because I don’t belong to anyone. Not to him or anybody else, not even for a night.

“I’m not yours,” I mumble.

He gives me a wicked smile. “My dick owning your pussy says otherwise. You’re mine whether you want to be or not, and you don’t belong to him anymore.”

Our eyes lock and a moment of understanding passes between us.

I don’t need to clarify who he’s referring to. I know who he’s talking about is Robert.

That spark of jealousy from earlier flickers in his eyes but it’s gone before it can truly set in. What’s takes its place is the look of the conquering villain who just succeeded in securing his conquest. The conquest being me.

Something strange comes over me as his words settle in my mind. In some ways those words feel like they set me free.

Invisible shackles have been around my neck since the day I walked into Club Montage and Robert claimed me as his. Eric just broke them, releasing that part of me that didn’t know how to escape.

“You hear me?” he checks. I don’t just hear him though, my soul is listening. “You’re not his anymore, you are mine. Say yes.”

“Yes,” I confirm on the edge of a moan.

When he lowers to kiss me again, he smiles as I move to him too. Then he pins me against the wall, ravaging my mouth as he ruts into me.

I come again within seconds and so does he.

We share the mutual release like we’re lovers locked in passion and not like we just fucked like animals.

I’ve barely caught my breath when he pulls out of me.

I fully believe he’s going to either walk away and leave me or send me to my room. After all he got what he wanted. He got his hardcore fuck. What else does he want from me?

I move to get my clothes but he stops me.

“Not so fast Babydoll. I’m not done with you yet.”

I search his eyes. “Aren’t you?”

“Not even close. You’re sleeping in my bed tonight.”