Heartless Lover by Faith Summers



As I walk through the glass doors at Romanov Logistics, I try to steady my mind and get into business mode.

This is where I meet Aiden and Maksim to discuss Bratva business. We’re here a few days a week on an informal basis. The larger Brotherhood meetings are held at the multi-story building in town.

This is the first chance I’ve had to brief Aiden, and because Massimo wants me to focus on Robert and Micah, I have a feeling I won’t be here for a while after today. So, I need to get my head together. It’s just that my fucking head is still spinning with all sorts of sinful ideas on what I could do with Summer Reeves and that perfect body of hers.

I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.

I wish I could say I was joking around with Summer as I taunted her to earn her way, but I wasn’t. There wasn’t a damn thing I said to her I didn’t mean.

I think at first, I wanted to scare her. I did, and threw her off course from her demands concerning her sister. Then somehow, I went too far. I can’t even pinpoint when I took that direction. It just happened, and if I’m honest, that little scene we had was bound to happen.

From the state of her tight, taut nipples outlined against the fabric of my shirt, I knew she was aroused. That was enough. Even though I tried to remind myself of what mattered and what I should be focusing on, I couldn’t eradicate the desire to break down her resolve and explore her.

Unknown to her, my intentions weren’t of the asshole variety I usually portray to the world.

My refusal to let her go to the store or back to the cottage were due to the fact that it’s not completely safe yet. And it won’t be until my men and I finish checking into things. I need another day at the very least.

Because I still don’t have a fucking clue where Robert is, I have to be careful. The moment there’s any inkling he’s here in L.A. or sniffing around anything to do with Summer’s family, it will mean he’s figured out the truth. Then I would have lost the upper hand.

My refusal to allow her to do anything with regards to her sister was different. That was me being mindful. I’d go as far as calling it thoughtful.

I’m not entirely gone in my mind that I can’t be aware of the grief she must be feeling. In addition to the grief, Summer also blames herself for Scarlett’s death, but she shouldn’t. What happened wasn’t her fault.

It was just one of those fucked up things that happen in life.

I shouldn’t care one way or the other, but maybe I do on some level because I know what it’s like to blame yourself when things go so wrong you can never fix them. That’s what happened to my mother and sister while I was in captivity. Terrible things happened to them that neither speaks of, and they all happened because of me.

So, I can understand to some degree what Summer must be going through. However, I’ve never been blamed for someone’s death before.

That’s something I don’t think anyone can understand unless it happens to you.

There is no need for her to see that recording of her sister dying, and quite frankly, I was surprised she wanted to see it. Then I saw the guilty look in her eyes, and I realized, like a sadist, she wanted the pain. She needed the pain.

As far as going to her sister’s house is concerned, I felt it was too soon.

Earlier I already arranged for someone to go there and sort the place out. That was a courtesy to her father too as he’s sick and grieving.

I also considered how Summer might feel if she went to the house and saw it looking like her sister still lives there. I was certain it would it make her feel worse.

I remember the feeling all too well from when my father died.

I wasn’t allowed in his actual home, but there were places he used to go where I’d see him. Like his private office in the city. It was me who cleaned that up and only because his assistant allowed it.

My father was the chairman of the original Syndicate and the closest thing they had to a leader. He was killed in a bombing that took out the majority of the members as a result of a plot to steal their wealth.

When I heard he died, I didn’t know what to do with myself, and I suspected more at work. I was right, and when I started digging around, I unearthed all manner of shit, including it was the very people I’d aligned myself with that had a hand in his death.

I wanted out of everything before I discovered those truths, but I got myself in more trouble when I refused to make the weapon from my grandfather’s designs.

I was being hunted, and all I managed to do was write a letter to Massimo and send my sister to deliver it. I’d hoped I could help in some way to right wrongs, but it wasn’t to be because my best friend stabbed me in the back.

When I walk into Aiden’s office, he straightens up. So does Maksim.

“Morning, guys,” I say, and they both dip their heads.

I close the door behind me and take my seat next to Maksim.

Both have received messages from me letting them know we have much to discuss.

“Sounds like you found a lot,” Aiden states, stern-faced.

“I did. Some good, some not so much. I still don’t know where Robert is, but I’m hoping what I found so far can put me on the right path.”

