Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks

Chapter 19


Her heart was beating a mile a minute and she didn't know what to think. Shane was supposed to do this big reveal and she wasn’t so sure that she was going to be able to handle it. It was just that simple. Vivica had been told what was coming, and she had seen it once the other night, but for some reason, it felt like only a small portion of what she was going to see now.

Vivica’s hands were shaking, and she was full of self-doubt. What if she couldn't handle it? What if she couldn’t accept Shane for what he was?

Vivica waited for him to do whatever it was he was going to do. She was certain that she was going to faint again. How could she not? She was still thinking about all the things they did together and the same time, she was also supposed to think about what he actually was. To see it might be her undoing.

Shane moved back from her, like he was going to grow so large that he had to. Shane just kind of stared, like he was still mentally debating if it was a good idea or not. Vivica wished he would get on with it and stop dragging it out. She was just waiting, hoping that she didn't completely make a fool of herself by freaking out. There was a very good chance of that happening.

Then, it started to happen. Shane got this look in his eyes first. It was a dark look, like there was something inside of him coming out. Vivica remembered that she had seen that look before. She had mistaken it for lust, but now she could see it for what it was. He started to change, getting hairier, and Vivica recognized the changes from the night they were together.

More changes happened. He did get bigger, and Vivica started to see that she didn’t have a clue about any of it. What she had seen was just the beginning. Shane wasn't just big, he was huge, and it wasn't just a partial change like what had happened before between them. This was something else altogether different.

Before too long, Shane no longer looked like himself. He looked like a freaking bear! Her mind was whirling with possibilities and questions. How was she ever going to look at him the same way again?

Vivica started to feel woozy when the bear started to come toward her like he was going to do something. Vivica put her hand up to stop it, and it did stop, thankfully. Vivica needed to catch her breath and didn’t want to pass out and embarrass herself again. She had no idea where she would wake up and it was humiliating. She just needed a minute. Okay, maybe more than a few minutes.

Shane became Shane again. She was shaking inwardly and outwardly. Her hands were shaking so badly that she was sure she would not be able to pick anything up. All Vivica could think about was how the man had just become a beast and now he was a man again. It was confusing. What was she supposed to think of that? It couldn’t be real, right?

“You don't look very happy.”

“It’s nothing like that. I just, I don't know, I guess I just don't know what to say. You are right. I probably needed to see it in person, because I never would have imagined that you actually turn into a bear. I know you told me but you're right, seeing is truly believing.” She bit her lip and shrugged. “You just turned into a bear, Shane. What am I supposed to say?”

“If it makes you feel any better, I am not even supposed to be with you either.”

“You know we're going to have to have a big, long talk about all of this, right?”

Shane agreed. “We can talk about it all you want, but just know that I'm not a normal shifter. Most of my kind work and live together closely. It is just the way of things. I am a loner and that’s more of an exception than the norm.”

“So, I am not getting the real deal?”

“No, I am afraid not.”

Vivica smiled, but she could see that it was bothering him. She wanted to ask so many questions, but only one came to mind. It was one that surprised him, by the way he looked at her, but it was the question that she thought of first.

“Is it lonely?”