“All right, tell us what you found.”

As they both gaze at me expectantly, I steady my thoughts of Summer so I can curb the blood that’s still rushing to my dick.

I begin by telling them everything Summer told me. Then I move on to what I found in Robert’s files. I printed off the relevant information and made copies for the two of them.

What I want them to pay attention to is the copies of the design for the Veil.

“I know what’s wrong with it,” I say, and they both snap their gazes at me.

“What?” Aiden asks.

“Having access to the design allowed me to check it out properly. I did that by searching with the code Dominic gave me. From what I saw, it was never supposed to be used in the way they’ve programmed it. It’s like any other anti-spyware software, but it’s been manipulated to do what they’re doing. Last night I found the original idea.”

“So, it’s not Robert’s design?” Maksim asks.

“Fuck no.” It’s just as I assumed. He stole it from someone else. That’s what he’s good at—theft and manipulation. “The guy who came up with it first was a Harvard grad called Patterson Collins. He washed up dead on the beach in Monaco a little over two years ago.”

“We keep seeing things happening around that timeline,” Aiden states.

I agree. The timeline seems to be when things started going wrong.

“My guess is there was some fallout before, and Robert stole the tech. Everything is supposed to leave a trail when it’s in use. For our purposes, I’m going to make a tracker and program it with the same algorithms the tech uses so I can track down Robert and Micah. The problem is the time I’ll need to make it and test it out.” And that’s what pisses me off. Along with the fact that I’ve met my match.

“So, tell me, does this mean you could potentially fix what’s wrong with it?” Maksim looks curious.

I nod. “Yes, believe it or not, fixing it is a lot easier than trying to track the device in live use.”

“You’re kidding me?” Aiden smirks.

“Nope. It’s just a matter of changing around a few parts to allow the tech to operate at the capacity they are using. Patterson probably created it to embezzle money. I saw a few instances where he’d been under investigation for the company he’d worked at, but no one could prove it. The tech would work for shit like that.”

“Sounds like something we should keep.” Aiden raises a brow.

“Already planning to modify it, Pakhan.” Of course, I was. Something like this will be good for us. “Until then, I’m testing. I’m only going to know if what I’m doing works when the code pops. I also have the lead here I’m checking out with Luke Thornton. I have my men looking for him. I anticipate hearing from them sometime today or tomorrow to meet with him.” I’ll meet, talk, torture, then kill his ass.

“Good job, Eric. It sounds like you’ve got everything covered. You’ll have your hands full with the code, the girl, and whatever the fuck happens after you interrogate Luke, so Maksim and I will keep an eye on the emails and Club Montage.”

That will be helpful and allow me to focus on the key things.

“Thanks. The advantage of getting Robert and Micah before they realize they didn’t kill Summer would be good.” My worry is if we found out the truth in such a reasonable time, they can too. I hate to admit that it’s lucky they haven’t yet.

Things will look legit until they don’t.

“I’m hoping for that too,” Aiden agrees, and Maksim nods. “We’ll just have to keep our eyes open and be ready for all eventualities. I haven’t had many dealings with the Camorra, but I know they’re nasty motherfuckers—sly, to say the least. The Bratva are a powerful force to be reckoned with, and our numbers are large, but they keep things small and tight for a reason.”

I haven’t had many dealings with the Camorra either, but I know when people keep numbers down, it’s all to do with trust and loyalty. They might even, on occasion, be more powerful than the bigger groups.

“Alejandro will be back in a few days,” Aiden adds. “Massimo is keen for us to help him, of course, because he’s a friend, but also because Alejandro is finally considering joining the Syndicate. If he does, he’ll be the first Cartel member to join. Regardless of what’s happening with him in Brazil, he’ll be a strong addition to us.”

By my count, that would probably make us stronger than the original Syndicate.

The original group had six families—four Italian and two Bratva. My father was part of the Italians, and Aiden’s father was one of the Bratva families.

I’m the only member of the Syndicate at the moment with a dual background. I was invited by Massimo to join as a member because of my father, and at the same time, Aiden asked me to join the Voirik because of my grandfather.

Each member has voting rights, and apart from Massimo and his brothers who make up the leadership, everyone has a counterpart. I’m the only member without one. I assume it’s going to stay like that for some time because there isn’t anyone I trust to have that position. It’s not something I mind, though.

“I think his membership would be good for us,” I state.

“Me too. This thing with his brother shook him up a little. But we’ll see what happens. Dominic and Massimo have gone back to Brazil with him to investigate a few things leaving Tristan in charge of the Syndicate business. So, we’ll be reporting to him until they get back.”

Tristan is the second eldest D’Agostino brother and the most similar to Massimo.

“That’s fine. Is there any Brotherhood business you’d like me to do before I check out?”

“No, focus on this. We’ve got Voirik business covered. Maksim will take over your duties while you’re working on this.”

As the Obshchak, I take care of the money and security, which come naturally to me because of what I already do with Markov Tech.

Maksim stands. “And with that said, I’m going to do the figures. See you guys later.”

“See you,” I say, and he leaves.

It’s time for me to go, too. I’m about to get up, but Aiden stops me.

“Just a sec,” he says with a firm nod, and I set my shoulders back. “Eric, I know what finding Robert means for you.”

Aiden’s a good leader, but he’s been a good friend to me too. I respect him for choosing me to be his Obshchak when there were plenty of other suitable candidates to choose from. Most of all, what I like about him is, he made me trust him in the simplest of ways just for loving my sister. He would give his life for her in a heartbeat. That’s why I trust him, and I know whatever he’s about to tell me is because of her too.

“I know you do,” I say.

“Good, because I have your back, and you need to know that. So, if the shit hits the fan, I don’t want you handling things on your own. You fucking call me and call in reinforcements if you need to. Don’t allow the thirst for revenge to screw with you.”

It’s scary sometimes just how well he knows me. I guess that’s down to having similar life experiences. Both our fathers died in the syndicate bombing, but the experiences I mean are the kind that leaves you feeling like you’ve been screwed for eternity, and those you love were screwed equally because of you.

For him, his biggest loss was his first wife. She was killed in a fire. His son also went missing for nearly ten years as a result of the same incident. Both occurred because of his previous links to the Order, the same terrorist group I got myself mixed up with. If anyone knows how I feel, it’s him.

But even he doesn’t know what broke me and made me insane. What truly did it was knowing my sister was raped over and over again because of me. Jude held a gun to my head and forced me to watch a recording of one of the many occasions— as he so kindly informed me—of him raping her. Then he made me do his bidding by threatening her life and my mother’s if I didn’t do as I was told.

That’s what broke me.

Not the other stuff, even though they were bad enough.

I lived to protect my family. During that time I couldn’t do anything.

The weapon they’d taken me captive to make was called the Crucible. It was supposed to be an electromagnetic device that can send off a pulse to disable anything. Literally anything. A plane would fall out of the sky, a rocket could be shut down, anything like that. Robert and Jude knew about the blueprints my Grandfather hid away because he didn’t want it falling in the wrong hands. Cleverly, I never created the weapon for that reason but also because I knew its creation meant death for my family.

Every day I was in captivity I had to find some creative way of stalling because I knew they’d kill me once I made it and if I was dead, my mother and sister would be dead too.

“I won’t,” I say, but deep down, I know that’s not something I can promise.

“Besides, Olivia wouldn’t be too happy if I allowed something to happen to you.”

I chuckle. “My sister’s worried about me?”

“Always. I try to keep her out of the business as much as possible, but this is personal for her because she knew Robert as well. I haven’t told her much, but she’s aware of what’s happening.”

“I’ll bear that in mind.”

“My goal is to get this last part of the puzzle resolved so we can all move on.”

I nod, although I’m not sure about the moving on part. I still have the psychological wounds to bear. When I first got back, I had therapy only because my mother wanted me to. It didn’t work, and I don’t know if I had PTSD or something like that, but I know whatever broke inside me can’t be fixed. I was in captivity for five years, and everybody I loved thought I was dead. Nobody will ever know the pain I went through and the fucking suffering. But what is worse was my desire for death and knowing I couldn’t have it or my family would suffer more than they had.

“Yeah. It will be good to close this chapter of my life,” I say to humor him, but I know part of me that can’t be fixed will always be damaged.

Always be broken.

You can’t unbreak something once the damage is done. Even if you try.